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Posts posted by Sam

  1. Aww I just found some lovely little protections who helped me kill an alpha deathclaw. Lovely guys :). This was after finding the gardening Mr Gatsys, it's the little things like this that mean I never seem to touch the main story!

  2. We've been watching through the star wars this Xmas and the same thing stuck out for me with episode 2. The overuse of CGI ruins it. There's so much of it that it distracts you from what they're talking about, the issue was clearly fixed in episode 3 as I didn't notice it as much.

    Also I presume that there are more Jedi that survive code 66 than Yoda and Obi Wan or are they the only two? 

    I also agree that they undersell the Jedi so much jn the prequels, these group are meant to be in touch with the force etc but fail to suspect a senator with ever growing power until the very final moment?


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