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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Gustavsson signs with the Leafs. Time to see how he does in the NHL. 1 year 900,000
  2. leafs being investigated for tampering per the fan 590.
  3. If they don't keep Kaberle, the Lwafs officially have a D which can compete, battle and shut down top players, which they haven't had in years so that's excellent for them as they hemmoraged goals last year. Kaberle can be traded for offense now. The leafs have their d now, there's no threat of them scoring but it looks like they'll be battling it out in a lot of 2-1 and 3-2 games. Without any real scoring threat they might lose a bunch of them but there's still 3 months till more hockey and obviously fixing the d was priority number one. Bob needs to go? Maybe... I think we did do good to upgrade offensively, sort of. We replaced outgoing players with better players but I just feel like were not going to be much better next year. Our d will be fine without Komi as we got Spacek Gill and also Weber and Subban coming up. so this year it'll be depth on d. I just feel like the other teams in the East got more better than us. Ottawa has Kovy, Toronto won't give up 5 goals a game this year, Pronger is here... We've got a whole new team, by game 82 either We finish highband Bob is a Genius or it's a spectacular failure and we made only sideways progress.
  4. If every Montreal born player wanted to play for the Habs we'd have Brodeur and Lupngo in nets and Vinny as our captain haha. So about 1,000 people went down to the Bell center yesterday to demonstrate and let Bob know they want Kovy back while the papers are filling page 1 with peoples stories about what Koivu means to them... I'm sad
  5. Hockeybuzz just suggested Koivu wants to stay a Hab... Why must they toy with me like this...
  6. Sean, I work out in Hamilton nowadays, and when we checked online and saw this signing the whole of the lab I work in just broke down. It was class. I don't understand though, was it because he's from the Toronto area that made everyone decide he would sign in Toronto? I'm legitimately curious because I couldn't figure out why Leafs fans thought he would belong to them at the end of next year.
  7. I do remind you that it will remain to be seen if Komisarek is back to normal nezt season as he was a non factor for most of the season after Lucic made the Komisarus extinct.
  8. Gabriel, Toronto had to sign Grabs 1) because yes he scores 20 goals and has the potential for 30. Also because he's one of the Leafs only offensive options at the moment. Clawson, Gionta also has a 48 goal season under his belt and is a consistent scorer. While obviously Bob overpaid at least there's a track record with Gionta. Grabovski played first line minutes all season and I just worry that if Toronto looks to sign someone that Grabs contract is used as a precident and it somewhat handcuffs their negociating ability. If I'm a player who's put up 25 goals and 55 assists for 3 years now, and Toronto comes knocking, I'm thinking well if he got 3 per year why can't I get 5?
  9. Grabovski will never be a 50 goal guy... Wow... I think the contract might be a bit much for a guy who had a productive season last year but was no where to be found in the second half. At 2.9 it won't hurt obviously but for a guy who has 23 goals in 105 career games, I worry it might be a contract that gets in the way when Toronto fills out their roster and needs an extra mil or whatever. Either way Toronto needs him and it's good that they keep him.
  10. Grabovski will never be a 50 goal guy... Wow... I think the contract might be a bit much for a guy who had a productive season last year but was no where to be found in the second half. At 2.9 it won't hurt obviously but for a guy who has 23 goals in 105 career games, I worry it might be a contract that gets in the way when Toronto fills out their roster and needs an extra mil or whatever. Either way Toronto needs him and it's good that they keep him.
  11. I like what Bob picked up. It doesn't address the size issue up front but we did acquire a lot of skill. I'm angry that Komisarek went to the Leafs but with the kind of leadership he brings I think this decision was made because he wanted to be the number 1 guy on the back end and Toronto fits that bill for him. Now he's the go to guy and Burke can build a back end with him as the anchor. I like picking up Spacek, I'm not sure about Gill mostly because I remember him as a pylon from his days in Toronto. Our back end I think will be much better this year with Markov being one of the best puck movers in the East, Spacek gives us a number 2 points guy on the point while Hamrlik, Gorges and Gill can play shut down. We'll likely see the emergence of Weber and Subban as well. I think were stronger on the back this year than last. Up front I'm going to wait and see on Gomez. I'm thrilled about the smart move to bring in Gionta to plY with him, plus he's a great scorer. Cammelari I'm happy about but I know he played with iggy last year so well have to see what he can do playing with lesser guys. I think that while we didn't address size we did upgrade on skill. That being said I'd love it if we could keep Tanguay and maybe Kovy as it would give up 2 excellent forward lines. I'm devistated that Koivu is leaving. I understand that while he's the heart of the team, he's also represented the failuresnof the club over the last 15 years, but it's going to kill me to see him in another teams jersey. I suppose thatbthe team needed a major shake up but no one means more to the team or the fans... Also I believe it's safe to suggest that the trash that is grabovski will not be the most loudly booed player at the Bell when the Leafs visit this year.
  12. TSN says that Boston has offered Phil Kessell for Kaberle and toronto's 1st pick. Is Kessell a RFA? Cause if not, that's a pretty sweet deal for the leafs.
  13. Yeah they still had a 20% share in the team when Gilette was owner. The Moldons are the best possible local ownership group for the team. They're not going to push for making the team French and they understand what the team means to the city so I'm happy. Gilette was a great owner and selling to the molsons instead of Quebecor who were planning on making a leafs tv type ppv for hockey plus gaying up the team with mostly Francos was one of his best decisions. He also made off like a bandit buying the team for 225 and selling for almost 600.
  14. I think Martin is the right guy at the right time for the Habs so there's nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Pittsburgh look lost. They get the zone, get a single chance, and then Detroit is all over the puck and already on a 2 on 1 or 3 on 2. Zetterberg is a colossus and Detroit has deserved both wins quite decisively. Crosby and Malkin need a veteran on that team to show them class, pride and sportsmanship... They look pike whiney 12 year olds on the ice. Jacques Martin is the Habs new head coach. I'm pleased.
  16. I'm living in the Hamilton area now and I find that while they love the Leafs, there's a lot of resentment at the price and inaccessibility of the tickets. The Leafs could be the worst team in the league for 10 years in a row and they'll still sell out. I mean yes I'm sure there's plenty of people who get tickets in and around Hamilton, but from what almost everyone in the lab I work in feel is that if there were a team in Hamilton, they'd go to see them because it gives them a real hometown team (Toronto's about an hour away for those unsure), it'd hopefully be cheaper than the Leafs, they wouldn't have to try to brave the traffic to get to Toronto for 7pm and it's nigh impossible to get Leafs tickets anyways considering that most of the tickets belong to companies, and the rest have been in the same family for 75 years and they'll keep getting passed down, so a lot diehard Leafs or even just hockey fans are stuck paying well over 100 bucks a ticket to sit in the nosebleeds or just not going. I'd be more concerned if I were Buffalo than Toronto. Toronto has and always will be a money making machine, with or without a team in Hamilton.
  17. I'm going to have to disagree if only for the fact that Detroit has the same team as last year but now with Hossa. They've got more Stanley Cup rings in that room than probably any other team, they're deeper than any other team through all 4 lines. Their only weakness could be in goal, but Osgood has been good enough when he's had to be but the Wings defense and awesome 2 way forwards make his job far easier. To me, the Wings are lightning fast, deep as the ocean, disciplined and have more experience than any other team. Pittsburgh's got the experience from last year, but really when you look at the veterans on both team, when you look at the top players on both teams, when you look at who both teams rely on. It's just impossible to stop Detroit. If it comes to Wings/Pens... maybe the Pens stick around a game longer than last season, but when compared to Detroit they just don't stack up.
  18. I really don't want to see Detroit/Pens again, because I think it'll be somewhat boring. I mean the quality of hockey will be top notch, but its a movie we already know the ending to. The only way that changes is if Chicago miraculously closes the 2-0 gap and wins the series because I don't see Pittsburgh or Carolina as much more than a speed bump in Detroit's inevitable 12th Stanley Cup.
  19. Way to go Chicago! My 2nd team is really showing up, I love it. My dream final right now would be Washington vs Chicago. Game 6 in the Boston series should be great. Naturally I want Carolina to win cause they took out Jersey, and could take out the Bruins, but I'm curious to see how everything goes down. I don't think there would be half as much hoopla bout Ward if he hadn't gone down like a house of cards. If he got hit, and then fought back or whatever.... I didn't see the whole play, but it seemed dirty as shit.
  20. No Markov, no Schneider, no Bouillon, no Tanguay and. no Lang... I wasn't expecting the Habs to win and they'll likely get swept Wednesday on account of missing their top dfensive pairing and our best set up man... To be honest I'm proud of the way the Habs played tonight. With a bunch of scrubs on d and a few scrubs up front they were a team decimated by injury, but they took Boston, the best team in the east and pushed then to the wall tonight. This effort makes up for game 2. With half a team we scared the shit out of Boston for two periods. If Bob can keep the core of this team intact we're gonna have a great year next season. It was an excellent hockey game and I hope however many games are left in this series are as emotional and exciting to watch. Monster efforts from Koivu, Kovalev, Lapierre, O'Byrne and Price, who played like a number one guy. On the other side hats off to Kessel, Bergeron and Chara. Montreal failed on the powerplay tonight mostly due to the fact that Markov and Schneider were absent leaving Weber who's played like 4 NHL games to be our point presence. Weber and Stewart will both be great for us next year it looks like... I still feel like Toronto owes us some sort of repairations for seriously crippling us going into the playoffs haha. So barring the miracle return of half our lineup and a total meltdown from Boston, it should be over within 3 days. It's funny, everyone said If Montreal stays healthy this year they'll go far, our health was stressed constantly in the ore season, and of course that's exactly what happened... In our centennial year no less. It was still a fun year and while were out earlier than we obviously were willing to accept, I think Montreal was able to do something good, all season and especially today and tonight all anyone could ever talk about was the Habs, their last game, the injuries, Prices amazing start and stunning fall, but every game form3 hours therenwas almost a tangeable feeling in the air around the city as it almost felt like the collectiv heart of the city beat in unison for the bleu blanc et rouge. Go Chicago.
  21. No Markov, no Schneider, no Bouillon, no Tanguay and. no Lang... I wasn't expecting the Habs to win and they'll likely get swept Wednesday on account of missing their top dfensive pairing and our best set up man... To be honest I'm proud of the way the Habs played tonight. With a bunch of scrubs on d and a few scrubs up front they were a team decimated by injury, but they took Boston, the best team in the east and pushed then to the wall tonight. This effort makes up for game 2. With half a team we scared the shit out of Boston for two periods. If Bob can keep the core of this team intact we're gonna have a great year next season. It was an excellent hockey game and I hope however many games are left in this series are as emotional and exciting to watch. Monster efforts from Koivu, Kovalev, Lapierre, O'Byrne and Price, who played like a number one guy. On the other side hats off to Kessel, Bergeron and Chara. Montreal failed on the powerplay tonight mostly due to the fact that Markov and Schneider were absent leaving Weber who's played like 4 NHL games to be our point presence. Weber and Stewart will both be great for us next year it looks like... I still feel like Toronto owes us some sort of repairations for seriously crippling us going into the playoffs haha. So barring the miracle return of half our lineup and a total meltdown from Boston, it should be over within 3 days. It's funny, everyone said If Montreal stays healthy this year they'll go far, our health was stressed constantly in the ore season, and of course that's exactly what happened... In our centennial year no less. It was still a fun year and while were out earlier than we obviously were willing to accept, I think Montreal was able to do something good, all season and especially today and tonight all anyone could ever talk about was the Habs, their last game, the injuries, Prices amazing start and stunning fall, but every game form3 hours therenwas almost a tangeable feeling in the air around the city as it almost felt like the collectiv heart of the city beat in unison for the bleu blanc et rouge. Go Chicago.
  22. No Markov, no Schneider, no Bouillon, no Tanguay and. no Lang... I wasn't expecting the Habs to win and they'll likely get swept Wednesday on account of missing their top dfensive pairing and our best set up man... To be honest I'm proud of the way the Habs played tonight. With a bunch of scrubs on d and a few scrubs up front they were a team decimated by injury, but they took Boston, the best team in the east and pushed then to the wall tonight. This effort makes up for game 2. With half a team we scared the shit out of Boston for two periods. If Bob can keep the core of this team intact we're gonna have a great year next season. It was an excellent hockey game and I hope however many games are left in this series are as emotional and exciting to watch. Monster efforts from Koivu, Kovalev, Lapierre, O'Byrne and Price, who played like a number one guy. On the other side hats off to Kessel, Bergeron and Chara. Montreal failed on the powerplay tonight mostly due to the fact that Markov and Schneider were absent leaving Weber who's played like 4 NHL games to be our point presence. Weber and Stewart will both be great for us next year it looks like... I still feel like Toronto owes us some sort of repairations for seriously crippling us going into the playoffs haha. So barring the miracle return of half our lineup and a total meltdown from Boston, it should be over within 3 days. It's funny, everyone said If Montreal stays healthy this year they'll go far, our health was stressed constantly in the ore season, and of course that's exactly what happened... In our centennial year no less. It was still a fun year and while were out earlier than we obviously were willing to accept, I think Montreal was able to do something good, all season and especially today and tonight all anyone could ever talk about was the Habs, their last game, the injuries, Prices amazing start and stunning fall, but every game form3 hours therenwas almost a tangeable feeling in the air around the city as it almost felt like the collectiv heart of the city beat in unison for the bleu blanc et rouge. Go Chicago.
  23. Poor Matt Hunwick. As much as I hate Boston as a team (as opposed to anything Toronto) I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. Apparently Frankie B is back tonight, he adds a bit of depth, but it's no Markov. So we'll see how it plays out.
  24. Great game in Boston... I wish we had won the game. It was really close the entire game. Boston got that one powerplay goal in the third and that killed us. Boston did look nervous most of the game up until that point. If Montreal can't win game 2, then they'll lose the series for sure. The positives from tonight were that Montreal played an excellent game against a team that supposed to be much better than them. The big negative was that Montreal, as it so often does, took a bad penalty late in the game. Clawson, sorry, I misheard the stat. It does't change the fact that Montreal had medium and long term injuries to... Lang (leading scorer at the time), Markov(Leading scorer at the time, 2 Time All Star defenseman), Tanguay, Higgins, Price, Komisarek, Bouillon, Latendresse... the list goes on. Montreal really never got a chance to get any chemistry was the point I was making... Geeze, I'm sorry I gave someone my assesment of the Maple Leafs. I didn't think I was insulting them... um... sorry if I hurt your feelings? and thank you SDM. For explaining what injuries do to a team... any team. Anyways, exciting but sad game 1. Hopefully things go better in game 2.
  25. Great game in boston so far, price didn't have it covered. Lord do I want the Habs to win they're outplaying the Bruins so far.
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