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Pander Opiate

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Posts posted by Pander Opiate


    Tucsan Convention Center - Tucsan, Arizona

    Michael Cole and Tazz were at ringside. The show started with former Undisputed Heavyweight champion, Chris Jericho, taking on the KOTR winner, Edge.

    A Present From The First Ever Undisputed Heavyweight Champion

    Edge looked ready for the match but Y2J grabbed Tony Chemmel’s microphone.

    Chris Jericho: Edge, before we start I would just like to say a few things. First of all I know you’re a huge Chris Jericho fan so here’s a signed Chris Jericho t-shirt.

    Jericho handed Edge the t-shirt he had on

    Chris Jericho: There you go, a signed t-shirt from the first ever Undisputed Heavyweight champion. I’m sure you’ll treasure it.

    Edge nodded his head sarcastically

    Chris Jericho: I know that it must have really hurt when your icon lost the title at Wrestlemania but I promise you and all the other Jerichoholics everywhere that Y2J will regain the Heavyweight title soon.

    Edge took the microphone from Jericho

    Edge: Wait…wait a minute there, Chris. First of all I want to say thank you for the signed t-shirt.

    Jericho smiled warmly

    Edge: Second, you’re right I’m a huge Jerichoholic. Well…well I was. You see, I used to love all that stuff you used to do. When you debuted on RAW, that was great. You standing toe to toe with The Rock. You being a five time Intercontinental champion. You being the first…ever…Undisputed Heavyweight champion. Main eventing Wrestlemania! It all went down from there, didn’t it? You losing the title. You getting laid out by a former porn star. You’re not exactly the superstar you were three months ago. You know what? This time next year when I’ve main evented Wrestlemania and I’m holding that title you used to have around your waist I’ll sign my t-shirt for you.

    Jericho had had enough. He attacked Edge and started strangling him with the t-shirt. The referee managed to get the t-shirt out of the ring and the match officially started.

    Chris Jericho vs Edge

    Jericho was able to keep his advantage for the beginning of the match. Jericho hit a dropkick for a two count. Edge managed to fight out of a powerbomb and floored Jericho with a clothesline. A belly to back suplex was followed by a lionsault for a two count. Edge fought back but a german suplex was reversed by Jericho into a rollup and after the kick out Jericho locked on the Walls of Jericho for the tap out.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    After the match Jericho strangled Edge with the t-shirt again until officials were able to stop him.

    Lance Storm Sees A Familiar Face

    Lance Storm was pacing backstage obviously focused on something important. Suddenly he saw Dawn Marie walking around backstage.

    Lance Storm: Dawn Marie!

    She turned to see him and smiled

    Dawn Marie: Lance! It’s so nice so see you

    Lance Storm: What are you doing here?

    Dawn Marie: Well, I’ve been hired by a Smackdown superstar to be their agent.

    Storm looks confused

    Lance Storm: Who?

    Dawn Marie: That’s going to have to be a surprise. You’ll find out later tonight with everyone else.

    Lance Storm: Fair enough. Look, since you’re going to be working around here why don’t you work as my valet again.

    Dawn Marie glared at him

    Dawn Marie: Did you not hear me? I’m an agent now. I’m above being a t&a valet. The old Dawn Marie has gone. I’m all business now. If you’ll excuse me, Lance, I have a lot of things I need to do.

    Dawn Marie walked off out of sight. Storm started pacing again until he looked up and saw Scotty 2 Hotty warming up in the corridor. Storm ran over and attacked him. By the time officials had separated them Scotty was seriously hurt. The commentators theorised that Storm had been waiting for him.

    Storm Wants Into The Cruiserweight Match

    Lance Storm made his way down to the ring with a microphone.

    Lance Storm: If I can be serious for a minute…A few minutes ago I left your hero Scotty 2 Hotty lying in a pool of his own blood. I have proven to all of you that a wrestling joke like Scotty 2 Hotty does not deserve to be same show as me. Scotty was scheduled to be in the four corner elimination match to determine the number 1 contender for the Cruiserweight title but as they’re busy putting him into the back of an ambulance I don’t think he’s in any fit state to wrestle tonight. So instead I want to be put into the match as his replacement.

    ‘No Chance’ hit and owner of Smackdown Vince McMahon strutted down to the ring.

    Vince McMahon: Who do you think you are? You think you can just attack my wrestlers and try to manipulate the matches I’ve arranged? Lance Storm, you wont be added to the number one contender match. But you will have a match tonight. Tonight you will face Scotty’s good friend Rikishi.

    The crowd cheered as Storm tried to talk his way out of it. Vince was having none of it, though as he walked back up the ramp

    Dawn Marie Picks Up A New Client

    Dawn Marie with clipboard in hand knocked on a lockeroom door. The door opened and…Test was inside.

    Dawn Marie: Hi, Test. I’m Dawn Marie, It’s nice to meet you

    Dawn offered to shake his hand. Test looked extremely confused but he took her hand

    Test: Uh, what can I do for you?

    Dawn Marie: Well I was watching Smackdown last week and I really liked what you did to Maven

    Test smiled

    Test: Really? Well that punk got what he deserved. I’ve got another match against him tonight.

    Dawn Marie: I know. I was wondering if I could offer my…services to you.

    Test: Really?

    Dawn Marie: Oh, yes. Why don’t we go into your locker room and you can hear my proposal.

    She walked into the locker room and the door was quickly shut and locked.

    Kurt Angle’s Match At Backlash

    Kurt Angle and Christian was backstage.

    Kurt Angle: Last week, my good friend Christian showed the World’s Strongest Idiot what happens when people underestimate the two of us.

    Christian: It was good wasn’t it!

    Kurt Angle: Yeah, him lying there. Blood all over him.

    Christian: God, it was totally awesome! Anyway, after putting Mark Henry onto the inactive list it seems that I’ve angered a friend of his…my brother Edge.

    Kurt Angle: Edge went crying to Mr McMahon. “Please can I face Christian…Please let me face Christian” His voice was all whiny, he had tears falling down his face.

    Christian: It was so funny

    Kurt Angle: So Mr McMahon came to us and asked Christian whether he’d like to face his no talent brother.

    Christian: Now, obviously I’d love to kick Edge’s ass

    Kurt Angle: But we decided it would be more fun for me to face Edge at Backlash. So when I lock him in the ankle lock and he’s crying in pain he can see his better looking, more talented brother outside the ring celebrating the breaking of his ankle.

    Christian: So Edge at Backlash it’ll be you against the Olympic gold medal winning former WWF champion, Kurt Angle.

    Kurt Angle: So tell your friend, Mark Henry to reserve a hospital bed next to his because very soon you’ll be joining him on the injuried list. It’s True It’s Damn True.

    Christian: Oh and Hogan, the same goes for you. You may have won the number one contendership match last week but you wont be in the title match at Backlash.

    Kurt Angle: That’s right. You’re going to be the next victim of the Angle/Christian Team. Hogan I’m going to lock my ankle lock on your geriatric ankle and make you tap. Then maybe a real wrestler can be added to the Backlash main event and add a bit of actual talent.

    Test w/Dawn Marie vs Maven w/Al Snow

    Test and Dawn Marie had obviously come to an agreement. Maven looked extremely focused but he was quickly beaten by Test after a powerslam and a big boot. After the match Test continued to beat Maven reopening the wounds from the week before. Everytime Al tried to get into the ring Test would throw him back out. Finally Hulk Hogan ran down to make the save. Test and Hogan brawled with Hogan quickly getting the advantage. Hogan threw Test out of the ring allowing the medical staff to attend to Maven.

    Winner: Test

    Whatcha Gonna Do, Brotha?

    Hulk Hogan: What did I tell you last week, Test? I told you that the next time you wanted to make someone bleed you should try it on me. Well once again you decided to prove what a big man you are by attacking a rookie like Maven. Well, let me tell you something brotha. I’m not going to stand around and watch you push your weight around. You and me are going to have a match at one point in the near future and I’m going to show you to not push you’re weight around anymore.

    Christian vs Scott Morely

    Kurt Angle was noticeably absent as the match started. Morely started with full power using a number of suplexs and slams on Christian. It wasn’t until Chris Jericho walked down to ringside that Christian was able to make a comeback. With Morely distracted by Jericho’s presence, Christian was able to break a waist lock and hit a neck breaker. Christian continued to beat down on Morely while an ecstatic Jericho watched on. Morely dodged an elbow drop off the second turnbuckle and started to fight back. A fisherman’s suplex gave him a two count. Morely climbed onto the turnbuckle but Jericho jumped onto the apron and pushed him off. Christian managed to get back to his feet and hit the Unprettier to pick up the victory.

    Winner: Christian

    Morely struggled to get back to his feet as Jericho stood above him laughing. Jericho lifted Morely up and slapped him across the face in a sign of total disrespect. Jericho then tried to lock on the Walls of Jericho but Morely was able to fight out of it. Morely attacked Jericho with ferocious passion. A DDT and suplex later and Morely was back onto the turnbuckle. A splash left Jericho withering in pain giving Morely the last laugh.

    Dawn Marie Introduces Her New Client

    Dawn Marie made her way down to the ring with clipboard and microphone in hand. She slowly climbed into the ring.

    Dawn Marie: I was brought to Smackdown by a phone call. A phone call from a man that has been with this company for eight years. He told me about his career, he has spent his entire WWF career being undervalued and being an underachiever. But just as the roster split was a new start for the WWF, the roster split will be a new start for this wrestler. With my help he can become a star. You may all scoff at that now, but mark my words. I am the woman that can make and break champions and this man is a future champion. I may have signed Test as a new client tonight but this man will be my main focus. This time next year this man will be huge. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you my new client…Bob Holly

    Bob Holly w/Dawn Marie vs Albert

    Although Scotty 2 Hotty wasn’t there Albert was still his usual dancing self. Holly was 100% focused and used his speed to try to keep on the upper hand but after a couple of clotheslines and shoulder blocks Holly had slowed down. Albert missed an avalanche splash and was knocked down by a dropkick. Halfway through the match, Test ran down to the ring. Dawn climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee while Test hit Albert with a big boot. Holly covered Albert but only received a two count. Dawn climbed back onto the apron but Albert grabbed her and pulled her into the ring. Test slid inside to save her but Albert floored him with a scissor kick. Albert lifted Holly up for a slam but Holly punched his way out of it. Holly landed on top and managed to pick up the three after Test held down Albert’s legs.

    Winner: Bob Holly

    Test and Holly assaulted Albert until Rikishi ran down to make save. Rikishi was obviously there for the sake of their mutual friend, Scotty 2 Hotty. Rikishi hit both Test and Holly with a superkick and tried to stinkface Dawn Marie but Test managed to pull her out of the way. As Dawn, Test and Holly retreated up the ramp, Rikishi and Albert danced to the delight of the fans.

    The Champion Talks To Hogan

    The Undisputed Heavyweight champion, Triple H made his way down to the ring with a strong reaction.

    Triple H: On RAW I spoke to one of the challengers for my title. Tonight on Smackdown I’ll talk to the other. Hulk Hogan, I have a lot of respect for you. Please can you come down here so we can have a talk, man to man.

    Hogan’s music started and the Immortal Hulk Hogan walked down to the ring to a deafening reaction.

    Triple H: Hulk, can I first shake your hand. You’re a true wrestling legend.

    Hogan and Triple H shook hands.

    Triple H: Just being in the ring with you is a real honor. Now, Hogan I don’t know if you heard what Steve Austin said about me last week.

    Hulk Hogan: I heard it brotha, I heard it.

    Triple H: Well look, you’ve been wrestling for a long long time. You’ve seen it all, you know what wrestling is about. In the past I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I did have Austin run down to take him out of the match at Survivor Series 1999. I have attacked countless people with chairs and sledgehammers. I’ll admit all of that. However last year I had a life changing experience. I seriously injured my leg, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be the same man again. I had no idea if I would ever be able to wrestle again and I really didn’t know if I’d manage to be able to become Undisputed Heavyweight champion. Since my accident I have become a new man. I’ve changed. I promise you, Hogan…I promise you that I will not attack you or do anything against the rules in order to win the match. There’s nothing else I can say, Hogan. Either you believe me or you don’t.

    Hulk Hogan: You know, Triple H…I’ve been looking into your eyes while you’ve been speaking. I’m an old, old man and I like to think that I’ve become wise as I’ve gotten older. I’ve spoken to a lot of bastards they have told me a lot of bullshit. Maybe I’m an old fool but I believe you. I believe that you have changed. I believe you wont do anything underhand to take advantage. But let me tell you something…If I’m wrong and you do try something I’ll do to you what I’ve done to every other person that has double crossed me.

    Triple H: That’s fine, Hogan. I accept that.

    The two shook hands again as the fans cheered wildly.

    Stacy vs Jazz w/Molly

    Jazz’s entrance was noticeable because she was escorted by RAW wrestler, Molly. Stacy tried to shake hands with Jazz but instead of giving a hand, Jazz gave her a hard elbow to the face. Stacy got no offence in and instead was systematically destroyed by Jazz. Jazz locked on a torture rack and Stacy quickly tapped out.

    Winner: Jazz

    Molly’s View On Smackdown’s Women

    Molly climbed into the ring giving Jazz her title.

    Molly: Tonight you saw another decimation of a WWF female wrestler. I told everyone this on RAW last week but I’ll say it again. There is no woman in the WWF that deserves Jazz’s title. There isn’t a single woman that can beat her. There isn’t a single woman that even deserves to step into the same ring as her. She’s going to be WWF women’s champion for a long long time.

    D-Von Has Another Title Shot

    D-Von Dudley came down to the ring to a good reaction.

    D-Von: Last week Vince McMahon gave me one last tag title shot and I failed. I didn’t win the title. However, in the contract it said I had to lose the match to not get another title shot and I won by disqualification. Because of that, Vince McMahon has given me one more title match. And that match…will be at Backlash. Once again I have the opportunity to pick my partner but this time I wont allow any old person to fill Bubba’s shoes. I have found the perfect tag partner. Someone that I can truly relate to. And at Backlash we will be leaving with the tag gold…TESTIFY!!!

    Billy Kidman vs Funaki vs The Hurricane

    The winner of this match would face Tajiri at Backlash. As soon as the match started Kidman climbed out of the ring leaving Funaki and Hurricane to go at it one-on-one. The match was reasonably even to start off with neither Funaki or Hurricane getting much of an advantage. Funaki managed to hit a fisherman buster but Kidman jumped back into the ring and broke up the pin attempt. Hurricane then fought back with a Nightmare on Helms Street on Kidman but Funaki broke it up. The action continued in an incredibly fast paced match into finally Hurricane managed to hit Funaki with a chokeslam. Kidman climbed onto the turnbuckle to hit the shooting star press but Hurricane hit another Nightmare on Helms Street and covered Kidman for the win.

    Winner: The Hurricane

    Angle Meets Hogan

    Hogan was warming up backstage when Kurt Angle and Christian walked over.

    Christian: Wow, Kurt, it’s THE HULK HOGAN!

    Kurt Angle: OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!!

    Hulk Hogan: Can I do something for you two?

    Christian: Well, me and Kurt just wanted to say good luck for your match tonight.

    Kurt Angle: Yeah, as it’s your final match we thought we’d let you go out in style. So we’ve bought you a few presents.

    Christian: First, here’s a Kurt Angle DVD. It’s got all of Angle’s greatest matches on it.

    Christian hands Hogan the DVD

    Kurt Angle: And here’s a Christian t-shirt. Next time a Make a Wish Foundation kid wants to see you why don’t you let them have this shirt and actually make them feel really happy.

    Angle hands Hogan the t-shirt

    Hulk Hogan: Are you two finished? I hope you two entertain yourselves because you don’t entertain anyone else. If you really think this will be the end of Hulkamania, then you two are crazy man. Hulkamania has only just begun.

    Lance Storm vs Rikishi w/Albert

    Storm’s music had to play twice before he finally and reluctantly made his way down to the ring. Storm tried to avoid Rikishi’s offence but that more often then not resulted in him being squashed against the turnbuckles. Storm dodged a superkick attempt which ended up knocking the referee unconscious. Rikishi ducked a superkick attempt from Storm and managed to hit one of his own. Rikishi climbed onto the turnbuckle to deliver a Banzai Drop but before he was able to Bob Holly and Test ran down to ringside and started to attack Albert. Rikishi climbed out of the ring to save his new friend and the four men brawled while Storm lay unconscious in the ring. Test, Holly and two chairs left both Albert and Rikishi down on the outside of the ring. Test threw Rikishi back into the ring and Storm crawled on top of him. The referee slowly regained consciousness and counted the three count.

    Winner: Lance Storm

    Kurt Angle w/Christian vs Hulk Hogan

    Angle was unable to get much offence in as Hogan beat him from one side of the ring to the other. If it wasn’t for Christian’s offence the match would have been a lot shorter then it was. Every time Hogan tried to pick up the pin Christian would distract the referee long enough for Angle to kick out. The referee eventually had enough and kicked Christian from ring side. At the same time Angle low blowed Hogan and finally managed to get some offence in. Angle kept working on Hogan’s leg setting him up for the ankle lock. Angle managed to lock on the ankle lock but Hogan kicked out of it. Hogan knocked Angle down with a clothesline and then hit a big boot. Hogan signaled for the leg drop but Test ran out from the crowd and attacked Hogan giving him the DQ win.

    Winner: Hulk Hogan (by DQ)

    Test tried to keep assaulting Hogan but Hogan ‘hulked up’ and threw him out of the ring. Suddenly Steve Austin ran into the ring from behind. Hogan turned around only to be hit with the Stunner. Austin drank a beer over the fallen Hogan as the show went off the air.


    On RAW Triple H had a heated confrontation with Steve Austin. At Smackdown he will speak with the other challenger for his title, Hulk Hogan. What will happen when these two wrestlers step into the ring?

    Last week the nWo shocking appeared on Smackdown laying out Hogan and The Rock. Will the nWo be making another appearance this week on Smackdown?

    Also on Smackdown the number 1 contender for the Cruiserweight title will be named with the winner of a four corner elimination match getting a title shot at Backlash.

    Finally, last week Val Venis renounced his porn star past and renamed himself Scott Morely. He also ended up with a confrontation with Chris Jericho. Will this feud turn into something more?

    Find out all of these on Smackdown

    Confirmed Matches

    Hulk Hogan vs Kurt Angle

    Chris Jericho vs Edge

    Christian vs Scott Morely

    Test vs Maven

    Funaki vs The Hurricane vs Billy Kidman vs The Hurricane

  3. NEWS

    April 9th 2002

    Jason Sugarman, Kim Nielsen and former WCW star Daphney are all being looked at by the WWF. Sugarman may be recieving a developmental deal in the next few weeks, Kim Nielsen will be getting a dark match tryout on Smackdown and Daphney will be getting a tryout at the WWF camp on April 20th. All three wrestlers currently work for Dusty Rhodes' TCW

    Credit: 1wrestling.com.

  4. April 8th 2006


    Friends of Steve Austin have said that he has been extremely stressed recently since his ex-wife Jeanie Clark has moved to England with their children.

    Scott Hall recently brought his 11 year old son to RAW. It has been reported that Hall is completly different around his kids and could be considered a "model emloyee"

    Credit: PWTorch Newsletter

  5. RAW Preview - April 8th 2002

    from the America West Arena, Phoenix, Arizona

    Last week the nWo made a huge impact taking out, amongst others, Kane and The Big Show on RAW and Hulk Hogan and The Rock on Smackdown. Will RAW be another success for the nWo or will the RAW superstars fight back?

    At Backlash it will be Triple H defending his Undisputed Heavyweight title against Hulk Hogan and a RAW wrestler of Ric Flair's choice. Ric Flair has announced to WWF.com that the RAW wrestler will be announced live on RAW.

    After their Intercontinental title match on RAW, Booker T left champion Rob Van Dam unconcious inside the ring. Since then Booker T has been telling anyone that will listen that he wants another shot at RVD. Will these two wrestlers face off again on RAW?

    Since he first appeared in the WWF, Brock Lesnar has made a huge impression. On RAW he will have his debut wrestling match against Spike Dudley. Will Brock pick up the easy win or will the underdog manage to defeat The Next Big Thing.

    This and more on RAW

    Announced matches

    Matt Hardy vs The Undertaker

    Brock Lesnar vs Spike Dudley

    European title match: Bradshaw vs William Regal (European Champion)

    Jeff Hardy vs Justin Credible

    Jacqualine vs Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus

    RAW - April 8th 2002

    Live from the America West Arena, Phoenix, Arizona

    RAW opened with a video package of the nWo’s despicable actions from the previous week. They’re shown laying out D’Lo Brown, Steve Austin, Bubba Ray, Spike, Big Show, Kane and Jeff Hardy on RAW and then leaving Hogan down in the ring and The Rock being put through the commentary table on Smackdown. We then went live to the America West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona where Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler were the commentary team.

    The nWo is Here

    Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman made their way down to the ring to a mixture of boos and cheers. They posed in the ring and bullied Lillian Garcia.

    Scott Hall: I don’t know if you all saw Smackdown. If you didn’t we have some footage of our little cameo. Don’t blink or you might miss us.

    The titantron showed Hall and Waltman attacking Hogan and The Rock leaving Hogan laying in the ring and The Rock being piledriven through the commentary table.

    Kevin Nash: You may be wondering what two RAW superstars were doing on Smackdown. The reason Hall and Waltman were there was because the we do what we want, when we want. Ric Flair can’t control us, Vince McMahon can’t control us. There isn’t a single person on this planet that can stop us from running riot here in the WWF. Since the roster split we’ve been unstoppable. We’ve steamrolled through everybody that stood in our way. Steve Austin was left beaten backstage. Last week’s main event had two of the largest WWF superstars facing off. Kane and The Big Show were wrestling in this ring and we came down and we made an impact. We dismantled them. We decimated them. We destroyed them. Then the cavalry came out. Jeff Hardy, Spike Dudley, Bubba Ray Dudley. They came out and we did the exact same thing. It doesn’t matter how big you are. It doesn’t matter how many you are. We’ll still end up on top.

    Sean Waltman: So Ric Flair, maybe next time you’ll…

    Waltman was interrupted by Ric Flair’s music. The Nature Boy and RAW owner walked down to the ring with microphone in hand.

    Ric Flair: Who do you people think you are? You think you’re big. You think you’re tough. You people are nobodies. You people are scum. Last week I let my guard down and you three got out of control but that wont happen again. (He starts to build up speed) I’m not Vince McMahon. I’m Ric Flair, I’m the limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing owner of RAW. Woooo. I’ve been involved in wrestling for thirty years. I’ve seen it all, I’ve done it all. Wooo! I’m going to take control. I’m going to teach you three and everyone in the WWF that you don’t cross the boss. You do not go against the Nature Boy.

    Kevin Nash: Have you finished yet Flair? People have always said how smart you are. They talk about how clever you are. Well obviously over the years all those slams have made your brain cells leak. You asked for all this. This is all your fault. You made us come to RAW. You saw what we did in WCW. You knew better then everyone what the nWo was about. You knew that we cause havoc and chaos. You knew we don’t care about anyone but ourselves. You knew that we will do anything and everything to get what we want. You wanted the nWo on RAW, well you got the nWo on RAW. Last week was just the beginning, we wont quit until we run this place.

    Scott Hall: And there is nothing anyone can do about it. Not Kane, not The Big Show, not Steve Austin.

    The crowd suddenly cheered loudly. Hall smiled thinking they were cheering him but Steve Austin, who had run out from the crowd, attacked them. Just as the nWo started to over power Austin, Kane and Big Show ran down the ramp and into the ring. Seeing the cavalry arrive the nWo quickly escaped from the ring.

    Ric Flair: You’ve made a lot of enemies. You’ve pissed off a lot of people. I think I have worked out the perfect way to put you three back in your places. At Backlash there will be a tag match. Two of the nWo against…Kane and The Big Show.

    Waltman and Hall looked nervous

    Kevin Nash: You think they scare us? We kicked their asses last week and we’ll do it again.

    Ric Flair: Well I’m glad you feel that way, Kevin because I almost forgot…In that ring, tonight, in front of all our Arizona fans, one of the nWo will face Kane.

    Waltman and Hall look even more nervous.

    Kevin Nash: Flair, you can’t frighten us. We’re not a bunch of jobbers. We’re the nWo.

    Kane and Big Show climbed out of the ring and started to walk towards the nWo. They all quickly climbed into the fans to escape while Kane and Big Show chased them. In the ring Austin was about to leave.

    Ric Flair: Steve, Steve. Wait a moment. On Smackdown you agreed to officially sign to RAW.

    Loud cheers

    Ric Flair: I would just like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. And also, as the contract you signed stated…You will be the RAW representative in the triple threat match for the Undisputed Heavyweight title at Backlash.

    Even louder cheers. Flair left while Austin celebrated in the ring while drinking beer.

    Brock Lesnar’s Debut Match

    Paul Heyman came out with Brock Lesnar for his first official WWF match.

    Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, you are about to witness wrestling history. The man that stands beside me is Brock Lesnar. He weighs in at 295lbs. He’s a former NCAA wrestling champion. This man is the most mindblowing wrestler to ever step into a wrestling ring. Over the last few weeks you have all witnessed the carnage he has created. This man is unstoppable. This man is unbeatable. This man is a future WWF Undisputed Heavyweight champion…but that will take some time. You see, Brock Lesnar could just demand a match with Triple H. He could lift Triple H up and powerbomb him hard with his back and his neck and his head crashing against the ring. Then he could lift him up and do it again and again and again and again and again and again until Triple H is a broken and beaten man. Then Brock could pin him and become WWF Undisputed Champion. It would be easy…It would be too easy. Brock Lesnar is going to make a statement. Brock Lesnar is going to start at the bottom. He’s going to take out every wrestler that is at the bottom of the ladder here on RAW. Then he’s going to take out all the people at the middle of the ladder. Then he’s going to take out the people on the top of the ladder. He’s going to beat The Undertaker. He’s going to beat Steve Austin. He’s going to beat The Big Show. He’s going to beat Kevin Nash. He’s going to beat Kane. He’s going to beat every single person on the RAW roster until there is no one left. And then, and only then, will he accept an Undisputed Heavyweight title match and only then will he became the Undisputed Heavyweight champion. So tonight in front of all of you, you will witness the first stage of Brock Lesnar’s total domination of RAW. Brock Lesnar in his first match for the WWF will take on Spike Dudley. Now Spike has already felt the power of Brock Lesnar. Lets show everyone what happened. Roll the footage.

    Footage is shown from the March 18th RAW when Brock made his debut. Brock is shown attacking Maven and Al Snow until Spike jumps off the turnbuckle hitting Brock with a kendo stick. Brock just shakes off the attack and then destroys Spike.

    Paul Heyman: So Spike, come down here so you can be beaten by the unstoppable Brock Lesnar.

    Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs Spike Dudley

    Lesnar immediately lifted Spike up and hit him with a hard powerbomb. He put a foot on top of Spike and picked up the win.

    Winner: Brock Lesnar

    Another Fine Mess You’ve Gotten Me Into

    Matt, Lita and Jeff Hardy were backstage. Matt and Jeff were clearly arguing

    Matt Hardy: I don’t understand how you always manage to do it. I’m absent from one RAW and you get us involved in a war with the nWo.

    Jeff Hardy: But…

    Matt Hardy: Do you not know who those people are? They’re completely sadistic.

    Jeff Hardy: But…

    Matt Hardy: It looks like once again I’m going to have to sort out a problem that you’ve created for us.

    Jeff Hardy: But…

    Matt Hardy: Look just get ready for your match tonight. I’ll handle the nWo.

    Matt stormed out of the locker room.

    A True Gentleman

    William Regal came down to the ring before his match with Bradshaw.

    William Regal: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to RAW. I hope you are all having a nice time. Very shortly you’ll all witness an amazingly competitive and exciting European title defense. I should, however, apologise for my opponent. You see the challenger is Bradshaw.

    Small cheer from the fans

    William Regal: You see Bradshaw is a slob. He is a typical white trash American. He has no standards, he has no manners, he has no idea about etiquette and custom and he is being given the opportunity to become the WWF representative of Europe. It’s sickening and I expect you all to boo him while he makes his entrance.

    Bradshaw’s music started and he walked down to the ring dressed as a cowboy with lasso in hand. He climbed into the ring and snatched Regal’s microphone from him. He put the microphone up to his mouth as if to talk then suddenly hit Regal with the microphone. Regal fell to the ground and rolled out of the ring. Bradshaw threw the microphone at him and taunted him until Regal climbed back into the ring for the match

    Bradshaw vs William Regal (European Champion)

    Bradshaw started the match in full control and Regal spent his time attempting to avoid Bradshaw’s offence. A eye poke turned the tables and Regal started to work on Bradshaw’s leg. Bradshaw powered out of a leg lock and hit a hard powerbomb for a two count. Regal climbed out of the ring for a rest when the lights dimmed. Goldust appeared on the titantron

    Goldust: Bradshaw…Oh Bradshaw….You never replied to my request. Can we be partners? For a fist full of dollars I’ll give you post match massages every day. And for a few dollars more I’ll do whatever you want.

    The lights go back on but Bradshaw was down in the middle of the ring. Regal was standing on the outside with a steel chair lying beside him. He climbed back into the ring and made the cover on the down Bradshaw picking up the three count.

    Winner: William Regal

    Regal celebrated in the ring with his title when suddenly Crash Holly ran down to the ring. Crash started to attack Regal with Regal quickly fighting back. Regal backdropped Crash down and hit a neckbreaker leaving him down in the ring. Regal celebrated again.

    RVD is Challenged

    Booker T came down to the ring with a microphone.

    Booker T: Rob Van Dam, last week I left you unconscious in the middle of this ring. You may have won the match but I won the battle. I deserve…no I demand a rematch. So why don’t you come down to the ring so I can win myself and Intercontinental title.

    RVD’s music started and he ran down to the ring to loud cheers from the fans. He snatched Booker T’s microphone from him.

    Rob Van Dam: Booker T last week I beat you fair and square. You can never beat Rob…Van…Dam. But you think that chair shot was impressive? In ECW I was hit by everything and anything but nothing could keep me down for long. In one moment of weakness I was left down after your chair shot. That wont happen again.

    RVD climbed out of the ring and grabbed a nearby chair.

    Rob Van Dam: Here, man, try it again.

    RVD threw his chair to Booker who caught it. Predictably RVD quickly hit the Van Daminator leaving Booker down. RVD then climbed to the turnbuckle and hit the Five Star Frog Splash. He threw Booker out of the ring and tried to go after him but security managed to keep the two men separate.

    Matt Hardy Visits the nWo

    Matt Hardy knocked on the nWo locker room. Kevin Nash’s head poked round.

    Kevin Nash: What do you want?

    Matt Hardy: Uh, Hi I just wanted to apologise for my brother’s rudeness last week. Jeff knows he was wrong and I wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings.

    Nash looked back into the locker room.

    Kevin Nash: Hey guys are there any hard feelings?

    Waltman and Hall walked out of the locker room.

    Scott Hall: Of course not, everything is cool.

    Hall offered his hand to be shaken. Matt took it only to be clotheslined. Waltman and Hall attacked Matt Hardy and until he was left unconscious. The nWo all disappeared back into their locker room. Thirty seconds later Nash walked back out of the room.

    Kevin Nash: Hey, Matt. Can you do us a favor and face Kane tonight?

    Matt groaned

    Kevin Nash: I guess that’s a no.

    Jeff Hardy vs Justin Credible

    Jeff seemed distracted by the condition of his brother. The match started with some limited chain wrestling which Credible won. Credible worked on Hardy’s back and neck with a number of backbreakers and neckbreakers. Credible tried to lift Hardy up for a torture rack but Hardy managed to reverse it into a school boy pin attempt. Hardy fought back with a dropkick and moonsault. Hardy attempted the swanton bomb but Credible rolled out of the way. Credible fought back with a clothesline and then a DDT. Hardy ducked a superkick and then in tribute to his brother hit a Twist of Fate. Jeff climbed onto the turnbuckle and hit the Swanton Bomb picking up the win.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    A New Match Signed For Backlash

    Backstage Booker T and Rob Van Dam had started brawling again. Crowds of officials were trying to separate the two men but to no affect. Ric Flair ran down the corridor towards them as almost the entire backstage staff hold the two men apart.

    Ric Flair: Wait, wait a minute. Calm down you two. Now I know you two are having your problems but I can’t have you two disrupting my show. How about you two have a match at Backlash. A no disqualification falls count anywhere match for the Intercontinental title.

    Booker T: Yeah, yeah that sounds fine. I’ll see you at Backlash

    Rob Van Dam: Yeah that’s fine. You can be beaten once again by Rob…Van…Dam

    A Little Respect

    The Undertaker came down before his match with Matt Hardy.

    The Undertaker: What does a guy have to do to get some respect around here? Have people forgotten who I am? I’m The Undertaker. I’ve been with this company for eleven years. I’ve beaten everybody. I’ve beaten Hulk Hogan. I’ve beaten Kevin Nash. I’ve beaten Steve Austin, I’ve beaten Triple H. I have beaten them all and yet…And yet I am not getting a title shot at Backlash. I should be the RAW wrestler to be in the triple threat match at Backlash but instead I’ve been forgotten in favor for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Ric Flair you better watch my match carefully and lets see if it influences your decision at all.

    Matt Hardy w/Jeff Hardy vs The Undertaker

    Matt slowly limped to the ring clearly feeling the results of his attack. As soon as he climbed into the ring The Undertaker attacked. The Undertaker beat Matt Hardy all over the ring with punches and clotheslines. After a couple of minutes of this hellacious beating The Undertaker lifted Matt Hardy up and hit the Last Ride. He made the cover and picked up the win. After the match The Undertaker continued to attack Matt. Jeff climbed into the ring to attempt to save his brother but The Undertaker just shrugged off his attempts. The Undertaker finally left the unconscious and badly hurt Matt Hardy in the ring.

    Dissent In The nWo Ranks

    Outside their locker room, the nWo are busy arguing about who should face Kane tonight.

    Kevin Nash: I’d love to face Kane. I’d show him who the true big man in the WWF is but…I’m injured. My doctor’s told me not to wrestle.

    Scott Hall: What? How are you injured?

    Kevin Nash: Well I was out wrestling lions at the weekend and after I managed to pick up a victory over an especially large beast I tripped over the sidewalk and injured my bicep.

    Hall and Waltman stare at Nash in astonishment.

    Sean Waltman: I guess that leaves me and you, Scott.

    Scott Hall: Well, man, we all know your history with Kane. You know him better then anyone so you’re more likely to be able to wrestle him affectively.

    Sean Waltman: Well I guess that’s true but Hall you still haven’t really been given the chance to prove yourself here on RAW. If you beat Kane everyone will know you’re the Bad Guy.

    Scott Hall: Yeah, man that’s true. That’s true.

    Kevin Nash: How about we toss a coin for it?

    Jacqueline vs Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

    The Women’s Champion, Jazz, came down to ringside to watch the match. Molly spent most of the time in the triple threat match standing by watching Trish and Jacqueline wrestling. Jacqueline suplexed Trish and almost got the pin but Molly threw Jacqueline out of the ring and hit a tornado DDT on Trish. Jacqueline tried to climb back into the ring but Jazz held her down as Molly went for the pin and picked up the victory.

    Winner: Molly

    There Are No Challengers Left For Jazz

    Molly continued to beat down on Trish while Jazz attacked Jacqueline. Molly threw Trish out of the ring and Jazz climbed into the ring with a microphone. She handed Molly the microphone.

    Molly Holly: The woman standing next to me is the WWF Women’s Champion, Jazz. This woman is the last pillar of women’s wrestling in the company. This company is full of models. Women that look good but have no wrestling talent. Well Jazz and I have had enough. We will not let women’s wrestling be destroyed. We will keep hold of the gold and if any non-wrestling woman tries to get in our way…

    Jazz climbed out of the ring and grabbed hold of Trish. She threw Trish into the ring and Jazz and Molly brutally attacked her.

    A New nWo Member

    Backstage Sean Waltman and Scott Hall were playing rock-paper-scissors to decide who will face Kane while Kevin Nash watched Mr Perfect walked over to them.

    Mr Perfect: Nash. Hall, Waltman I’ve been trying to get hold of you three all week.

    Sean Waltman: What do you want, Hennig? Can’t you see we’re busy?

    Mr Perfect: I want to join the nWo.

    The nWo laughed

    Kevin Nash: Oh go away Curt.

    Mr Perfect: No guys I’m serious. You guys need me.

    Nash walked up the Hennig grabbing him by the neck

    Kevin Nash: We need you?

    Hall whispered something into Nash’s ear

    Kevin Nash: You know what, you’re right. Welcome to the nWo, Curt.

    Nash shook Perfect’s hand.

    Kevin Nash: Now why don’t you come into our locker room. We have something we need to talk about.

    Another Match Signed for Backlash

    Ric Flair and Arn Anderson were in Flair’s office looking at a few official documents when Jeff Hardy burst in.

    Ric Flair: What the hell do you think you’re doing?

    Jeff Hardy: Did you see what the nWo and The Undertaker did to Matt?

    Ric Flair: Yeah I saw, will he be ok?

    Jeff Hardy: He’ll be fine. Now I know the nWo have a match at Backlash and I hope The Big Show and Kane shut the nWo up for good. But Undertaker doesn’t have a match

    Ric Flair: No he doesn’t

    Jeff Hardy: I want The Undertaker at Backlash. I want to show him that you can’t mess with the Hardy Boyz.

    Ric Flair considered it

    Ric Flair: You know what? I like it. At Backlash it will be Jeff Hardy vs The Undertaker. But, The Undertaker made a good point earlier, he does deserve to be a title contender. And Jeff, I’ve been watching you. I think you have a lot of potential. I want to nurture you into a future WWF Undisputed Heavyweight champion. So what I’m going to do is make the match at Backlash a number one contendership match with the winner getting a title match at King of The Ring. How does that sound?

    Jeff Hardy: That sounds really good. At Backlash I’m going to teach The Undertaker a lesson and then at the King of The Ring I’ll become Undisputed Heavyweight champion. Yeah, that sounds really good.

    Jeff left. Arn turned to Flair

    Arn Anderson: That young guy’s gonna get his ass kicked

    Ric Flair: Hey, don’t count him out. That kid’s got a lot of potential

    Kane vs Mr. Perfect

    Perfect came down in his new nWo shirt accompanied by the rest of the nWo. Hennig was clearly apprehensive about having to wrestle Kane. Hennig tried to get a few shots in but Kane didn’t seem at all affected by the attacks. Perfect hit a DDT on Kane but Kane got straight back up. Kane seemed to be just toying with Perfect, just letting him do any move he wants but not being hurt by anything. Finally Kane had enough of the game and started fighting back. Hennig was knocked down by a number of chops and clotheslines. Hennig tried to escape but the nWo forced him back into the ring. Hennig ran straight into a chokeslam from Kane. Kane pointed at the nWo members then lifted Hennig up for another chokeslam. Kane made the cover and picked up the victory.

    Winner: Kane

    From behind Nash, Hall and Waltman attacked Kane with chairs The numbers were too much for Kane and he was beaten down. After a very effective attack The Big Show ran down to the ring to make the save and the Hall, Nash and Waltman escaped. Big Show decided to take his anger out on the still unconscious Mr Perfect. A hard chokeslam on Hennig made him feel a lot better.

    Triple H Meets One Of His Challengers

    Triple H’s music started and the Undisputed Heavyweight champion made his way down to the ring to a standing ovation.

    Triple H: Last week I was given the opportunity to choose which brand would get a title shot at Backlash. I decided I’d give both brands the opportunity in a triple threat match. One week later and the match has been made. From Smackdown my opponent will be the immortal Hulk Hogan and from RAW my opponent will be the Rattlesnake, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Neither man needs any introduction, Hogan was the wrestling icon of the 1980s and Austin was the wrestling icon of the 1990s but this is a new decade and the 2000’s will be the age of The Game. I am up to the challenge. When Backlash ends I will be leaving with this title around my waist. It doesn’t matter that I have to face two wrestling legends I will retain because I am that damn good. I respect both men greatly but…

    Triple H was cut off by Steve Austin’s music. Austin walked down to the ring to an even bigger reaction. After posing on the turnbuckles Austin grabbed Triple H’s microphone from him

    Steve Austin: What a load of crap. You may have fooled everyone but I know you Triple H. They may cheer you. They may have forgotten what kind of man you are but I haven’t. You don’t respect anyone. You don’t care about anyone but yourself and you will do anything to win. I know that better then anyone. Remember Survivor Series 1999? You had me run down so I wouldn’t face you in the main event. You can talk about respect and how you’re facing two legends but deep down all you’re thinking about is different ways to take me and Hogan out and pick up the win. I know you, Triple H. You’re still the evil sadistic SOB that you’ve always been. At Backlash you’ll lose both your title and your disguise. Everyone will see the man you really are.

    Triple H: You can say whatever you want Austin, you wont get under my skin.

    Austin climbed out of the ring and bent down to get something from under the ring he returned with a sledgehammer. He threw the sledgehammer towards Triple H.

    Steve Austin: Lets see exactly how different you are.

    Austin turned around

    Steve Austin: I wont be able to defend myself. Attack me and you can take me out of the match.

    Triple H slowly picked the sledgehammer up and looked like he was going to attack Austin but paused.

    Steve Austin: Come on you bastard. Hit me.

    Triple H slowly dropped the sledgehammer and climbed out of the ring.

    Triple H: I’ll see you at Backlash, Austin.

    Triple H and Austin stared each other down as the show went off the air.

  6. April 7th 2002

    Smackdown presents JAKKED

    Albert w/Scotty 2 Hotty vs Hugh Morrus w/Chavo Guerrero

    Albert and Scotty danced before the match. Early into the match Morrus dodged a big boot and hit Albert with an inverted DDT for a two count. At ringside Scotty and Chavo were constantly arguing which soon escalated into a brawl. Morrus was distracted by the brawl and was almost beaten after Albert rolled him up with a schoolboy. Chavo won the brawl and threw Scotty over the barricade and into the fans. Chavo threw a chair into the ring and then distracted the referee while Morrus used it on Albert. Morrus then hit a moonsault for the win

    Winner: Hugh Morrus

    Faarooq vs The Godfather

    The Godfather came out with his escorts. The two former Nation members shook hands before their match. They did a very limited chain of wrestling moves and then quickly moved on to the brawling. Godfather was able to keep the advantage for most of the match but was getting more and more frustrated as Faarooq kept kicking out of his pin attempts. Faarooq tried to hit the dominator but The Godfather managed to avoid it. Faarooq reversed the Pimp Drop but failed to dodge the Ho Train. The Godfather lifted Faarooq up again and hit the Pimp Drop for the three count. After the match The Godfather helped Faarooq to his feet. They shook hands again only for The Godfather to suddenly clothesline Faarooq down to the mat. The Godfather lifted Faarooq up and hit the Pimp Drop again then stormed off leaving his escorts at ringside.

    Winner: The Godfather

    Chavo Guerrero w/Hugh Morrus vs Rikishi

    Chavo used his speed to avoid most of Rikishi’s offence. Chavo went for a clothesline but it didn’t even faze Rikishi. Chavo then tried to slam Rikishi but only hurt himself in the process. Rikishi missed a superkick attempt and Chavo tried to hit a DDT but Rikishi powered out of the move. Hugh Morrus climbed onto the ring apron distracting Rikishi while Chavo hit a low blow and a dropkick from the turnbuckle for a two count. Rikishi fought back hitting a Samoan Drop. Rikishi attempted the stink face but Chavo low blowed him. Chavo hit a tornado DDT for a two count. Chavo then tried to lift Rikishi for a brainbuster but it was obviously impossible. Chavo was then hit by a superkick and then flattened with the Bonsai Drop for the three count.

    Winner Rikishi

    After the match Rikishi was attacked by Hugh Morrus and Chavo. Rikishi tried to fight back but he was overcome by the two men. Albert and Scotty 2 Hotty ran down to the ring and Chavo and Hugh Morrus escaped through the fans. To the fans delight, Scotty, Albert and Rikishi all danced in the ring.

    Edge vs Hardcore Holly

    Holly started the match in full control using a number of clotheslines and punches to keep Edge down. Edge fought back with a dropkick and spinning heel kick. Edge dodged a clothesline and knocked Holly down with a spear for a two count. Holly attempted the Alabama Slam but Edge reversed it into a roll up for a two count. A dropkick from Holly got a two count. Edge again managed to block the Alabama Slam and hit the Edgecution for the three count.

    Winner: Edge

    RAW presents HEAT

    Jonathon Coachman and Raven welcomed the viewers to Sunday Night Heat. They talked about the nWo’s impact on RAW then went straight into the first match.

    Big Boss Man vs Shawn Stasiak

    Boss Man kept control for most of the match with Stasiak not getting in much offence. A powerbomb gave Boss Man a two count. Stasiak tried to fight back but he was quickly hit with a sidewalk slam for the three count.

    Winner: Big Boss Man

    After the match Boss Man grabbed a microphone

    Big Boss Man: I am going to bring law and order to RAW. The backstage area is in chaos. Ric Flair has no control over his wrestlers. It’s time for some vigilante justice. If you break the Boss Man’s laws then expect to have to do hard time.

    Bradshaw vs Justin Credible

    Bradshaw was wearing full cowboy gear. Bradshaw started the match with full control using his size and strength to his advantage. Credible used a low blow to regain some momentum but was unable to make it fully count. Credible grabbed a chair from ringside and threatened to use it on Bradshaw but Bradshaw ducked the chair shot and after a kick to the stomach made Credible drop the chair the Clothesline from Hell left him laying. However, before Bradshaw could make the cover the lights dimmed and Goldust appeared on the titantron.

    Goldust: I’ve always loved a good western. All those fit men fighting and riding. The epitome of the American hero. Bradshaw, I’ll let you be my Butch Cassidy if I can be your Sundance Kid.

    The lights went up again but Justin Credible used Bradshaw’s distraction to his advantage. When Bradshaw turned back around Credible floored him with a superkick and covered him for the win.

    Winner: Justin Credible

    Crash vs Steven Richards

    Richards came out dressed like Raven. Crash and Richards started the match with chain wrestling but when Richards ended up on the wrong end of an arm bar he decided to use a different strategy. Richards started punching away at Crash. Richards whipped Crash into the turnbuckle and lifted him onto it hitting a superplex. Crash managed to kick out of a pin attempt but after Richards hit a Raven like DDT he picked up the win.

    Winner: Steven Richards

    After the match Richards picked up a microphone and walked over to the commentary table.

    Steven Richards: Come on Raven! Give me one more chance! I promise I wont let you down. Just one more chance.

    Raven just ignored him until Richards left.

    Goldust vs Tommy Dreamer

    Goldust came out dressed as a cowboy. Goldust seemed distracted, constantly looking at the ramp. Raven suggested that he was keeping an eye out for an angry Bradshaw. Neither wrestler really gained the upper hand however Goldust was constantly too distracted to give Dreamer his full attention. Goldust hit the Shattered Dreams on Dreamer and then hit the Curtain Call. He paused looking around before covering and receiving the win.

  7. NEWS

    Friday April 5th 2002

    Notes from the Ross Report

    Kevin Nash has suffered a torn bicep which has been successfully scoped by Dr Jim Andrews in Birmingham on Tuesday. The injury is not as serious as many other similar tears. Nash is expected to be out of ring action for about 8-10 weeks although he will probably still be appearing on TV and house shows before he is 100%.

    Perry Saturn tore his anterior cruciate ligament last week and will have surgery to repair it on Tuesday. He will probably be out for at least four months.

    Chris Benoit is currently doing light training in Ohio Valley Wrestling and Heartland Wrestling Association but will not be wrestling there as he has not yet been cleared to wrestle.

    Maven suffered a broken finger during Smackdown and will have to wear a splint while it heals. He wont, however, miss any ring time.

    Goldust has been having some discomfort with his back and is receiving treatment but he isn’t expected to miss any ring time either.

    Rhyno has his six-month checkup with Dr Lloyd Youngblood at the end of the month. Recorvery time is usually about nine months.

    Chris Kanyon is about a month away from returning from ACL surgery

    Eric Angle’s bicep is healing well and he will be able to resume unrestricted weight training in about three months.

    Mark Jindrak has had his prosterior curciate ligament and his meniscus repaired and should be out of action for about three months.

    Mike Awesome should be released from doctor’s care this week. He will probably go to OVW or HWA for a while to knock off any ring rust.

    Triple H’s has a crack in kneecap but will be working through any discomfort.

    Hulk Hogan is also currently working with cracked ribs.

    Vince McMahon, Stacy Keibler and Mark Henry will be traveling to Australia next week for publicity work

    Mike Bucci (Nova) has agreed terms with the WWF

    Rey Mysterio Jr has also agreed terms with the WWF.

    Chavo Guerrero Jr and Hugh Morrus may receive significant TV time as a tag team in the future

    The WWF is going to look at the in-ring abilities of Dawn Marie and Kim Neilson.

  8. 4th April 2002


    Austin signs for his brand

    The pyros went off as the first show of the new Smackdown brand show started. The commentary team of Michael Cole and Tazz welcomed the viewers and discussed whether Stone Cold would sign to Raw or Smackdown. The viewers found out sooner rather then later when ‘No Chance’ started and Vince McMahon made his way down to the ring.

    Vince McMahon: Stone Cold Steve Austin, on Monday night you agreed to that tonight on Smackdown you would listen to my proposal and make your decision on which brand you’ll join. In order to give you some time to think about the important decision ahead of you I would like it if you could come out here now so I can tell you about the benefits of signing for Smackdown.

    The glass broke and Steve Austin walked down to the ring holding the two contracts. He posed on one turnbuckle.

    Vince McMahon: Steve, if we can talk frankly….

    Austin ignored him and posed on the next turnbuckle.

    Vince McMahon: Steve, I’ve asked you here so we can discuss…

    Austin still ignored him, he posed on the third turnbuckle. Vince was obviously getting frustrated.

    Vince McMahon: Steve, please this is important. I…

    Austin posed on the final turnbuckle then stood in front of Vince. Vince was clearly fighting back his anger.

    Vince McMahon: Steve, are you ready now?

    Steve Austin: I’ll talk to you when I damn well want to.

    Vince was furious.

    Vince McMahon: Austin, I’ve had enough. I’m VINCE MCMAHON, damn it. You will not ignore me. I have a lot of important things to do, you should not waste my time.

    Steve Austin: Yeah I know. You’re Vince McMahon. You created the greatest wrestling promotion in the world. You’re a multi millionaire. You’re the biggest jackass walking the planet.

    Vince McMahon: Austin, just forget it. I’m not that desperate. I don’t need you on Smackdown. I already have lots of talented wrestlers. Just get out of my ring.

    Austin looked repentant.

    Steve Austin: Look, I’m sorry Vince. I didn’t mean to be so rude. I’ve read over the RAW and Smackdown contracts and your offer is much better. I want to sign for Smackdown.

    Vince looked surprised.

    Vince McMahon: Really? Well, that’s great. I knew you’d see sense.

    Steve Austin: Have you got a pen?

    Vince McMahon: Sure, here you go Steve.

    McMahon handed Austin a pen.

    Austin signed the contract and hands it to McMahon. McMahon took both the RAW and Smackdown contracts from Austin.

    Vince McMahon: Ric Flair. I know you’ll be watching this at home. Remember Ric, I always win.

    McMahon tore the unsigned contract up and threw it all over the ring.

    Vince McMahon: I always win Flair. I always win. I always…

    Vince suddenly looked at the contract in his hand.

    Vince McMahon: What the…? Steve you signed the wrong contract. You signed the RAW contract!

    Austin seemed even more repentant

    Steve Austin: Oh god, I’m so sorry Vince. I must have got confused. And you’ve ripped up your contract. Looks like I’m stuck on RAW

    Vince McMahon: Wait, Steve. I can get a new contract printed up. It’s ok

    Steve Austin: You’re right Vince. I wouldn’t worry about it. Now why don’t you hand me that contract back so I can go to RAW on Monday and stick it up Ric Flair’s ass.

    Vince went to hand the contract to Austin but as Austin grabbed hold of the contract he kicked Vince in the stomach. Vince doubled over and Austin hit the stunner.

    Steve Austin: If you really thought I’d sign a contract written by you then you’re insane. You think I want to work for an asshole like you? But don’t worry Vince, it wont be long until I’m back on Smackdown. When I become the Undisputed World Champion I’ll be on here every week causing havoc. And that’s the bottom line…’cause Stone Cold said so.

    Austin posed on the turnbuckles as we went to a commercial break.

    Lance Storm on the wrestling industry today

    Lance Storm made his way to the ring. He took the microphone from ring announcer Tony Chimmel.

    Lance Storm: Tonight I have to wrestle Scotty 2 Hotty. The important word in that sentence is ‘wrestle’. That is my job, I wrestle. That fact seems to be forgotten by many people in this day and age. The days of Ric Flair, the Funks, Ricky Steamboat and Harley Race are long gone. The wrestling world is now full of gimmicks. Scotty is the perfect example. Scotty dances his way down to the ring. He dances during the match. He uses The Worm.

    Storm pauses as the fans cheer at the mention of The Worm

    Lance Storm: Have you people seen The Worm? It’s the most ridiculous move in wrestling history. The very idea of it makes me sick but you people eat it up. The fact that a man like Scotty 2 Hotty gets to wrestle in a WWF ring is an insult to me and to all wrestlers before me. I’m going to make sure that him and all the other jokers in the back learn to respect this business like they should.

    Lance Storm vs Scotty 2 Hotty w/Albert

    Scotty 2 Hotty’s music hit and Scotty made his way down to the ring accompanied by Albert. They danced together in the ring until finally Albert climbed out and the match could start. Storm and Scotty locked up with Storm winning easily. Storm worked on Scotty’s leg and back using a number of different holds. A backbreaker from Storm got a two count. However, Storm paused to shout something at Albert and gave Scotty the chance to recover. Scotty hit a reverse DDT for a two count. Scotty dancing enabled Lance to get back up. Storm attempted a superkick but Scotty ducked. Scotty caught Lance’s leg when he attempted a second superkick and twirled him round. When Lance finishes the 360 rotation Scotty floored him with a clothesline. Scotty climbed to the top rope and hits a dropkick for a two count. Storm dodged a bulldog attempt and knocked Scotty down with a spinkick. A german suplex was followed by the half crab which left Scotty 2 Hotty fighting to get to the ropes. After being in the hold for about a minute Scotty managed to get a rope break. Storm tried to pull Scotty away from the ropes by the leg but Scotty triped Storm up with his other leg. Storm was quickly up but gets quickly knocked down with a bulldog. Scotty signaled for the Worm. W…O….R…M! Scotty hit the Worm and picked up the win.

    Winner: Scotty 2 Hotty

    Scotty and Albert danced as Storm walks back up the ramp looking annoyed.

    Billy Kidman and The Hurricane vs Funaki and Tajiri w/Torrie Wilson

    Kidman and Torrie kept exchanging glances all the way through the match. The match was a good example of the cruiserweight division in Smackdown with the wrestlers offering an extremely fast paced wrestling match. Tajiri spent most of the beginning of the match shouting abuse at Torrie. Every time he did that Funaki looked annoyed and said something in Japanese to him but Tajiri never responded. When Torrie responded to a ‘Torrie’ chant from the crowd Tajiri got into an intense argument with her shouting at her in Japanese. He then pushed Torrie over. As soon as Tajiri got back onto the apron Funaki tagged him and left the ring walking up the ramp. He was clearly sick of his partner’s treatment of his girlfriend. This left the cruiserweight champion in a handicap situation but he still managed to hold his own. Kidman regularly received the brunt of Tajiri’s martial arts kicks. Kidman hit a powerbomb and tagged the Hurricane in. Hurricane tried to put his cloak on but it was caught on the turnbuckle and it took him a while to get it unattached. By the time he had got the cloak free and climbed the turnbuckle, Tajiri was ready for him. Tajiri dodged a flying body press and a stiff kick to the head knocked Hurricane out of the ring. Kidman ran in only to receive green mist and another hard martial arts kick giving Tajiri the pin.

    Winners: Funaki + Tajiri

    Kidman Gets His Revenge

    Tajiri left roughly dragging Torrie with him. Funaki had been watching the end of the match on the stage and the two exchanged heated glances at each other as Tajiri walked past. In the ring Hurricane apologized to Kidman but Kidman wasn’t interested. Kidman shouted at Hurricane calling him a joke. He hit Hurricane with a DDT and started punching the hurt Hurricane. Funaki ran down to try to stop Kidman but as soon as he got into the ring Kidman turned his aggression onto him knocking him down with a clothesline. Funaki received a shooting star press. Kidman left the ring to boos.

    D-Von Has A Title Shot

    D-Von Dudley made his way down to the ring with a microphone.

    D-Von Dudley: Last week on Smackdown the Dudley Boyz had one last shot at winning the tag titles. Me and Bubba Ray have done everything. We’re 8 times ECW tag champions. We’re 6 times WWF tag team champions. Hell, we’ve held the WCW tag titles. We’ve done it all… but that’s all over. Thanks to the roster spilt, the Dudley Boyz are no more. The end of an era…and the start of a new one. Vince McMahon has given me one more title shot against the current tag team champions. I have one more chance to get those tag titles and if I lose this match I wont get another chance. I can chose anyone from Smackdown to be my partner. But there is not a single man in the back that is even half the man that Bubba Ray is. It would be impossible to pick a replacement for my brother so I’m not going to choose. Whoever comes out here will be my partner. So whoever wants to be one half of the new WWF tag champions come out here because we’ve got a match on.

    The Dudley Boyz music starts and Rico comes out with glasses and a Dudley Boyz t-shirt.

    Rico: D-Von. I was backstage listening to what you were saying and I was overwhelmed. You and Bubba Ray were truly one of the great tag teams. It’s such a pity that you had to break up. I would be pleased to take the Dudley name and help you reclaim the WWF tag titles.

    D-Von Dudley: Rico you don’t fool me for a second but if you want to stand on the apron and watch me beat your tag champions then that’s fine with me.

    Billy and Chuck vs D-Von Dudley and Rico

    D-Von refused to tag Rico in during the match despite the fact he spent most of the time being beaten down by the tag champions. At one point Billy and Chuck were too busy admiring each other and D-Von almost managed to get the pin after hitting Billy with a DDT and Chuck with a brainbuster. Rico found it impossible to hide his relief after Chuck kicked out. D-Von was whipped into his corner and Rico tagged himself in to D-Von’s infuriation. Rico lay down for Chuck to get the pin but D-Von made the save. D-Von piledrove his own partner then dragged him to their corner tagging himself in. D-Von managed to get a few close falls on the tag champs until Rico threw one of the tag belts to Billy. Billy dodged a clothesline from D-Von and floored him with a belt shot giving D-Von the DQ.

    Winner by DQ: D-Von

    Who Will Get The Smackdown Title Shot

    Vince McMahon was backstage being seen to by a medic. He looked into the camera

    Vince McMahon: You’re a fool Austin. You could have had everything but you’ve thrown it all away. I was going to make you the Smackdown representative in the Backlash title match but it looks like I’ll have to change my plans. I’m going to change the tag match main event into a fatal four way. Chris Jericho vs Hulk Hogan vs Kurt Angle vs The Rock with the winner fighting in the triple threat match. I know whoever wins will do the Smackdown brand proud by winning the title.

    Christian and Kurt form an Alliance

    Christian was backstage warming up for his match when Kurt Angle walked past.

    Christian: Hey, Kurt. Good luck in your match tonight. I know you’ll be an awesome Undisputed Heavyweight Champion.

    Kurt Angle: Well that’s obvious. Look, Christian who are you wrestling tonight?

    Christian: Mark Henry

    Kurt Angle: Mark Henry?

    They both laugh

    Christian: Hey, you shouldn’t laugh at Mark Henry. He was an Olympic athlete

    They both laughed again.

    Kurt Angle: Look, Christian I know you wont need any help tonight but if you want I’ll come out there and watch your back if you come out with me in the main event and watch mine

    Christian: Yeah ok, that’s a good idea.

    Kurt Angle: Hey, what ever happened to that other guy you used to hang out with. That cousin of yours. Ned? Ed? What was his name?

    Christian: Edge?

    Kurt Angle: Yeah that’s him. What ever happened to him?

    Christian: I think he’s still around here somewhere.

    Kurt Angle: I bet you’re glad you stopped hanging out with him

    Christian: Oh god yeah. That’s damn true. He wasn’t my cousin though, he’s my brother

    Kurt Angle: Brother? Ouch, I can see who got all the best parts in that gene pool.

    Christian: Obviously. Did you see his teeth? He had about a hundred of them.

    Kurt Angle: Well hopefully we’ll never have to stand in the same ring as that annoying lanky punk again.

    Goodbye Val Venis…Hello Scott Morely

    Val Venis was backstage with Mark Lloyd

    Mark Lloyd: Val Venis, you asked for this interview time to talk about something important. What is on your mind?

    Val Venis: Mark Lloyd, I have been with this company for four years and what have I got to show for it? One European title win and two IC title wins. I’ve never been given the fair opportunities that everyone else has because I’ve given myself this pointless porn star gimmick. Well I’ve had enough. The roster split is a new start for the WWF and tonight is a new start for me. I’m no longer Val Venis…I’m Scott Morely and 2002 is going to be my year. By this time next year the world will know that Scott Morely is the star attraction of the WWF.

    Chris Jericho appeared from the side.

    Chris Jericho: Will you please…Shut…The Hell…Up! Scott Morely? Scott Morely? What kind of name is Scott Morely? I find it hilarious that you would have a name as pathetic as Val Venis and actually manage to find a name that is equally as bad. You think 2002 is going to be your year? You think you’ll become a star attraction? Well you’re wrong. You want to know how I know you’re wrong? You’re wrong because there is only one, and there always will be only one, star attraction in the WWF and that is me. I am the man that every former wrestler wishes they had been. What every current wrestler wishes they were and what every wrestling fan wishes they could be. Now what do you have to say about that, Scott Morely?

    Morely responded with a hard punch knocking Jericho down. He stomped on him a few times.

    Scott Morely: And there’s more where that came from.

    Morely left as Jericho struggled to his feet.

    Christian w/Kurt Angle vs Mark Henry

    Kurt Angle came down with Christian. Mark Henry had obviously heard about Angle and Christian’s agreement because he brought back-up in the form of Edge. Christian spent the match trying to avoid Henry’s strength based offence and got little offence in himself. Angle managed to distract Henry long enough for Christian to almost hit the Unprettier but Henry managed to power out of it. Edge and Angle started brawling outside the ring. With Angle occupied Henry was able to hit Christian with a splash giving him the 3 count

    Winner: Mark Henry

    Al Snow Motivates His Protégé

    Maven was backstage with Al Snow. Maven was pacing backwards and forwards.

    Al Snow: Maven, you’ve come a long way. You’ve accomplished your dream of becoming a WWF superstar, but it doesn’t end there. You’ve got unlimited potential if you put your mind to it. Tonight you’re facing Test. Test is big and he’s strong but I know you can beat him. Just keep in mind everything that I’ve told you. Keep focused and the match is yours.

    Maven stoped pacing and stared into Al’s eyes

    Maven: Lets do this.

    They walked out of the dressing room.

    A Main Event Clash

    Voodoo Child hit and Hulk Hogan made his way down to the ring to a deafening ovation. After his usual posing Hogan grabbed a microphone from Tony Chimmel

    Hulk Hogan: It’s been nine years since the Hulkster has held WWF world heavyweight gold. That’s nine years too long. Tonight I have the opportunity to get a title shot at Backlash. I’ve wrestled all over the world and I’ve done everything that can be done but people have been saying that I should retire. They think I’m past my best. They think I should give up and leave. I thought that after I beat The Rock at Wrestlemania those people would shut up but that wasn’t the case. And the problem is these people have been saying it for so long that I’m starting to listen to them. Maybe I should retire. Maybe I’m not good enough anymore. The WWF Undisputed World title is the premier title in wrestling industry today. The man that wears it around their waist is on top of the wrestling world. I need that man to be me. I need to be able to show the world that I am good enough to carry on wrestling. I need to be able to show myself that I am good enough to carry on wrestling. I need the WWF Undisputed World title to prove that I can still be the man that carries the wrestling world.

    He was interrupted by Chris Jericho’s music. Jericho walked down to the ring.

    Hulk Hogan: What are you doing out here?

    Chris Jericho: Hogan, when so many people all around the world are questioning why you’re still wrestling you should really start thinking about the answer. We all know why you’ve never retired. You’re still living in 1987. You remember Wrestlemania 3? 93,000 people came to watch you defend your title against Andre the Giant. Back then you weren’t just on top of the wrestling world, you were on top of the whole world. But this isn’t 1987 anymore, it’s 2002. You’re were right about two things though, Hogan. The Undisputed World Champion does stand on top of the wrestling world. I should know better then anyone, I was the first ever Undisputed World Champion. I felt the recognition and the fame. Everyone knew that I was the best. You were also right that if you became the Undisputed World Champion then you would silence all your critics but let me tell you something Hogan, that’s not going to happen. You are way past your prime. This is a new millennia and this is the age of Chris Jericho, not Hulk Hogan.

    Jericho was interrupted by Kurt Angle’s music. Angle walked down and climbed into the ring.

    Chris Jericho: What the hell do you want?

    Kurt Angle: Jericho do you honestly think this is your time? Your time ended at Wrestlemania when Triple H pinned you taking your title, and that’s true. And don’t think it’s your time Hogan. This isn’t the 1980s anymore. Since the beginning of this new millennium there has been one wrestler that has set the professional wrestling world alight. This man was the second ever man to hold the European and Intercontinental titles. This man is now a 3 time world champion. This man is Olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle and that’s damn true. I will be the person that gets the title shot at Backlash and I’ll be leaving Kansas City the new Undisputed World champion.


    The Rock made his way down to the ring to a standing ovation.

    The Rock: All of you are seriously deluded. Kurt Angle, you think you’ve been setting the pro wrestling world alight? Let the Rock tell you, that simply isn’t the case. The only fire in the WWF is the one The Rock’s going to use to burn down his opposition and win the Undisputed World title. Chris Jericho, a few months ago you had it all. You were the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion. You were the king. But you lost it all at Wrestlemania and no matter how hard you want it you wont be getting it back any time soon. And as for you, Hulk Hogan. The immortal Hulk Hogan. The Rock has an undying respect for you. You pinned The Rock 1…2…3 at Wrestlemania and proved yourself but don’t think you’ll be getting the pin tonight. The Rock is the man that will become the Smackdown representative in the main event at Backlash and The Rock is the man that will leave Backlash as the World Champion. If you smell what The Rock is cooking!

    Maven w/Al Snow vs Test

    This was nothing but a squash. Within a minute Test had hit the big boot and picked up the victory. The win obviously wasn’t enough, though. Test beat down on Maven busting him open. The medics came down to check on Maven but he managed to leave the ring without medical attention.

    Winner: Test

    Christian’s Payback

    Backstage Mark Henry was lying in a pool of his own blood. Officials were trying to separate him from his attacker, Christian.

    Christian: You’re not so tough now, are you?

    Next Time Try That On Me

    Hogan was warming up backstage when Test walked past him.

    Hulk Hogan: Test! Hey, Test! Come over here.

    Test walked back over the Hogan.

    Test: What?

    Hulk Hogan: Hey, brotha I saw what you did to Maven. He’s only a rookie, you shouldn’t do stuff like that.

    Test laughed in Hogan’s face

    Test: You think so? Well who’s going to stop me?

    Hulk Hogan: You think you’re tough just because you made a young guy bleed? Why don’t you step into the ring with me sometime and try that?

    Test: Any time, any place. Now leave me alone, I have things I need to do.

    Chris Jericho vs Hulk Hogan vs Kurt Angle w/Christian vs The Rock

    The main event had Smackdown’s four biggest superstars facing against each other. The match started off almost as a tag match with The Rock and Hogan only tagging each other and Angle and Jericho only tagging each other. Christian was constantly interfering helping Angle keep the advantage. Angle spent a lot of time in the ring beating down on Hogan working his leg and ankle. Halfway through the match Test made his way down to the ring to watch and a little while later Scott Morely did the same. When Jericho saw Morely he jumped off the apron to attack him. The two wrestlers brawled into the crowd and Jericho disappeared from the match. Hogan hit Angle with a big boot and was going to hit the legdrop but Test and Christian both jumped onto the apron. Christian distracted the referee while Test taunted Hogan into punching him. Test blocked the punch and hit back with his own. This enabled Angle to roll Hogan up but Rock broke the pin before the referee could count the three. Edge suddenly ran to the ring and started brawling with Christian. He hit the Edgecutioner on Christian on the outside knocking him out. Angle shouted something at Edge and Hogan used to distraction to hit the legdrop. The Rock succeeded in breaking up the pin before the three. Angle tagged The Rock into the match. Edge taunted Angle and eventually managed to get a reaction. The two brawled outside the ring. Angle reversed the Edgecutioner into the Angle Slam on the outside. Angle then climbed back into the ring to help The Rock double team Hogan but Rock was obviously not interested. He hit Angle with a spinebuster and then hit the People’s Elbow. Hogan then threw Rock out of the ring and after hitting the Legdrop on Angle managed to pick up the victory. Hulk Hogan will be in the triple threat match at Backlash challenging Triple H for the title.

    Winner: Hulk Hogan


    Angle took his frustration out on the down Edge. Christian had regained consciousness and helped Angle beat down his brother. Angle and Christian eventually left back up the ramp together. Edge slowly got to his feet and made his way back up the ramp too chasing after Angle and Christian. In the ring Hogan and The Rock celebrated, posing for the fans. Suddenly Scott Hall and Sean Waltman ran out from the crowd attacking them both from behind. Hogan was left down after an X-Factor from Waltman and the two nWo members double teamed The Rock. To Michael Cole and Tazz’s shock the nWo piledrove The Rock through the commentary table. The nWo posed in the ring as Smackdown ended.

  9. WWF.com Smackdown Preview

    The first ever Smackdown of the Roster Split era will explode from Rochester, NY with an action packed night.

    On RAW, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin announced he would make his decision on which roster to join on Smackdown. Will the Rattlesnake be staying around for Thursday nights or will this be his last ever appearance on Smackdown?

    Also on RAW it was announced that Triple H would defend his World title in a triple threat match against a wrestler from RAW and a wrestler from Smackdown. Vince McMahon has stated that the Smackdown challenger will be named this Thursday. Which of Smackdown's superstars will be recieving the title shot?

    The new era of Smackdown will also contain one of the greatest main events in Smackdown history when four of wrestlings biggest superstars do battle in a tag match. Hollywood Hulk Hogan and The Rock, fresh from their match at Wrestlemania, will face off against Kurt Angle and former Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho in what will be a guaranteed show stealer.

    Confirmed Matches

    Lance Storm vs Scotty 2 Hotty

    Billy Kidman and The Hurricane vs Tajiri and Funaki

    Christian vs Mark Henry

    Maven vs Test

    Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle vs Hulk Hogan and The Rock

  10. First off it was an ok first show. WWF 2002 the draft was always a tough diary to start upon. You had the splitting up of the Dudleys and the APA which made the tag team division more bad as it already was back then. The tag team championship was on smackdown and the Hardy Boyz who were the only well known team left together along with Billy and Chuck the champions. BUT The Hardys were on Raw? Maybe you can make a trade or something to get them to smackdown. On Smackdown the only tag teams i see so far are Albert and Scotty, Al Snow and Maven and Billy and Chuck. So that devision certainly needs improving and the addition of The Hardys would help.

    Writing wise it was average. But what can I say? My writing isn't special either. But this is the good part as you can always learn and improve. Too much action involving steel chairs. Every segment I think had a chair in it. With the amount of chair shots Jeff Hardy took on Raw I'm surprised he doesn't start bleeding. Cut down with the chair shot angles. Use your initiative and think of new angles that you've seen off TV or seen in somebody elses diary. If not then just do a usual beatdown that doesn't involve too many chairs on one show just use their finisher or something on the opponent and stand over their body etc taunting.

    Promos are of a good length and of good quality. Keep up the good work on them (Y)

    nWo were used quite alot on Raw. I'm sure the crowd must have been sick of seeing them. I know I would be. Though you don't have many workers on your rosters so I guess you do need to use them abit more. But try not to over do them in your feuds etc.

    Where was Matt Hardy? I saw Jeff Hardy there but no Matt?

    Also shocked to see no Brock Lesnar on the show.

    Not so sure what you have going here with the destruction of five men at the end of the main event by the nWo. Whether it is to promote the nWo as a force to be reckoned with or whether it will lead to a storyline with individuals.

    Good start though so far. As I said it's a tough diary to do. Good luck I'll be reading.

  11. All the Nightmare on Elms Street sequals (espeacially 2)

    And my personal favourite...The Wraith with Charlie Sheen.

    I saw there was a shitty looking horror film on TV one friday night so I got my flatmate to watch it with me. It was sooo bad. It had about a five minute plot and the rest of it was car races, half naked women and explosions. Oh and 80s music. There was loads of 80s music (it is from the 80s to be fair) It's the perfect definition of being so bad that it's really funny. I know teenage boys like cars, women and explosions but a tiny bit of plot would help.

    I love bad films, I need to buy it on DVD

  12. April 1st 2002


    The pyros go off for the new look RAW. You're commentary team is Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

    Jim Ross: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to Raw. I'm Jim Ross alongside Jerry 'The King' Lawler and with tonight being the debut of the new Raw brand you can bet that the show will be action packed

    Jerry Lawler: That's right JR. We've got new music, a new Raw set, a new titantrone. The only thing that hasn't changed around here is you and me

    Jim Ross: Well, hopefully we wont be changed anytime soon.

    Ric Flair's music starts and Flair appears from the back carrying a large suitcase to a loud ovation. He makes his way down to the ring. Lillian Garcia hands him her microphone.

    Ric Flair: Woooooo. Ladies and Gentlemen, can I welcome you all to Raw.

    Loud cheers from the fans

    Ric Flair: As owner of the Raw brand, the Nature Boy promises to deliver an unprecedented amount of action and entertainment from each show. I want to start off tonight by calling out the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H. Triple H can you please come out here.

    Instead of Triple H's music, 'No Chance' starts and Vince McMahon makes his way down to the ring.

    Ric Flair: Wait a minute there, Vince. Obviously you've gotten lost. This is Raw. This is my show. You don't have any reason to be here. You've got Mondays off now.

    McMahon climbs into the ring

    Vince McMahon: I don't care if this is Raw. I don't care if this is your show. I'm still Vince McMahon. I made this show. Hell, I made this company and if I want to come out here I'll do so. Anyway, I want to know what you are doing with that.

    Vince points to the briefcase

    Ric Flair: Let me just explain something to everyone here. In this briefcase I have the new Undisputed Heavyweight title belt. The board of directors have assigned me the job of presenting this title to the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion, Triple H. So, Vince. That is why I have the title.

    Vince McMahon: I don't care what the board of directors have decided. You are not presenting the title to Triple H. That will be done on Smackdown on Thursday by me.

    Vince tries to take the briefcase off of Flair. Flair resists.

    Vince McMahon: Give me the damn briefcase

    Ric Flair: Vince, let go off it or I wont be responsible for my actions

    The two men are wrestling for the briefcase, neither willing to let go. Both men are pulling at their end.

    Vince McMahon: Just give me the damn...

    Vince is cut of as the lights dim and Triple H's music starts.

    Triple H appears and makes his way down to the ring.

    Triple H does his trademark pose. He then takes Flair's microphone.

    Triple H: Vince, let go of the briefcase.

    Vince McMahon: Look, Triple H. It's only right that the title be presented to you on the superior show by the man that made you who you are, me.

    Triple H glares at McMahon

    Triple H: You made me? You made me, Vince? There is only one person that made Triple H, and that's me.

    He grabs at Vince who quickly moves out of the way letting go of the briefcase in the process.

    Triple H: Now, Ric I think you were going to do something.

    Ric Flair: That's right. Triple H, as owner of the Raw brand it's my privilege to give to you the new Undisputed Heavyweight Championship title.

    Flair opens the briefcase and hands Triple H the title. Triple H poses with the new belt as his music plays. He starts to leave

    Ric Flair: Wait, Triple H. Wait. There's something important that we need to discuss.

    Triple H turns back and his music stops.

    Ric Flair: As the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion you have to defend your title against Raw and Smackdown wrestlers consecutively. The board of directors have decided to give you the opportunity to decide which brand should be given a title match first, out of Raw or Smackdown.

    Triple H smiles thoughtfully.

    Ric Flair: So, at Backlash would you like to face a Raw superstar like The Undertaker or Kane or The Big Show?

    Vince McMahon interrupts

    Vince McMahon: Or would you like to face a Smackdown superstar like The Rock, Kurt Angle or Hulk Hogan?

    Triple H pauses clearly thinking hard about the decision.

    Triple H: What does everyone here think? Should I give the title shot to RAW?

    There are loud cheers from the fans

    Triple H: Or Smackdown?

    The cheers are noticeably quieter.

    Triple H: I'm going to give...Smackdown the first title match.

    Vince McMahon interrupts

    Vince McMahon: That's great, Triple H. You've made the right decision.

    Triple H: But not until Judgment Day.

    Triple H: For Backlash...

    He points at Flair

    Triple H: You get me a Raw challenger

    He points at McMahon

    Triple H: You get me a Smackdown challenger and I'll face both of them in a triple threat match.

    Vince McMahon: You've made the right decision, Triple H.

    Triple H: Whatever, Vince. Get your nose out of my ass. It doesn’t matter who I have to face in the ring because I'll beat whoever it is.

    Triple H's music starts again and Triple H poses as we go to a commercial break.

    We're back from the commercial break with Bubba Ray Dudley standing in the ring.

    Jim Ross: Welcome back to Raw. We're seconds away from a WWE Hardcore title match. The challenger Bubba Ray is already in the ring.

    Raven's music starts and he walks down to the ring pushing a trolley full of weapons.

    Hardcore Title Match

    Raven (champion) vs Bubba Ray Dudley

    Raven grabs a chair from the trolley and climbs into the ring. Bubba Ray quickly leaves returning with a chair for himself. They dodge a number of chair shots from each other until Raven finally manages to hit Bubba Ray. He tries again but Bubba Ray manages to roll out of the way. Bubba fights back with a low blow then attacks Raven with a stop sign. Bubba Ray sets up a table inside the ring and carries Raven over to it. He attempts a powerbomb but Raven punches his way out of it. He whips Bubba into the ropes, Bubba comes back and Raven backdrops him through the table. Raven covers and gets the win.

    Winner and still Hardcore champion: Raven

    Backstage the nWo are standing around. Lita walks past and they make obscene comments to her as she passes. Someone coughs behind them, they turn and Jeff Hardy is standing behind them.

    Jeff Hardy: You three better watch out.

    He leaves

    Kevin Nash: Who the hell was that?

    X-Pac: Oh, don't worry about him, man.

    Kevin Nash: Well he's the one that better watch out.

    Commercial Break

    Vince McMahon is seen walking around outside the arena impatiently.

    The nWo music starts and Nash, X-Pac and Hall make their way down to the ring.

    D'Lo Brown's music starts and D'Lo makes his way down to the ring to a moderate reception.

    D'Lo Brown vs Scott Hall

    Hall gains the upper hand immediately with right hands. D'Lo is whipped into the turnbuckle and clotheslines over the top rope to the floor where Nash and X-Pac manage to get a few kicks in while Hall distracted the referee. Nash throws D'Lo back into the ring but Hall only gets a two count. Hall lifts D’Lo up for the Outsiders Edge but D'Lo managed to slide out of it. D'Lo dropkicks Scott Hall down and follows it up with a powerslam for a two count. A Sky High gets another two count. D'Lo climbs onto the turnbuckle for a possible Lo Down but Nash throws D'Lo off of it and Hall quickly hits a Outsiders Edge for a three count.

    Winner: Scott Hall

    After the match the entire Nash, Hall and X-Pac beat D'Lo down with a chair.

    After an X-Factor on the chair the nWo leave the ring and EMTs quickly head into the ring to attend to D'Lo. D'Lo is then carried out of the ring on a stretcher.

    Backstage The Coach is talking to Mr Perfect.

    Coach: Mr Perfect. Tonight you have a match with Jeff Hardy. Many argue that you are on of the greatest wrestlers of your time. Many of those same people are saying that Jeff Hardy is one of the up and coming young superstars that is soon going to be able to take that step to the next level. He may be able to do just that if he manages to pin you tonight.

    Mr Perfect laughs.

    Mr Perfect: Do you not realise who you're talking to? They don't call me Mr Perfect for nothing. I may have been wrestling for twenty years but I'm not ready to call it a day just yet. And I'm certainly not going to be handing any torches to someone like Jeff Hardy. There's more to wrestling then jumping off of ladders and that's exactly what I'm going to teach Jeff tonight.

    Just then the nWo walk past chatting. Hennig sees them.

    Mr Perfect: Hey, Nash, Hall, Waltman. Wait up I want to talk to you guys

    They carry on walking, ignoring him.

    Mr Perfect: They obviously didn't hear me. Now if you excuse me I have a match.

    Jeff Hardy vs Mr Perfect

    Mr Perfect was constantly able to outwrestle Jeff but Jeff was also able to keep himself in the match using his speed. A DDT from Hennig got a two count. Jeff fought back with two dropkicks but missed a swanton bomb Hennig attempted a powerbomb but Hardy managed to get out of it. Hardy hit a swinging DDT for a two count. At that moment the nWo made their way back down to ringside to Hennig's delight. Hennig threw Jeff Hardy out of the ring then distracted the referee while Hall, Nash and X-Pac attacked Jeff Hardy. When Jeff was thrown back into the ring Hennig hit the Perfect Plex for the three.

    Winner: Mr Perfect

    As nWo continue to attack Jeff Hardy, Mr Perfect grabs a microphone from ringside.

    Mr Perfect: Nash, Hall, Waltman. I'm glad you three have decided to come out here. I really need to talk to you guys. We all go way back and...

    He trails off as he watches the nWo walk away ignoring him.

    Mr Perfect: Nash, Hall, Waltman! Wait! We need to talk!

    Backstage William Regal is walking around with his European title. He bumps into Crash Holly

    William Regal: Watch where you are going, you scallywag.

    Crash Holly: Oh sorry

    William Regal: What are you doing back here? Are you lost? If you want I can help you find your parents.

    Regal can't be talking more patronizingly to Crash

    Crash Holly: What, I'm not lost! I'm a wrestler!

    William Regal: I'm sure you are. Now let's see if we can have something put over the PA for you

    Regal takes Crash by the hand

    Crash Holly: Get off me! What is your problem?

    William Regal: Now look son, I'm just trying to help you.

    Crash is getting frustrated now. He beings to march away

    Crash Holly: That does it. I'm not going to stand for this. We're going to sort this out in the ring.

    Regal laughs.

    William Regal: If you say so, lad. If you say so.

    He watches Crash leave.

    William Regal: I should really tell everyone that there's a lost child walking around backstage.

    Regal walks off as we go to a commercial break.

    We return from the commercial break to see the Vince is still outside.

    Next is an Intercontinental title match. First down to the ring is Booker T, and then comes the Challenger Rob...Van...Dam!

    Intercontinental Championship Match

    Rob Van Dam (champion) vs Booker T

    Booker T starts the match in control using his slams and suplexs to keep RVD down and giving himself a number of two counts. RVD manages to fight back with a few martial arts kicks. At one point Booker was knocked to the outside and RVD managed to hit a moonsault from the turnbuckle. Back in the ring this gave RVD a two count. RVD dodged a scissors kick and after hitting a enziguri and Rolling Thunder, RVD managed to hit the Five Star Frog Splash for the win.

    Winner and STILL IC Champion: Rob Van Dam

    As RVD is celebrating, Booker grabs a chair from ringside. He levels Van Dam with the chair and then celebrates with the IC title before dropping it on the ramp and walking off.

    Outside we watch Steve Austin arrive at the arena. Vince marches up to him.

    Vince McMahon: Steve, I’ve been waiting all night for you to arrive. I need you to sign for Smackdown. You know it's the best thing for your career. We don't like each other but you know Smackdown is the stronger brand.

    Steve Austin: I'll be on Smackdown on Thursday and you can do your sales pitch then. Until then you give me your little contract that you've had your lawyers right up and get out of here.

    Vince hands Steve the contract

    Vince McMahon: Here you go Steve. If you sign with Smackdown I'll make sure that...

    Steve Austin: I told you to get out of here. Now move or I'll open a can of whoop ass on you.

    Vince McMahon: But Steve

    Austin glares at him and Vince quickly gets into his stretch limo. He shouts of the window just before he drives away.

    Vince McMahon: Think about it Steve! You need me!

    We're then back at ringside for the next match.

    Spike Dudley vs X-Pac

    X-Pac is out with Hall and Nash as usual. Spike is basically squashed by X-Pac. Any time Spike does manage to get some offence in Hall and Nash's interference gives the advantage back to X-Pac. X-Pac hit the X-Factor on Spike but before he could go for the pin, Jeff Hardy ran down with a chair. He knocked down Hall and Nash with the chair then hit X-Pac with it for giving him the DQ win. Spike hit the Dudley Dog on X-Pac and then celebrated with Jeff Hardy as we go to a commercial break.

    Winner by DQ: X-Pac

    When we return from the commercial break RAW owner, Ric Flair is in the ring.

    Ric Flair: Steve Austin, I know you're backstage. Why don't you come out here so we can discuss these contract details in front of all the fans.

    The glass breaks and Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way down to the ring. He poses on all four turnbuckles.

    Ric Flair: Steve, you know exactly what will happen if you sign to the Smackdown brand. Vince McMahon has always been a thorn in your side. While he'll try to keep you down I'll do everything I can to help you blossom into the WWF legend you should be. I'll give you whatever you want. I know exactly how a wrestling superstar should be treated. You want limos? The Nature Boy can give you limos. You want first class air travel? The Nature Boy can give you first class air travel. You want women? The Nature Boy can give you women. I'll give you everything you can possibly want if you just sign the contract and join RAW.

    Steve Austin: You think Stone Cold wants limos? You think I care about flying first class? You think I care about women? You have no idea what I want Ric. There is only one thing that I want and that's the Undisputed Heavyweight title.

    Ric Flair: If you want a title shot then I can give you one.

    Steve Austin: I know you can Ric but so can Vince. Look, you give me your contract. I'll look over both contracts and I'll announce my decision on Smackdown on Thursday. And that's the bottom line...Cause Stone Cold said so.

    Austin snatches the contract from Flair then poses on the turnbuckles as his music plays.

    We get a shot backstage of Kane standing in the basement.

    Jim Ross: The main event is next. Two colossuses will step into the ring when Kane face...

    We got a shot of The Big Show warming up in his locker room

    Jim Ross: The 500 pound Big Show.

    We cut to the nWo hanging out backstage. Austin walks past them.

    Kevin Nash: Hey, Austin. If you've got any brains you'll sign the Smackdown contract. You stay here on RAW and you'll spend you're entire time in hospitals thanks to the New World Order.

    Austin walks up to them.

    Steve Austin: Is that right?

    He punches Nash down. Hall and X-Pac attack him but he manages to fight them off too until Nash gets back up. Austin is unable to fight against the three men and he gets layed out by a nearby chair.

    Kevin Nash: Make sure you make the right decision, Steve.

    The nWo laugh as they disappear into their locker rooms.

    The Big Show vs Kane

    The two giants of RAW fought in the ring to see who the supreme big man of RAW was. It was a slow paced brawl with neither men getting too much of an advantage. Big Show managed to block a chokeslam from Kane and delivered one of his own but Kane managed to kick out. When Show went for another chokeslam Kane kicked him below the belt to get out of it. A clothesline off the turnbuckle let Kane deliver a chokeslam of his own but before he could go for the pin the nWo ran down to the ring with chairs. Nash hit Kane but it took three chair shots into he was down. By this time Big Show was back up. He tried to chokeslam X-Pac but Nash and Hall made the save. They knocked Big Show down with the chair when suddenly Jeff Hardy ran out to the ring. He slide into the ring onto to be beheaded by a boot from Nash. Hall hit the Outsiders Edge on Hardy and then he was X-Factored onto a chair. The nWo celebrated until Bubba Ray and Spike made their way down to the ring. Bubba brawled with Nash and Hall while Spike attacked X-Pac with a chair. Hall knocked Bubba down with a chair while X-Pac hit the X-Factor on Spike. Hall hit the Outsiders Edge on Bubba and then piledrove him onto a chair. The nWo celebrated amongst the bodies of Big Show, Kane, Jeff Hardy, Spike and Bubba Ray as the show went off the air.

    OOC: I've kept all the TEW technical stuff (match reactions etc) out of the report because I felt they got in the way but if people would rather I put them in then I will. Also if people have any questions on the TEW side of the diary then I'm happy to answer them.

  13. WWF.com Raw Preview

    The new era of RAW begins tonight, live from the Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York, at 9/8 CT only on TNN!

    After last Monday's historic draft, Federation co-owner Ric Flair has assembled an impressive roster of superstars for his RAW brand. The Nature Boy plans on unveiling a whole new set, logo and new music to go along with his list of drafted talent.

    Besides the historic beginning of RAW's Flair era tonight, it is also heavily rumored that Federation free agent Stone Cold Steve Austin will be in Albany tonight. Undoubtedly, both Flair and Mr. McMahon will be vying for the services of the Rattlesnake, but will the Texan make his decision tonight? Will Mr. McMahon show up to try and persuade Austin to join his SmackDown! staff?

    Also signed for tonight, five time WCW champion Booker T will challange Intercontinental champion Rob Van Dam in a title match and two giants will face off in the ring when Kane and the Big Show wrestle to find out which big man rules the new Raw brand.

  14. NEWS


    The following statement was posted on Kanyon's official website, ChrisKanyon.com:

    "Recently, a lot of fans have asked for an update on Kanyon's status with the WWF. I'd like to take this time to let everyone know Kanyon is still under WWF contract, so there's nothing to worry about. He saw his doctor on March 20th and was told it would be at least 6 more weeks until he's ready to return.

    Also, at this point it's unknown which side he will be appearing on in the WWF brand extension. There are still a number of WWF superstars that have yet to be drafted, so it looks like we'll just have to wait and see." "Recently, a lot of fans have asked for an update on Kanyon's status with the WWF. I'd like to take this time to let everyone know Kanyon is still under WWF contract, so there's nothing to worry about. He saw his doctor on March 20th and was told it would be at least 6 more weeks until he's ready to return.

    Also, at this point it's unknown which side he will be appearing on in the WWF brand extension. There are still a number of WWF superstars that have yet to be drafted, so it looks like we'll just have to wait and see."

  15. The March 25th Raw was a history making event as the WWF Roster was split into two with Raw and Smackdown becoming two seperate brands. The brand owners, Ric Flair and Vince McMahon respectively, picked the first ten wrestlers on each brand with the others being chosen randomly later.

    When the dust had settled, this was what was left of the WWF Roster


    Owner: Ric Flair

    Big Boss Man

    Booker T.


    Brock Lesnar (with agent Paul Heyman)

    Bubba Ray Dudley

    Crash Holly

    D’Lo Brown



    Jeff Hardy

    Justin Credible


    Kevin Nash


    Matt Hardy

    Molly Holly



    Rob Van Dam

    Scott Hall

    Shawn Stasiak

    Spike Dudley

    Steven Richards


    The Big Show

    The Undertaker

    Tommy Dreamer

    Trish Stratus

    William Regal



    Owner: Vince McMahon

    Al Snow


    Billy Gunn

    Billy Kidman

    Chris Benoit

    Chris Jericho


    Chuck Palumbo

    D’Von Dudley





    Hardcore Holly

    Hulk Hogan


    Kurt Angle

    Lance Storm

    Mark Henry





    Scotty 2 Hotty

    Stacy Keibler




    The Hurricane

    The Rock

    Torrie Wilson

    Val Venis

    The noticeably absent Steve Austin was scheduled to sign to a brand of his choosing on a later date.

    WWF Titles

    Undisputed World Champion: Triple H (Raw + Smackdown)

    Women's Champion: Jazz (Raw + Smackdown)

    Intercontinental Champion: Rob Van Dam (RAW)

    European Champion: William Regal (RAW)

    Hardcore Champion: Raven (RAW)

    Cruiserweight Champion: Tajiri (Smackdown)

    Tag Champions: Billy and Chuck (Smackdown)

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