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Posts posted by Evansfan1

  1. IPB Image

    Can’t Really Get Any Better

    August 4, 2005

    Last week on Smackdown! we witness who would face Randy Orton with his WWE Heavyweight Title on the line last week and that man is Triple H as he defeated both JBL and Chris Benoit. Now Triple H and Orton are facing each other in Tag Team Action in a match that will be amazing!

    The WWE Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton is going to team with the man who got destroyed by Samoa Joe and defeated by Kurt Angle at The Great American Bash, Shawn Michaels tonight on Smackdown! They will be set to face the Number One Contender, Triple H and Kurt Angle. This will definitely be one amazing match, but anything can happen right when this action begins.

    Frankie Kazarian won the Cruiserweight Title at The Great American Bash from Paul London and tonight on Smackdown! he is set to make his first title defense. Kazarian will be making an Open Challenge to any Smackdown! Cruiserweight to face him and try to take away his Cruiserweight Title and make him get his first loss.

    There also some more cruiserweight action though, as Juventud and former Cruiserweight Champion, Paul London will go at it with the winner facing Frankie Kazarian or whoever is the Champion at the time come to Summerslam.

    Also, in a 20 Man Battle Royal Qualifying Match, Bobby Lashley will set to make his Smackdown! debut with The Coach at his side when he faces Spike Dudley in what seems to be a huge mismatch.

    What dream team will come out on top? Who will Kazarian face in his first title defense? Who will be facing the Cruiserweight Champion at Summerslam? Does Spike Dudley have any chance against Bobby Lashley?

    Tune into Smackdown! on UPN to find out!

    Confirmed Smackdown! Matches:

    Tag Team Dream Match

    Kurt Angle and Triple H vs. Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels

    WWE Cruiserweight Title

    Frankie Kazarian © vs. ???

    Number One Contender’s Match for the Cruiserweight Title

    Juventud vs. Paul London

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Bobby Lashley vs. Spike Dudley

  2. IPB Image

    Monsters Aren’t the Best Poison

    Tonight was a huge show for RAW as we got to see both Chris Jericho and John Cena in two huge matches along with two other very good matches. To start off with Jericho and Cena, RAW opened up with John Cena coming down to the ring. Everyone was all ready for him to wrestle his match, but when he got on the mic he explained Chris Jericho would be starting the night off with some wrestling. So Cena called down Jericho and down he came. He got in the ring and just got in Cena’s face and wanted him to call down his opponent. But Cena didn’t do that right away as he told Jericho that he had to make this man tap or he wouldn’t be in the Battle Royal. So finally, Cena announced who Jericho would be facing and that man was a monster in the Big Red Machine, Kane! The fire exploded from the turnbuckles and down came Kane as Cena got out of the ring and headed to the announcers table to join JR and The King. Jericho wasn’t happy as he didn’t have a smile on his face, but after the match his mood changed a bit. Kane and Jericho put on a very good match to kick off RAW. It lasted about 15 minutes with both men really giving it their all. Coming down to the end of the match Kane was in some sort of control and tried to hit the Chokeslam on Jericho, but he was fighting out of it. Finally, Kane just threw Jericho into the corner, but the ref was in the way and he knocked the ref down. Jericho then quickly nailed Kane with a low blow and headed out of the ring. Jericho grabbed a steel chair and slid back in. When Kane got up, Jericho cracked the chair over his head, but it was like Kane didn’t feel anything. Jericho then did it again and again, but Kane was still standing up straight. Jericho then just nailed Kane with the chair in the gut with the top part and then dropped the chair and nailed Kane with a DDT onto the chair. Jericho then threw the chair out of the ring and locked in the Walls of Jericho on Kane. The ref was now just getting up and Kane was fighting. Kane only tapped once ever in his career and it was a controversial call against Chris Benoit. After Jericho held in the Walls of Jericho for about 2 whole minutes, Kane tried one last reach for the ropes, but he couldn’t reach that far and when Kane went to reach for the ropes that last time and when he missed his hand smacked hard against the mat and the ref called for the bell! Again Kane got screwed for tapping out when he really didn’t. After the match Jericho had a huge smile on his face and laughed at Cena heading backstage. Fast forwarding to the end of the night where Chris Jericho came down to the ring and talked highly about himself saying that Cena made a terrible decision in picking Kane. But finally, down came John Cena and he grabbed the mic and told Jericho he did his part and now it is time for him to do his. So Cena asked who it was going to be. Jericho then took the mic back and said that since he picked a monster in Kane for him (Jericho) to face, he is picking the monster that he is feuding with who is Big Show! Show’s music hit and Cena didn’t like what he saw as he had to make the 7 foot, 500 pound giant to tap out. Jericho headed out of the ring and to the announcers table just to laugh at Cena. This match probably was a little better then the Jericho vs. Kane match as these two men are both good at brawling unlike Jericho who is a submissionist. Coming down to the finish of the match, Cena was in control and tried to lift up Show with the FU, but Show was too heavy and threw Cena to the mat! Big Show then went for a Chokeslam on Cena, but he fought out of it, but Show was still able to throw Cena into the ropes. Cena came back and Show went for a Big Boot, but Cena ducked and all of a sudden tripped up Show and locked in a Submission no one has ever seen before. It is called the STFU! He had it locked in perfectly and it didn’t actually take to long until Big Show tapped out which also allowed Cena into the Battle Royal. After the match and before RAW ended, down came Chris Jericho and both men had a staredown with them being close as possible.

    Muhammad Hassan had a tough task to beat on RAW tonight as he had to defeat William Regal not only to be one of the 10 men from RAW in the 20 Man Battle Royal, but also continue his undefeated winning streak. Regal came out with Paul Burchill by his side just because of Daivari who always comes down with Hassan. Before the match, Hassan cut a promo saying that all Arab-Americans are better then any English person! Hassan went on saying that this is true because all the English are prejudice against the Arab-Americans. Regal then quickly had enough and attacked Hassan and the great match began. Both men went back and forth going at it non-stop. At one point in the match Daivari tried to get in the ring and help out Hassan and he did get in, but so did Burchill and he cut off Daivari and nailed him with the C4! Then coming down to the end of the match Hassan had the advantage by a bit and then Daivari went over to distract Burchill. Hassan then hit Regal with the Overdrive and then locked in the Camel Clutch. Shortly after Regal tapped out with Burchill still distracted. With the win this made Hassan eligible for the 20 Man Battle Royal. But after the match out ran Batista and he attacked Hassan from what he did to embarrass him from last week. Even though Batista was given the night off he was still here beating down Hassan and then Daivari. Then down ran Goldberg, but Batista fought him off and for once Batista was the only man standing!

    Ever since 3 Minute Warning returned they have been dominating on RAW, but finally tonight they didn’t come out with a victory, but nor did they come out with a clean lose. 3 Minute Warning was set to face Mexi Moda and the World Tag Team Champions, World’s Greatest Tag Team, but 3MW attacked Haas and Benjamin before the match. So for the first few minutes it was just 3 Minute Warning against Mexi Moda with 3MW dominating. Finally, down ran the Tag Champs and they took down 3MW. After a bit the huge disadvantage for Jamal and Rosey took a huge part in the match. The finish came when 3MW just got pissed off as they couldn’t win the match because there was always someone breaking up the pins. So they both grabbed chairs and nailed all four men that they were facing. The ref called for the bell and gave the loss to 3 Minute Warning for Disqualification, but they didn’t care because they did what they wanted to do.

    In other news on RAW tonight, The Boogeyman made his RAW debut. He has been on Heat for the past few weeks, but he did make his debut on RAW tonight. The Simon System was walking down the corridor towards the RAW locker room until Maven told Simon that he had to go to the bathroom so that left Dean alone. Dean walked into the locker room and accidentally dropped his unopened candy bar from his Simon System. He bent over and picked up, but not knowing The Boogeyman was behind him. All Dean heard was, “1…2…The Boogeyman’s coming for you! Tic…tock…tic…tock…tic…tock. The clock passes until you hear, 9…10…Never sleep again!” Boogeyman then smashes the clock over his head and Dean is just looking at him in total fear. Boogeyman stuffs worms in his mouth and Dean tries to tell him to try his Simon System, but he was too scared. Then The Boogeyman speaks again saying, “I am the Boogeyman! And I’m comin’ to GETCHA’!” Dean then just runs out of the locker room with the crowd in shock along with JR and The King.

    RAW Results

    Pick Your Poison/20 Man Battle Royal Qualifying Match

    John Cena defeated Big Show

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifying Match

    Muhammad Hassan defeated William Regal

    4 on 2 Handicap Match

    Mexi Moda and World’s Greatest Tag Team defeated 3 Minute Warning by DQ

    Pick Your Poison/20 Man Battle Royal Qualifying Match

    Chris Jericho defeated Kane

  3. IPB Image

    Pick Your Poison Returns!

    August 1, 2005

    Last week on RAW we maybe witnessed the two worst nights for Batista and John Cena. First with Batista was that he got humiliated by Muhammad Hassan and half of the RAW locker room. He then got beat down by the man he is facing at Summerslam, Goldberg. Since this happened last week Bischoff decided to give both men the week off! With John Cena he found out that his match against Chris Jericho at Summerslam would be a Submission Match. This hurts Cena as he isn’t really a submissionist at all.

    So tonight on RAW Pick Your Poison returns as Chris Jericho and John Cena will both be in action with the other man picking their opponent. This match just isn’t to get them ready for their Submission Match as you have to make the man submit, but it is also a Qualifier for the 20 Man Battle Royal. Since it’s a two in one deal both men are going to want to win that much more.

    Another Battle Royal Qualifier will be the undefeated Muhammad Hassan facing William Regal. Last week Regal debuted his new partner of Paul Burchill and they defeated both Hassan and Daivari. Now tonight it will be a one on one match between Regal and Hassan for a spot in the Battle Royal.

    At Summerslam World’s Greatest Tag Team will defend their Tag Titles against 3 Minute Warning as last week they defeated Mexi Moda. Now tonight for 3MW they are put in a really tough match as they don’t have to face World’s Greatest Tag Team, but also Mexi Moda in a 4 on 2 Handicap Match.

    Who will Jericho pick to face Cena? Who will Cena pick to face Jericho? Will Hassan finally get defeated and lose a spot in the Battle Royal? Will 3 Minute Warning’s toughest challenge come tonight?

    Tune into RAW on Spike TV to find out!

    Confirmed RAW Matches:

    Pick Your Poison/20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    John Cena vs. Opponent of Chris Jericho’s choice

    Pick Your Poison/20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Chris Jericho vs. Opponent of John Cena’s choice

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Muhammad Hassan vs. William Regal

    4 on 2 Handicap Match

    3 Minute Warning vs. Mexi Moda and World’s Greatest Tag Team

  4. IPB Image

    More Men Added Off-Screen

    August 21, 2005

    After two men from both RAW and Smackdown! were added to the Interpromotional 20 Man Battle Royal on the last episodes, a few off-screen announcements have been made for the Battle Royal. From RAW three men have been added to make their total to five right now and on the Smackdown! side four men have been added to make their total six. The three men added for RAW were Matt Hardy and Kane since they were victorious on RAW and along with Big Show. The reason Edge didn't get a spot was because he was the man to get pinned in the huge Tag Team Match. On the Smackdown! side, JBL and Chris Benoit have been added after coming up a little short at being Number One Contender's and also Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels as they have made enough of an impact the past few weeks on Smackdown! So now it is set that RAW has: Big Show, Chris Masters, Chris Punk, Kane, and Matt Hardy. Smackdown! has: Chris Benoit, JBL, Kurt Angle, Mr. Andy Anderson, Samoa Joe, and Shawn Michaels.

  5. IPB Image

    Game On at Summerslam

    After The Great American Bash ended, Randy Orton thought that he was finished with all three of his competitors in Chris Benoit, JBL and Triple H, but Orton thought wrong. Tonight on Smackdown!, Orton found out his opponent for Summerslam and that was going to be one of the three men he faced at The Bash. The night began with the WWE Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton coming out. Orton said that he didn’t care who he faces at Summerslam as he defeated all three of the guys at the Bash. Everyone knew though, that Orton wouldn’t mind Benoit or JBL, but Triple H was a different story by just the way he said it when he got to his name. Then out came Triple H himself and Orton got a bit scared. Triple H got on the mic and started saying that he didn’t have to worry about either Benoit or JBL as he was going to be the last man standing tonight. Triple H then went on saying that, then, unlike at the Bash where Orton got lucky, he (Triple H) will take the WWE Title. Triple H finished up his promo by saying that Orton better enjoy the presence of his WWE Heavyweight Title for the next few weeks because come Summerslam Orton will be Champion no more! Later on in the night JBL was interviewed and he stressed out on how he would defeat Triple H and Chris Benoit later on tonight. He then went on to say that come Summerslam, he, The Wrestling God will be back on top like he should be. Finally, the main event came and all three men were in the ring. After about 10 minutes of some great action, the first elimination came when JBL nailed Benoit with a low blow without the ref seeing. Triple H then went for the Pedigree on Benoit, but he somehow fought out of it. But when Benoit turned around, JBL came charging taking off Benoit’s head with a huge Clothesline From Hell. Then it was just down to Triple H and JBL, but it didn’t take long before it was over. Down came Ric Flair with a sledgehammer. He slid it into the ring and then got on the apron trying to get in the ring. This distracted the ref and JBL as they were both trying to stop Naitch from getting in. Triple H then took control when he saw this by grabbing the sledgehammer. JBL then turned around and Triple H nailed JBL with the sledge busting him wide open! Triple H then slid the deadly weapon out of the ring and Flair jumped off the apron. Triple H then hooked JBL’s leg and the ref counted the three as Triple H won a cheap one, but he still was the Number One Contender. After the match ended, down came the man Triple H was going to face at Summerslam, the WWE Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton. Both men engaged in an intense staredown. Smackdown! ended with them in the staredown, but Orton holding up the gold in the air.

    At The Great American Bash, the Friendly Freaks in John Heidenreich and Matt Morgan defeated MNM to win the WWE Tag Team Titles. Ever since Sunday Night, after they won the titles, everyone has been laughing at them as no one takes this team serious. Well tonight on Smackdown!, the Freaks weren’t Friendly at all just like at the Bash. They came down to the ring and they were set to make their first ever title defense as WWE Tag Team Champions. Already in the ring were unknown workers by the name of Jason and Johnny Riggs. This was just a quick and short squash match as Heidenreich and Morgan dominated as they made quick work of the Riggs brothers. The match quickly ended when Morgan hit a Clothesline on Johnny to make him fly out of the ring. The Freaks then teamed together to hit a Double Powerbomb and Jason and got the cover. After the match the Freaks had a short celebration, but before they could leave, down came running MNM. They tried to jump the Freaks from behind, but it didn’t work out as the new WWE Tag Team Champion wound up beating down MNM just like at The Great American Bash.

    We also saw another new Champion crowned at The Great American Bash as Frankie Kazarian became the Cruiserweight Champion. The undefeated Kazarian came down in the middle of the show and got on the mic. He started off his promo by screaming, “THE FUTURE IS HERE!!!” Kazarian then said that since he is undefeated and the best cruiserweight or even best wrestler on Smackdown! he can defeat anyone and anytime. Then all of a sudden down ran Paul London! London got in Kazarian’s face and took the mic! London said that he wants a rematch right now! But then from the crowd came Juventud and he attacked London from behind so then he could get in the face of the Champion and he said that he wanted a match right now! Then all of a sudden Teddy Long stepped out to the top of the ramp and said they will be no matches going on tonight between these three men, but that next week Juventud and London will go at it with the winner facing Frankie Kazarian at Summerslam with the Cruiserweight Title on the line!

    Over on the RAW side two men have already been announced in the 20 Man Battle Royal at Summerslam. Those two men are Chris Punk and Chris Masters. Tonight on Smackdown! they had to Qualifying Matches as well just like on RAW. The first one was the scheduled match in Samoa Joe against Scotty 2 Hotty. This was a big mistake by Scotty even to step in the ring. He just should have taken a forfeit. Right when the bell rung it was over as Joe started the match off with a huge kick to the face. After about 3 minutes of domination by Joe he hit the Muscle Buster on Hotty and then locked in the Kokina Clutch to make Scotty pass out and make himself go on into the Battle Royal. The other Qualifying Match was the newest member on Smackdown! facing a Veteran Cruiserweight of Funaki. Funaki was in the ring set for whoever he was facing and then some new music played and down walked a man in green tights with blonde hair. Tony Chimel went to announce his name as Andy Anderson, but the man cut him off and told Chimel to leave the ring. The man then spoke and said like a boxing ring announcer, “Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! In the corner to my right who is a short midget who can’t wrestle, FUNAKI!!! And the man who is speaking right now! Who weights in at an amazing 245 pounds and hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin! MISTER!!! AN-DER-SON!!!...........AN-DER-SON!!!!” He got major heat, but no one had a clue who he was. He totally took care of Funaki and moved on into the Battle Royal after he hit Funaki with this Flipping Samoan Drop off of the second rope in the corner. Chimel then went to announce Anderson as the winner, but again Anderson stole his mic and announced himself.

    Smackdown! Results

    Number One Contender’s Match for the WWE Heavyweight Title

    Triple H defeated Chris Benoit and JBL

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifying Match

    Mr. Andy Anderson defeated Funaki

    WWE Tag Team Titles

    Friendly Freaks © defeated Jason and Johnny Riggs

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifying Match

    Samoa Joe defeated Scotty 2 Hotty

  6. - Just a few PSD's I've just done:

    Brian Kendrick








    Cowboy Bob




    John Cena


    Kurt Angle


    Kurt Angle




    Maria Kanellis


    Matt Hardy


    Mickie James


    Paul London


    Ron Killings


    Shawn Michaels


    Stacy Keibler


    Torrie Wilson


    Trish Stratus


  7. IPB Image

    Three Contenders Down to One

    July 28, 2005

    Now The Great American Bash is done and now the road to Summerslam begins. At Summerslam we see two new Champions in Frankie Kazarian as the Cruiserweight Champ and the Friendly Freaks as the Tag Team Champs. Orton retained, but right away, tonight his opponent at Summerslam will be named.

    Randy Orton somehow walked out of The Great American Bash still WWE Heavyweight Champion after he had to face Chris Benoit, JBL and Triple H in an Elimination Match. Orton last eliminated his former protégé in the match at the Bash. Now Triple H really wants revenge, but so do JBL and Benoit so tonight on Smackdown! all the three challengers will face off in an Elimination Match with the winner facing Randy Orton at Summerslam with the WWE Heavyweight Title on the line.

    Also at The Great American Bash, MNM lost their WWE Tag Team Titles to the newest team on Smackdown! in the Friendly Freaks. The two monsters just overpowered MNM. Now tonight on Smackdown the Freaks will make their first defense as Tag Team Champions to see if this team is for real.

    The Machine, Samoa Joe debuted at The Great American Bash with manager Paul Heyman along side Kurt Angle. Joe destroyed HBK to let Angle win the rubber match, but now Joe is looking to destroy someone else. Heyman said that if he was in the 20 Man Battle Royal it would be an automatic win so he has a Qualifying Match tonight against an unfortunate, Scotty 2 Hotty.

    Who is next for Randy Orton and his WWE Heavyweight Title? Are the Friendly Freaks for real for just transitional Champions? Will Scotty 2 Hotty walk out of Smackdown! still alive?

    Tune into Smackdown! on UPN to find out!

    Confirmed Smackdown! Matches:

    Number One Contender’s Match for the WWE Heavyweight Title

    Chris Benoit vs. JBL vs. Triple H

    WWE Tag Team Titles

    Friendly Freaks vs. ???

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Samoa Joe vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

  8. IPB Image

    Nobody Breaks Out of The Walls

    Tonight on RAW, it wasn’t the best night for the World Heavyweight Champion, Batista and the former WWE Champion, John Cena. What happened to The Animal all started on RAW. Batista kicked off the show coming out to a huge pop. He got on the mic in the ring and he had some words to say talking about the huge Tag Team Match that happened last week. Right when Batista started to get into his promo, we heard the Arab music and down came the Intercontinental Champion, Muhammad Hassan with his manager, Daivari not to far behind the undefeated Hassan. The IC Champ got in the ring to a massive amount of heat, but he was able to grab a mic and get a few words in. Hassan told Batista that no one wanted to hear his bullsh*t and that he was tired of all the talking Batista is doing as he and the whole RAW witnessed last week that Goldberg was better then him! Batista and the crowd didn’t think so. So Hassan went on saying that if he didn’t believe what he said that he will find out. All of a sudden out walked from the back, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Edge, Jamal, Lita, Maven, Rob Conway, Rosey, Simon Dean, Snitsky, Sylvain Grenier, and Tomko as they formed two lines down the ramp, one on the left side and one on the right. Hassan asked him if that Goldberg would be taking the gold at Summerslam and they all screamed yes. Batista couldn’t believe it and just dropped his mic and left the ring. The crowd was booing, but the Champ wasn’t turning back. He walked through all the men on the ramp and they just laughed at him. After this the men walked out except for Hassan who stayed in the ring for a match. But staying with Batista, after the match involving Hassan, we see backstage the Champ about to leave the building, but Goldberg was able to stop and told him he better not go anywhere as he was calling down the Champ NEXT! So down came Goldberg and he talked a bit about the Tag Match and then called down Batista. Goldberg didn’t see much besides the fact that he will win the Title at Summerslam anyway possible. Goldberg then said, “Here is a preview!” Then Goldberg charged at the Champ and nailed him with an explosive Spear taking him out! Goldberg then left the ring with the Champ getting up slowly to make his night miserable.

    Now on with the former WWE Champion, John Cena, his night might have been a little bit worse. Cena came down during the show and called down the man he is facing at Summerslam, Chris Jericho. There was no response at all, but Cena continued on with his promo. Cena talked about the last week Tag Match and how that it doesn’t matter that Jericho gets to pick the stipulation as that all that matters is that he will get the chance to whoop Jericho’s a$$ again. Cena then tried to continue, but was cut off by Jericho was backstage being shown on the titantron. Jericho just said stop wasting time for RAW as he went on saying that he will hold the Highlight Reel with the guest as Cena while the show will be all about himself (Jericho) as he announces the stipulation. So as the match continues and the main event Tag Team Match happens, after it ended it was time for the finish of RAW in the Highlight Reel. Down came Jericho all ready for his talk show and talked for a bit about the Summerslam Match and then called down his opponent at Summerslam, John Cena. Cena came down to a huge pop and Jericho just told him and the crowd to calm down. Jericho started making fun of Cena that he and Batista lost last week and that Cena will lose at Summerslam too. Cena said that Jericho has to think again because he will win any match Jericho throws at him. Jericho then all of a sudden threw his chair towards the ropes and got in Cena’s face. Jericho then screamed, “Oh really, junior! One thing, nobody breaks out of the Walls of Jericho!” Jericho then shoved Cena down and locked in the Walls of Jericho. Cena was trying to resist of tapping, but he couldn’t do it. The crowd was booing, but still waiting for the stipulation. Jericho then finally broke the hold and told Cena that he would see him at Summerslam in his type of match, SUBMISSION!

    Before the Highlight Reel happened, the huge Tag Team Grudge Match happened, but before that happened, there was Edge in the ring calling out Matt Hardy. Right when Edge called down Hardy, there was no hesitation as Hardy’s music played right away and he ran down to the ring. Edge told Hardy that he just finished talking Bischoff and that at Summerslam it will be himself, Edge against Matt Hardy! Hardy liked what he heard, but Edge wasn’t done. Edge said that if Hardy and Kane won tonight, which wasn’t going to happen, Hardy could pick to face Edge anytime anywhere before or after Summerslam as everyone knows he wants Edge in a match badly. But Edge then went on saying that if he and Big Show won tonight, then it would be a Match at Summerslam with his girl friend, Lita being the Special Guest Referee. That is what Hardy didn’t like and attacked Edge. Down came Kane and Big Show so the Tag Team action could start. In this match Hardy just totally went straight after Edge and that really took both of them out of the match and it was just like a single’s match against both Show and Kane. The match finished up when Lita got on the apron trying to distract Kane, but Big Show got distracted so then Show turned around right into a huge Chokeslam and Kane covered Big Show and won the match for him and Hardy. This means that Hardy could face Edge at anytime before of after their match at Summerslam.

    Back to the beginning of the show where Batista got interrupted by Muhammad Hassan was that after Batista left so did all the men and Hassan had some words to say. Hassan said that ever since he became Intercontinental Champion more and more people have been discriminating him and the Arab-Americans. So Hassan said that he hated every race that said that to him and he started naming the races which consisted of, American, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese, European…and then Hassan was cut of by William Regal’s music! Regal came out to the ramp and said that he better not be talking bad about the Europeans or he would have to come down and kick Hassan’s a$$. Hassan kept making fun of the Europeans and said that he will take on both Hassan and Daivari. Hassan then laughed as it would be a Handicapped Match. Regal said he didn’t think so and called down his new tag team partner, Paul Burchill! Burchill and Regal then ran down to the ring and just embarrassed the Arab-Americans especially Daivari as Hassan didn’t do much in the match as he didn’t let Daivari tag him in. This quick match came to a finish once Paul Burchill amazed everyone with the move he calls the C4! Regal then locked the Regal Stretch to make Daivari tap. Hassan then dragged Daivari out of the ring and both men ran up the ramp looking like cowards. Paul Burchill made a dominant debut as we have witness a new tag team on the RAW scene in the European Connection.

    Mexi Moda really wanted a chance to face the World’s Greatest Tag Team in a match where 3 Minute Warning didn’t interfere with the Tag Titles on the line, but it wouldn’t happen at Summerslam as tonight 3 Minute Warning just totally ripped apart the two little masked men in Rey Mysterio and Psicosis. Rosey and Jamal made quick work of Mexi Moda with a couple of Slams and finished them off with Splashes. After the match Rosey and Jamal celebrated with them showing the motion with gold being around their waists come Summerslam.

    Also tonight on RAW, the Qualifying Matches for the 20 Man Interpromotional Number One Contender’s Battle Royal at Summerslam started as the young star in Chris Masters faces Val Venis and the newcomer in Chris Punk faced Tajiri. Masters made quick work of Val Venis and defeated him to get in the Battle Royal. This was a repeat from earlier back on RAW in May except that was a Master Lock Challenge. But like in the Master Lock Challenge, Masters locked in the Masters Lock not to long from when the bell rung. Once Masters locked it in, Val Venis was done for and tapped out quickly. Then later in the night it was time for Chris Punk to get a spot in the Battle Royal where he so called “PUNK’D” Tajiri in a short match-up. It was a good wrestling match-up, but Punk mainly dominated. After a few minutes Punk ducked the Green Mist from Tajiri and quickly hit the Plunge on Tajiri to put him away and put himself in the Battle Royal.

    RAW Results

    Tag Team Grudge Match

    Kane and Matt Hardy defeated Big Show and Edge

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Chris Punk defeated Tajiri

    Number One Contender’s Match for the World Tag Team Titles

    3 Minute Warning defeated Mexi Moda

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Chris Masters defeated Val Venis

    European Connection (Paul Burchill and William Regal) defeated Arab-Americans (Daivari and Muhammad Hassan)

  9. IPB Image

    Two Big Feuds; One Big Match

    July 25, 2005

    Last week on RAW we got to see a huge tag team match between World Heavyweight Champion, Batista teaming with John Cena to face Number One Contender, Goldberg who teamed with Chris Jericho. The winning team of this match meant that, Cena/Jericho, whoever’s team won could pick the stipulation for their match at Summerslam. Jericho and Cena weren’t apart of the finish, but Goldberg got the win for his team by pinning the Champion. Now Chris Jericho gets to pick the stipulation along with Goldberg, the Number One Contender to Batista’s Title at Summerslam just pinned the Champ!

    Now tonight on RAW, we get to see Big Show and Kane collide along with Edge and Matt Hardy, but they won’t be singles matches. It will be Big Show teaming with Edge to face Kane and Matt Hardy. At Vengeance Hardy returned to the WWE to help Kane defeat Edge and ever since Hardy returned he wouldn’t stop for anything as he wanted Edge. Two weeks Matt Hardy defeated Edge by Countout and Big Show and Kane went to a No Contest. Now tonight finally, all the men can get all the revenge they want.

    Just announced earlier today was that Eric Bischoff and Teddy Long have worked out a deal for Summerslam. That deal is that there will be 10 Superstars from RAW and 10 from Smackdown! all in the same ring at Summerslam. The only way you can win the match by there only being one man left in the ring. And the last man left in this Battle Royal will be named the Number One Contender and go to either brand to get a title shot. Tonight the qualification matches start as the young Chris Masters will take on the veteran in Val Venis. Also, the newest rookie on RAW, Chris Punk will be taking on another veteran in Tajiri. The winners of these two matches will be the first two men to be announced in the Battle Royal.

    Finally, Mexi Moda has had enough of 3 Minute Warning all of their interfering. Last week on RAW they were about to win the World Tag Team Titles, but then down came 3MW and they attacked the Champions to give the World’s Greatest Tag Team the win! Then, after the match both the Champions and Mexi Moda got beaten down. Now Mexi Moda has had enough and challenged 3MW with the winning team facing World’s Greatest Tag Team at Summerslam and whoever loses can’t interfere during the match at Summerslam or they will be fired. Jamal and Rosey accepted so this means this match is on!

    What will the stipulation be that Chris Jericho gets to pick? What’s next with the Champ as last week he got pinned by the Challenger? Which team will get the revenge? Who will advance to the Battle Royal? Will Mexi Moda upset 3 Minute Warning?

    Tune into RAW on Spike TV to find out!

    Confirmed RAW Matches:

    Tag Team Grudge Match

    Big Show and Edge vs. Kane and Matt Hardy

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Chris Masters vs. Val Venis

    20 Man Battle Royal Qualifier

    Chris Punk vs. Tajiri

    Number One Contender’s Match for the World Tag Team Titles

    3 Minute Warning vs. Mexi Moda

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    Jonathan Coachman to Smackdown!

    July 25, 2005

    Last night at The Great American Bash Pay Per View that was a Smackdown! only PPV, Coach made an appearance bringing in his newest client as he is going back to being a manager. Coach’s client Lashley, debuted last night it a great fashion as he made an Open Challenge. Rene Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki of the Foreign Powers responded to the Challenge so Lashley was up to face two men. Lashley won the Handicap Match and he and Coach both celebrated after the match as Cocky Faces.

    Now people are wondering who will take Coach’s spot at the Sunday Night Heat Announcer. Well Todd Grisham has become the Main Announcer and we have brought back Al Snow to become the Color Commentator.

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    A Different Ref, the Same Champion

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    United States Title

    Orlando Jordan © defeated Booker T and Carlito

    Everyone thought that Orlando Jordan had no chance whatsoever as he is up against two very good contenders and a special guest referee who hates him. Well, Orlando Jordan proved everyone wrong as after the first match of the night as for the first title match, we saw the Champion remain with the title. Jordan is still champion for one reason though, and that is because he took out the special guest referee, Hardcore Holly and had a replacement.

    Great American Bash got kicked off to a great start with this match. This match started off pretty slow as Jordan was trying to keep his eye on the ref, Holly and also prepare for Carlito and Booker T. Right when Carlito and Booker went to attack at first, Jordan wasn’t manly enough and rolled out of the ring. Jordan wouldn’t get back in until Carlito and Booker backed up, but that wouldn’t happen. So Holly threatened Jordan to get back in the ring or he will be thrown out. So Jordan wound up sliding back in the ring and get beat down early in the match.

    The double team basically continued through out the whole match as Booker T and Carlito were only looking to go after Jordan. But at one point in the match, they stopped working together. And that point was when Carlito went and charged at Jordan with a Clothesline, but he ducked and Carlito connected with Booker T. That got Booker pissed and he got up and took down Carlito and they just brawled around on the mat in the ring. Jordan was taking a breather, but Holly didn’t allow it for long and tried to push Jordan into the action. Jordan turned around to attack, but got stopped when Holly remember Jordan he was the ref.

    Coming down to the finish of the match, Jordan just took control when he hit a low blow on Booker without Holly looking and then tossing Carlito over the ropes and out of the ring. Jordan then went for the Orlando Magic on Booker, but he reversed it and went for the Book End, but Carlito came in and interfered these two men by attacking Booker. Carlito and Booker went at it for a minute or two until Carlito hit Booker with the Cool DDT. Carlito then was about to cover, but Jordan didn’t allow him as he hit a low blow on him. Holly then talked to Jordan, but he just ignored him and got out of the ring.

    Jordan got out of the ring to get his US Title belt. He was taunting Carlito and telling him to get up. Right when Carlito got to his knees Jordan was ready to use his belt, but then in stepped Holly and he stopped him. Jordan didn’t care what he said though, and first he attacked the ref, Hardcore Holly by hitting him with a shot to the head with his US title belt! Holly was knocked out! Then Carlito got up and Jordan clocked him in the head. The last man up was Booker and Jordan nailed him too. Jordan then waved down a ref from the back and down came running Nick Patrick. He counted the three and raised Jordan’s hand in victory. No one could believe what they saw as they thought we would see a new Champion, but Jordan remained Champ because of his actions towards the real ref, Hardcore Holly.

    A New Dominant Force

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    Lashley defeated Foreign Powers (Kenzo Suzuki and Rene Dupree)

    A newcomer to the WWE and Smackdown! roster in Lashley who is managed by Jonathan Coachman debuted and made an impact by totally ripping apart, not one, but two opponents. The Coach came out with everyone shocked on why he was on Smackdown!, but he had a good reason as he is a changed man now (face) and he will be managing someone new on Smackdown! Coach then called down the beast in Lashley and the crowd was amazed. Coach then called down anyone to face Lashley and down came Suzuki and Dupree, but they were no match for Lashley.

    The match got underway when Dupree and Suzuki tried to jump Lashley from behind, but that didn’t work as Lashley just turned around and knocked both men down. Lashley then hit both men with a few Slams and just waited for each man to get up. This was a short lived match as even though it was 1 on 2 it was basically 1 on 0 as Lashley made quick work.

    The finish came when Lashley was working on Suzuki and then Dupree tried to sneak up on Lashley from behind. That didn’t work though, as Lashley hit a Clothesline on Kenzo and then quickly turned around and hit one on Dupree. Lashley then picked up Kenzo and hit him with the Dominator. He then did the same to Dupree and pinned both men at the same time. Lashley made an impact debut action like a huge cocky face.

    Freaks Aren’t to Friendly to MNM

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    WWE Tag Team Titles

    Friendly Freaks defeated MNM ©

    Not to long ago John Heidenreich talked Matt Morgan into becoming a Friendly Monster and that would lead to success. Well Heidenreich’s words were right as tonight MNM were shocked as they have lost their WWE Tag Team Titles to the new team of Friendly Freaks and MNM were definitely not treated friendly.

    Early on in the match MNM had control as they were keeping the pace of the match high so both monsters would tire down. Well, that did happen, but also Nitro and Mercury tired down a bit, but that wasn’t until later on in the match. At this point MNM were dominating and not letting the Friendly Freaks do anything to them

    Then a little bit later in the action is when MNM tired down a little bit. It was when Nitro went for a Crossbody on Morgan, but Morgan reversed it by catching Nitro. Mercury came in trying to attack Morgan from behind though, but, Morgan saw it coming and spun around nailing Mercury in the face with Nitro’s feet. Morgan then Press Slammed Nitro to let F Squared take control.

    Once Heidenreich got in it was mainly over. He just totally overpowered Nitro and Mercury alone. He hit Slam after Slam and Powerbomb after Powerbomb on MNM. It was finally time when Heidenreich was looking to put away MNM so he called in Morgan. But he got distracted by Melina and so did Heidenreich. That allowed MNM to regain control for a bit. Heidenreich then turned around and was lifted up. MNM was looking for the Snapshot, but Morgan turned around in time and didn’t let it happen.

    Morgan nailed both Nitro and Mercury making them drop Heidenreich. Morgan then took Mercury and just totally tossed him out of the ring going right to Melina and knocking her softly over. Morgan then helped up Heidenreich and picked up Nitro. The Freaks headed towards the turnbuckle with Nitro. Both Morgan and Heidenreich got on the second rope and lifted up Nitro and nailed him with a huge second rope Double Powerbomb! Then Heidenreich covered Nitro and the ref counted the three. The then got handed the WWE Tag Team Titles and the team celebrated as they weren’t even teaming for a month and they are already Tag Team Champions.

    The Surprise is a Machine

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    Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels

    Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels were having problems since Royal Rumble, but then things calmed down after the Rumble. Once HBK came over to Smackdown! the feud heated up again and HBK just tied it up at 1-1. Tonight was the last match and Kurt Angle was the last man standing, and that was for one reason. And that reason was Paul Heyman’s newest client, Samoa Joe!

    The match started off with both men locking up. Angle took the early advantage by hitting a few quick German Suplex’s. Angle stayed with the advantage for a few minutes by hitting a few more Suplex’s and already he started to work on his legs. Angle was then looking to lock in the Ankle Lock early, but HBK spun out of it and kicked Angle in the face.

    HBK then hoped up and fought back to even the match up a bit. HBK went to swing Angle into the turnbuckle, but Angle reversed it by throwing HBK hard towards the turnbuckle making him flip right into it. Angle then quickly ran over and hit a Powerbomb on Michaels while he was sort of on the top rope. Angle went for a quick cover, but HBK wasn’t done yet.

    Angle then once again went to lock in the Ankle Lock, but again HBK rolled out of it and this time he ended up pushed Angle from behind making him fly out of the ring through the ropes. HBK then ran off the opposite ropes and came charging back jumping over the ropes and nailing Angle with a huge Crossbody flying from in the ring to the outside.

    The ref counted to 7 until finally, HBK got up. As the match moved on Michaels stayed in control, but Angle wouldn’t stay down for a 10 count. Finally, HBK knew what he had to do and that was get a little hardcore action into the mix. He grabbed a chair and was about to hit Angle with the chair until Angle jumped up and nailed HBK with a huge Dropkick with the chair smashing into Michaels’ face.

    Again, both men were down for a 7 count, but this time Angle was first to his feet. When Angle lifted up Michaels, we witnessed that HBK has been busted open. Angle then continued working on Michaels’ head making it bleed even more. Angle then nailed HBK with a Drop Toe Hold right onto the chair. HBK was down and out, but just got up at an 8 count. Angle then went for the Angle Slam, but HBK pushed away from him and nailed a quick Sweet Chin Music!

    Instead of letting Angle stay down though, HBK slowly climbed his way up the top rope and was looking for something big. Angle then recovered though, and got behind HBK on the turnbuckle and hit a Super Angle Slam! Both men were down on the mat hurt badly, but Angle was able to get to his feet using the ref to help himself up at 8. Angle then grabbed the chair and was waiting for Michaels to get up. All of a sudden HBK nipped up and hit another Sweet Chin Music on Angle, but this time with the chair in Angle’s face. HBK then picked up the chair and waited for Angle to get up. When he did, HBK clocked him with the chair busting him wide open!

    Angle was totally down and out as the ref started the count. Once the ref got to 4 all of a sudden we heard the same music everyone heard at the end of Smackdown! last week. And then out came Paul Heyman! HBK was confused along with everyone else and the ref stopped the count. Heyman told HBK that he had a surprise for him and the surprise wasn’t going to let Angle lose. HBK then laughed and pointed at Angle. Heyman then told Michaels he shouldn’t be laughing as he should look at from behind. All of a sudden HBK turned around and a huge monster was in the ring. He charged at HBK and nailed him with a flying Jumping Kick! Heyman then screamed, “Everyone! Meet my newest client, SAMOA JOE!!!” Joe then lifted up HBK into the corner and sat him on the turnbuckle. Joe lifted him up in the air and hit the Muscle Buster with HBK’s head smashing down onto the chair! Joe then locked in the Rear Naked Choke Hold and HBK quickly faded away and passed out! As this was happening Heyman came down to the ring and helped Angle up so the ref couldn’t count the 10 count on him. Angle was watching in the corner as HBK was getting destroyed. The ref then counted the 10 count on the unconscious Shawn Michaels as The Machine, Samoa Joe made a huge debut with helping Kurt Angle defeat Shawn Michaels in the Rubber Match.

    The Future is Here

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    Cruiserweight Title

    Frankie Kazarian defeated Paul London ©

    Frankie Kazarian had his real shot to shine tonight at Great American Bash as he had the chance to become the Cruiserweight Champion in just his fourth match ever in the WWE. Kazarian made his first real big show and match count by defeated Paul London to win the Cruiserweight Championship and bring the title to The Future and increasing his undefeated record to 4-0.

    London attacked Kazarian right when the bell rung as he knew Kazarian was as good or even better then him (London). The two men went at it back and forth and it wasn’t really like Cruiserweight action. It was more of brawling all over the place. Finally, London got into some high flying action after he nailed Kazarian with a Tornado DDT followed up with the Dropsault. Then London went up high and nailed Kazarian with a Moonsault.

    London went for a cover, but Kazarian was able to get his shoulder up. As the match progressed, Kazarian got into a grove and took control of the match after he nailed London with a hard Spinkick. Kazarian then fixed his hair and totally took control. He hit move after move and finally went to put London away with the Wave of the Future, but London reversed it with a Face Plant.

    Coming down to the finish of the match London fought back and now he was looking to put away Kazarian. Kazarian was dazed and got up and turned around right into a huge Super Kick by London! London then got the crowd going and went onto the second rope on the turnbuckle. London jumped off of the turnbuckle and nailed Kazarian with the Double Stomp! London thought he had the win, but Kazarian kicked out!

    London now got a little upset and now was really time for him to end the match. London hit Kazarian with a few stiff kicks to the side and then nailed him with a Spinning Heel Kick. Kazarian quickly got back up so London then hit a well executed Leg Sweep DDT! This time Kazarian stayed down and London screamed out that it’s over. London slowly climbed up the turnbuckle and was either looking for the Shooting Star Press or the 450 Splash. Before London could jump though, Kazarian nipped up out of nowhere and quickly ran to the corner and ran up the same turnbuckle as London. He put his arm to his throat and threw London’s arm over Kazarian’s neck (like the Rock Bottom). Then Kazarian all of a sudden jumped and flipped backwards nailing Kazarian with a Single Man Spanish Fly! The crowd gave a pop for Kazarian for hitting such an explosive move. Kazarian then rolled up London and the ref counted three as London lost his title and Kazarian came Champion after just four single’s matches in the WWE.

    Taker Sends Eddie to Hell for 30 Days

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    The Undertaker defeated Eddie Guerrero

    30 Days. 30 long days one of these men will be out of action from the WWE and aren’t aloud in any WWE arena. Everyone was on the side for the Deadman and he was the one to give the 30 day suspension to Eddie Guerrero. Eddie couldn’t believe it as he went so confident into this match, but as the match came to a close it ended with Eddie being suspended for 30 days and seeming like Eddie was afraid of The Undertaker.

    This match got underway when Eddie Guerrero quickly attacked as he knew there was a huge size advantage so he tried to take control early on in the match. It seemed as if Eddie’s plan was working, but once Eddie charged at Taker once and Taker got his foot up nailing Eddie with a huge Big Boot, Taker took control fast.

    The Undertaker stayed in control by just blasting Eddie with some huge clubs to the back and then Taker threw Eddie into the turnbuckle. The Undertaker then went crazy nailing Eddie with his ballistic punches and didn’t stop until Eddie finally just fell to the mat and couldn’t take any more and headed to the outside.

    The Undertaker wasn’t letting Eddie get any rest though, as he followed Eddie to the outside and threw him into the steel steps. Taker then put Eddie onto the apron with his head hanging off. Taker ran up to him and nailed Eddie with a huge elbow right onto the neck! The Deadman then got onto the apron and ran on it and jumped up and came flying down nailing Eddie with a huge Leg Drop.

    The match moved on with The Undertaker staying in control after this. But coming down to the end of the match, The Undertaker went for the Chokeslam, but Eddie reversed it when he nailed Taker with a knee below the belt without the ref seeing somehow. Eddie then tried to roll Taker up, but that didn’t work as he was able to kick out.

    Eddie Guerrero then took control after this and quickly hit a nice Tornado DDT. Eddie then went up high when Taker got up. Guerrero jumped off and nailed Taker with a Crossbody, but the bad thing that happened was that Taker fell back into the ref which knocked him down and out! Eddie then took advantage of this as the ref was down so he headed to the outside and brought a steel chair in.

    When The Undertaker got up Eddie nailed Taker with a chair shot, but he wasn’t affected from it. Eddie then did it again, but again no response from Taker. Eddie then just dropped the chair and kicked Taker below the belt again! Eddie then went into position for a Simplex on Taker and hit one and held it as he was looking for the Three Amigos. He got up and hit the second Suplex. When Eddie got up and went for the third though, Taker didn’t allow it and reversed it by picking Eddie up and flipping him around. He had him in the position for the Tombstone, but didn’t hit it until he was under the chair. Then Taker dropped Eddie’s head down as Taker dropped to his knees and Eddie just got hit with the Tombstone on top of a chair. Taker then covered Eddie and the ref slowly crawled over the count the three count to let The Undertaker win.

    After the match, Eddie Guerrero rolled out of the ring and started slowly walking up the ramp. The Undertaker was still in the ring at this time and all of a sudden pointed up in the air and then down and down stuck a lighting bolt right where Eddie was about to step. Then on the titantron it read “See you in 30 Days!” Eddie then turned around at Taker and showed him a pissed off face. Eddie then was at the top of the ramp and then all of a sudden Taker did it again, but this time the lighting bolts wouldn’t stop so Eddie got scared and headed backstage quickly.

    Orton: The Great American Champion

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    WWE Heavyweight Title

    Randy Orton © defeated JBL, Chris Benoit and Triple H

    The WWE Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton really had the odds stacked up against him tonight at Great American Bash as he had to face three other competitors in an Elimination Match with his Title on the line. And the worst part about it was that Orton could get eliminated first and knows after one fall there will be a new Champion. But the good thing for Orton was that this didn’t happen and Orton outlasted his three competitors and walked out of Great American Bash still Champion.

    The match got kicked off with everyone surrounding the Champion. At once all three challengers charged at Orton, but somehow the Champion was able to fall to the mat and crawl out of the ring in time before all three men were to attack him. The challengers didn’t know Orton left the ring so they kept on brawling, but it was like they were brawling with each other with Orton just watching on the outside. Finally, Triple H got up from the pile and saw Orton was on the outside so he headed out of the ring.

    Triple H and Orton started going at it out of the ring and JBL and Benoit were at it in the ring. Triple H tried to take down the Champ early by trying to throw him into the barricade or the steps or post, but Orton wouldn’t let it happen as he didn’t want to tire down so early and he reversed everything Triple H tried to do on the outside. Orton finished up with The Game on the outside after he got on the steps and jumped off nailing him with a Crossbody ramming into the barricade.

    Meanwhile, in the ring JBL was in control over Benoit and he just nailed Benoit with an Over the Shoulder Running Powerslam. JBL was then stalking Benoit waiting for him to get up so he can nail Benoit with the Clothesline From Hell. While this was happening the Champion just got in the ring and was waiting near the corner for his time to do something. Benoit then got up and JBL charged at him. Benoit ducked though, and JBL couldn’t believe it. Then all of a sudden ran over the Champion and nailed JBL with the RKO! Benoit then quickly jumped onto JBL on the ground and locked in the Crippler Crossface! JBL was screaming out in pain and was right in the middle of the ring. He had no choice, but to tap as he couldn’t reach the ropes. This meant that JBL has been the first eliminated!

    Benoit then got up after JBL tapped out and got right into the face of the Champion. Then Benoit slapped Orton right across the chest and backed him into the corner. Benoit nailed chop after chop until Orton finally turned Benoit around and got him in the corner and Orton nailed Benoit with chops. Orton then got Benoit up and lifted him up onto the turnbuckle. Orton was looking for a Superplex, but Benoit wouldn’t let it happen and reversed it by lifting up Orton and throwing him off with a forward Suplex!

    Benoit then stood up straight on the turnbuckle as Triple H was just making his way back into the ring by rolling in. Benoit then did the throat slash and dove off the turnbuckle nailing the Champion with the Diving Headbutt! Everyone thought it was it for the Champ as Benoit hooked the leg of Orton, but Orton was able to kick out!

    Triple H then got to his feet and went right after Orton again, but this time Orton was already hurting. Triple H nailed Orton with a couple of knees to the face and went for the Pedigree! Orton tried to fight out of it, but Triple H was able to hit it! Triple was on his knees right over the fallen Champion. Before The Game could roll Orton over and cover him though, Benoit got up and out of nowhere jumped on the back of Triple H and tried to lock in the Crippler Crossface! But unlike JBL, Triple H was only locked in it for less then a second as he escaped from it by rolled out of it and he ended up rolling up Benoit! The ref counted one and then Triple grabbed the tights of Benoit with one hand and put a foot on the ropes! The ref didn’t see it and amazingly he counted three to make the second elimination be Chris Benoit!

    After Benoit has been eliminated there was a short break in action as Orton was still laid out from the Pedigree and The Game was just catching his breath. Triple H after his short break crawled over to Orton and hooked the leg, but at the last second Orton was able to kick out. You can tell Orton was really tiring down as he just barley kicked out from a Pedigree that happened a few minutes back. Triple H then got up and lifted up Orton. He threw punch after punch and then went to throw Orton into the turnbuckle, but the ref got in the way and Orton ran right into the ref knocking him out!

    Triple H then took advantage of this by heading towards another turnbuckle and taking off the top strap for the turnbuckle! Triple H then got Orton and tried to throw the Champion into the exposed turnbuckle, but Orton wouldn’t let it happen and stopped The Game by hitting a Drop Toe Hold. Orton then picked up Triple H and threw him into the ropes and nailed him with a Dropkick. After this the Champion tried to revive the ref, but no movement by the referee happened.

    Triple H was then up and charged at the Champ, but Orton ducked over and Triple H went right over Orton flying face first into the exposed turnbuckle and crashing down right into it busting himself open. Orton then went to cover The Game, but the ref was still down. Finally, Orton had enough and just picked the ref up by his shirt and it seemed he was fine.

    The Game was again up at this point and this time charged at Orton and connected with a High Knee! Triple H then picked up Orton slowly and set up for the Pedigree once again. Like last time Orton fought to try and not let it happen and this time it worked as Orton got out of it by flipping The Game over onto his back. Orton then went to pick up the final challenger, but Triple H still had some gas left in him and nailed Orton with another High Knee! Again Triple H set up for the Pedigree and once again he couldn’t hit it on Orton. But unlike last time, Orton didn’t get out of it by flipping The Game over. This time Orton kept punching Triple H in the ribs until Orton finally got straight up and right when he did he jumped in the air and grabbed Triple H and hit a thunderous RKO! The crowd erupted as Orton slowly draped him arm over Triple H. The crowd counted along with the ref, “1! 2! 3!”

    Everyone was now up on their feet and they were going nuts for Orton. Orton slowly got up as Triple H just rolled out of the ring being helped by Ric Flair who just came down to the ring. Orton was handed his WWE Heavyweight Title and Orton wrapped it around his waist. Orton then got up on ever turnbuckle and did his pose with both arms out. Every turnbuckle he climbed on the crowd got louder and louder and it was a great way to end The Great American Bash as the last person we saw stand tall was The Great American Champion!

    The Rabbitman-5


    Now That’s Cool-4

    Rey Mysterio-3





    Crazy In Mask (EWB)-3

    Lucas Jackson-2


    Triple X (EWB)-2


    Congratulations to the winner The Rabbitman with predicting 5 out of 6. I will pm you a prize for winning that has to do with this diary.

  12. IPB Image


    July 24, 2005


    WWE Heavyweight Title

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    Cruiserweight Title

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    WWE Tag Team Titles

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    United States Title

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  13. IPB Image

    HBK Evens It Up, but Gets Frightened

    With this being the final Smackdown! before Great American Bash, each match scheduled for the Bash had one last spark to it. The final spark of Smackdown! was the feud between HBK and Angle. This started at Royal Rumble and continued to WrestleMania where Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels. Now HBK has been drafted over to Smackdown! and this feud has been picked up from Mania. Then tonight, it went to a whole new level. During the night Kurt Angle came down to the ring as he had a few words to say to Shawn Michaels face to face. So he called down HBK and the two men confronted each other. HBK asked what Angle wanted and Angle told HBK that all he wanted to say that no matter what happens tonight come Great American Bash; there will be no way that HBK will be able to defeat him in their match as this surprise is just to big. HBK answered back by saying that he can think whatever he wants as he has overcame a lot of odds in his career and Sunday Night he is looking to do the same. Angle then told HBK that if he doesn’t believe that the surprise is so big he might just witness a little taste of it tonight. Then came the Main Event which was the WrestleMania Rematch and Angle vs. HBK II and also the same match that will happen Sunday Night at the Great American Bash. Both men wrestled a fifteen minute classic, but no way better then their match at Mania. The action went back and forth between both men until finally coming down to the end of the match, Angle took control after a series of German Suplex’s followed up by a Belly to Belly. Angle then stalked HBK and nailed him with the Angle Slam! He covered Michaels and tried to defeat HBK once again, but that didn’t happen as amazingly, HBK kicked out! Angle couldn’t believe it so he took his straps off from his singlet and locked in the Ankle Lock. He only had it locked in for a few seconds though, as HBK rolled around and kicked Angle in the face. HBK then nipped up and nailed Angle with an explosive Elbow and then followed up with another. HBK then went in the corner and started stomping his foot and when Angle got up, HBK caught Angle with the Sweet Chin Music. The ref counted the three and HBK evened the score up at 1-1. After the match though, HBK got a mic and said since both times they wrestled they were both singles matches and both man took one match a piece. HBK said that at Great American Bash both men will go at it in a LAST MAN STANDING Match. HBK then tried to say, “I will see you there”, but he got cut off by some blasting beat going something like this, “DUUUUHHHH! Duh! Na! Duh! Na! DUUUUUHHH! Duh Na! Duh! NAAAAAA! Duh! Na! DUH!” Then the lights dimmed down and HBK was scared and dropped the mic and was sweating. He then looked at the titantron and it read, “He Is Coming!” Great…American…Bash!” HBK just was nervous as ever as the lights came back on and Smackdown! ended.

    The biggest feud of them all, which is the feud over Randy Orton’s WWE Heavyweight Title also, had something big announced. The show started off with the GM of Smackdown! coming down to the ring and introducing the Champion, Randy Orton. Orton came down to the ring with a smile on his face and got in the ring talking with Long. Long said that he has a tough task coming up as he has to face three other men which maybe the three best men on Smackdown! besides the Champion himself. Orton said he knew and he was ready. Long said that the match wasn’t going to be so easy to retain the gold though, as the Match will now be an Elimination Match. So everyman has to either be pinned or has to submit to let the last man alive win the match and the title. Orton said it was alright as he is the Champion and everything should be alright with him. But then down came Triple H and he got in the ring. Triple H tells that Benoit or JBL won’t be making such a huge appearance tonight as they are knocked out cold. Then shown on the titantron are both Benoit and JBL laid out backstage all bloodied. Triple H said he did it as he wanted to take out two of his competitors so it would be easier for him. Long said that wasn’t right, but Orton didn’t care as he said now it will be easier for him too. Triple H finished up this segment by saying that at the Bash, he will become the Champion once again and show his former protégé that he is better then him. Triple H then hit Orton with a cheap shot and left the ring making the sign that he wants the gold around his waist.

    After this happened, Hardcore Holly got his warm-up Special Guest Referee Match. And the good thing about this match was that two of the three men in the match he was refing would be in the match he is refing at the Bash. Booker T and Carlito locked up in a decent bout with both men trying to have the advantage going into the Bash. As a matter of fact though, none of these guys will have the advantage as the man who will is the US Champion, Orlando Jordan. The reason is because coming down to the finish off this match, Booker T just went for the Scissors Kick, but Carlito ducked it and hit the Cool DDT. Right when Carlito was about to cover, down came running the US Champion and Jordan got in the ring and attacked Carlito. He wound up throwing him and Booker out of the ring after a beat down. Holly didn’t call for the bell of anything though, as he just got in the face of Jordan. Jordan attacked first and knocked out Holly with his US Title Belt. Jordan then got on the mic and declared that the match is over and it will end in a No Contest as no one is left to wrestle or ref. Jordan said that there will be more action involving him though, as he called down a ref and any opponent from the back to face him for his US Title. Down came a ref and down came an unfamiliar name of Deuce Shade. Shade got in the ring and got his butt whooped by OJ as the Champion made quick work of Shade and it was basically a squash match. Jordan put him away when after he hit the Orlando Magic. Jordan then got on the mic again and said that at Great American Bash he will prove why he is such a great Champion when he overcomes the odds defeating two men with a ref that hates him.

    Last week the Friendly Freaks of John Heidenreich and Matt Morgan thought they both won themselves a match-up to face MNM for their WWE Tag Team Titles at Great American Bash, but that didn’t come true as Melina begged her way through to let MNM face F Squared in a Non-Title Match tonight on Smackdown! And if MNM wins they don’t have a match at the Bash, but if they lose the match is still on. So this meant that Melina and the rest of MNM had to do whatever they had to do to win. The match then finally came on Smackdown! and MNM came so close so many times to getting their way with so many near pinfalls. Finally, the Friendly Freaks had some light after Heidenreich broke through the block of Nitro, and he broke up the pin on Morgan after MNM hit the Snapshot. Heidenreich then destroyed both Mercury and Nitro himself. Once Morgan got up they teamed together to take MNM down and that’s what they did. Friendly Freaks got their way again after they hit a Double Powerbomb on both Nitro and Mercury to win the match and get a match at the Bash.

    The Undertaker and Eddie Guerrero feud also heated up even more as there was a little stipulation added to their match. Eddie Guerrero came down to the ring during the show and called out The Undertaker, but he just got no response so he went on talking anyway. Eddie Guerrero said that their feud has gotten pretty serious and he was ready to take it to the next level. So Eddie said that he wanted to add a little stipulation to the match. There was still no response by Taker, but Eddie still continued. Eddie said that at Great American Bash both he and The Undertaker will go at it and whoever loses the match is suspended without pay for a full month! Eddie said that it means that you aren’t aloud in the Smackdown! arena! Finally The Undertaker had something to say, as the lights went out and they came back in a purple/blue way. On the titantron it said, “Eddie-R.I.P.!” Eddie got scared and just ran out of the ring and backstage.

    Finally, the final match at Great American Bash which is for the Cruiserweight Title between Paul London and Frankie Kazarian, this also heated up tonight. Early in the show, Frankie Kazarian snuck into Paul London’s locker room saying that London doesn’t think he is real and things like that. So Kazarian grabbed the Cruiserweight Title and ran out of the locker room. When London came in and saw his belt gone he went right to Teddy Long and told him what happened and said it was probably Kazarian. Long said it probably was, but he already left the arena so he couldn’t do anything about it.

    Smackdown! Results

    WrestleMania Rematch

    Shawn Michaels defeated Kurt Angle

    Friendly Freaks defeated MNM

    United States Title

    Orlando Jordan © defeated Deuce Shade

    Special Guest Referee-Hardcore Holly

    Booker T and Carlito went to a No Contest

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    Three Days Till the Bash

    July 21, 2005

    This is the final Smackdown! before the next Pay Per View which is The Great American Bash. There are six huge matches set for the Bash and all of them will get their last feul of heat tonight on Smackdown! as in three days all six of the matches will happen. With the Bash coming up, there is a great Smackdown! in store.

    At WrestleMania 21 Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle had what has still been called the match of the year. These two men are to have a rematch at Great American Bash, but both men can’t wait so Teddy Long have booked the two in a match tongith for Smackdown! So this is match number two of three. Also, Angle says he will win at the Bash because he has got a huge surprise. Will that surprise appear on Smackdown!?

    Last week on Smackdown! John Heidenreich defeated Joey Mercury and Matt Morgan defeated Johnny Nitro. This allowed the Friendly Freaks to get a shot at MNM for their titles at the Bash. But now tonight MNM were able to get a non-title match against the Friendly Freaks and if MNM win they get a free pass and don’t have to face anyone this Sunday.

    Also tonight on Smackdown!, Hardcore Holly will get his warm-up referee match as he will be the Special Guest Referee for Orlando Jordan’s two challengers, Carlito and Booker T. Whoever wins this match has a much better advantage in winning.

    Will Kurt Angle’s surprise show up tonight on Smackdown!? Will MNM get a freebie this Sunday at the Bash? Who will be looking the best going into the US Title Match?

    Tune into Smackdown! on UPN to find out!

    Confirmed Smackdown! Matches:

    WrestleMania 21 Rematch

    Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

    Friendly Freaks vs. MNM

    Special Guest Referee-Hardcore Holly

    Booker T vs. Carlito

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    Chris Punk added to the RAW Superstars Page

    July 20, 2005

    Chris Punk debuted on this past RAW by making an open challenge to anyone. He defeated Steven Richards and afterwards he used his catchpharse by saying, "You just been PUNK'D!" Punk finished Richards with a Pedigree as Jim Ross said, but as a matter of fact it is a Spinning Sitout Pedigree where he lifts the opponent staright up in the air. Punk also said that he has changed the name to The Plunge. Below is a picture of the newest member on RAW, Chris Punk, and by clicking his picture it will re-direct you to his page on the RAW Superstars.

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    Goldberg Taking the Gold at Summerslam

    The night got kicked off with a huge match announced for Summerslam. It then ended with the challenger to Batista’s World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam stand tall while holding the title and Batista down on the mat. With that being said, it was no doubt a surprising night. The night started off with a huge edition of the Highlight Reel. Jericho’s first introduced his guest who will be his Tag Team partner later on tonight, Goldberg. These two men talked for about two minutes on how they will dominate tonight and then Goldberg will destroy Batista at Summerslam. Then Jericho said since they were talking about the title, why not call down the Champ. So down came the Champion and Jericho asked one question and that was, “How is it going to feel when you get connected with the Spear, followed by the Jackhammer and you lose your most prized possession?!” Batista said that he doesn’t need to worry about that because he knows Goldberg is no threat to his title as he is garbage. Batista then said he knew who was going to be a threat soon and that man is a threat to Jericho now in John Cena. So down came the former WWE Heavyweight Champion. Batista asked Cena if he was ready to kick some a$$ tonight right in Goldberg and Jericho’s face and Cena said he was ready to right now. Batista stopped Cena from attacking and told Cena to now. Jericho and Goldberg were confused, but Cena knew what he was doing. Cena took the mic and got in the face of Jericho. Cena said that since the other two men in this ring already are set to have a match at Summerslam why don’t they have a match at Summerslam as Jericho seems to think he is better then him (Cena). Jericho just laughed and Cena and said no right to his face. Cena then responded with that the winning team tonight, gets to pick the stipulation for the match at Summerslam. Jericho smiled and said that he was on and Cena better be ready for a stipulation picked by him. Cena then said that it won’t happen. That’s when Jericho and Goldberg attacked Cena and Batista, but both men missed charges and Batista and Cena came back with Cena hitting the FU on Jericho and Batista hitting a Spinebuster on Goldberg making Batista and Cena standing tall early in the night. Then nothing really went down between these two teams until the main event came and the Tag Team Grudge Match was ready to happen. This Tag Team Match was a great one with mainly anyone going after anyone as they didn’t care who they were facing as they just wanted to show who was the best man. During the match Chris Jericho went for a Clothesline on Cena, but he ducked and Jericho accidentally hit the referee. Jericho then knocked Cena to the mat and left the ring and got Batista’s World Heavyweight Title. Right when Cena got up, Jericho decked Cena with the belt. Jericho had a huge smile on his face until he backed up into the Champ who was now in the ring. Jericho got scared and dropped the belt and slid out of the ring. Batista then helped up Cena and directed him toward Jericho. Jericho then hoped the guardrail and ran for his life. Cena followed Jericho through the crowd and all the way backstage to leave it to an early Summerslam Match. The ref was still down and Batista turned right into Goldberg’s Spear after he turned back around. Goldberg then went and covered and realized the ref was still down and so he took Batista’s belt. He waited for Batista to get up and then smashed it over his head sort of busting him open. Goldberg then threw away the evidence and stalked the Champ with a Spear and hit it. Then before Goldberg went any further he grabbed the ref by his shirt and lifted him up. Goldberg then lifted up Batista and nailed the Jackhammer! Goldberg had the leg hooked and the ref counted the three. This made Goldberg scare Batista as he might be losing his title come Summerslam and also allows Chris Jericho to pick the stipulation for his match at Summerslam against Chris Jericho.

    The other big match of the night was the Tag Team Title Match. Mexi Moda has only been tagging for a couple of weeks now, but they have established themselves as a top team on RAW and last week they defeated three teams to get to this spot and face the World’s Greatest Tag Team. The only problem is that after the match, 3 Minute Warning for no reason attacked Mexi Moda and laid them out. Now tonight, during this match Mexi Moda was looking good and maybe were going to win the titles. Mysterio just nailed Haas with the 619 and Psicosis hit a Head Scissors on Benjamin making him fly out of the ring. But then down came 3 Minute Warning and they attacked Shelton Benjamin making the ref ring the bell and call for the DQ making World’s Greatest Tag Team win! After the match 3 Minute Warning continued the attack onto Haas, but then Mexi Moda tried to go and help out the Champions, but that wasn’t a good idea as 3 Minute Warning also beat down them.

    The Legend Killer, Rob Conway also continued his Legend Killing Open on RAW as tonight his legend was Brooklyn Brawler as the crowd wasn’t to happy to see him. Not to many people count him as a legend, but Conway did as he quickly put him away with ease as after a short bout, Conway hit the Conway Cutter for the win and his third victory over a Legend.

    Chris Masters finally returned to RAW and he had his ever so famous Master Lock Challenge. Masters got in the ring and called down anyone who thinks they can break out of the Master Lock. All of a sudden out came The Hurricane. Hurricane got in the ring and grabbed a mic. He told Masters that he might not be able to life up two large monsters in Big Show and Kane, but he is a super hero and he will be able to break the Lock. Masters didn’t believe it and just locked it right on him. Hurricane tried fighting out of it, but that didn’t work and he quickly faded away and he passed out making Chris Master’s Master Lock Challenge prevail.

    Also tonight on RAW, we saw a new member on the roster. His name, Chris Punk and he meant business. Punk came down to the ring during the night and got on the mic. He said that he was the newest member on RAW and he was looking to make a huge impact. So Punk called down anyone to face him in his first ever match in the WWE. Then down came Steven Richards and he got in the face of Punk. Before the match started, Punk told Richards, “Get you’re a$$ ready to be kicked as you are going to get PUNK’D!” Punk looked impressive in his WWE debut and he totally dominated Richards and put him away with the Punk’d (Pedigree). Punk then got on the mic and onto the mat in Richards face saying, “You just got hit with the Punk’d and you have also just been PUNK’D!”

    RAW Results

    Tag Team Grudge Match

    Chris Jericho and Goldberg defeated Batista and John Cena

    Chris Punk defeated Steven Richards

    World Tag Team Title’s

    World’s Greatest Tag Team defeated Mexi Moda by DQ

    Master Lock Challenge

    Chris Masters defeated The Hurricane

    Legend Killing Open

    Rob Conway defeated Brooklyn Brawler

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