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Miami Vice

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Posts posted by Miami Vice

  1. Regardless of weather Boston, New York, Oakland, Texas, Minnesota, Chicago WS, or Anaheim win the ALCS, none of those teams will be able to beat Florida, St. Louis (If there bullpen holds up), or Chicago in a 7 game series. The Cubs have a deeper rotation then any AL team. Only Oakland can really rival them. If they get consistent defence and relief pitching they will finally win the world series this year.

  2. Kevin Youkalis is the Red-Sox best no-pitching prospect. I agree Lowe sucks this year, but he isn't that bad. You really don't have any idea how good Cabrera is, that is clear. Nomar was shit this year, shit last year and he wasn't coming back in the off-season. So, just like you said, thye had to get something for him much like they didn't for Lowe. Doug M. can field and hit, he's simply in a slump. If the Jays had traded Delgado for Cabrera and Doug M. I would be extatic! Delgado is a better player then Nomar simply because he is the heart and sole of the Jays lineup. He's good for .280/40/120 a year atleast. Delgado isn't oming back next year but because of him being a bitch with his no trade clause, the Jays couldn't move him and his $18.5 Million salary. The Sox came out of July 31st in good shape. They'll win the wildcard, unless Scott Erickson suddenly becomes an all-star again in Texas. Boston can beat Oakland and Texas.

  3. Lijlumt, the Sox are fine. Orlando Cabrerra is one of the top 5 shortstops in the entire game of baseball. I live in Canada and watch him play regularly, he is a gold glove with power and contact. The key for the Sox was the defence. Cabrera is much better at short then Nomar and Doug M. (I'm not even going to try and spell his name) is a massive upgrade at first with the glove. Complaining about their rotation is a little much, don't you think. Pedro, Schilling, Wakefeild and Lowe are all solid pitchers. Lowe may be having a bad year but that's because he is a sinker ball pitcher and has no defence behind him. He will enjoy these acquisitions the most. Nomar had to go, no one liked him in Boston and he certainly wasn't going to re0sign with them. Plus, he is playing like shit this year anyways. I don't see the pen as a big issue because of Foulke. Who cares if Timlin has to pitch the 8th to bridge the gap between the starters and Foulke. This is a very unbiased opinion as I am a huge Jays fan and am evaluating the deals today as they are. I guess the best thing that came out of today for the Red Sox besides Cabrera is the fact that The Big Unit isn't wearing pinstripes and overall, the Red Sox had a much better deadline then the Yanks did. You can sleep well tonight knowing the Red Sox finally beat the Yankees at something!

    By the way, I still think the Sox are better this year then the Yankees. Much better starting pitching and when healthy very comparable line-ups. Yanks may have slightly better defence, but that's cause the left side of the infield is patrolled by Jeter and A-Rod.

    Overall i think the team that came out of the deadline with the most and in the best position is The Marlins. Did anyone else see LoDuca’s first swing as a Marlin? Pinch hit home run for god sakes! The Marlins should win the east this year and definitely have what it takes to beat the Bubs and Giants. I'm drooling at the thought of a Marlins/Cardinals NLCS this year!

  4. So far I'm 8-0 in franchise with the Ravens. The worst is that Jamal Lewis went down in week 2 with a ripped bicep, out 14 weeks. Musa Smith (Who The Hell?) comes in as the replacement. His second game starting he rushes for 280 yds with 6 TD's against the Steelers! The game after, 220 yds with 3 TD's against the Browns. Jamal who? And oh yes, I did stick it to those Ketchup loving bastards in Steel Town! My last game against The Browns (Second match-up of the season) Todd Heap caught 280 yds with 4 receiving TD"s! Kyle Boller had 6 passing TD's and two rushing TD"s, needless to say he was the player of the game! The Ravens own baby!

  5. Anyone else have an opinion on Vince Carter as a player of the Raptors chances of making the playoffs?

    The Raptors should make the playoffs this season. The Raptors should have made the playoffs last year, but they went to hell after the All-Star break.

    The reason they didn't make the playoffs was because both Vince Carter and Jalen Rose were out for over a month with injuries after the all-star break. Then Bosh got hurt. That left Mashall to do the scoring. For god sakes, Rod Strickland was a starter! Plus, Kevin O'Neil sucked big time as a head coach.

  6. The three major sports networks here in Canada all reported today that Vince met with Raptors GM Rob Babcock yesterday and has loosened his trade position. Apparently Babcock was able to show Vince where the team was headed and how important Carter was to that direction. Apparently Vince also likes Sam Mitchell. He still wants Richard Peddie, President of Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment which owns The Raptors, to be fired. However, Vince apparently has no problem playing for Mitchell or Babcock.

    As a Raptors fan I'm not sure if I want Vince back next year or not. Put aside all of this "I hate Richard Peddie" bullshit for a minute. Vince is a scorer yes, but he's one of the most fragile players in the league. He's had the bad calf, knee and quad and that has made him afraid to drive to the net. With out penetration he has a hard time creating open shots for his teammates. Thus, Vince really can't be considered a superstar because he doesn’t make the players around him better. He can make good and sometimes difficult shots but if he goes cold, which seems to happen more often now a days, he won't drive to the hoop for he easy buckets, the good dunks or to get to the line. Vince doesn’t make the players around him better, he doesn’t draw fouls and he doesn’t get to the line enough. That's why I feel he is so overrated.

    The deal with New Orleans is 100% bogus as reported today. There is no truth to the rumor what so ever according to The Score and Rob Babcock. Looking at that deal I love the thought of Jamal McGloure playing in Toronto. He is fantastic and is coming into his prime. Unfortunately, trading Vince and Jalen Rose leaves Toronto with no backcourt scoring and not enough minutes for Magloure, Bosh and Ariujo. If they made that deal it would really make the selection of Ariujo look stupid because they would be hurting in the backcourt for a Jamer Nelson type guy who they passed up.

    The Raptors starting 5 looks like this right now:

    PG Rafer Alston

    SG Jalen Rose

    SF Vince Carter

    PF Chris Bosh

    C Rafiel Aruijo

    To me that is a solid starting 5 that, in the east anyways, can make the playoffs. Then you have guys like Donyell Marshall, Morris Peterson and Alvin Williams coming off the bench.

    If guys can stay healthy, which is near impossible in Toronto it seems, then this team can crack the top 8 and with some luck could maybe even get that all so important 4th seed, especially with the Nets becoming a lottery team. You have the Heat, Pistons and Pacers who will be the top contenders in the east but then who? Milwaukee? Boston? Cleveland? Orlando? New Orleans is in the West this year. Charlotte? Philadelphia? If the Raptors don’t make the playoffs this year I’m going to be sick. Anyone else have an opinion on Vince Carter as a player of the Raptors chances of making the playoffs?

  7. First of all, games shouldn't be banned because that's censorship, I'll decide which games I will or will not play, not the Government, Law Enforcement or a group on angry house wives who have nothing better to do then cause trouble.

    Second of all games a rated for a reason. GTA, Manhunt ect. are rated Mature because they are intended for people 18 years of age or older. This kid who was "murdered by videogames" was only 14, so he shouldn't have been playing the games in the first place.

    Thirdly, if parents feel these games are so inappropriate then they should not allow their children to play them. The key word in that statement was THEIR children. They have no business telling me what I can and can not do! Chances are this women was an irresponsible parent and doesn’t want to accept the blame on herself so she tries to put it on other people instead. If parents don't like it then don't let your kids play these games but don’t try to stop me, it’s my business not yours!

  8. Scott Turner came off really well. I think he is the right type of heel commentator that a wrestling company needs, but few have. He's arrogant, powerful and better yet he knows it. Nice touch.

    The introductions at the beginning of matches are great. I was 4 years old in 1989 so to say the least I don't remember too much about the NWA or wrestling as a whole from that year so the bios are very helpful. After a few months (game time) you can probably drop them with the main players and use them only to describe new characters, gimmicks or debuting wrestlers.

    As stated above, I really like Paul E. with Bam Bam Bigelow. Bigelow, in my mind, can make it to the upper mid-card easily with the right mouth piece, and Paul E. is that guy.

    The show definitely came off as a studio show and certainly felt like the old "WWF Live Wire" and the really old studio show the WWF put on, the name escapes me right now.

    Great job thus far, here's hoping for a good WCW and a long run with this diary.

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