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The Sultan of Swank

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Posts posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. haha, you seriously gotta calm down there Clawson... I'd like to think I've managed to become a much better hockey fan in the offseason... maybe you should cool it and recognize that I'm allowed to agree with the refs and common sense that it was a dirty hit, you disagree, don't pull a Be cause we disagree and cause I'm a Habs fan. It's not very becomming.

    Anyone think there's any legs to Quebec getting their team back. I'd love for it to happen, and with the announcement of a new 400 Million dollar arena it is very encouraging. I also believe that Quebec would have a far better chance than Hamilton could ever hope for because it's not between two markets and the new arena is on its way, but still... I just don't see it happening.

  2. It's really great to get that monkey off our back. It was a game that Montreal absolutely DOMINATED end to end. Kovalchuk was invisible, our top like took like 19 shots on net, but we ran into an absolute stud in nets. That Pavelec was pretty amazing. Excellent game all around, and way to go Lapierre and Gomez. Gomez took a dirty, dirty, dirty fucking hit, you'd have thought Grabovsky threw it, it was so bad. Gomez came up swinging and made that asshole pay though, and then he scores in the shootout as well. Atlanta got Halak Attack'd and the Bell Centre faithful get their first win on home ice. A good night... now all I gotta do is kill 5 more hours on the megabus back to Montreal and then work at 7.

  3. What? That doesn't even make sense...

    Montreal plays their first home game of the season tonight and I'll be on the road to Toronto of all places. I don't expect the fan 590 to be broadcasting the game haha.

    Montreal needs to go 3-2-1 or better on this homestand otherwise it'll be time to hit the panic button and fire Bobbo, burn the Bell Centre to the ground and burn a effigy of Hal Gill.

  4. Easily possible? You guys were 12 points out last season, the East got so much better this season. It's an insult to Tampa, Florida, Montreal, the Rangers, Carolina, Buffalo and possibly Ottawa to say something like that. All these teams with the exception maybe of Montreal and Buffalo got much better in the off-season. Buffalo is just a very close team which could easily surprise and Montreal will challenge either way for 7-11th in the East. A low seed spot is not guarenteed, nor easily possible for a bunch of teams that were better than the Leafs last year, and are still better this year. Toronto got better, but 12 points is a lot to make up, especially when a lot of other teams are going to be making up a lot of points as well. The only teams in the East that I would guarentee are the top 4... maybe 5 with Boston, Washington, Pittsburgh, Philly and maybe the Devils or Rangers?

  5. Toronto. Please stop giving Boston an amazing pick in the draft.... they're already better than the rest of us...

    Also, Interesting stat. Chicago and Montreal now both with the largest comebacks etc etc. Cristobal Huet was in nets replacing Carey Price when the Habs did it in 07-08. Tonight he started the game in which Chicago came back. Pretty interesting footnote to history to me.

  6. Right so,

    I'm picking up a second job so I have lots of cash on me when I run off to Uni in January. Unfortunately that means 3 nights a week I'm working 12 hour shifts as a security guard. The plus is there's only 1 entrance to the place and I've been told that I can do whatever I want so long as I stay awake. So I'm bringing my trusty lappy with me to help pass the time.

    What are some excellent games at passing time? Something either wildly addictive or a good interesting time sink?


  7. Agreed Drifter. I felt that the first goal, while the D could have been better, it wasn't a laser shot, and it seemed that it just eluded Price.... surprise, surprise to the high glove side. He does everything else so goddamned well, but when he's a bit off, it's a glaring weakness.

  8. No. Carey Price wildly out played Vesa Toskala. He earned his win.

    In the case of Montreal v. Edmonton. This was the game where we missed Markov. There were 2 chances that turned into goals, these chances likely would have been broken up if Markov was on the ice. The pluses from this game were that even down 3-0 Montreal was pushing incredibly hard against Edmonton, it was also good that we out-shot Edmonton 35-17, with a good number of shots coming in close.

    I really like our team.... but I would like it a whole lot better if we won some more games hahaha. I'm gonna say in due time, but if we're on the bubble this year come April.... I won't forget these games.

  9. Carey Price punched a hole in the visitors locker room and the Habs got bag skated for 20 min yesterday. They better come out flying against Edmonton if they wan't to prove the critics wrong that they're not just more of the same.

    I honestly believe we're a better team, if you look at the way Gionta, Gomez and Cammy play together, it's unbelievable. Pleks has been an absolute warrior, but his linemates haven't been doing much, which yes, is an issue. The Lapierre, Moen, Lats line is just awesome. So much forechecking, so much heart and they've potted 3 or 4 goals already. Our 4th line, is great up front, but needs to work on their in zone defense, but I still feel that the players we brought in, are by and large upgrades on who left. The only thing we can't replace with 1 player is Komisarek's shot blocking, but I feel that had Markov not gone down, it would have been a non-factor. Then again, pull the best player off any team and they're going to hurt.

  10. Whooo Wee. We Stunk last night.

    Obviously any time your team goes down 7-2 it's an embarassment, but I'm not overly concerned at the loss.

    Vancouver was 0-3 to start the season and were looking for a huge game.

    I believe I predicted a blowout against us on the west coast due to the fact that it's going to take 5-10 games for this team to really start to gell together.

    No Markov and the D has been struggling without him. We signed M.A. Bergeron which is good, and O'Byrne will be back soon enough, both add lots of stability.

    Also, even when we won the East, Montreal takes a spanking in Vancouver every year for the last 5 or 6 years.

    Now, depending on how we respond on Edmonton will determine my pushing of the panic button or not.

    And, Ryan Kessler. Amazing.

  11. Hahaha. It should be fun though. Price in front of his "hometown" team (Price grew up hours outside of Vancouver). Luongo against his hometown team. I really... really want a win tonight. I feel that no offence to Edmonton, but beating Vancouver would probably have a much better effect on morale and the perception of the team than beating the Oilers. I fucking hate these west coast start times though. Seriously, be more considerate to the East coast.

  12. Montreal got a taste of their own medicine last night. They ran into quite the hot goalie. Montreal played well in the first, sucked in the second and dominated the third with a 15-4 shot advantage. The big difference was that Kipper was way better than Halak. At least 2 of Calgary's goals Halak should have saved and Price would have saved.

    This is a loss that I'm sure myself and most Habs fans are happy with... I'll let the Gazette staff writers explain:

    A whole lot of fans are happier about this loss than they were about the two preceding wins.

    In their best game of the young season, the Canadiens played their hearts out on the road against a Stanley Cup contender.

    They outshot Calgary 30-28 – including a 15-5 third-period advantage, with the game on the line.

    They outhit a fiercely physical team 16-14.

    They committed five giveaways, to 10 for Calgary, and were 27-21 on faceoffs.

    The Canadiens played the Flames even in the first period, sucked in the second and dominated the third.

    Why did the home team win?

    Because Calgary's fourth line was better ... as was their goaltender.

    Onto Vancouver tonight, where an effort like last night should translate into a win.

  13. Gorges was pretty much a steal as far as I'm concerned. We picked him up when we traded Rivet to SJ. We also got a 1st (Max Pac) out of the deal. At the time, Gainey was panned pretty universally for the deal, but Gorges has turned out to be a really solid D Man and he's still only 22 or 23.

  14. I find that White is like Gorges, but a little older and a little more developed in his game. Both players are somewhat unseen on the ice most of the game. Not because they're floating around like Dany Heatley, but because they do everything right. They rarely make mistakes, they eat minutes and know that the best thing for the team is hard work, smart plays and more hard work.

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