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NWA-TNA - A Force To Be Reckoned With!


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Sunday, January 23rd - 8:35 P.M.

I was sitting at home one night watching the usual television shows, checking the internet every once and awhile looking for updates on various promotions that I followed. I myself was actually a booker for a not to well known Wisconsin based wrestling federation. I had some moderate success, with my biggest show drawing 400 people. Our shows weren’t known for the large crowds, or the flashing lights, but were known for the work ethic and the quality booking. So there I was, sitting on my couch when the phone rang. It was my good buddy from down south, Bob Ryder. By the tone of his voice, he sounded worried. Bob said that Jerry Jarrett had given up control of NWATNA wrestling because he couldn’t take the backstage politics anymore, and the babyish attitude of his son Jeff. Jerry just up and quit without any notice whatsoever. Bob had called because he knew how I ran my company up here in the North. He had seen all my shows, and said he loved what he saw, and that they needed someone quickly to fill in for Jerry. He said he had talked with other key players in TNA and that they wanted to give me a trial run as head booker for Total Non-Stop Action wrestling. I was thrilled to say the least. Many things ran through my head at that moment, “This would be the biggest opportunity of my career”, “What would the boys say if I decided to leave them and go down south to work for TNA”, “Would they be upset”? All these things raced through my mind, but I knew that I had to take the chance, and I knew the locker room would be with me on my decision. So I told Bob that I would be on the first flight the next morning to Orlando. With that, the phone call ended. I was so excited, my dream was coming true. I quickly packed my bags, got online and reserved a plane ticket, and hit the hay.

Monday, January 24th - 5:00 A.M.

I woke to the sound of my alarm going off. I jumped out of bed, took a quick shower, grabbed my bag, and headed to the airport. I got there, had everything checked, and got on my flight. I arrived at Universal Studios in Orlando at 9:00 A.M. I got settled in my hotel room, then headed to the studios. I met up with Bob Ryder and we had a meeting. He said that I would be in charge of booking from this moment on, and that I would have 2 months to prove my skills. He handed me a list of matches that had already been booked for the upcoming “Against All Odds” PPV. The card appeared as follows.

NWA Championship

Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

TNA X Championship

30 Minute Iron Man Match

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles ©

NWA Tag Team Championships

Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt vs. America’s Most Wanted ©

Full Metal Mayhem (Tables, Ladders, & Chairs)

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss

Jeff Hammond & BG James vs. Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian

I knew I had my work cut-out for me. A few of the matches didn’t have extremely talented workers, so I would have to use my skills to try and build the matches up to their full potential. Ryder said that I would also have to add 3 more matches on top of the 5 already announced. This is where I would really be able to flex my skills. In my opinion, TNA has a wealth of untapped talent that is just waiting to be given the chance, and that is what I am hoping to do. Ryder then showed me to my office where I was left alone to go over everything within the company, the talent, the finances I had to work with, and the time constraints. The next few weeks would be bumpy to say the least, but in my mind, I could pull it off and earn myself the full time job of head booker of TNA wrestling.

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The Next day had come, and I went to look for Bob Ryder. I found him talking to AJ Styles. I asked to speak to him in private. We went into my office, and I told him that I would be making some cuts here and there. He said "whatever needs to be done". I showed him the list of cuts, and he seemed to be okay with it. I also talked to him about the upcoming PPV, and Impact on Friday. I showed him the tentative line-up for Impact, along with what else I was planning on setting up for the PPV. He said everything seemed to be on a great track, and that he cant wait to see how everything plays out. With that, here is the current roster.


Main Event

AJ Styles

Diamond Dallas Page

Jeff Hardy


Jeff Jarrett


Kevin Nash

Scott Hall

Upper-Mid Card

BG James

Chris Harris

Erik Watts

James Storm


Ron Killings

Monty Brown

Christopher Daniels

Elix Skipper

Mid Carders

Chris Sabin

David Young

Dustin Rhodes

Hector Garza

Johnny B. Bad

Pat Kenney

Shark Boy

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Amazing Red

Alex Shelley

Lance Hoyt

Johnny Swinger


Kid Kash

Michael Shane

Petey Williams

Lower-Mid Carders

D-Ray 3000


Andy Douglas

Bobby Roode

Chase Stevens

Chris Candido

Eric Young


Johnny Devine



Jerelle Clark

Mikey Batts





Johnny B. Badd

David Young

This Friday on Impact, there will be 4 matches that take place. Those matches are as follows.

Jerrelle Clark vs. Andy Douglas

Chris Candido vs. Pat Kenney

Shane & Kazarian vs. Sonjay Dutt & Chris Sabin

AJ Styles vs. Monty Brown

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TNA.com Internet Report - Impact, 02/04/05

The show opened with the usual pyro.

Match #1 - Andy Douglas vs. Jerelle Clark

Match was short, but was a good opener. Andy Douglas got in some good offense, as did Clark. Some highlights saw Clark hit a tope to the outside onto Douglas, Douglas nailing a top-rope DDT on Clark, Clark going for the 630 but missing, and Douglas hitting the top-rope hurricanrana for the victory.

Rating = 35.1%

Kevin nash made his way to the ring. Nash got on the mic and started to talk about how he will be the champion after "Against All Odds". He put down Jarrett, but before he could get anymore words in, Jarrett ran in from behind and attacked Nash. Jarrett leveled Nash with the NWA Title belt, then proceded to hit the Stroke which left Nash out cold in the ring.

Rating = 85.3%

Match #2 - Chris Candido vs. Pat Kenney

Match was very bland, nothing really of note. Candido was looking to impress the TNA scouts, but by their reactions after the match, it doesnt seem that he succeded. Some highlights were Kenney nailing a leg drop from the top-rope, and Candido hitting the piledriver for the win.

Rating = 65.5%

Dusty Rhodes then made his way onto the ramp. He announced that at "Against All Odds" that The Naturals would be added to the Tag-Team Title match making it America's Most Wanted vs. Kash & Hoyt vs. The Naturals

Rating = 34.6%

Match #3 - Kazarian & Shane vs. Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt

Match was a very good one. Lots of high-flying action that had the crowd on their feet for the whole match. Dutt is very impressive, and could very well be in line for an X-Title reign. Some high-lights included Dutt being thrown from the top-rope into the guard rails on the outside, Sabin nailing the Whiplash Effect on Kazarian, Dutt hiting the Phoenix 630 on Kazarian, and Kazarian and Shane hitting the double moonsaults for the double cover and the win.

Rating = 63.9%

Dusty Rhodes once again made his way to the entrance way, this time to anounce a new match for "Against All Odds". Rhodes said that at the PPV, it will be Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams vs. Elix Skipper for the #1 Contendership to the X-Title.

Rating = 36.1%

Main Event - AJ Styles vs. Monty Brown

Was a good match, but it didnt top the previous match. Crowd was into it, but not as much as the tag-match. It has become apparent to me that Styles can work with anyone and make the match great. Match highlights included Brown hitting a brain-buster on Styles for a 2 count, Styles nailing a flying head scissors that sent Brown to the outside, Styles hitting a spring-board dropkick to the outside onto Brown, and Styles hitting the spring-board backflip reverse DDT on Brown for the win. After the match was over, Christopher Daniels ran down to the ring and proceded to beat up Styles. Daniels hit the Last Rights which left Styles down in the ring to end the show.

Rating = 46.8%

Overall Show Rating = 55.6%

Attendance 13,508

Current "Against All Odds" Card

NWA Championship

Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

TNA X Championship

30 Minute Iron Man Match

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles ©

NWA Tag Team Championships

Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt vs. The Naturals vs. America’s Most Wanted ©

Fatal 4-Way X-Division #1 Contenders Match

Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin vs. Elix Skipper vs. Petey Williams

Full Metal Mayhem (Tables, Ladders, & Chairs)

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss

Jeff Hammond & BG James vs. Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian

On another note, Raven will no longer be working with TNA as he has signed on as owner of CHICKARA wrestling. We here at TNA wish him the best of luck

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TNA.com - The Low-Down

- Tna Director Of Authority Dusty Rhoddes has announced that this Sunday at Against All Odds, he will debut his new "Special Enforcer".

- Can Kevin Nash pull off the unthinkable this sunday and dethrone Jeff Jarrett as King Of The Mountain?

- TNA Home Releases is proud to announce a partnership deal with FSN Home Video. With this new deal, we have signed on to realease a "Best OF Impact" every 2-3 months.

- TNA has made several attempts at signing new talent, and has been succesful. Look for these new superstars to show up sometime in the near future.

- Dont forget to tune into Impact this friday at 4:00 P.M. on Fox Sports Net, and dont forget to order Against All Odds this Sunday night, live on Pay-Per-View to see all these action-packed matches, plus much much more.

NWA Championship

Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

TNA X Championship

30 Minute Iron Man Match

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles ©

NWA Tag Team Championships

Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt vs. The Naturals vs. America’s Most Wanted ©

Fatal 4-Way X-Division #1 Contenders Match

Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin vs. Elix Skipper vs. Petey Williams

Full Metal Mayhem (Tables, Ladders, & Chairs)

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss

Jeff Hammond & BG James vs. Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian

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TNA.com - Impact 02/11/05

The show opens with the same pyro as usual.

Dusty Rhodes is shown in his office backstage. Rhodes announces anothe match for the PPV this Sunday. He says that Diamond Dallas Page will face off against Monty Brown for the right to be the #1 contender to Jarretts belt.

Rating = 40.3

Match #1 - Mikey Batts & Jerelle Clark vs. Bobby Rude and Eric Young

It seems to me that Team Canada offer up the same thing every match. Their matches have gotten so monotonous to where Im at the point of almost turning off the television when I hear their entrance music. But, then along comes the saving grace of the match, Jerelle Clark. Clark is very underrated, he has talent just waiting to be discovered, but even Jerelle couldnt help this match. Some highlights were clark hitting the 630, but Roode breaking up the pin. Team Canada gets the win in a very bland match.

Rating = 34.2

Match #2 - Kid Kash vs. Amazing Red

Well, these 2 had to put out something amazing to get the crowd back on their feet after the last disaster of a match. The match was above average and the crowd seemed to really be into it. Some highlights saw Kash hit a suicide dive to the outside onto Red, Red hit the Infrared for only a 2 count, and Kash hitting the top-rope powerbomb for the win. After the match, Lance Hoyt (Dallas) cam running down and him and Kash proceded to beat up Amazing Red. After the beatdown, Kash got on the mic, and said that they are going to be walking of "Against All Odds" the new Tag-Team Champions, with all odds on their side.

Rating = 65.8

A well put together video was shown to hype the match-up this sunday between Styles and Daniels.

Rating = 65.6

Kevin Nash is backstage at the wrestlers food court when out of no-where Jarrett comes running up and throws Nash onto a table of food. Nash gets up and they bigin to brawl all through-out the food court. At one point Jarrett squeezed mustard into Nash's eyes.

Rating = 81.1

Match #3 - Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley

This match was very good, but the crowd just didnt seem to be into it. Shelley is a very good wrestler, but isnt really allowed to showcase his skills. Some highlights were Shelley nailing the Shell Shock on Sabin for only the 2 count, Sabin hitting the Whiplash Effect on Shelley for only a 2, Shelley hitting a huge sentone off the top onto Sabin, and Sabin nailing the Cradle Shock for the win over Shelley.

Rating = 60.1

Dusty Rhodes comes out onto the entrance way and says that the actions earlier by Jarrett were dipicable, and he would be repramanded. He announced that later on tonight, Jarrett would face off against Ron Killings.

Rating = 52.0

Match #4 - Sonjay Dutt vs. Elix Skipper

This was great, and very well could have been the main event...but it wasnt. Im telling you, Dutt is great in the ring, and I think he really deserves and X-Title shot. Anyways, onto the match. Skipper hit the tight-rope hurricanran on Dutt, but couldnt get the 3 from it, Dutt nailed Skipper with a tornado DDT, Dutt hit a sick looking shooting star leg drop, Skipper nailed the Play Of The Day for the victory. These 2 really impressed, and had the crowd on their feet going into the main event.

Rating = 67.3

Main Event - Jeff Jarrett vs. Ron Killings

Match was okay, but the crowd absolutely ate it up. Jarrett, in my oppinion, plays a great heel, but isnt really championship material. Onto the match. Some highlights saw Jarrett getting the stroke reversed into a stroke from Killings which the crowd loved, Killings hitting a corkscrew dive to the outside only for Jarrett to move, Jarrett hitting the Stroke on Killings. Before the match could end, Kevin Nash ran down and attacked Jarrett there-fore disqualifying Killings and making Jarrett the winner. A brawl insued, they fought all through-out the building. The show ended with Nash hitting the Jack-knife on Jarrett.

Rating = 74.8

Overall Rating = 61.8

Attendance = 5,182

Current Card for "Against All Odds"

NWA Championship

Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

TNA X Championship

30 Minute Iron Man Match

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles ©

NWA Tag Team Championships

Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt vs. The Naturals vs. America’s Most Wanted ©

Fatal 4-Way X-Division #1 Contenders Match

Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin vs. Elix Skipper vs. Petey Williams

Full Metal Mayhem (Tables, Ladders, & Chairs)

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss

#1 Contendership to the NWA title

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Monty Brown

Jeff Hammond & BG James vs. Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian

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Jeff Jarrett suffered a collapsed lung asfter the attack by Nash at the last Impact, there-fore Jarrett will NOT be able to defend the title this Sunday. Because of this, TNA has made a replacement match pitting Scott Hall & Kevin Nash against Jeff Hardy & Ron Killings. This mean that Hardy will be wrestling twice in one night. Will Hardy still be able to fight after his match with Abyss? You'll have to find out, live, this Sunday, only on PPV. TNA appoligizes for any inconveniences, and promises that at the next PPV, Jarett will be defending his NWA title.

Edited by waylo88
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Revised "Against All Odds" PPV card

Kevin Nash & Scott Hall vs. Jeff Hardy & Ron Killings

TNA X Championship

30 Minute Iron Man Match

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles ©

NWA Tag Team Championships

Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt vs. The Naturals vs. America’s Most Wanted ©

Fatal 4-Way X-Division #1 Contenders Match

Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin vs. Elix Skipper vs. Petey Williams

Full Metal Mayhem (Tables, Ladders, & Chairs)

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss

#1 Contendership to the NWA title

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Monty Brown

Jeff Hammond & BG James vs. Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian

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TNA Internet Report - Against All Odds - 02/13/05

AAO opened with a large pyro.

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Wow, nothing really to say, but that this match was horrible. Bad booking on TNA's part to put Jeff Hammond in a match. Some highlight saw Shane hit a hurricanran off the top-rope onto James, and Kazarian hitting a top-rope dropkick. Hammond got in no offense at all. BG James got the pin after a piledriver. After the match, Shane and Kazarian argued for a few minutes, then it turned into blows. It looks as though the team is no longer together.

Rating = 44.2

Styles is interviewed backstage. He talks about how he will be victorious, and hypes his match later on tonight.

Rating = 80.5

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This match was good for what it was. A ton of spots from both men. Abyss is very agile. Some highlights saw Abyss hit a chokeslam through a table, Hardy hit the twist of fate off the apron through a table, Hardy hit a leg drop over a ladder, Abyss nailing a blackhole slam on a ladder, and Hardy getting the win with the Swanton off the ladder through a table.

Rating = 67.4

AMW is shown warming up backstage for their up-coming tag title match.

Rating = 58.8

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This match was ok, but did disapoint. Hoyt has very little charisma in the ring, and is just out right boring. Some highlights saw Kash nail a money maker right out of the gate on Andy Douglas, but only for a 2, The Naturals hit double cross-bodies on AMW, AMW nailing The Naturals with 2 double suplexes in a row, and AMW getting the win with a spiked piledriver off the top-rope.

Rating = 45.9

Tenay & West hyped the upcoming fatal 4-way

Rating = 68.5

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This match was amazing. All the men involved really stepped it up tonight. I know I say it everytime Dutt has a match, but he is incredible, definately X-Champion material. Some highlights saw Dutt hit a front flip canrana onto Williams, Skipper hitting the tight rope hurricanran on Sabin, Williams nailing 2 Canadain Destroyer IN A ROW on Skipper, and Sabin hitting the cradle shock off the top on Dutt. Skipper got the win with the play of the day.

Rating = 68.4

Hardy is shown sitting in his locker room when the lights go out. When they come back on, he is unconscious, and Hall & Nash are standing around him laughing.

Rating = 76.0

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This was okay, but you can tell DDP is aging, he just isnt as quick as he once was. Some highlights saw DDP hit a huge diving clothsline off the top-rope, DDP nail a DDT, and Brown get the win with not 1, but 2 Pounce's in a row.

Rating = 45.3

Christopher Daniels is backstage with Mike Tenay. Daniels is on hype duty for his match later on with Styles. Daniels says there is no way in hell he is losing the match.

Rating = 80.7

Jarrett is in the ring and tells everyone that even though he is injured, that next month he will defend the title against Monty Brown...AND Kevin Nash.

Rating = 80.6

Hardy & Killings and The Outsiders were in the ring about to start their match when a pre-match fight broke out. They brawled for a bit before being broken up.

Rating = 73.2

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This match was basically a dud. Hardy was beat from earlier in the night, and Nash and Hall are getting way too old to still be wrestling. Hall's face looks like plastic for cryin' out loud. Anyways, onto the match. Nothing great, The crowd was into it, but were mostly just waiting for the iron-man match. Some highlights say Killings get Jack-knifed, and Hall get the win with the Razor's Edge.

Rating = 41.8

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This match was very entertaining, and stole the show. Fall #1 went to Daniels as he pinned Styles with the Last Rights. Fall #2 went to Styles as he got the pin with the springboard reveser DDT. Fall #3 went to Daniels as he hit the Angels Wings from the top-rope for the victory. Daniels then celebrated with his newly won X-Title.

Rating = 84.3

Overall = 62.1

Attendance = 7,597

Current "Destination X" card

NWA Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Monty Brown vs. Kevin Nash

TNA X-Title

Christopher Daniels © vs. Elix Skipper

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TNA.com - The Low Down

- What is going to happen at Destination X when two former teammates in Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper go one on one? Both men know each other very well, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

- Michael Shane has said the follwing about his former partner Kazarian. "The reason I decided to deliver the first blow at Against All Odds is simple, Kazarian is a selfish SOB who only cares about himself. He was only looking out for his interests, and not those of the team."

- Monty Brown is furious that he has to face Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett at Destination X for the title. Brown had this to say, "I am pissed because I had to work to get that victory over DDP, and Nash is just allowed to step in and make himself apart of the match? I know he was supposed to face Jarrett at Against All Odds, but its not my fault Jarrett was injured. Nash should just have to wait, its my time now, not his. But either way, I promise that I will destroy Jarrett and nash at Destination X, you can bet on that."

- The main event for Impact on Friday has been announced. Christopher Daniels has come to Dusty Rhodes and said that he wants to feel out Elix Skipper, and wants to face him in a "Friendly" exhibition match. Rhodes has granted him the match, so on friday, Daniels will face Skipper.

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TNA.com Update

Dusty Rhodes has told TNA offices that he is looking to hold a tag-team tournament at Destination X. Rhodes said he is interested in brining in new teams just for this event. If the tournament doesn indeed happen, it will be 8 teams and consist of 3 rounds. We here at TNA are excited at the possibility of the tournament as we believe it will add some excitement to our broadcasts.

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Jeff Jarrett suffered a collapsed lung asfter the attack by Nash at the last Impact, there-fore Jarrett will NOT be able to defend the title this Sunday. Because of this, TNA has made a replacement match pitting Scott Hall & Kevin Nash against Jeff Hardy & Ron Killings. This mean that Hardy will be wrestling twice in one night. Will Hardy still be able to fight after his match with Abyss? You'll have to find out, live, this Sunday, only on PPV. TNA appoligizes for any inconveniences, and promises that at the next PPV, Jarett will be defending his NWA title.

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Jeff Jarrett suffered a collapsed lung asfter the attack by Nash at the last Impact, there-fore Jarrett will NOT be able to defend the title this Sunday. Because of this, TNA has made a replacement match pitting Scott Hall & Kevin Nash against Jeff Hardy & Ron Killings. This mean that Hardy will be wrestling twice in one night. Will Hardy still be able to fight after his match with Abyss? You'll have to find out, live, this Sunday, only on PPV. TNA appoligizes for any inconveniences, and promises that at the next PPV, Jarett will be defending his NWA title.

I think you should have stripped him of his title for not being able to compete. It'll be like the only way to get he strap off of him :P and it could have made for a pretty exciting PPV

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TNA.com - Impact Report - 02/18/05

The show opened with no pyro today, instead Kevin Nash stood in the ring. He was out there to give his response to the thing Monty Brown said about him in the latest edition of the low-down. Before he could get any words out of his mouth, the one and only....BILLY GUNN came out of the crowd and jumped Nash from behind. Gunn hit the One and Only, which left Nash down and out.

Rating = 60.1

Match #1 - Amazing Red vs. Jerelle clark.

I dont know what TNA was thinking here as there was 2 faces going at each other. Anyways, the match was a good one, but the crowd just wasnt into it. Jerrelle has some really inovative offensive moves. Some highlights saw Red miss the Infrared, Red hit a double rotation spinning head-scissors, and Clark hit the Phoenix 630 for the win.

Rating = 27.8

Hype video was shown for the main event between Daniels & Skipper.

Rating = 63.6

Match #2 - Alex Shelley vs. Chris Candido

Alex Shelley has some great technical holds in his moveset, its a shame that Candido has none. With Alex Shelley matches up against the right opponent, I think he could be very entertaining, but unfortunately, that wasnt the case on this day. Some highlights saw Candido actually pull off a clothsline without botching it, Shelley hit a beautiful moonsault from the top, and Shelley get the win with some crazy stretch that made Candido tap instantly.

Rating = 51.0

Michael Shane and Traci were interviewed backstage by Shane Douglas. Shane had many bad things to say about Kazarian, and that he wanted a match at Destination X.

Rating = 72.8

Match #3 - BG James & Ron Killings vs. Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt

This was okay. Kash and Killings really are the 2 that should be working singles as they are very talented, but they both have partners that seem to drag them down. Onto the match. BG James hit a shake rattle & roll on Hoyt early on, Hoyt nailed several big boots on James and Killings, Killing hit the axe kixk, but only for a 2 count, and Kash nailed the Money Maker on James for the win.

Rating = 61.4

Billy Gunn came to the ring and stated that he wanted in the title match at Destination X. He then proceeded to call out Jarrett. Gunn waiting, but Jarrett never came out. Gunn then ran backstage to look for him.

Rating = 61.1

Main Event - "Friendly" Exhibition match - Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper

This was very good. It really makes me want to see what they can do at the PPV given more time. Some highlights saw Daniels hit the spring-board moonsault to the outside, Skipper hit a corkscrew tope to the outside onto Daniels, Daniels hit the play of the day ON SKIPPER, and Daniels nailing the Picture Perfect Moonsault on Skipper for the win.

Rating = 75.4

Overall = 57.6

Attendance = 9,141

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TNA.com - The Low Down

- Dusty Rhodes is said to be furious with the actions of the newly aquired Billy Gunn. He has said that if Gunn wants to be in the Main Event at DX, then he has to win his match this Friday on Impact. Dusty said he will announce his opponent on Friday.

- The Tag Team Tournament is a GO. Currently, we have 6 of the 8 teams booked. 5 of the teams are as follows - America's Most Wanted, The Naturals, 3 Live Krew (BG James & Ron Killings), Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt, and Team Canada. The sixth team already signed is being kept a sceret within the company. Also, AMW has stated that, seeing as they are always up for competition, they will put the Tag-Titles on the line in the Tournament, meaning that the winner will be tag-champs.

- Kazarian has notified TNA execs that he has accepted Michael Sahnes challenge, and that he will make it official on Friday.

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TNA.com - Impact Report - 02/25/05

Dusty Rhodes is backstage with Billy Gunn sitting in the back of his pick-up. Rhodes says that if Gunn wants in the Main Event of DX, then tonight he has to not only beat Scott Hall, but also Kevin Nash in a handicap match. Gunn looked furious, but said that hw will do what it takes to get into the Main Event and win the NWA title.

Rating = 69.2

Match #1 - The Naturals vs. Mikey Batts & Jerelle Clark

Solid opener, nothing special though. Crowd wasnt very into it though. Some highlights saw Batts & Clark hit a modified Doomsaday Device, and The Naturals get the win after Andy Douglas had the ref distracted and Chase Stevens hit Batts with a steel chair for the 3.

Rating = 39.3

Lollipop came to the ring surrounded by loud cheers. She announced that she had signed a new client and that man would be an un-stoppable force in TNA, and that man is...MIKE AWESOME! Awesome came down to a chorus of boo's. He shook hands with Lollipop and they made their to the back.

Rating = 50.8

Match #2 - Kid Kash vs. Sonjay Dutt

This was a pretty good contest. Dutt impresses the hell outta me, he is very talented, so is Kash. Some highlights saw Dutt hit a double jump hurricanran on Kash from the top rope, Kash hit 3 german suplexes in a row, Dutt nail the Phoenix 630, but only get a 2 count out of it, and Kid Kash get the win with the Money Maker.

Rating = 65.5

Shane Douglas is backstage with kazarian. Douglas asked Kazarina about Shane, and Kazarian had the follwing to say. Shane is a whiney little baby that cant stand alone, and needed me as a cruth. Kazarian also said that he accepted the challenge, but only under one condition...that it be a STEEL CAGE MATCH!

Rating = 71.5

Dusty Rhodes came out onto the stage. He said that if Lollipop wants to sign new talent with out him knowing, then he is going to sign an impromptu match with out her knowing. He said that Mike Awesome would face Monty Brown...NEXT!

Rating = 45.7

Match #3 - Mike Awesome vs. Monty Brown

I though this was a good match for both men, the crowd thought the same. They were into it, but you could tell they were waiting for Gunn vs. Hall & Nash. Onto the match. It appears that Awesome's time in Japan has done good as he has added some new moves to his offense. Some highlights saw Awesome hold up Monty Brown for 10 seconds in the military press position, Brown hit a huge superplex on Awesome, and Awesome get the win with the running Awesome Bomb. After the match Lollipop got into the ring and was hoisted onto the shoulders of Awesome as they celebrated their victory.

Rating = 50.1

Match #4 - Billy Gunn vs. Kevin nash & Scott Hall (for Gunn's right to enter the title match at DX)

The crowd loved this, they believed Gunn to be such an under-dog, and wanted him to win badly. Hall & Nash play great heels, the feed off the crowd, albeit their ring skills have deminished over the years. Onto the match. Some highlights saw Nash & Hall hit 2 double team clothlines in a row, Hall nail a huge powerslam on Gunn, Gunn hit a tornado DDT on Nash, and Hall lift tp Gunn for the Razor's Edge, but have it counted into a fame-asser for the victory. Gunn will now move on to the main event of Destination X.

Rating = 75.8

Overall Rating = 58.5

Attendance = 8,515

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TNA.com - The Low Down

- With Gunn's win on friday, he will now be put into the Main Event at Destination X. The Main Event now looks like this - Jeff Jarrett vs. Monty Brown vs. Kevin Nash vs. Billy Gunn. Jarrett has the odds stacked against him in this one as all the men are looking to walk out with the NWA title.

- Michael Shane has accepted Kazarians challenge. They will now face off at Destination X inside a steel cage. This match has emotions running high as both are former tag-partners.

- Daniels has said that even though Skipper beat him a few weeks back in their exhibition match on Impact, he isnt worried about Skipper and says that he will beat him without breaking a sweat.

- Rhodes has announced that the tag tournament will take place at Destination X. With that announcement, TNA "Destination X" will be longer than our average PPV. Instead of 3 hours, DX will be 4 hours, and will be the same price as a normal TNA PPV.

- TNA is proud to announce the signing of of 2 great new talents. BJ Whitmer and Brad Bradley are now apart of the regular roster. look to see them in action in the near future.

The following is the current line-up for Destination X.

NWA Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Monty Brown vs. Kevin Nash vs. Billy Gunn

NWA X-Title

Christopher Daniels © vs. Elix Skipper

Steel Cage Match

Michael Shane vs. Kazarian

8 Team Tag Title Tournament

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