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Official Half-Life 2 Thread


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So just thought I would start this up to see how many Half-Life 2 fans there are... Discuss your games, mods, multiplayer, counterstrike, even the first half-life and its expansions.... so let me begin.

I am currently in ravenholm too scared to go on lol because I have no ammo and am only in the possesion of a crowbar and the gravity gun and this is when the flood of zombies attack in this one open area.

Now as for Counterstrike: Source I don't really play it except for when playing with/against bots.

H-L2 DM needs some bots soon since I would love to play bots when no one is online... Has anyone tried out the Nintendo map?

Does anyone play any of the SP maps (antlion troopers, zombie attack, etc.), or Gary's Mod?

So let the discussion begin of imo 2004's Game of the Year.

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I agree on that Game Of The Year, cn.

Anyways, I'm in love with this game. It's just fucking awesome. It improved on everything that the original Half-Life had, and added a few things in that's awesome, like the Gravity Gun.

I'm currently on the level called "Sandpits" or something. I know it involves sand in the title. Good level so far. I keep get stuck on those goddamn mini games/puzzles that you have to do, but then I eventually figure it out an hour later. <_<

Anyways, Ravenholm isn't that scary. Okay, well it is, but the part that really fucking creeped me out is *SPOILERS*

when you get past the city, past the graveyard and into that one little building where there's a deep pit. There's a bunch of those crabs down there, and those posionous spiders that can kill you within an inch of your life with one hit. All I had was a crowbar like you. It fucking sucked. I eventually got past it, but I damn near pissed myself more than once.

Great, great game. Haven't touched CS:S or Deathmatch yet. Probably won't until I beat the game.

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I've had the game since release and it's amazing, but i've been stuck on one of the last levels for about a month now. It's not that im stuck, it's just the level is so long i can only play it for a while before doing something else ( Probablly playing CS:S :P)

Anyway, if you havent played it....play it, it is that good. And i've probablly said this before, but if your computer aint good enough to run it, make it good enough :D.

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so I got passed the huge wave of zombies...mostly those poison ones....thanks to the gravity guns and a bunch of explosive barrels.

I am mostly looking forward to the Follow Freeman level from the videos I saw looks sweet.

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Has anyone tried out Garry's Mod?

It is pretty sweet it takes full control of the physics... and you can make funny pictures... like people having sex :pervert:

And probably one of my most anticipated mods that I want is Black Mesa: Source... it is a fully done Half-Life 1 game using the real source engine... not like the Half-Life: Source done by valve which only improved the physics, lighting and water effects.

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so I got passed the huge wave of zombies...mostly those poison ones....thanks to the gravity guns and a bunch of explosive barrels.

I am mostly looking forward to the Follow Freeman level from the videos I saw looks sweet.

I think that's is the level i'm on now, if so, it's immensily long. Anyway, i was just about to play it, but steam seems to be being a biatch :angry: Steam is the only bad thing about this game.

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It's usually just when the servers go down, it doesn't happen to often, but as far as i know it's impossible to play the game when it does happen. Anyway, atm it's not letting me log on. I had remember my password checked but it doesn't auto log in, it takes me to the login screen, and even if i type in my password it gives me some error.

Anyway, i tried Garry's mod around about version 4 but it just took forever to load. Isn't around about version 6 now or summin so i might give it a try.

And a Half Life 1 mod would be good. I only got a chance to play Half Life 1 a year ago, and i'd played so many graphically better games that the graphics just gave me a headache.

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I'm on the level now where your inside the building where I guess all the enemies come from. I forgot the name of the building.

Anyways, it's fucking hard. You have to set up 4 turrets and defend that section of the place until that chick can get there. I've died more than once. <_<

When do I get to see that eerie guy in the suit? If you know, just tell me whether I get to see him or not. Don't spoil anything.

I really need to learn the character's names.

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I'm on the level now where your inside the building where I guess all the enemies come from. I forgot the name of the building.

Anyways, it's fucking hard. You have to set up 4 turrets and defend that section of the place until that chick can get there. I've died more than once. <_<

When do I get to see that eerie guy in the suit? If you know, just tell me whether I get to see him or not. Don't spoil anything.

I really need to learn the character's names.

Edited by cn650
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Maybe it has something to do with how shitty my computer was for the first few levels of the game, but I haven't seen G-Man yet.

I hope I do. I never fully understood what he was all about.

EDIT: I've probably heard him talking though, huh.

Edited by Tristof
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I've only seen him once in game, but you may notice him on in the background on the main game menu.

I spent ages on the level where you had to set up turrets. The fact that i didnt know i could use the turrets as weapons didn't help, so i was fighting of hoardes of enemies with my weedy sub machine gun. I seriously loaded my game about 50 times, it was a 'Kill someone and save' type situation.

Anyway, i still can't get on to steam :(. Is it working for everyone else?

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Steam is fucking gay.

I hate how you have to be connected to the internet to play Half-Life 2. It's retarded. My internet gets disconnected every night at like, 2 AM, so I can't play it when you're really supposed to. You know, to get in the mood and be scared shitless.


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Steam is fucking gay.

I hate how you have to be connected to the internet to play Half-Life 2. It's retarded. My internet gets disconnected every night at like, 2 AM, so I can't play it when you're really supposed to. You know, to get in the mood and be scared shitless.


I'm pretty sure you can set steam to work offline and then play half life 2 somehow, i just don't know how. And atm Steam wont do bugger all, so playing offline would be impossible for me. It's really getting on my nerves cause i wanna try out some new CS:S sounds :D.

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So I just got out of ravenholm and the mines and am now going down a track with two snipers shooting at me.

The part in ravenholm where you fight off the Fast Zombies on the roof while waiting for the cart was fun and then when gordon and father grigory fight off all the zombies... that was probably the most fun I have ever had in a first person shooter to date.

Tristof did you get offline mode to work?

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  • 3 weeks later...

WOOO I beat the game I'm Number 1 I'm Number 1.... anyways.... took me long enough. The ending I enjoyed don't know why people didn't like it if you are complaining about the h-l2 ending then go complain about the h-l1 ending.

here are some good websites for h-l2 stuff:

http://fragfiles.org/~hlstory// - this site pretty much explains the whole series thus far... and adds some theories by the guy.

http://halflife2.filefront.com/ - best h-l2 site to download stuff from, lots of maps, mini mods, and listing of major mods coming soon.

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Man I so want this game, but I don't think it will run on my 750mhz processor. I have not been in the mood for games recently but Half Life 2 looks so awesome, and to play online would be freaking wicked. Have they released a Day Of Defeat version does anyone know.

I used to have loads of problems with Steam but managed to get it sorted out, personally I think it sucks that you need steam to play half life 2, but what can ya do.

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Man I so want this game, but I don't think it will run on my 750mhz processor. I have not been in the mood for games recently but Half Life 2 looks so awesome, and to play online would be freaking wicked.  Have they released a Day Of Defeat version does anyone know.

I used to have loads of problems with Steam but  managed to get it sorted out, personally I think it sucks that you need steam to play half life 2, but what can ya do.

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