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Posts posted by Kyle_

  1. I'm a Falcons fan, and I'm not suprised they lost. For obvious reasons.

    But the headline of the day for me was teh Madden Curse striking again. I remember when Ray Lewis was on the cover and everyone said he would break the curse, then he didn't. Aorund my area, NOBODY agreed with me and then it happened. People were saying the same about Alexander. Boom, happens.

  2. Vinny isn't that slow :shifty:

    But yeah, it's far to early to judge things this year. Teams are still getting used to each other, and I suspect by week 5 or 6 we will start to see the real teams rise, while the pretenders fall. There are always teams that start off 5-0, than completly die to end the season.

  3. The Vikings winning makes me smile, one of my favorite teams for awhile now and it's good to see that they're doing well.

    Jacksonville beat Pittsburgh? I fell asleep in the pre game and woke up just an hour ago. Holy shit, that's amazing. I wouldn't of thought that to happen in at least a few more years.

    Jacksonville are looking well, oh yes. They are.

  4. Speak got a question for you. Did you see the block in the back call on Nece when he supposedly blocked "Dunn" in the back.

    I watched a highlight reel on Buccaneers dot com. Dunn was facing towards nece and at the last second turned Nece held up and did put his hands or shoulders on Dunn.

    Tampa Bay would have had their first TD had it not been for a bullshit call. For proof I give the following.


    No I didn't. It wasn't on TV where I lived. But one call can change every game. The Falcons got called for holding sometime in the game. If they didn't get that call, it could've been a TD on the next play. Things like that can happen at anytime. Refs aren't perfect, they mess up every game. But that holding call could've been bullshit, just like that play.

    EDIT: BTW, the "no-name" Jags just beat the defending Super Bowl champion Steelers 9-0.

  5. Speak got a question for you. Did you see the block in the back call on Nece when he supposedly blocked "Dunn" in the back.

    I watched a highlight reel on Buccaneers dot com. Dunn was facing towards nece and at the last second turned Nece held up and did put his hands or shoulders on Dunn.

    Tampa Bay would have had their first TD had it not been for a bullshit call. For proof I give the following.


  6. First off, I'm a Falcons fan. Now, I know Simms sucked, but take into account that DE John Abraham was out, WR Roddy White went out in the 1st quarter after he fumbled, and that the Bucs defense was ranked near the top of the rushing defense last year, but the Falcons had 306 yards on the ground, a new team record.

    Offensive - Obviously their running game was awesome, switching off between Dunn and Vick to confuse the Bucs defense. Passing game wasn't great, but hey, Vick was 10-15 for 92 yards with a TD and a INT, and he had 127 rushing yards on 14 attempts with another TD. That's good enough for me. Dunn had another great game like last week with 21 carries for 134 yards, which I think is good because he has stepped up since TJ Duckett has been traded. Norwood had a decent game too, hell he did better than Carnell Williams. The receivers were good for the lack of passes thrown. I'm glad Lelie is getting passes thrown his way, along with White. It keeps the pressure off of Crumpler.

    Defense - It seemed that they had the Bucs offensive figured out very well. Simms started awful, but picked up with Galloway in the 2nd quarter. However, he made mistakes in the redzone, aka DeAngelo Hall 2 INTs and Jason Webster INT. The Bucs rushing game did hardly anything, with Williams getiing 37 yards with 15 carries. But then again, they were playing catch up most of the game which acoounts for the 53 pass attempts by Simms.

    The only disappoinment was the kicking, 4 missed FGs for Koenan. But this was overshadowed by the great game the Falcons had.

    EDIT: Sorry, found this and had to put it here.

    1. Baltimore def. Denver

    2. New York Giants def. Chicago


    1. McNair's broken down, Jamal Lewis is past it, the defense isn't nearly as dominant as it used to be, as has been said, they've not done enough to fix their weaknesses.

    2. Can Eli really play well under such pressure and scruity? He's not shown me much yet, and with such an overwhelming defense as Chicago has, he'd have a very hard time in that game.

  7. Injury New For ECW

    We have been notified today that ECW wrestler Tony Mamaluke was injured at a house show this week, and will be out of action for a while. Mamaluke and Little Guido are scheduled for a #1 contender's match at the next ECW show. The injury is a leg strain, but Tony will only be out for a month. No word yet on what ECW plans to do for their upcoming show.


  8. IPB Image

    Michael Cole: Welcome to Monday Night RAW everyone, and we start the show off with a bang!

    Jerry Lawler: That's right Cole, we've got The Great Force taking on Five Star Attraction for the RAW Tag Team titles!

    Cole: And here's The Great Force, being lead to the ring by Estrada.

    Estrada: Everyone listen haha, to me! My name est Armando Alejandro Essssttttraaaadaaaa! And tonight, teh Great Force will be the Tag Team Champions, haha. So bring out teh losers.

    The Great Force vs. Five Star Attraction - RAW Tag Team Title Match

    Five Star Attraction make there way to the ring. They get in the ring as the ref tells The Great Force to stay back. Estrada has a little huddle with them, but while doing so, Spanky takes his his hat, revealing his bald head as the crowd laughs. Khali lays out Spanky though when he turns around as Estrada gets his hat back. Khali destroyed Spanky move after move. He got him locked in a full nelson, picking him high off the ground. He then went near his corner and Umaga threw punches at him. The ref tried to stop them, and suddenly London flew threw the air from the opposite turnbuckle with a dropkick, knocking down everyone but the ref. Umaga got tagged in after the ref got London back in his corner. Umaga dominated Spanky also, with a couple of clotheslines and a top rope cross body. He went for the pin after that, but Spanky kicked out right before 3. Estrada and Umaga complained to the ref, giving Spanky a chance to tag. London came in the ring and threw some punches at Umaga, but the ref didn't see the tag. Spanky was forced to get back in the ring, and he was welcomed by a flying lariat from Umaga. Umaga picked him up and did the Samoan Slam! He got the 3 count as The Great Force became the new Tag Team champions.

    Winners: The Great Force

    Cole: Five Star Attraction got screwed! Everyone seen London get tagged in!

    Lawler: Everyone but the ref that is, but like it or not, we have new tag champions!

    *Camera goes backstage in the McMahon office. Vince is there with Triple H and John Cena, who are arguing over a shot at the title*

    Vince: Alright, enough! Now listen dammit, if you both want a shot at the title then you got it. But, a need a favor done. You see, since this year has started, I've had problems with Shawn Michaels. Triple H, you already know about this, and you didn't get the job done last time, which is why I didn't want you in my arena. And John, you brutally attacked my son Shane. But here's the deal, you 2 take on Shawn Michaels in a handicapped match. You win, triple threat match with the Big Show for the World title at SummerSlam. How's that sound?

    Cena: You bet. He had a few words for me a couple weeks back, so I've got no problems.

    Vince: Good. And how about you Triple H? What's more important, you friendship with HBK, or a title shot?

    Triple H: Anything for the title.

    Vince: Alright. Well, I'll let you guys get ready for your match tonight.


    Eugene vs. Gregory Helms

    Helms looks frustrated as he makes his way to the ring. He looks on as Eugene comes down the entrance ramp. He does his normal waving and thumbnail biting as Helms sighs. Helms attacks him before he gets in the ring, ripping his jacket off, throwing it on the ground, and spitting on it. He Smashes Eugene's head into the ringpost and stairs numorous times. The ref tries to stop him, but to no prevail. Helms eventually throws Eugene into the ring. He throws two chairs in the ring shortly after. He gets in and nails Eugene, with one of the chairs. The ref calls for the bell, but Helms isn't done yet. He swings the chair at Eugene repeatedly, finishing him of with a Con-Chair-To. He leaves him in the ring bloody.

    Winner: Eugene(DQ)

    Cole: What kind of sick human being is Gregory Helms? Eugene needs medical help.

    Lawler: And we have some people to help Eugene.

    *Camera cuts to backstage where Kevin Kelly stops Gregory Helms.*

    Kelly: Gregory, why did you do that? Eugene is on his way to the hospital, he will most likely need stiches in his forehead. Why?

    Helms: It's real simple. Eugene caught me on a bad day. First, last week, he annoys the hell out of me. Then, I have to face the pathetic piece of crap. I sent a message, not only to him, but that dumb shark. Speaking of him, I challenge him to a hardcore match at SummerSlam, so finally I can get that pest away from me.

    *commercial. Show comes back from commercial and Randy Orton is in the ring with a mic.*

    Orton: So, Batista wants me in a match at SummerSlam. And you worthless fans get to vote on the stipulation, between First Blood, Cage, and Hell in a Cell. Well Batista, it doesn't matter what kind of match it is, because when you get hit with the R-K-O, I Randy Orton will be the victor.

    *Batista's face shows up on the titantron.*

    Batista: Wow, you're as funny as everyone says. You beating me, ha! But that's soon to come. As for tonight, I'm glad you have your wrestling gear on, because you have a match, right now. Your opponent? Former European and Intercontinental champion, and making his return to the WWE tonight, D'Lo Brown!

    D'Lo Brown vs. Randy Orton

    D'Lo makes his way to the ring getting a huge reaction from the crowd. He gets in the ring and starts throwing punches at Orton to start the match. He's wearing his old school attire, protect vest and all. Orton tried to get the advantage, but he was distracted by the "D'Lo" chants by the crowd. It seemed he finally had Brown figured out, until Batista made his way to the ring. Orton yelled at him to come in the ring and fight, but he turned around to get the Low Down. D'Lo made his way to the top rope and hit the Frog Splash!. He covered Orton as Batista counted along with the ref 1-2-3. Batista walked to the back laughing as D'Lo celebrated.

    Winner: D'Lo Brown

    Cole: The return of D'Lo Brown. It seems Batista has the edge over Orton.

    Lawler: Have you voted yet for their match at SummerSlam? I'm going to right now on at WWE.com.

    Cole: I haven't voted yet, but what stipulation are you voting for King?

    Lawler: I can't tell you that Cole, it's secret.


    Gangrel vs. Funaki

    Funaki starts out in the ring as Gangrel makes his way to the ring. He does his old entrance with the ring of fire, blood, etc. Funaki hasn't wrestled in a long time, and it showed in this match. Gangrel dominated using many power moves. Funaki tried to use his quickness, but it wasn't enough as Ganrel hit the Implant DDT.

    Winner: Gangrel

    *Edge appears on the titantron.*

    Edge: Good job Gangrel. Wow, you beat Funaki. What a victory. I've had more trouble with drunk overweight husbands after I sleep with their wife. Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that you and those losers Boogerman and Christian will be losing at SummerSlam. I already have my partners. However, you don't need to know that yet. But at SummerSlam, I'm goning to beat you so badly, you'll wish you never came back to the WWE. See you later weirdo.

    *Gangrel looks angry at first, then just laughs as his music plays.*

    Lawler: I wish Edge would tell us who his partners are. I can't wait to find out.

    Cole: I don't know King, I think he's just bluffing.

    *A video is shown of Ron "The Truth" Killings with rap music in the background. It shows him doing various moves. At the end, text appears reading "coming soon to RAW". commercial*

    Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena & Triple H

    Cena came out first to boos. He ignored them and got in the ring waiting for the match to start. Triple H came out to a mixed reaction, he didn't look happy. HBK came out staring down HHH and saying "why?". The match starts out wit hCena in the ring. It was kind of back and forth between him HBK. Cena eventually tagged in HHH after wearing down HBK. HHH wasn'tin their long, doing only a neckbreaker and a few punches. Cean didn't seem to care too much as he was relentless. HBK started to fight back, but went for a clothesline and Cena ducked knocking down the ref. HBK tried to see if he was ok. Cena attacked him from behind. After that he took the opportunity and grabbed a chair. He laid it on the mat and f-ued HBK onto it. He then tagged HHH And tried to give him the chair but HHH wouldn't take it. HHH tagged Cena back and left the ring.Cena yelled at him to get back in the ring, but HHH shook his head no. Cena finally turned around, only to be hit with some Sweet Chin Music. The ref was moving again as he made the count, 1-2-3. Michaels looked up at HHH and said "thank you". HHH nodded and made his way to the locker room.

    Winner: Shawn Michaels

    *Camera cuts to outside of Shane McMahon's office. Big Show walks in with the belt on his shoulder.*

    Shane: Big Show, have a seat. You wanted to talk to me about something?

    Show: Yes. Since there obviously isn''t going to be a three way match between me, Cena, and Triple H, I have an idea.

    Shane: Your right. What's the idea?

    Show: Well, ECW champion Rob Van Dam has no match scheduled for SummerSlam. And as far as I know, neither do I. So I figured that I could go one on one with him in an inter-promotional match. Neither title on the line of course, but just a crowd pleaser.

    Shane: Well, I have to say that's a great idea. I have no problem with it. Now, you do have a match made for Unforgiven. Bobby Lashley won a number one contender's match a few weeks ago, so he's offically the first person to get a shot at the gold. That crap earlier with Cena and Triple H wasn't my doing, it was my fathers. The only problem is you will have to clear it with Paul Heyman. So if you're not busy tomorrow night, drop by ECW and have a talk with him.

    Show: Sounds like a plan. Well, I'll see you later.

    Shane: Yep. And hey, watch yourself tomorrow night.

    Show: I always do.

    *Camera cuts to announce table.*

    Lawler: Big Show on ECW tomorrow night? I wouldn't trust that trash on ECW.

    Cole: I hope we get to see that match at SummerSlam. It would add to an already great card. And it looks like the ladders are being brung out to ringside. Chris Masters will take on AJ Styles for the IC title in a ladder match after this commercial break!


    Chris Masters vs. AJ Styles - Intercontinental Title Ladder Match

    Styles and Masters both enter the ring. The ref grabs the belt and hooks it to the wire and it raises up. As Styles looks up, Masters knocks him down. He points to his head, telling everyone how smart he is, but when he goes to pick up AJ, he gets hit with a low blow. These two went back and forth the whole match, but couldn't seem to get the ladder in the ring without the other one stopping him. They both rolled to the outside of the ring on opposite sides. They both grabbed a ladder and looked at each other, then quickly got in the ring. They had a light saber style ladder fight. AJ's got knocked out of his hand, giving Masters the advantage. But when he swung at AJ, he missed, and got knocked down by a dropkick. AJ set one ladder up and started climbing. Masters got to his feet quickly and did the same thing with the other ladder. The ythrew punches at each other for a minute, until Masters was able to grab Styles, and suplexed him off of it. Masters went with him, and appeared to be in pain. But he got up really quick and laughed. It would've been the perfect time to go for the belt, but Masters beat up Styles with the ladder. He then set it up in the corner. He went to the outside and grabbed a table too. He set it up in close to the ladder. He got Styles in the Masterlock and held it for a couple of minutes. He eventually threw him onto the table and climbed the turnbuckle. It appeared that he was going to lay on the ladder, pushing it onto Styles threw the table. Masters flexed his muscules before trying this. When he pushed off, AJ moved, sending him on top of the ladder going threw the table. AJ climbed the other ladder set up in the ring. He was still groggy from the Masterlock, giving Masters the chance to climb the ladder too on the same side. Masters put AJ on his shoulders and tried to throw him backwards. But he couldn't do it, so he went higher. But this made the title reachable for AJ, and he grabbed it right before Masters went backwards with him! AJ Styles retains the title!

    Winner: AJ Styles

    Cole: Styles is able to keep the title! We are out of time for RAW.

    Lawler: Can anyone beat Styles?


    The Great Force beat Five Star Attraction for the RAW Tag Team Titles

    Eugene beat Gregory Helms(DQ)

    D'Lo Brown beat Randy Orton

    Gangrel beat Funaki

    Shawn Michaels beat Triple H & John Cena

    AJ Styles beat Chris Masters to retain the Intercontinental Title


    It has just been announced that the WWE has fired some of it's talent. Mr. McMahon said that quote,"Most of these wrestlers were a waste of money and roster space. However, I do wish the best of luck to all of them." But with firings, come hirings. I number of development deals listed below were signed, and a few big names are rumored to be signed also, but Vince keeps his mouth shut abot them once again.

    Active Roster Firings

    Chavo Guerrero

    CW Anderson

    Ken Kennedy

    Orlando Jordan



    OVW Firings

    Brian Myers

    Brett Matthews

    Chris Rombola

    Dice Domino

    Freakin' Deacon

    Jason Riggs

    Johnny Riggs

    Justice Smith

    Kevin Matthews

    Mason Raige



    Oleg Prudius

    Ryan Reeves

    Shad Gaspard


    Tommy Suede

    OVW Signings

    Adam Booker

    Great Muta

    Ian Knoxx

    JC Ice

    Ryan Sakoda

    Sahne Madison

  10. RAW Preview, Dreamer Update, RAW Tag Titles

    -Next week on RAW, both Triple H and John Cena will be in the house. Be prepared for some heat when these two collide with RAW GM Shane McMahon. Shawn Michaels will also be in a handicapped match, no word yet on the opponents. And the main event will be AJ Styles vs. Chris Masters in a ladder match for the Intercontinental title. Tune in to the USA Network Monday at 9/8ct.

    -The announcement made by Tommy Dreamer was a suprise to nearly everyone. He was expected to come out and announce that he would be done with wrestling, but only he and Paul Heyman knew of his last match. Vince McMahon had no problem with it, so a match was signed for Unforgiven. No word yet on who his opponent will be.

    -RAW Tag Team Champions Five Star Attraction(London & Spanky) will defend the titles against The Great Force(Khali and Umaga) at SummerSlam. This match was made after the recent success of The Great Force.

    -Former Tag Team Champion Joey Mercury was released today by the WWE. He was saod to have not been happy with the way things were going for him, so he decided to part ways with the WWE. Vince McMahon had a rather interesting comment. "Don't expect Mercury to be the only firing, they're will be more to come."


  11. IPB Image

    Joey Styles: Welcome everybody to ECW TV! I'm Joey Styles with my friend Tazz at my side.What a night Vengeance was, RVD retained the title, the Sandman returned to beat former TV champion CM Punk, and Steve Austin beat the Coach!

    Tazz: It looked like Coach needed a coach, a wrestling coach that is.

    Styles: We are kicking off ECW with a special message from Tommy Dreamer.

    *Dreamer comes to the ring dressed in street clothes and a mic. He gets in the ring.*

    Dreamer: I'm goning to get straight to the point, I'm retiring from wrestling. My back has bothered me for a long time, and it's time for me to stop before I end up in a wheelchair. I know that my family nor any of you want to see me that way. Now don't worry, I will continue to work for the WWE in ECW as a trainer and road agent. I thank you all for the cheers and support throughtout the years. Thank you. Oh, and one more thing. I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone for at Unforgiven. I know that it's about two months away, but I think I can fight in just one more match.

    Tazz: Sad to see stop wrestling, but it's probably the right thing to do.

    Styles: What I'm wondering is who will be his opponent?

    Tazz: I have no idea, but do we have a great match to start out ECW tonight.

    Styles: As always. Chris Benoit will take on Rhino.

    Chris Benoit vs. Rhino

    Benoit seemed upset about losing to Jericho and Angle last week. And Rhino has no win on ECW, building his frustration even more than he is normally. Benoit was on top of Rhin othe whole match. Rhino wasn't able to much to Benoit. The match ended when Rhino went for the Gore and Benoit moved, making Rhino run into the ringpost, he turned around into the Crossface. Rhino reached for the ropes, but couldn't get them, so he was forced to tap.

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    *commercial. After commercial, the screen shows Little Guido backstage talking with someone.*

    Guido: You ready for your debut tonight, eh? Vito won't know what hit him. You're gonna take him down Tony.

    Tony Mamaluke: Your damn right. He's going down, no question.

    Guido: Yeah, no worries. Forgetaboutit.

    *The two laugh as the screen goes back to ringside*

    Styles: And it appears that former ECW wrestler Tony Mamaluke has now been signed to the new ECW brand.

    Tazz: I love that, "Forgetaboutit".

    Styles: And it's now time for the ECW Tag Team title match!

    The Mexicools vs. Cash Flow - ECW Tag Team Title Match

    Mexicools come out ready to win the titles. Cash Flow is the teaming of Kid Kash and EZ Money. They had a match, but they weren't able to communictae very well. And the same went for this match. They eithre tagged themselves in the whole match, or refused to be tagged into the ring. It seemed that they were going to win with EZ Money's Money Clip finisher, but Kash tagged himself in after the move was pulled off. They argued in the corner, giving Psicosis a chance to tag in Super Crazy, who turned around Kash, and hit the Crazy Bomb to pick up the win. The Mexicools celebrate as EZ walks back to the locker room leaving Kash laying on the mat.

    Winners: The Mexicools

    Styles: The Mexicools are the ECW tag team champs!

    Tazz: Nice win for them, but what's going on in the ring?

    Styles: I don't know, but they are setting stuff up. Those things look familiar. Oh no, you don't think?

    Tazz: Yep, looks like Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel.

    *Y2J comes out struting to the ring. He gets in the ring and takes a seat and grabs a mic.*

    Jericho: Welcome everyone, to the Highlight Reel! I am Y2J, Chris Jericho. And on tonight's show, I have a challenge for someone. You see, In my triple threat match last week here on ECW TV, I didn't lose. Kurt Angle pinned Chris Benoit, not me. Here, I'll show you on the Jeritron 3000.

    *The Jeritron shows the footage from last weeks show.*

    Jericho: So, without further a-do, I bring you my guest Kurt Angle!

    *Kurt comes down to the ring looking frustrated. He gets in the ring.*

    Kurt: Listen Y2Jack-off, I won that match last week whether I pinned you or not. I won, you and Benoit lost, I showed I was the best wrestler. If you were good enough, you would've broke the pin I had on Benoit. That's it, the end.

    Jericho: Not exactly. You see, you used to do the "Angle Invitational" a while back, and this is sort of like that. Only I'm challenging one person, you! So if you don't want to accept, fine. It will just prove you want no part of Chris Jericho in the ring.

    Kurt: You know what Jericho, I accept your challenge, but not for tonight. But at SummerSlam, I will break your ankle in two!

    Tazz: The first ECW match signed for SummerSlam!

    Styles: And it will be a great one I'm sure.


    Styles: We're back and it's time for the debut match for Tony Mamaluke.

    Vito vs. Tony Mamaluke

    Tony comes out with Little Guido. Vito does not look happy as he makes his way to the ring. He turns his back for a second and Tony starts throwing punches at him. Tony was good in his return to ECW. Vito, not s omuch. He botched a couple of moves and didn't sell very well. However, he did do a piledriver off the second rope. After that, Vito went for the pin, 1, 2, Guido pulled him out of the ring! He chased down Giudo as he ran away. He finally got ahold of him, but Tony did a baseball slide to Vito. Guido throws Vito in the ring, and Tony locks in the Sicilian Stretch, and Vito taps out.

    Winner: Tony Mamaluke

    Styles: And Tony wins in his debut with some help of Little Guido.

    Tazz: Looks like the FBI is offically back, and without Vito.

    *Camera goes backstage to Paul Heyman's office. Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho are there aswell.*

    Heyman: This is a contract for a match between you two at SummerSlam. Now all I need is for you two to sign it. Plain and simple, just sign your name here. Oh, and the winner of this match gets a shot at the ECW Heavyweight title.

    Kurt: Consider it mine, there's my signature, I'm getting the hell out of here.

    Jericho: Christopher, Jericho, the sexy beast.

    *Jericho and Kurt walk out.*

    Heyman: My God, he actually signed it like that.....


    Styles: Welcome back ,and we now have a match between CM Punk and Tazz's best friend, Devon Storm.

    Tazz: Pfft, best friend.....

    Devon Storm vs. CM Punk

    Punk looks beat up from his match against The Sandman at Vengeance. Storm on the othe hand, looks ready to go as he is undefeated in ECW. And it looked like he plans to stay undefeated. Punk tried to out-quick Storm, but it wasn't enough in this match. Storm threw a table in the ring and set it up. Punk, however, snuck out of the ring and grabbed a table of his own. Punk knocks Storm onto the table with a dropkick. He goes to the top rope and tries for a splash, but Storm moves. He the ngets up and throws Punk onto the other table. He goes to the top and does a moonsault threw the table. He gets the 3 count.

    Winner: Devon Storm

    Styles: Storm dismantles yet another ECW wrestler. It looks like he staring you down again.

    Tazz: ........

    *Storm grabs a mic*

    Storm: Listen here Tazz, ever since I got here, you've been mouthing off ever chance you get to me. I think it's about time to back it up don't you think? Get your ass down here now, so I can teach you not to mess with Devon Storm!

    *Tazz gets up, takes off his glasses and headset, walks up to the apron, then points to the sky. The lights go out momentarily. When they come back on, Sabu is in the ring! He nails Storm with a chair, then points to the sky. He goes to the top rope, Arabian Facebuster! He points to the sky again as his music plays.*

    Tazz: Well, that's taken care of.

    Styles: Sending Sabu to do your dirty work?

    Tazz: Hey, I'm in no shape to get in that ring and wrestle. I figured Sabu would have no problem with this. But anyways, we'll be right back after these commercial breaks.

    *commercial. After commercials, screen shows RVD at the door of Rey Mysterio's locker room. He knocks and Rey answers.*

    RVD: I hope you know realize that I had nothing to do with the attack on you.

    Rey: Don't worry, I know it wasn't you. However, I will find out who did this, and they will pay.

    RVD: Alright cool.

    *They shake hands and screen goes back to the ring.*

    Styles: The Sandman won the ECW TV title at Vengeance two nights ago, and a youngster in ECW who has had success here has challenged him to a match, Jamie Noble.

    Tazz: And if he wins, he gets a shot at the title!

    The Sandman vs. Jamie Noble

    The Sandman looks to beat a beating on Noble. Noble looks ready for this match, he brought a trash can to ringside. Sandman went right at Noble with swings of his kendo stick, but Noble dodged all of them. Sandman eventually knocked him down with a clothesline. They went back and forth the whole match, using various weapons at ringside or handed to them by the crowd. Sandman was able to nail Noble with a trash can. He then set up a table. He pulled something out from under the ring, a can of gasoline. He doused the table with it then pulled a lighter out of his pocket. He was about ready to light it when Noble came from behind and bulldogged Sandman through the table. He went for the pin, 1, 2, 3! Jamie Noble gets the win!

    Winner: Jamie Noble

    Styles: Noble pulls off the upset! What a victory!

    Tazz: Sandman can't believe it! He is pissed!

    Styles: What will happen next week on ECW TV? Tune in to find out!


    Chris Benoit beat Rhino

    The Mexicools beat Cash Money for the ECW Tag Team Titles

    Tony Mamaluke beat Vito

    Devon Storm beat CM Punk

    Jamie Noble beat The Sandman

  12. Workers Barred From Ringside, Possible Trades, Tommy Dreamer....

    Here is some recent news from the WWE:

    - Triple H has not been on RAW the last two weeks, and it was found out that Vince McMahon barred him from an arena at any WWE. Many say that Vince is still upset about HHH not taking out Shawn Michaels when he was ordered too. John Cena was also barred from the arena last night on RAW by RAW GM Shane McMahon. This is probably because of the recent attack on Shane two weeks ago. Expect both of these superstars to be back next week on RAW.

    - It is rumored that RAW and ECW may be trading wrestlers in the next few weeks. No word on who the wrestlers will be yet.

    - A lot of fans have been asking about the whereabouts of former ECW wrestler Tommy Dreamer. He originally intended to wrestle for ECW, but it appears his back problems have got the best of him. He has decided to quit wrestling. However, he is still employed by the WWE as a road agent.


  13. IPB Image

    Michael Cole: Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw here on the USA Network! What a night we had at Vengeance. All 3 RAW titles are vacant no more.

    Jerry Lawler: It's just too bad I wasn't there, you had to deal with that weasel Joey Styles, I feel sorry for you. I heard the reason I couldn't come was because Tazz was scared of me and didn't want to be in the same arena.

    Cole: Well, I never heard that.

    *Big Show's music plays and out walks the new World Champion. He gets in the ring and does the hand raise thing, only now he has a belt in his hand. He grabs a mic.*

    Show: Tonight, I celebrate winning the World Title.

    *Crowd chants "Big Show"*

    Show: I'm just so happy to have had the opportunity to win this, it just feels so great to be World Champion once again. It's been so long, but finally, I'm the champ again. So let's get this party started!

    *Confetti drops. Everyone continues to chant "Big Show". After about a minute the celebration is interrupted by AJ Styles music. He comes out with the IC belt, polishing it with his hand. He has a mic.*

    AJ: Congratulations Big Show on your victory. Now I don't mean to interrupt, but I thoguht you should know that the REAL champion on RAW, is staring you right in the face. Your title may be worth more, but everyone in this arena knows that I could take that title from you just like that.

    Show: Listen up boy. I think maybe you just pull your head out of your ass, and listen to this crowd. They'll let you know who the better man is.

    *Crowds chants "Big Show" again.*

    AJ: You know what, it doesn't matter what these mindless fans think. I'll prove tonight who's the better man when I beat you one and one, that is if you're ready to face me, the Phenominal AJ Styles.

    Show: Sounds easy. Sure I'll accept your challenge.

    Cole: What a main event we have tonight. But what is AJ Styles thinking taking on the Big Show?

    Lawler: I think he's way in over his head. He's in for a reality check tonight.


    Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero

    Masters makes his return to TV in this match. He got a lot of "steriod" chants. Chavo has been out of action lately, as he is still diappointed about not having gold. The winner of this match gets a shot at the IC title next week on RAW. Masters showed a lot of technical skill in this match with a variety of submissions. Chavo used his speed to his advantage, being on step ahead of Masters, that is until he went for a clothesline and Masters ducked, grabbed him, and locked in the Masterlock to get the win.

    Winner: Chris Masters

    Cole: Masters is back and shows that he wants that IC title.

    Lawler: But Carlito is coming to the ring with a mic.

    Carlito: So, Chris Masters, you think that you're the man just because you beat Chavo? And now you are the #1 contender for the IC title? That is why you're not cool. You see, Carlito lost to AJ Styles last night at Vengeance in a brutal ladder match, a match you would never win.

    Masters: Hold it right there. You're saying that I can't win a ladder match. Well it looks like I'm gonna prove you wrong when I am crowned the IC Champion next week on RAW, in a ladder match!

    Cole: I don't think that Masters can just make the kind of match he wants!

    Lawler: We'll have to wait until next week to find out. We'll be right back after this commercial break.


    Cole: Welcome back everyone and we are getting right into our next match. Goldust and Snitsky are taking on Umaga & The Great Khali, who have called themselves "The Great Force".

    Lawler: And the winner of this match gets a shot at the tag team titles next week on RAW!

    The Great Force w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada vs. Goldust & Snitsky

    Umaga and Goldust start off the match. Normally we would see Umaga crush someone, but Goldust's weird ways have changed the way Umaga wrestles. He keeps looking at Estrada confused. Estrada tells him to attack, but the blowing and kisses and such must have thrown him off. Eventually, we see Snitsky and Khali square off, which is what the crowd was waiting for. They trade blows, but Khali's size overpowers Snitsky. He finishes the match with the Giant Bomb. Umaga attacks Goldust when he tries to help Snitsky, then does the Butt Bumb in the corner.

    Winners: The Great Force

    Estrada: Everyone listen haha, to me. My name est Armando Alejandro Esssttttrradddaaa! And with my Samoan bulldozer and my Indian giant, we will take teh tag team titles next week on RAW, haha.

    Lawler: He's right, they won the rights to the match next week. I'm calling this one right now, the Great Force wins.

    Cole: But remember, Spanky & London already beat the Great Force to go on to win in the finals in the tag team tournament.

    Lawler: And it looks like the Lengend Killer Randy Orton is making his way to the ring with a mic.

    Cole: I'm sure he's upset about not winning the title at Vengeance, but I bet Batista is even more upset as Orton cost him the match.

    Orton: So, last night, I was the first one eliminated in the 4-way elimination match for the title, but I took Batista down with me. No one wants to see his pathetic ass with the title. If you can remember, last year when I tore my quad and was out for 4 months thanks to Batista, I promised to get my revenge. And I did last night. But it's not over yet. I am challenging Batista right now to a match at SummerSlam. Any kind of match he wants. I don't care if it's a cage, TLC, street fight, whatever he wants, I'll beat him.

    *Batista comes out with a bandage on his head and a mic.*

    Batista: Well you know what Orton, I will accept your challenge, that's for damn sure. As for the stipulation, I'll let the fans decide that. You see, that's what I wrestle for, the fans. I'll do what they want. So get to voting folks, you can choose between one of these 3 matches. Cage, First Blood, or HELL IN A CELL!!!

    Cole: Orton got what he wanted, but neither competitor will know what type of match it will be until SummerSlam.

    Lawler: It's hard to prepare for something like that.


    Cole: We're back and we have Fit Finaly taking on Gregory Helms.

    Lawler: Helms has had trouble with Shark Boy in the last few weeks.

    Fit Finaly vs. Gregory Helms

    Helms looks distracted and off the whole match. The crowd chanted "Hurricane" throughout which gave Finaly the advantage. Even with that, it appeared that Helms was goning to hit the Vetrabreaker, but dropped Finaly when he seen Sharky coming down the entrance ramp. This distracted Helms enough that Finaly grabbed him and hit the Emerard Fusion to get the win.

    Winner: Fit Finaly

    Lawler: Shark Boy cost Helms the match again!

    Cole: Helms it not happy at all. It was said that he would be in the IC title picture, but not after this loss.

    *Camera goes backstage to Joey Matthews who's with Helms*

    Matthews: I'm here with Gregory Helms who just lost to Fit Finaly, who is now in the picture for the IC title and....

    Helms: Let me tell so something, whatever your name is. I got screwed in that last match, and everyone knows it. I was going to go from Cruiserweight champ, to IC champ, but that stupid shark had to poke his nose in my business again. I'm tired of him, so that why at SummerSlam I...

    ???: Hey, you l-look familiar.

    Matthews: Well folks, it looks like Eugene has showed up here.

    Eugene: Hi J-Joey! But this guy looks like that one s-super hero. The one with the green hair. The Hurricane! Yay, it's the Hurricane!

    Helms: I can't take this anymore!

    *Helms walks away. commercial*

    Cole: Johnny Nitro is taking on Orlando Jordan right now.

    Johnny Nitro vs. Orlando Jordan

    Nitro seemed determined to prove some kind of point. Jordan did basically nothing the whole match, while Nitro did all of his speedy/high-flying moves. Nitro made fun of Jordan the whole time, and flipped off the crowd a few times. He ended it with a standing shooting star press.

    Winner: Johnny Nitro

    Cole: Nitro picks up the win and, what this? Edge is coming down to the ring!

    Lawler: And he has a chair! He has to be mad about what happened last night at Vengeance!

    *Edge detroys Nitro and Jordan, clearing the ring.*

    Edge: Last night at Vengeance, Chritian screwed me in that match with he freak buddies. Turns out him, Boogeyman, and that weirdo Ganrgel have re-formed the Brood.

    *crowd cheers*

    Edge: Oh, don't cheer those blood-drinking freaks. They think that they can attack me 3 on 1? Well, I'll find a couple of people, and we'll get rid off the Brood for good at SummerSlam.

    Cole: Edge is not happy one bit.

    Lawler: Looks like another match scheduled for SummerSlam.


    Cole: Welcome back ladies and geantlemen, it's time for our main event!

    Lawler: It's champion vs. champion

    AJ Styles vs. Big Show

    Show looks a little upset about Styles interrupting his celebration earlier that night. Styles doesn't seem to care. It took Styles a while to take down Show. He is much faster, but not nearly as strong. Styles tried to do a cross body off the top rope, but Show caught him and bodyslammed him. Show had some vicious chops, Styles' chest was almost bleeding. Styles was able to catch a break after the ref was knocked down. He set up a table outside, getting show to leave the ring. Styles quickly got back in the ring and did a baseball slide to Show, knocking him onto the table. He looked at the crowd and jumped on the top rope, and did a shooting star press through the table! He got up and said "beat that ECW!" He then threw Show into the ring and got the three count!

    Winner: AJ Styles

    Cole: Styles wins, what an upset!

    Lawler: He had to use a table to do it, but the ref didn't see it.

    Cole: What's going to happen next week when Styles takes on Master's in a ladder match? And what will the Big Show do?

    Lawler: Only one way to find out, tune into RAW next week on USA!


    Chris Masters beat Chavo Guerrero

    The Great Force beat Snitsky & Goldust

    Fit Finaly beat Gregory Helms

    Johnny Nitro beat Orlando Jordan

    AJ Styles beat Big Show

  14. My favorite episode is when Token gets Will Smith and his family to move in, and then all the famous rich black people to come to town. Then the townspeople do all these racists things to get rid of them, but only Garrison is doing it with any malicious or racist thought involved. It's so funny.

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