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Official Half-Life 2 Thread


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WOOO I beat the game I'm Number 1 I'm Number 1.... anyways.... took me long enough. The ending I enjoyed don't know why people didn't like it if you are complaining about the h-l2 ending then go complain about the h-l1 ending.

here are some good websites for h-l2 stuff:

http://fragfiles.org/~hlstory// - this site pretty much explains the whole series thus far... and adds some theories by the guy.

http://halflife2.filefront.com/ - best h-l2 site to download stuff from, lots of maps, mini mods, and listing of major mods coming soon.

I enjoyed the ending also, obviously it leaves things open for HL3 but I don't see why it should have some grand ending. There isn't a great deal of 'story' to the game anyway, there's enough to keep it interesting but nothing ground breaking.

Anyway, can you recommend any good mods? I fancy playing a few before I take another crack at the game on hard.

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I am not sure but I don't think there are any full fledged original idea mods yet... many being made but not released yet but there are many mini mods and single player maps.

mini mods

Gary's Mod v7 - allows you to play around with the physics and make pictures. good way to learn about the physics

Pilotable Strider - allows you to pilot a strider... plus now it also allows you to pilot APC's, Antlion Guards, Helicopter, Combine Dropship or the other Combine air vehicle.

Half-Life 2 Substance - this lets you play through the whole game as normal but I believe there is more team parts and a hell of a lot more enemies to face.

Bullet Time - by the press of a button you can slow down time.

Capture the Flag - havn't tried but I think this is online only and it is just a capture the flag mode.

Source Racer - havn't tried this one but also think it is online only just a online racing game using the vehicles of half-life 2

I will try to find some more later all these can be found on the half-life 2 file front page posted above. I will also recommend some single player maps later too.

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