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Posts posted by Reddaye

  1. Spoiler

    I liked the movie, and thought it was alright. Given a day to let it all sink in, and I find myself enjoying it more than I did while watching it in the theatre. I still feel that some plot points were rushed, such as the Starkiller, and they kind of stuck close to the ANH formula (a lot of cut and paste), but overall it really sets the stage well for future movies. There's a lot of potential conflicts and stories to tell with these characters moving forward. 

    Speaking of characters, I liked the new ones. Finn in particular was my favourite, but Poe, Rey, and Kylo were all pretty well written, and well acted. They did the right thing and made Kylo Ren more than just the dark, stoic, and mysterious Dark Jedi that he seemed to be on the outset. He's clearly a troubled young man who has great power, but is largely unrefined and overly emotional. In many ways he's a better representation of what I felt Anakin should be in the prequels. I do really wish they'd have left his face reveal until the scene with Han on the bridge. Then we, along with Han, could have seen the face of his son together and realized that despite the getup, he's still just a man beneath all of it. 

    Wish we had more Luke, but also I'm glad they didn't just try to cram all the old favorites into the entire movie, and instead gave the new characters more time to breathe and find their footing. I assume Luke will get the Han Solo type screen time moving forward. Just wish we'd of gotten more in this one. Mark Hamill looks fantastic. 


  2. You ARE damn sexy and stylish...I'll admit that. The glaives still look pretty huge though. ;)

    In other news, playing Overwatch during the weekend got me hooked back into the Blizzard ecosystem. Considering resubbing to WoW for a bit to play with a friend who claims timewalking dungeons are the best thing since the bread slicer. 

  3. I was just watching some of the Blizzcon Legion coverage for the Demon Hunter, and it looks super fun. I almost feel bad for rogues at this point. Why do they even exist? Why does Blizzard hate them so? :(

    DH looks super, super fun though. Extremely mobile, and ultra stylish. I'll certainly be trying one out, even if I don't spend a ton of time playing one. Kind of a shame that glaives look SOOOO huge on the back of Belfs...but I guess not every class can be a bad ass Orc. How unfortunate. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Cloudy said:

    It's funny you have that fear about Survival, because I'm like "Wow, now I may play a hunter past level 25 because there's a melee spec". I've always had a weird soft spot for melee specs - plate wearers, especially - because I like to get right up in my enemy's face, be it PVP or PVE, and start a-smashing.

    Also, I just started playing again because I was gifted some game time. What servers are you guys on? I'm on Sargeras-US Alliance side, Stormreaver and Illidan-US for Horde.

    Haha, yeah, I'm the opposite when it comes to melee. I mained a rogue through all of TBC back when I used to put obscene hours into the game. By the time Cata was coming I was so sick and tired of playing melee that I went full ranged. The only exception has been in WoD when I switched over to warrior a few months in to do some tanking, which I also hated. 

    Melee dps requires a lot more attention than I feel like giving anymore to be honest. As a hunter I may be asked to kite adds on bosses like Magmaw, but I'm fine with doing utility work. I just don't want to have my head shoved in a bosses' ass now that I've learned the fine art of standing back and pew pewing. :wub: That said, I'll still try SV out when they switch it to melee. Maybe it'll be the thing that gets me back into enjoying melee again, but I'm pretty certain I'll be sticking to BM or MM if they're competitive. 

    All my main characters are Horde side on Thrall-US. Some guild mates gave me $20 for gametime earlier in the year I haven't used yet. Saving it for Legion when they (probably) decide to come back and play again. 

  5. Combat needed the change/removal IMO. I know they added some more abilities to the priority over the last few expansions, but it was always too centered around maintaining uptime on SnD, and spamming Sinister Strikers, with an Eviscerate thrown in for good measure. A few cooldowns and such, but the core of the rotation was so boring (to me), that something needed to be done. It was the "swashbuckling" spec, but without much of an actual feeling of being such.

    Adding the pistol to the kit improves the fantasy, and hopefully adds enough to the priority list that it doesn't feel like Combat any more, and really stands out as it's own unique spec. 

    Looking over the Hunter changes, and I like it so far. I enjoyed playing SV in Cata, but I think turning it into melee is a good concept. The part that makes me fearful is if it becomes the only viable spec for the class, and then I'm stuck being melee. Getting away from melee is the reason I eventually rolled a hunter. That said, MM looks far more enjoyable than it has been, and BM shows promise from what I've seen. 

    It's gotten me interested enough in the class to make it my top priority in Legion. I ended up going Warrior for what little of WoD I played, since my guild needed a second tank. This time I'll be playing my hunter again. I missed it. Hopefully the changes play well, and are fun. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Tove iDOL said:

    Am I the only one who hates the new UI/navigation with the latest update? The old onE with the side scrolling tiles was way better. This one is almost too minimalistic. Took me 20 minutes to figure out that the has to game pack I bought required me to push the start\menu key from the home screen if I wanted to play anything other than monopoly

    I don't much care for it either. Although I'm going to chalk it up to me needing to learn my way around at this point. 

  7. 1 hour ago, C-MIL said:

    I lightened the text on that one so it shows a little more, though I'm not crazy about it on white: http://i64.tinypic.com/akaf6r.png

    Here's one with the globe filled in that I think works better on white: http://i66.tinypic.com/w5jdd.png

    I think if I were to find the right font, the big crescent text will work, but thus far no such luck...

    I think they look good honestly. You're right that it stands out more on the blue background, but the light blue on white doesn't look too bad either. The font works well enough that the letters are legible, which is the main thing. I really, really like this design overall. 

    Way, way better than the original idea, which was based on a concept I've been using for years that uses the font I have in my original post. That font is pretty sharp and tacky though, and I wanted to do a more clean, and "modern" logo (similar to the way WWE modernized their logo), which I think you've done a good job with. 

    You've done way more than you needed to, and I really appreciate it. I'll be making use of them for sure. :wub: 

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, C-MIL said:

    No. I made it out of this. http://i63.tinypic.com/2zf79s6.gif

    I tried again using a different method of curving the text that kept the letter shape a bit better: http://i68.tinypic.com/213okrd.png

    Alright, that's quite a bit better! Looks really sharp, and the font stands out a lot better as white instead of blue. I also just noticed http://i63.tinypic.com/2vii7he.png which is a very neat way of doing it, it's a shame the lettering blends in so much. 

    I appreciate the help C-MIL. It looks great. :lol:


  9. 5 hours ago, C-MIL said:

    I gave it a shot. Found it a little tough to get text to curve that severely and still remain legible.

    http://i68.tinypic.com/2wflmky.png http://i63.tinypic.com/2vii7he.png


    Thanks C-MIL.

    You nailed the concept of what I'm going for, but yeah, the text is pretty hard to read. The idea seemed good in my head :(. I probably should have gone for the G on the left, W at the top, and A on the right all spaced apart. Might have made it more legible. 

    Love the globe you used. Was it a stock image somewhere?

  10. Hey all,

    I'm looking to get a custom logo made for a promotion in my EWR game, and was hoping someone on EWB might be willing to help me out with it. I've got a basic concept in my head of what I'm thinking would look good. Using some pictures as examples to hopefully get my point across a little better...

    Here's the basic idea of what I'm thinking. Using text similar to this (which is the letters GWA, since it's kind of hard to make out):


    Something that kind of wraps around like this, placed in the upper portion of a stencilled globe that looks like the AJPW logo (blue instead of the red):


    So basically the GWA lettering would be inside the wireframe globe, in the upper left. Like if you took the All Japan portion and put it inside the globe, rather than having it on the outside. Hopefully that makes some sense.

    That's the kind of idea I'm thinking of anyway. The text doesn't need to be exactly the same, and the size isn't really an issue. Something the size of the first image would be fine. It would let me resize it myself for use in different situations.   

    I'd really appreciate the help if anyone is willing. 

  11. Was planning on holding off on this for a while, but the GB Quick Look convinced me to dive in first thing. Managed to get it for $63 Canadian rather than $80 via GMG with their 20% off voucher. 

    Preloading as we speak. :lol:

  12. 1 hour ago, Gabriel said:

    You can assign storylines to rivalries in Universe, if it's the same as last year.

    If you leave Auto Rivalries on, it should be assigning stories to them automatically as well.

    I haven't played a WWE game since Here Comes The Pain, so I'm not entirely familiar with how it works. Thats why I was curious about how well the "storyline" portion of it is handled. I've been seeing some people on YouTube not even using rivalries at all, so I wasn't sure if they're terrible, or limited, or whatever the case may be.

    As far as wanting to be a "booker" so badly (to Baddar's point). It's not that I want to go into EWR or TEW depth, but my natural inclination when I have a bunch of wrestling "action figures" and title belts is to create some little storylines and draw up a few cards to give it all some direction. I don't really want to micromanage company finances, worry about overness, deal with contracts, or do a lot of that kind of thing.

    Hence the curiosity with Universe Mode. Seems like it may give a bit of extra framework with some basic storyline creation abilities that add a little bit of tangible flavour that just doing it in my head wouldn't. 

    Yeah, I'm a dork. <_< 

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Baddar said:

    This depends on how long Universe keeps show results recorded for, I'd say.

    I guess my actual question is, beyond recording cards and results...does Universe really add anything tangible to the experience that I can't get beyond doing matches in exhibition?

    Like, do the rivalries generally become interesting, with fun cut scenes to flesh them out? Or am I just better off pretending cool stuff is happening in exhibition where I have more freedom to book cards the size I want?  

  14. Is there any real benefit in creating shows in Universe Mode over just doing it the old fashioned way using imagination and a notepad? 

    This is assuming the rivalries thing is as wonky as people claim, and that I don't care about random attributes. 

  15. Picked this up last night, and started playing this morning. Having not played a non Fire Pro wrestling game any amount since No Mercy, the learning curve is a bit steep. My biggest issue (surprise, surprise) is this God damn submission system. I understand the concept of what I need to do, but the bar doesn't move at all like it's supposed to. Or at least it doesn't seem that way to me. 

    When you need to go online to try and learn a particular gameplay system...it's a bad system. Or maybe I'm just dense.

    • Like 1
  16. 44 minutes ago, Gabriel said:

    Has anyone taken the dive into Universe yet?

    Can you have more than one PPV per month? I'd like to run current day WWE, Classic WWF, WCW, ECW and an Indies promotion, but the idea of not being able to do big events for most of them is throwing me off. I tried to edit it in Universe mode, but I added a show to Sunday and it never appeared.

    I've seen people say you can indeed have more than one PPV per month. They just can't be on the same day. 

  17. How's the mask creator in the CAW for this game? I'd like to be able to design some cool masks for custom guys, and add juniors from Japan, folks from Chikara, etc but I'm not sure if the mask creation is halfway decent or not.

  18. The creation features look really good. I haven't really played around with a WWE game since Here Comes The Pain, and don't care for their television product, but with the depth of creation for arenas and such I could see me picking this up as a nice diversion from Fire Pro R. With the variety of creation options (create a belt? Yes please!) I could find myself getting a lot of mileage out of this by making it something other than a WWE game.  

    Hopefully the gameplay isn't too tedious. I'm not a fan of all the meters and mini-games they seem to cram into these games. Just a personal preference. 

  19. The new 2.0.1 patch is a huge improvement to the base experience. I tried it out on the PTR for a bit and enjoyed it, but now it's hit the live servers and it's amazing. Really looking back it's a shame this wasn't the way the game was released originally.

    Word of warning: don't buy legendaries from the AH. They're BOA and there's currently a bug that allows them to be listed. You'll spend your gold, but never receive the item.

    • Like 1
  20. Got into the Origin beta for Titanfall yesterday morning and sunk about five hours into it during the evening. I am pretty bad at it so far, rarely getting more than like 8 pilot kills a game, and usually hovering around 3 to 5 pilot kills on average with a varying number of deaths. I have my good games, and my pretty shitty ones...which is typical for me, especially on "COD Style" fps games. The whole minion killing thing is kind of throwing me off a little since it's such a strange mechanic in an online FPS. I usually head straight for pilots and pick up the odd Grunt kills along the way.
    That being said it's a tonne of fun so far. Mostly stuck with playing Attrition (one game of Hardpoint) and it's really hitting me with that "one more game" syndrome that I've been getting less and less lately from games. The pace is lightning fast with pretty smooth movement which is really showcased well in the Angel City map. The guns that are available feel pretty good, especially the SMG I've been running with and pretty much hip firing at close to medium range. I wish there was an option to hold down right mouse to do ADS instead of it being a toggle. I really don't like toggle ADS. Maybe I missed the option somewhere though.
    The Titans feel a lot like mechs in Hawken, which is good as far as I'm concerned. My only complaint is it seems like they get dropped really fast in the matches sometimes. I know it has a lot to do with minion killing and burn cards, but having someone get their Titan within the first minute can kind of suck if he's not on your team.
  21. You'll pick up on the reversal timing. They tend to tinker with that particular mechanic every year but I always acclimate to it just fine after playing a few matches...

    Yeah, I've improved a lot since I made that post. I'll eventually need to go back and do Hogan vs Andre again so I can get the unlocks. I really struggled in that match to even win, let alone complete the required objectives. It's been considerably easier as I've gone along, so I'd say I'm improving.

    30 Years of WM continues to impress me, although a lot of it might be nostalgia. I'm almost at the Attitude Era now, I believe. Just finished Undertaker vs Diesel last night.

    Overall it's growing on me a lot. I haven't touched anything other than the 30 Years yet. Coming from AKI and Fire Pro it's taken some time to adjust, but I like the game just fine. Hard to top the production values.

  22. I just picked this up and started playing it this evening. My first WWE game since the AKI days and I'm going through some major growing pains at the moment. Trying to get the hang of the grappling system, and the game in general through the 30 Years of WrestleMania mode. I just finished Savage vs Steamboat and I really enjoy the presentation of the whole thing, it's very cool.

    Really sucking ass at reversals though. I had to drop down to Easy for Hogan vs Bundy. He was reversing all my shit, and I could barely reverse anything he was throwing at me. I'd say I need a lot more practice...

    ...or I'm just a baddie :(

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