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Posts posted by Reddaye

  1. I'm with Zero on UMD being a foolish choice for a movie format. With the trend leaning more and more to big screen HD home theater set ups UMD is pretty well useless. Very few people are interested in watching movies on a tiny screen. That's not to say everyone isn't interested...but you get my point. The fucking price is insane for a UMD as well, especially when a regular DVD movie costs less.

    So basically what you've got is the majority preference for movies on a bigger screen...and a price point that even stomps UMD. Now I wonder why the fuck nobody would want to buy them? I'd love to hear Sony's logic on that one. Although I'm sure the Sony Spin Squad will twist things around at some point.

    As far as Sony not wanting porn on their formats I can understand why. They want to distance themselves from the sex industry. Is it the smart thing to do? Hell no. Like Zero mentioned...porn drives technology. Where porn goes, people go. Seems like Sony are so full of their shit these days that they don't believe something like porn could overthrow any of their mighty products.

    But hey...I'm fairly biased on any subject involving my old buddy Sony these days.

  2. I've played around with the demo and it honestly reminds me of a 3D Contra (anyone else with me on that?). Obviously the game has it's roots planted in the 8 and 16 bit era shoot 'em ups. That's not such a bad thing since I absolutely love those types of games.

    Since you own the full game Zan I've got a question (things may have changed since the demo): How fast does your T-ENG drain? In the demo it dropped like crazy and really pissed me off. I understand it's there for you to run through and never slow down on the killing but during boss battles it's a real pain in my ass. Since you've played the demo and full version I'd like to hear what you have to say.

  3. The only DVD players I have at all are my PS2 (which is hooked up to a tv that is only used for my PS2 - its not hooked up to receive tv stations) and the one on my computer. I usually use the PS2 instead of the computer to watch DVDs (however, I only watch stuff I've burned to a CD on the computer) and I've never had a problem with it playing any type of disks that its supposed to in all the time I've had it, which is about 4 years or so.
  4. I believe on CNN.com there's a whole list of reported crimes related to the PS3. Stores being held at gun point, people being stabbed and shot. I also remember reading an article about a nine month pregnant woman who was ignoring her contractions so she could get a PS3.

    Jesus Christ some people need to get a fucking life. Waiting 36+ hours in line to get a video game console? I mean I'm a pretty big fucking game nerd, but even I have standards. The simple fact is that some people are crazy and there should have been enough units shipped to satisfy everyone (which there naturally wasn't).

    Insanity...just insanity.

  5. I agree with Zero 100%. I was one of the first to complain about Microsoft rushing their launch (honestly the system just got it's killer app about a year later with Gears). Here Sony is with an entire extra year to get their shit together and they still disappoint.

    With the Wii you've got Twilight Princess (check out the riots on sites due to Gamespot's 8.8 score...hardcore Nintendo fanatics are going nuts), Red Steel (5.5 or not it still looks good), and hell you're getting a fucking game WITH the damn system. The games themselves will even be cheaper, and if it's your thing there's always the Virtual Console.

    360 launched with Call of Duty 3, Project Gotham 3, and Perfect Dark Zero (all closest to killer apps you can get). Nothing stellar but there was at least a little something for everyone with a few stand out titles.

    PS3? All I can see is Resistance which is done by Insomniac (whom I find overrated as hell). Where the hell is DMC 4? Wasn't that supposed to be a launch title? Heavenly Sword, MGS4, Lair, all look like they'll be stellar...next year.

    Sony should have seriously waited until next year, got their shit together with more units (reliable ones at that) and a huge launch list. Go all out with the damn thing, but noooooo they'd rather sit on their hands and let the Playstation name make a few hardcore maniacs go nuts over a giant plastic turd.

    It came with Taladega Nights though...whoo.

  6. Yeah, a cheap blu-ray player that will likely crap out like the PS2's cheap DVD players usually did. Every PS2 I've ever personally encountered (from my own to the ones my friends have) either won't play DVDs at all, won't play blue bottom discs, won't play DVDs with any scratches, or just won't play anything that goes into the drive period. Mine personally won't properly play any DVD movie with even the lightest surface scratch. Wow, talk about a quality product. :thumbsdown:

    Now I'll admit 50GB of storage is all great and wonderful, it's even more great and wonderful when Sony start releasing games like Gran Turismo HD with hardly anything on the disc to begin with, instead focusing on saving the majority of the game onto the HDD (which has reportedly been filling up rather quickly).

    Aside from the Blu-Ray disc debate I thought I'd throw another little interesting tidbit in here about the damn things heating issues. Two of my buddies went in and actually got a console (they sadly didn't notice the PS3 kiosks were dead from overheating until after the purchase). Anyways, they both brought their consoles home and no more than three hours later both systems let out a beep, and turned off. They tried getting it to turn back on to no avail. Only about ten minutes ago I was talking to one on MSN and he said the system was dead.

    I understand that launch systems usually have problems (minus Nintendo) but THREE fucking HOURS?! That's insane. If I pay $800 (cost of the system + game in CDN dollars) I want the fucking thing to last me at least three fucking years. All this talk about the PS3 being a "computer" is utter bullshit. Computers can at least rid themselves of their excess heat and be left running for weeks without problems.

    Anyway I'm kind of ranting. The whole PS3 situation is sort of getting my goat. Hopefully they'll get the thing working properly in a few years when I expect there'll be enough good games to urge me to purchase.

  7. I saw those earlier and have to say the Green Globlin costume is absolute shit. He looks like Tony Hawk 2132 throwng oranges on his retarded little hoverboard. I really REALLY wish they'd of taken a bit more influence from the actual comics, or at least made him look like a goblin instead of a retarded extreme sportsman from the distant future. UGH.

    Sandman looks like Sandman...and I don't care, I'm not a Sandman fan.

    Venom is good. No crazy Violator style jaw or crazy long tongue. The raised webbing actually looks better than the pulsing veins you normally get on Venom. Looking forward to see "them" in action.

  8. <quote>And while Halo isn't something I cream my jeans over, the RTS game sounds intriguing. Shouldn't Bungee just change their name to Halo Studios though?</quote>

    Well to be fair Bungie isn't doing Halo Wars, and they're supposedly finished with the series after Halo 3.

    I'd personally like to see them move onto new things. They're obviously talented even though I'm not much of a Halo fan.

  9. Alright so most people probably know Microsoft is holding their big X06 show in Barcelona over the next few days (27th to 28th). Rumors have been flying around for a few days on things supposedly happening at the show, but since I figure they're all full of shit so I'll just get the ball rolling by throwing out the first swath of info...

    First off is the official press release from MS, this is coming in about thirty minutes before the actual show begins, and if it's any indication of what's coming during the show then...wow...

    • A landmark partnership between Academy Award-winning writer, director, and producer Peter Jackson, Academy Award-winning screenwriter Fran Walsh, and Microsoft Game Studios will create two new interactive entertainment series exclusively for Xbox 360 and Xbox Live®. The first will be a collaborative effort with Bungie Studios to co-create the next great chapter in the Halo® universe. The second will be an entirely original property targeted at bringing new audiences into the captivating world of interactive entertainment. In addition, Microsoft Game Studios will partner with Jackson and Walsh to establish Wingnut Interactive, a studio dedicated to the creation of world-class interactive entertainment.

    • Halo® Wars is an all-new real-time strategy game based on the legendary Halo universe and designed exclusively for Xbox 360 by Ensemble Studios, creators of the Age of Empires® franchise.

    • Rockstar and Take-Two will provide Xbox 360 gamers with exclusive access to two epic downloadable episodes of Grand Theft Auto IV via Xbox Live, each with hours of new gameplay content, and available only on Xbox 360 just months after the release of the title.

    • Ubisoft confirmed that the next Splinter Cell title, the installment after Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Double Agent™, will be exclusive to Xbox 360, a testament to the ability of the powerful next-gen game console to deliver experiences no other console can match.

    • 2K Games confirmed that BioShock, a first person shooter that will revolutionize the genre and forever change the expectations of gamers, will be released exclusively on Xbox 360 and Microsoft® Windows® next spring.

    • Project Gotham Racing® 4, was unveiled, the latest addition to the best-selling franchise, made exclusively for Xbox 360 by Bizarre Creations. PGR4 promises to continue the series' pedigree of innovation by introducing exciting new experiences to racing fans worldwide.

    • The beloved Banjo-Kazooie® franchise will breathe new,

    high-definition life exclusively on Xbox 360, from famed developer Rare Ltd. Beloved characters Banjo, Kazooie and Gruntilda—among other fan favorites—will new next-gen visuals and presentation as well as their sharp wit and hilarious sense of humor.

    • Microsoft Game Studios will release its highly-anticipated new MMO

    game, Marvel Universe Online for both Xbox 360 and the Windows Vista™ operating system. MUO was developed by industry luminaries Cryptic Studios, creators of the smash hits City of Heroes and City of Villains.

    • Expect two new additions to Xbox Live Arcade: The FPS that pioneered

    the network-gaming era, DOOM®, from acclaimed developer id Software and Activision, is available now on Xbox Live Marketplace. The game includes the original four-episode single-player game, four-player split screen action, both co-op and deathmatch, and four player co-op and deathmatch via Xbox Live. Coming soon to Xbox Live Arcade is Sensible World of Soccer from Codemasters. Based on a classic Amiga title from 1994, Sensible World of Soccer will let gamers choose between the original graphics or an updated, high-resolution look and feel—while still capturing the original game's wide world of football.

    • Arriving at retailers in North America, the U.K, France and Germany

    in mid-November 2006, the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player will retail for

    $199.99 in North America (estimated retail price)* and €199.99/£129.99 (estimated retail price)* in the U.K., France and Germany. The Xbox 360 HD DVD Player comes with the Universal Pictures' blockbuster film Peter Jackson's "King Kong" on HD DVD (for a limited time) and the Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote.

    credit: http://www.majornelson.com/default.aspx

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