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TNA Wrestling: The Turning Point

Guest Dakendo

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Guest Dakendo

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TNA Wrestling - Turning Point Results

- Before the pay-per-view kicked off, The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) defeated Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts by utilizing their Natural Disaster double team finisher.

- Team Canada defeated 3 Live Kru to win the NWA Tag Team Championships when Johnny Devine returned and blasted BG James with a hockey stick, allowing them to get the pin and the titles.

- Shane Douglas interviewed "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, who vowed that the footage featuring the WWE would be shown tonight.

- Hector Garza, Sonjay Dutt and Sonny Siaki defeated Kid Kash, Kazarian and Michael Shane when Traci accidentally hit the Pie In The Sky on Kazarian, allowing Garza to get a corkscrew tornado off the top rope for the pin.

- Scott Hudson interviewed Randy Savage, who vowed that he would not allow the Kings Of Wrestling to ruin the chances that the younger wrestlers have to make a name of themselves.

- Petey Williams told Scott Hudson that he was not a one move wonder, and Coach Scott D'Amore told him that he only backs winners, which is why he is with Williams and not Sabin.

- 'The Alpha Male' Monty Brown defeated Abyss in a Serengeti Survival Match when he tore Abyss' shirt off and slammed him onto the millions of thumb tacks.

- 'The Empire Saint' Pat Kenney and Johnny B. Badd defeated The NYC with Jacqueline as a special guest referee when Badd connected with the TKO on Gilberti after Jacqueline slammed him down.

- Backstage, The Kings Of Wrestling ambushed Randy Savage and stuffed him into a car. The car the drove away with Savage still inside.

- Diamond Dallas Page defeated Raven when he connected with a Diamond Cutter, despite Erik Watts' interference, which only earned him a Diamond Cutter.

- Petey Williams defeated Chris Sabin to retain the X-Division Championship when he blasted Sabin with a pair of brass knuckles as Scott D'Amore distracted the referee.

- Randy Savage, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy defeated The Kings Of Wrestling (NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall when Savage returned and blocked Jeff Jarrett's sunset flip, sat down, hooked the leg and got the pin.

- The footage of TNA visiting the WWE aired, with the faces of WWE employees being blurred out. Abyss tried to give them balloons, while Traci came with cookies and "muffins".

- America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) defeated Triple X (Christopher Daniels & Primetime) in a bloody 'Losers Must Disband' Six Sides Of Steel Match when they connected with Triple X's own Power-Plex finisher on Skipper as Daniels was handcuffed to the top rope.

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The iMPACT! Preview - 10/12/04 Edition

Coming off this past Sunday's Turning Point extravaganza, this week's episode of Impact! is bound to have some shocks in store. First of all, just five days after his tightrope-esque daredevil stunts inside the Six Sides Of Steel, Primetime will be in X-Division action, as he will be taking on a former X-Division Champion, the self-proclaimed 'Coolest Man on the Planet' Kazarian in what is sure to be a fast paced, awesome X-Division contest. The question is, how will Primetime fare in singles competition after the forced dispantion of his Triple X tag team with Christopher Daniels?

After a loss on Sunday against the returning Diamond Dallas Page, Raven is sure to be in a foul mood, and he will be looking to exact some revenge and get back on the winning trail as he faces a man who actually holds a win over him in TNA, albeit via DDP's interference, Johnny B. Badd! Badd may have an eccentric choice of attire and may not be taken seriously upon first glance, but this man will have to bring his A-game, so to speak, if he is to overcome the brooding Raven.

In the Serengeti Survival match at Turning Point Monty Brown overcame to odds and defeated the monsterous Abyss when he managed to pick up and give the big man a huge spiebuster into a pile of thumbtacks, leaving the tacks sticking out of the monster's back. However, this week there will be no tacks involved in Brown's match, as he will be in singles action against one half of The Naturals, Andy Douglas, who is sure to be accompanied by his partner, Chase Stevens! Will Douglas pull off a huge upset, or will the ever-dominant 'Alpha Male' continue on his winning streak? And will Abyss have anything to say in the result?

Finally, in our main event for the week, we will see a huge X-Division Title match, a rematch from Turning Point, as the champion, the captain of Team Canada Petey Williams (accompanied, as ever, by Coach Scott D'Amore) will have to defend his title against the man he cheated to beat on Sunday, Chris Sabin! Sabin, the man who has been able to counter the deadly Canadian Destroyer move, has been in a foul mood ever since he lost his title match against Williams under dubious circumstances, so he will be looking to exact revenge here, and take Williams' title.

Also on the show: 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, Diamond Dallas Page, NWA Champion Jeff Jarrett, Randy Savage, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and more!

Confirmed Matches

Raven vs. Johnny B. Badd

Monty Brown vs. Andy Douglas

X-Division Title Match: Petey Williams © vs. Chris Sabin

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Impact! - 10/12/04

The opening credits rolled and the fireworks went off in the Impact! Zone, as Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed everyone to this week's show!

"Hello ladies and gentlemen," started Tenay, "This week on Impact!, we will have the aftermath from this past Sunday's Turning Point pay-per-view, and what an event it was. The Six Sides Of Steel, everyone has been raving about it, but meanwhile, let's go to the ring for our opening contest."

Raven vs. Johnny B. Badd

10 Minute Time Limit

Mike Tenay reminded us that this match was a rematch from an earlier Impact bout, which Badd won (albeit via DDP interference). Raven attacked Badd while he was posing with the Badd Blaster on the second rope, which gave him an early advantage, and he took control throughout most of the match, with Badd playing an underdog. He began to take Badd’s make-up off his face with some boot scrapes and running knees in the corner, but Badd eventually dodged a big knee, which caused Raven to catch his foot in between the ropes, allowing Badd to hit a big dropkick and mount a comeback, hitting a cross-body for a two count, only for Raven to roll through and also get a two count. They traded near falls with roll-ups and cradle pinfalls, but Raven got back into control with a Jake Roberts style short-arm clothesline and a swinging neckbreaker. He began to tear at Badd’s mouth against the ropes, but he had to break before the count of 5. He went to inflict some big damage with a backdrop suplex from the top rope, but Badd blocked it with some elbows to the temple, causing Raven to fall backwards to the mat. However, when Badd went for a big moonsault Raven moved, then when the stunned Badd got back to his feet Raven planted him on his head with the Raven Effect DDT for the 3 count.

Winner: Raven (4:11)

Star Rating:

After the match Badd rolled onto the apron, holding his head, but Raven charged at him, after having his hand raised, with a big knee, causing him to fly over into the ringside barrier. He rolled out of the ring and smashed Badd’s head into a chair as the referee tried to plead with him, then rolled him back into the ring, where he hit him with another clothesline and, finally, another Raven Effect. Referee Andrew Thomas checked on Badd to make sure that he was okay as Raven looked into the camera and did his crucifix-style pose.

“What the hell was the reason for that? Raven, after avenging his loss from a few weeks back, just attacked Johnny B. Badd for no reason, and he may have just knocked him out!” Mike Tenay exclaimed.

“Exactly. Raven came into this match with a loss at Turning Point, so clearly he feels he has something to prove, and he just showed exactly how far he’s prepared to go there.” West replied.



Best Friends…

The camera cut to the backstage area with the Impact theme playing in the background, showing Primetime in a room putting his bags down, showing a stitched up forehead to show his wounds from the Six Sides of Steel match at Turning Point. He turned round quickly to see his now former partner, Chris Daniels coming up to meet him.

“Hey man, how you doing? You okay?” Daniels asked.

“Yeah, just a little bit banged up, y’know, the stitches and all,” Primetime replied.

“Yeah, I can see. Oh yeah, I was looking at the matches for Impact earlier, and I noticed that later on tonight you are gonna be facing Kazarian. Now, I know that Kazarian’s gonna have Traci and Michael Shane watching his back… so, y’know, I know we can’t team any more, but…” Daniels explained.

“What’choo tryin’ to say, man?” Skipper asked, with a puzzled look on his face.

“…Well, let’s just say, buddy, if you need any help, I’ve got your back. Anyhow, I’ll catch up with you later, good luck in your match.” Daniels said before walking out of the door and down the corridor.

“…Yeah… later man.” Primetime said, looking on with a confused expression.

The camera shifted back to Tenay and West, who discussed what they had just seen.

“That’s great, isn’t it Don? After what those two went through at Turning Point, it’s great that they can still be friends, even after their team has come to an end.” Tenay enthusiastically told the viewers.


(Elix Skipper gained 3 points of overness from this segment.)


The Challenge

Back from the commercial break, Mike Tenay had left the announce position and was in the ring with a microphone.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Tenay began, “This past Sunday, at our Turning Point extravaganza, I’m sure you’ll agree, the world of wrestling was shaken. We had countless amazing matches, with the Six Sides of Steel, the X-Division Title match, Raven vs. DDP, and countless other matches. However, one match stood out. It was the Kings Of Wrestling: Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett taking on ‘The Phenomenal’ AJ Styles, ‘The Charismatic Enigma’ Jeff Hardy, and the legendary former WWF Champion, former Intercontinental Champion, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, and, at the end of the match, it was Savage pinning the champion. At this is my guest at this time, give it up, for the Macho Man!”

The guitar version of ‘Pomp & Circumstance’ began to play, and Randy Savage made his way down to the ring to a huge reaction. He got into the ring and shook hands with Tenay, urging on the “Ma-cho Man!” chants from the fans.

“Randy, it’s great to see you in the wrestling ring again, and you proved at Turning Point that the old dog still has all the skills, pinning the NWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett! Now, you requested this interview time, what’s on your mind, Macho?” Tenay asked him.

“Well, y’know Tenay, last Sunday night, at the glitzy, star-studded Turning Point extravaganza show, it was AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and the Macho Man overcoming all the odds, ooh yeah! And, it was the Macho Man who pinned the champion on that one night, the Macho Man managed to make it to the ring to pin the most dominant man in the company, TNA Wrestling, DIGGIT! Now, Mike Tenay, since I scored the win in that match…” Savage enthusiastically told Tenay and the fans at the Impact Zone.

“…Wait, are you trying to say…” Tenay said, with a look of both shock and glee on his face.

“Ooh yeah, you got the right idea, Iron Mike! Jeff Jarrett! You got pinned by the Macho Man at Turning Point, so the way I see it, that makes me the number one contender to your NWA Title! So I’m askin’ you, I’m askin’ Dusty Rhodes, I’m askin’ the fans! Give the Macho Man a shot at your NWA Title, Planet Jarrett!” Savage elaborated.

“Well, the challenge has been set, what’s the resp…” Tenay began to confirm, until the theme music of the NWA Champion kicked in, and Jeff Jarrett made his way down to the ring, accompanied by his fellow Kings Of Wrestling, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. He walked up to Tenay, taking the microphone, and then began to speak to Savage, with his big gold belt slung over his left shoulder.

“Savage,” Jarrett began, “You have no business challenging me! I’m the NWA Champion, the head of Planet Jarrett, the King Of The Mountain! You attacked me when you knew I wasn’t expecting it! You hid in the back for who knows how long, then ran out after I’d been through a gruelling match, and upset me with a roll-up! And that’s all it was – an upset! A fluke! Nothing! Savage, you are nothing but a washed up has-been, and the sooner you’re out of this company, the better, because the longer you stick around here, the more you’re gonna get on the back of the Kings Of Wrestling, so no, you aren’t gonna get a title shot.”

“Jarrett, when I look at you, all I see is a streak of yellow, ooh yeah!” Savage responded, “You ain’t nothing but a coward, Jarrett! I know it, Mike Tenay knows it, and the fans at the Impact Zone know it, ooh yeah!”

“You think I’m a coward? I’ve beaten ‘em all in this company, AJ Styles, Ron Killings, Raven, Chris Harris, and I’m the man that scared Hulk Hogan into avoidin’ TNA to this day! And since you seemingly won’t give up, there’s only one thing that we, the Kings Of Wrestling, can do to persuade you, so it seems. Boys… let’s take out the trash.”

Jarrett dropped the microphone as Tenay jumped from the ring, and Savage took off his large leather jacket, goading the Kings. They slowly approached him, trying to intimidate him, but the fans exploded as AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy ran into the ring and traded blows with Hall and Nash, with Hardy taking Hall over the top rope with a clothesline and Nash getting caught with a huge springboard cross-body by Styles, and Savage finally began to tear at Jarrett with some vicious blows, only for security and referees to fill the ringside area, keeping both men apart. Both parties were ushered to the back, as the camera cut to Tenay and West at the announce position.

“Wow! A challenge has been issued, but we may have to wait until next week ton find out the response from the DOA Dusty Rhodes, who, unfortunate for Jeff Jarrett, does have the final say!” Tenay stated.



Primetime vs. Kazarian w/Traci & Michael Shane

X-Division Match - 10 Minute Time Limit

Primetime got a great reaction from the fans following his daredevil act at Turning Point. It was an evenly paced X-Division match throughout the match, with Kazarian using outside interference frequently to gain a steady advantage, but Primetime continued to fight back. Kazarian hit a springboard twisting leg drop and a twisting neckbreaker for some near falls, but eventually showed his frustration at his failure to keep Primetime down. Primetime got some serious offence in on the former X-Division Champion with a running hurricanrana and an outside crescent kick to stun Kazarian, even smashing Michael Shane, who had climbed onto the apron down back to the floor. Kazarian got back into the match, but Skipper nearly won it when he balanced on the ropes after hopping up onto the middle turnbuckle when whipped into the corner and hopped over into a sunset flip for the near fall. Both men then traded reversal attempts, with both men’s finishing moves being blocked and reversed, until Primetime blocked the Wave of the Future into a complicated reversal sequence, but he quickly manoeuvred it into the Play of the Day for the 1-2-3 pinfall victory!

Winner: Primetime (5:41)

Star Rating: ***½

Primetime’s hand was raised by referee Mike Posey, but Michael Shane ambushed him from behind and began to lay waste to him with some shots to the face, and Kazarian eventually joined in, only for the fans to get up on their feet upon the arrival of Christopher Daniels, true to his word, coming to his friend’s aid with a steel chair, sending Traci, Shane and Kazarian up the ramp and to the back. Daniels helped Primetime to his feet and held his hand up, but then showed exactly why he wanted to come out to the ring when he swung the steel chair as Primetime turned round and nearly smashed his head off with a vulgar shot, sending Primetime immediately down to the mat. The fans booed loudly as Daniels went down onto his knees and shouted something into Primetime’s face before spitting at him. He then reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out something, quickly identified as a pair of handcuffs. He attacked one of the cuffs onto Primetime’s right wrist, and the other onto the top rope, which was pulled down by Primetime’s weight. Daniels screamed more at Primetime, then, as a final parting shot, he smashed the chair over the defenceless Primetime’s skull, causing the stitches from the previous Sunday to open up, and Primetime began to bleed all over the mat. Referees came out to cut the handcuffs open and assist Primetime as Daniels hopped over the barricade and walked out of the arena, seemingly. The camera shifted to Tenay and West to get their opinions on the previous events.

“Christopher Daniels just turned on his now former best friend, and former tag team partner, Primetime Elix Skipper, and I, for one, feel absolutely sick by this.” Tenay stated.

“Well, exactly, who would have expected this? We thought these guys were like brothers, obviously not.” West solemnly replied.


(Christopher Daniels's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Christopher Daniels gained 1 point of overness from this turn. Elix Skipper is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


The Motive… Revealed?

The camera cut backstage, where ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas is running into the Universal Studios parking lot, where Christopher Daniels was walking towards a nearby car with his bags slung over his shoulders.

“Chris, Chris,” Douglas energetically said, “Why did you just turn on Primetime, your now former, as it seems, best friend and former Triple X tag team partner?”

Daniels opened the car’s boot and tossed his bags into it, then turned round to Douglas to explain himself, or so we thought.

“Franchise, if you had a brain cell in that head of yours, the reason would be simple to you,” Daniels began, “And I say that because the reason is simple to me. It’s blindingly obvious to me, but this is neither the time nor the place for me to explain myself to the likes of you, so, if you don’t mind, it’s time for the Fallen Angel to make his exit.”

Daniels opened the car’s front door and hopped in, then drove it away with the camera staying on the vehicle until it turned away down a road leading out of the parking lot. The camera then swirled round to show Douglas standing there with a shocked look on his face, before going back to Mike Tenay and Don West at the announce position.

Tenay and West looked at each other with looks seemingly made up of a combination of disgust and shock.

“This is awful, Christopher Daniels just stabbed his former Triple X partner Primetime in the back, only 5 days after they lost the Six Sides of Steel match at Turning Point,” Tenay emphatically stated, “He lured Primetime into a false sense of security by chasing Kazarian and Shane away, then he attacked him from behind. What a goddamned coward!”

“Exactly, there isn’t much I can add Mike, you summed it up perfectly there,” West responded, “But the confusing thing is Daniels’ total lack of respect for his long-time partner. He wouldn’t even tell Shane Douglas why he attacked a man that he’s held the Tag Team Titles numerous times with, as you just saw.”

“We can only hope that we’ll get some sort of word on Daniels’ motive and, hopefully, Primetime’s condition next week,” Tenay summarised, “But, in the meantime, let’s go back to the ring, after the break!”



‘The Alpha Male’ Monty Brown vs. Andy Douglas w/Chase Stevens

10 Minute Time Limit

As soon as Brown entered the ring and the box on the screen came down to confirm the match Douglas was right on top of Brown, trying to gain a distinct advantage over the hulking Alpha Male, but Brown quickly inflicted some damage with a big lariat and a huge back body drop, followed by some huge shoulder tackles in the corner. Chase Stevens hammered on the ring apron to try and will on his partner, but to no avail, as Brown completely dominated him with a huge suplex. Douglas somehow managed to get out of the covers by Brown, but as the Alpha Male prepared to put him away with his lethal Pounce finishing move, Chase Stevens grabbed his foot to hinder his powerful charge, only for Brown to pull him up onto the apron. Brown then ran out of the way as Douglas tried to attack him from behind, causing him to crash into his own partner, and he caught the stunned Douglas with the Pounce for the easy pinfall victory.

Winner: Monty Brown (1:23)

Star Rating: ¾*

After the match Stevens stumbled towards the ringside attendants and stole a chair as Douglas tried to attack Brown after the match, but before they could do some serious double team damage Stevens was stopped as he got into the ring by Diamond Dallas Page, who ran into the ring, kicked him in the gut and smashed him with the Diamond Cutter, as Brown hit Douglas with his Alpha Bomb! Both men then turned round and had a stare-down, neither man breaking each other’s gaze, as Mike Tenay and Don West went crazy over this big confrontation.

“Oh my God!” screamed West, “DDP, Monty Brown, staring each other down! But why did DDP come to the aid of Alpha Male?”



The Monster’s Frustration

The camera cut to the backstage area, zooming out on the screen to show a television monitor, with Diamond Dallas Page and Monty Brown intensely staring at each other, and it twisted away from the monitor to show the monstrous Abyss standing there, yelling in anger, and possibly in pain. He then picked up the monitor in frustration and hurled it across the room, smashing into the wall and shattering into a number of pieces. However, he eventually calmed down when he picked up a small cloth black bag, which he reached into, pulling out about two-dozen silver tacks, which he dropped down to the floor, one by one. The camera then faded out of the scene.

Mike Tenay then explained to the viewers, “The monster Abyss, clearly angry after his loss in the Serengeti Survival match at Turning Point to Monty Brown, but meanwhile, it’s main event time, X-Division Title Match, Sabin vs. Williams, with a special 15 minute time limit, after our final commercial break!”


(Abyss lost 1 point of overness from this segment.)


Petey Williams © w/Coach Scott D’Amore vs. Chris Sabin

X-Division Title Match - 15 Minute Time Limit

Before the match there were boxing style introductions by Jeremy Borash, confirming that the match would have a special 15 minute time limit on it. Throughout the match Sabin showed his newfound intensity, attacking Petey all over the arena, despite the frequent interference from Coach Scott D’Amore. Petey got ambushed right from the ringing of the bell, so he occasionally dived from the ring to recover, but when Sabin reached out to grab him Petey raked him in the eyes. The match was probably one of the most heated and athletic in Impact history, with both men taking huge risks. At one point Petey went up to the top rope, signalling for what looking to be a huge crossbody, but Sabin crotched him and hit a huge top rope hurricanrana, causing Petey to flip and nearly land on his feet, a move that could have written him out completely. He fought back into the match, ducking a big clothesline from Sabin not once, but twice, and then took him down with a huge dropkick, flipping backwards over onto the mat right into a pinfall for a near fall. He then began to take control with his unique headscissor Russian leg sweep for a near fall, and then set him up in the Tree of Woe before singing “Oh Canada!” with his foot accurately placed in between Chris Sabin’s legs. The referee told him to release the foot from it’s hold, so he hopped down and took Sabin down to the mat with a huge running dropkick to the challenger’s face. Throughout the match they even brawled out of the ring, with Sabin dominating with a powerbomb first onto the guardrail, then into the apron. Scott D’Amore screamed for Petey to fight back, but his prayers may have been answered when the referee was knocked out after Sabin gave Petey a huge German Suplex off the top rope, wiping the referee out and dropping Williams on his face. Sabin signalled for the end, then spat at D’Amore, but after he hit the Cradle Shock he realised that the referee was out cold, so he went to revive him, only to turn round into a shot to the face with the X-Division Title belt by… Alex Shelley? Shelley quickly planted Sabin with a twisting flatliner, and then he hopped out of the ring and scurried to the back as D’Amore stood there, gobsmacked at what he had just seen. Meanwhile, both men got to their feet, and Petey connected with his trademark Canadian Destroyer for the 3 count to retain the title.

Winner: Petey Williams (13:01, Still Champion)

Star Rating: ***¾

After the match Petey hugged D’Amore and celebrated with him, but D’Amore wasn’t so happy, simply smiling but looking down with an expression of doubt, which Petey didn’t notice. He stood on the turnbuckles and celebrated with his belt as Sabin fell to the outside of the ring, and Tenay and West wound down the show.

“What a match, but what did Alex Shelley have to come down for? He just ruined a perfectly good title match, he screwed Chris Sabin!” said Tenay.

“Exactly, I don’t understand why either.” replied West.

“We’ll have to get all these answers next week, we’ll see you next Friday on Impact!” Tenay said, finishing off the show.


(The NWA X-Division Title has gained in image.)

Show Rating: 71%

Edited by Dakendo
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The Xplosion Preview - 11/12/05

Following the blockbuster X-Division main event on Impact we'll be showing you just what went down, as we'll show you highlights of the Turning Point rematch, Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin, featuring the rather controversial ending that we doubt we'll be hearing the last of.

In the ring, we'll see some more X-Division action, as Michael Shane, the cocky young man from Texas will take on the man who pinned his tag team partner Kazarian at Turning Point, the Mexican sensation Hector Garza!

We'll see the match from Impact! with Kazarian taking on Primetime, but watch out for the controversial actions of Christopher Daniels post match, actions that will require answers this coming week on Impact!

In another match this week on Xplosion, the former NWA Tag Team Champions America's Most Wanted, less than a week after their big win in the Six Sides Of Steel, will be in action as they take on the NYC! These two teams have clashed in the past, and this one is sure to be just as good as their past bouts.

Finally on Xplosion, we'll see exactly what went down in the confrontation between 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett on Impact! Savage had a big challenge for Jarrett, find out what Jarrett's answer was, and what went down after the challenge was set, this week on Xplosion!

Confirmed Matches

Hector Garza vs. Michael Shane

America's Most Wanted vs. The NYC

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Xplosion - 11/12/04

The opening credits for Xplosion rolled, and we went straight to the studio with Shane Douglas and Jeremy Borash!

"Hello everybody, and welcome to Xplosion, the syndicated television show of TNA, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling!" Borash began, "I'm Jeremy Borash, and this is Shane Douglas, and what a week it was on Impact! Petey Williams defended the X-Division Title against Chris Sabin in a Turning Point rematch, and we'll see that later on! But first, let's go back to Impact to see what went down as Primetime took on Kazarian!"

From the 10/12/04 edition of Impact!

Primetime vs. Kazarian w/Traci & Michael Shane

X-Division Match - 10 Minute Time Limit

Primetime got a great reaction from the fans following his daredevil act at Turning Point. It was an evenly paced X-Division match throughout the match, with Kazarian using outside interference frequently to gain a steady advantage, but Primetime continued to fight back. Kazarian hit a springboard twisting leg drop and a twisting neckbreaker for some near falls, but eventually showed his frustration at his failure to keep Primetime down. Primetime got some serious offence in on the former X-Division Champion with a running hurricanrana and an outside crescent kick to stun Kazarian, even smashing Michael Shane, who had climbed onto the apron down back to the floor. Kazarian got back into the match, but Skipper nearly won it when he balanced on the ropes after hopping up onto the middle turnbuckle when whipped into the corner and hopped over into a sunset flip for the near fall. Both men then traded reversal attempts, with both men’s finishing moves being blocked and reversed, until Primetime blocked the Wave of the Future into a complicated reversal sequence, but he quickly manoeuvred it into the Play of the Day for the 1-2-3 pinfall victory!

Winner: Primetime (5:41)

Star Rating: ***½

Primetime’s hand was raised by referee Mike Posey, but Michael Shane ambushed him from behind and began to lay waste to him with some shots to the face, and Kazarian eventually joined in, only for the fans to get up on their feet upon the arrival of Christopher Daniels, true to his word, coming to his friend’s aid with a steel chair, sending Traci, Shane and Kazarian up the ramp and to the back. Daniels helped Primetime to his feet and held his hand up, but then showed exactly why he wanted to come out to the ring when he swung the steel chair as Primetime turned round and nearly smashed his head off with a vulgar shot, sending Primetime immediately down to the mat. The fans booed loudly as Daniels went down onto his knees and shouted something into Primetime’s face before spitting at him. He then reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out something, quickly identified as a pair of handcuffs. He attacked one of the cuffs onto Primetime’s right wrist, and the other onto the top rope, which was pulled down by Primetime’s weight. Daniels screamed more at Primetime, then, as a final parting shot, he smashed the chair over the defenceless Primetime’s skull, causing the stitches from the previous Sunday to open up, and Primetime began to bleed all over the mat. Referees came out to cut the handcuffs open and assist Primetime as Daniels hopped over the barricade and walked out of the arena, seemingly.

*The scene cuts to the backstage area*

The camera cuts backstage, where ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas is running into the Universal Studios parking lot, where Christopher Daniels is walking towards a nearby car with his bags slung over his shoulders.

“Chris, Chris,” Douglas energetically said, “Why did you just turn on Primetime, your now former, as it seems, best friend and former Triple X tag team partner?”

Daniels opened the car’s boot and tossed his bags into it, then turned round to Douglas to explain himself, or so we thought.

“Franchise, if you had a brain cell in that head of yours, the reason would be simple to you,” Daniels began, “And I say that because the reason is simple to me. It’s blindingly obvious to me, but this is neither the time nor the place for me to explain myself to the likes of you, so, if you don’t mind, it’s time for the Fallen Angel to make his exit.”

Daniels opened the car’s front door and hopped in, then drove it away with the camera staying on the vehicle until it turned away down a road leading out of the parking lot.

The camera cut back to Shane and Jeremy in the studio to get their reaction on this past week’s events.

“What a brutal attack that was by the Fallen Angel on his former partner, and we’ll get the fallout this upcoming week on Impact! We have been promised an update on the condition of Primetime, but hopefully we’ll get some answers to explain the motive of Christopher Daniels this coming week on Impact!” Borash said.



Michael Shane w/Traci & Kazarian vs. Hector Garza

X-Division Match - 10 Minute Time Limit

Shane tried to keep Garza down on the ground in this match, having seen how devastating he could be in the air when his partner Kazarian was pinning by him at Turning Point, and for a while he was successful, but eventually the fans tired of Shane’s arrogant ways, willing Garza on and causing him to fight back. The end nearly came for Garza when Traci got on the apron to distract him, but Shane charged at him, only for Garza to move. Shane stopped right in front of Traci instead of crashing in to her, but turned round into a big outside crescent kick from the Mexican superstar. The finish came when Traci distracted referee Mike Posey, allowing Kazarian to enter the ring and hold Garza's arms from behind him, only for Garza to struggle free when Shane went for a Sweet Shane Music superkick, and the kick connected with Kazarian! Kazarian rolled out of the ring, holding his chin, and Garza managed to manoeuvre Shane around into a complicated lucha-style folding pinfall for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Hector Garza (3:54)

Star Rating: ¾*

"Hector Garza very impressive there, making his way up the X-Division ladder!" Mike Tenay stated with a happy tone to his voice.


(Traci is losing overness because of her weak gimmick. Michael Shane is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


From the 10/12/04 edition of Impact!

The Challenge

Back from the commercial break, Mike Tenay had left the announce position and was in the ring with a microphone.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Tenay began, “This past Sunday, at our Turning Point extravaganza, I’m sure you’ll agree, the world of wrestling was shaken. We had countless amazing matches, with the Six Sides of Steel, the X-Division Title match, Raven vs. DDP, and countless other matches. However, one match stood out. It was the Kings Of Wrestling: Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett taking on ‘The Phenomenal’ AJ Styles, ‘The Charismatic Enigma’ Jeff Hardy, and the legendary former WWF Champion, former Intercontinental Champion, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, and, at the end of the match, it was Savage pinning the champion. At this is my guest at this time, give it up, for the Macho Man!”

The guitar version of ‘Pomp & Circumstance’ began to play, and Randy Savage made his way down to the ring to a huge reaction. He got into the ring and shook hands with Tenay, urging on the “Ma-cho Man!” chants from the fans.

“Randy, it’s great to see you in the wrestling ring again, and you proved at Turning Point that the old dog still has all the skills, pinning the NWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett! Now, you requested this interview time, what’s on your mind, Macho?” Tenay asked him.

“Well, y’know Tenay, last Sunday night, at the glitzy, star-studded Turning Point extravaganza show, it was AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and the Macho Man overcoming all the odds, ooh yeah! And, it was the Macho Man who pinned the champion on that one night, the Macho Man managed to make it to the ring to pin the most dominant man in the company, TNA Wrestling, ooh yeah! Now, Mike Tenay, since I scored the win in that match…” Savage enthusiastically told Tenay and the fans at the Impact Zone.

“…Wait, are you trying to say…” Tenay said, with a look of both shock and glee on his face.

“Ooh yeah, you got the right idea, Iron Mike! Jeff Jarrett! You got pinned by the Macho Man at Turning Point, so the way I see it, that makes me the number one contender to your NWA Title! So I’m askin’ you, I’m askin’ Dusty Rhodes, I’m askin’ the fans! Give the Macho Man a shot at your NWA Title, Planet Jarrett!” Savage elaborated.

“Well, the challenge has been set, what’s the resp…” Tenay began to confirm, until the theme music of the NWA Champion kicked in, and Jeff Jarrett made his way down to the ring, accompanied by his fellow Kings Of Wrestling, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. He walked up to Tenay, taking the microphone, and then began to speak to Savage, with his big gold belt slung over his left shoulder.

“Savage,” Jarrett began, “You have no business challenging me! I’m the NWA Champion, the head of Planet Jarrett, the King Of The Mountain! You attacked me when you knew I wasn’t expecting it! You hid in the back for who knows how long, then ran out after I’d been through a gruelling match, and upset me with a roll-up! And that’s all it was – an upset! A fluke! Nothing! Savage, you are nothing but a washed up has-been, and the sooner you’re out of this company, the better, because the longer you stick around here, the more you’re gonna get on the back of the Kings Of Wrestling, so no, you aren’t gonna get a title shot.”

“Jarrett, when I look at you, all I see is a streak of yellow, ooh yeah!” Savage responded, “You ain’t nothing but a coward, Jarrett! I know it, Mike Tenay knows it, and the fans at the Impact Zone know it, ooh yeah!”

“You think I’m a coward? I’ve beaten ‘em all in this company, AJ Styles, Ron Killings, Raven, Chris Harris, and I’m the man that scared Hulk Hogan into avoidin’ TNA to this day! And since you seemingly won’t give up, there’s only one thing that we, the Kings Of Wrestling, can do to persuade you, so it seems. Boys… let’s take out the trash.”

Jarrett dropped the microphone as Tenay jumped from the ring, and Savage took off his large leather jacket, goading the Kings. They slowly approached him, trying to intimidate him, but the fans exploded as AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy ran into the ring and traded blows with Hall and Nash, with Hardy taking Hall over the top rope with a clothesline and Nash getting caught with a huge springboard cross-body by Styles, and Savage finally began to tear at Jarrett with some vicious blows, only for security and referees to fill the ringside area, keeping both men apart. Both parties were ushered to the back, as the camera cut to Tenay and West at the announce position.

“Wow! A challenge has been issued, but we may have to wait until next week ton find out the response from the DOA Dusty Rhodes, who, unfortunate for Jeff Jarrett, does have the final say!” Tenay stated.

Edited by Dakendo
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Guest Dakendo

TNA News: Raven DVD, Impact Ratings, Possible Signings and more...

- This weeks episode of Impact! managed a 2.54 rating, which is good progress for the company coming off such a well-received pay-per-view event.

- Prior to this week's Impact! tapings TNA management, in an attempt to salvage the Xplosion show, negotiated with a number of different networks to get the show moved down to a graveyard slot. The show has been getting disappointing ratings, so the show was moved in a time slot, otherwise it would face cancellation, it was feared.

- Recently both 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Kevin Nash have been pushing to be involved in a programme with one another.

- Road agents, management and wrestlers alike were said to be very, very impressed with the match between Chris Sabin and Petey Williams from Impact! It is expected that they will be running with a three-way X-Division Title feud, with Williams, Sabin and Shelley being those involved.

- TNA officials are reportedly looking at a number of free agents and independent talents to add to the roster. There are not a lot of names that are known, but former WWE King Of The Ring, Tag Team Champion and Intercontinental Champion Billy Gunn has been talked about, due to his connections in the tag team ranks with TNA wrestler BG James, as have a number of talents from the Ring Of Honor promotion. Roderick Strong, who has worked matches for the promotion before, has been talked about, and so has independent starlet and the runner-up in the ECWA Super 8 tournament Austin Aries. There is also talk of bringing in the Border City Wrestling star A-1, a Canadian wrestler trained by TNA manager and coach of Team Canada Scott D'Amore. If he is brought in, one would have to ask if he would be added to the stable.

- Erik Watts was informed that he would not be used by TNA in the near future prior to the Impact! tapings. The reason for this is that Watts has been frequently late to the tapings as of late. Watts was last seen turning on Diamond Dallas Page during Page's victory over Raven at Turning Point.

- There is talk of teaming up the monstrous Abyss and Raven as an 'Unholy Alliance' type tandem. Both men suffered losses at Turning Point, so a team could be used to get them back on the winning trail.

- Speaking of Raven, TNA is reportedly preparing a two-disc DVD set dedicated to him, which early reports suggest will be named 'Quote The Raven', and will feature the following matches, taken from TNAWrestling.com (TNA only):

"Hardcore Ladder Match: AJ Styles vs. Raven

Clockwork Orange House Of Fun: Raven vs. The Sandman

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Jeff Jarrett © vs. Raven

Raven vs. D'Lo Brown

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Jeff Jarrett © vs. AJ Styles vs. Raven

Clockwork Orange House Of Fun: Raven & The Gathering vs. The Disciples Of The New Church & Shane Douglas

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: AJ Styles © vs. Raven

Hair vs. Hair: Raven vs. Shane Douglas

Gallows Of Retribution Match: Raven vs. Vampiro

Last Man Standing: Raven vs. Father James Mitchell

Cage Match: Raven & The Gathering vs. Abyss & The Red Shirt Security

Raven & Sabu vs. The Gathering

Number One Contender's Match: Raven vs. Abyss vs. AJ Styles vs. Ron Killings

Raven vs. Sonjay Dutt

Also featuring build-up video packages, highlights from various other matches, interviews with the man himself, additional commentaries with Raven and Shane Douglas and much more!"

- On the merchandise front, TNA officials are entering serious discussion with Electronic Arts about the production of a video game for the company. Details are sketchy at this point, expect more as we get it.

- It has been rumoured that WWE wrestler and former ECW Television Champion Rob Van Dam is nearing the end of his contract, with about 3 months left to run. TNA officials have expressed an interest, but whether Van Dam would be interested in a jump from the security of the WWE is currently unknown.

- Finally, it has been confirmed that the next TNA pay-per-view will be called 'Final Resolution', and will take place on January 16th. No matches are confirmed as of yet, but expect upcoming announcements on Impact this week.

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Guest Dakendo

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling iMPACT! – 17/12/05

The opening credits rolled to signal the start of this week’s Impact, emanating from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida! The small pyrotechnics display went off as Don West and Mike Tenay; TNA’s head announce team welcomed everyone to the show.

“Hello everyone, I’m Mike Tenay, and with me is Don West, my broadcast colleague. Now, Don, I know you’ve been waiting, I’ve been waiting all week, and this week it’s a reality: Director Of Authority, the legendary ‘American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes will make his decision, Jeff Jarrett’s opinion doesn’t matter, will ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage get his match for the NWA Title? And I tell you what Don, Macho Man wants his shot, and he wants it soon, so isn’t it appropriate that on January 16th, a new year for TNA, we will be showing the world another top draw TNA pay-per-view: Final Resolution, Don! And you know Macho Man would love nothing better to start the New Year with a new championship belt around his waist!”

“Oh, absolutely Mike. Randy Savage is a veteran of this sport, but even he must understand that he can’t walk into a promotion, he can’t walk in and demand a title shot, he has to earn it, and he earned it at Turning Point, pinning the champion! But the DOA’s decision is final, will it happen?”


Christopher Daniels vs. Jerrelle Clark

X-Division Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

The announcers noted that Clark was looking here to get a big win that would rocket him up the X-Division rankings, but the Fallen Angel never looked like losing, showing a vicious streak that had never been seen before, despite being quite opportunistic and methodical in his attack in the past. Clark, however, managed to get a quick flurry of offence in, nearly winning the match when he connected with a big enziguri kick as Daniels tried to grab his foot, and followed that up with some more kicks to the chest and a dropkick to Daniels’ face. He got the crowd going by clapping, and then made contact with an acrobat handspring moonsault off the ropes for a near fall. Later on in the match Daniels took control connecting with an Iconoclasm, called the Fall from Grace, and went for the BME (Best Moonsault Ever), but Clark moved and seemingly knocked Daniels down and out with a hard super-kick. Clark dragged the larger Daniels into the corner as the fans in the Impact Zone got on his feet, and he went for his patented 630° Splash, but the Fallen Angel moved! Clark immediately popped up, showing agony while holding his back, and this made him easy prey for Daniels to approach him from behind, hook his head and wipe the youngster out with a devastating Last Rites for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Christopher Daniels (6:07)

Star Rating: **¾

After the match referee Mike Posey raised the victorious Lord Of The Ring’s hand, but under the demented smile he clearly wasn’t satisfied, as he picked Clark, who was huddled in the corner, up off the mat. He signalled with his hands for something, while yelling out the name of his patented finishing move while Clark lay on one knee, and Daniels planted him face-first on the mat with a big Angel’s Wings. Daniels’ music kicked in again after stopping while Daniels continued on his attack as the former Team NWA member did his signature pose on one knee.

“Jerrelle Clark put up a great fight here, but the experience of the Fallen Angel showed here, but that was completely uncalled for!” Tenay yelled into his announcing microphone, “Daniels had already pretty much knocked him out of the game with his Last Rites manoeuvre, he had beaten Clark, so the Angel’s Wings was not needed.”

“Well, exactly Mike,” West agreed, “I have no idea what exactly has happened to Christopher Daniels, but clearly he isn’t satisfied with a win anymore. He wants to hurt his opponents, to cause them pain and not just pin their shoulders to the mat.”

“Well, I’m sick of this. We need some answers from Christopher Daniels.”


(Jerrelle Clark is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


The Gospel

During Daniels’ celebration over the injured body of Jerrelle Clark Mike Tenay took the microphone from ringside announcer Jeremy Borash and came into the ring to confront the Fallen Angel, who pushed Clark out of the ring with his foot as Andrew Thomas helped him to the back.

“Christopher Daniels,” Tenay began, “All week, the message board has been raving, the e-mails have been flooding in, people are demanding to know exactly why you turned on your long-time partner Primetime Elix Skipper last week on Impact, tying him up in the ropes and blasting him with a chair, just 5 days after your epic battle with America’s Most Wanted inside of the Six Sides Of Steel. Why did you do that, and why have you changed your attitude, as you just displayed, beating on younger wrestlers, almost as if you feel you are superior to them?”

“Mike Tenay,” Daniels yelled into the microphone after snatching it from the play-by-play man of TNA Wrestling, “What none of you seem to be able to understand is that what happened to Elix Skipper last week was none of my doing, and it had been coming for a very… very long time. The fact that Elix Skipper never saw it coming shows his stupidity and ignorance. What none of the TNA fans never seemed to be able to realise is that in our 2-and-a-half years of teaming up, is that I have always been the superior member.”

The fans began to boo upon the suggestion that Triple X was a one-man team.

“When we first started teaming up, back in Nashville, as a three-man unit with Low-Ki, who took it upon himself to single-handedly win the Tag Team Titles for us? Me! Who decided to go back to the tag team ranks and reform Triple X, when nobody else was concerned and didn’t want to make the effort? Me! Who came back to the X-Division, joined Team NWA and single-handedly won the World X Cup for Team NWA? Exactly, me, the Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels. These clashes with America’s Most Wanted have proven why Elix Skipper is the weak link in Triple X… or should I say, was the weak link in Triple X. In each of our Cage matches against America’s Most Wanted Skipper dropped the ball. First of all, in our very first Cage match in TNA against AMW he left me alone with them while he hung around, faking an injury on the floor. Then, at Turning Point, he lost the match for us. I was happy to carry Elix, but no, he wanted to do the high spots and nearly kill himself. Where did it get us, Elix? Nowhere, because at the end of the night, we still lost, all because of your jealousy! You let me get handcuffed to the ropes, when I would have won us the match, and you got pinned with the Power-Plex! Our own move! Do you know how embarrassing that is for my reputation? And yet I was the one who had to carry you out of the arena, despite me being the one covered in my own blood. The sight of my own blood. Never before had I bled so much in TNA until that point, and Skipper, I blame you for that! I blame you for these stitches in my forehead, I blame you for me losing out on the winner’s pay cheque, I blame you for the loss of my tag team, and I blame you for me not getting booked in Japan this past few months! You’re to blame for all of my hardships, all because you blew it! You dropped the ball Skipper, and for that you need to be taught a lesson. Just like Jerrelle Clark, you need to be taught a valuable lesson, and I can guarantee that you will NEVER drop the ball again in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, because when I’ve finished with you, there won’t be a chance for you to drop the ball. I won’t settle until I’ve handed all of the pain, all of the agony and all of the sins that I have suffered, that I have had imposed on me onto you! And that, Mike Tenay, that is the Gospel… according to the Fallen Angel.”

Daniels dropped the microphone down onto the mat as ‘Manson’ kicked in and Daniels walked out, doing his signature pose again as Tenay shook his head in disgust and walked back to the announce booth.

“Well, what can I say?” Don West explained, “Christopher Daniels is clearly living in a state of grandeur, blaming Elix Skipper for everything that has ever happened to him. We know Primetime isn’t here tonight, hopefully we’ll get some insight next week, but I have no doubt Skipper’s watching this, so he must have some sort of a reaction to those claims.”



Hiding The Truth

The show came back from the break with Petey Williams backstage inside the Team Canada locker room with a number of Canadian flags in the background, with a hockey stick leant against the wall. The X-Division Title rested over the shoulder of the champion, who was watching the match against Chris Sabin from last weeks show, but the volume was turned down so Petey could study exactly what he had done in the match. All of a sudden, the rest of Team Canada walked into the locker room, congratulating Petey on a job well done.

“Petey, my man!” Coach Scott D’Amore welcomed him, “How ya doin’, champ? Last week, you well and truly showed that American joke Chris Sabin up for what he is, and for what the rest of America is: A choker! Haha!”

“Yeah, I’m just watchin’ the match from last week. I haven’t got a match tonight, so I may as well study exactly what I did right, eh Coach!”

“Err, yeah,” said D’Amore, less enthusiastically as he noticed the referee go down in the match, and he knew what was coming up. He brought Petey away from the screen so he wouldn’t see it, while pretending he wanted to have a one-to-one, “Y’know, you may not have a match tonight, but later on Johnny’s gonna be making his return to action against another American choker, Chris Harris, and we need all the protection against the Cow-Girl, James Storm. So, let’s strategise, as we’ll need you out there.”

“Okay, no problem Coach. After all, if I can destroy Chris Sabin like I did, James Storm should be nothing!” Petey said, turning round to see the screen as he hit the Canadian Destroyer for the pin, despite not seeing the interference from Alex Shelley, giving the impression that he had no idea of what exactly had happened. The Team Canada members then walked out of the door, with the camera closing in on the television screen as it showed Alex Shelley smiling as he ran through the crowd at the Impact Zone, with Petey joyously celebrating.


(Scott D'Amore gained 2 points of overness from this segment. Petey Williams lost 1 point of overness from this segment.)


Alex Shelley vs. Mikey Batts

X-Division Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

Batts was clearly slightly concerned by the state of his tag team partner from the previous match, but that didn’t stop him from having a go at the arrogant Alex Shelley. Shelley worked on the neck area of Batts for the majority of the match, pressing his knee against the back of the head and the neck while holding him in a chinlock. He continued the assault with a Rude Awakening neckbreaker and a DDT, but Batts fought back, leapfrogged a charging Shelley before rolling back into a wheelbarrow, which he then managed to turn into a big tornado DDT. He then started to climb up to the top turnbuckle, and once Shelley got up to his feet Batts connected with a huge cross-body block for a near fall. Batts then began to fire off with right and left hands onto Shelley, sending him into the corner, but when Shelley got shot into the opposite corner he vaulted up and over the charging Batts, charged him from behind into the turnbuckles and connected with a big German suplex for a near fall. Batts eventually began to wear down, holding his neck frequently until Shelley managed to connect with a spinning, modified Fisherman’s suplex, but opted not to cover and stalked the youngster, then took him down to the mat with a painful modified crippler crossface, called by Tenay the Border City Stretch, causing Batts to tap out immediately in agony as Shelley yanked back on his neck.

Winner: Alex Shelley (5:11)

Star Rating:

After the match Shelley refused to release the painful hold, smiling while clamping back and causing Batts to pretty much scream in agony. The referee tried to pull him off, but the fans got on their feet as none other than Chris Sabin ran down to the ring and went after Shelley, but before he could get his hands onto him Shelley bailed from the ring and walked up the ramp. As the show went to the break both men were staring at each other, with Sabin on the middle rope, screaming, “This isn’t over Shelley!”

“Chris Sabin! Chris Sabin!” Don West yelled in excitement, “He doesn’t forget! Alex Shelley took him out and cost him the X-Division Title shot he worked so hard for, yet he got screwed yet again!”

“You’re absolutely right, Don, yet we don’t know the history between these two men, and the X-Division Champion Petey Williams. Hopefully Scott D’Amore can tell us more, eh?”



Chris Harris w/James Storm vs. Johnny Devine w/Team Canada

10 Minute Time Limit

Devine began the match with a huge smile on his face, while James Storm got the fans going by smacking his hands on the ring apron, yet Scott D’Amore screamed at them to stop clapping. The two men locked up, and around the beginning of the match Devine got a few pot shots in, celebrating and applauding himself each time. However, Harris sent him scurrying for the sanctuary of the arena floor when he connected with a huge back body drop. The Wildcat match his way back into the match with some chops in the corner, a short arm clothesline and a stalling suplex, which gained some applause from the fans at ringside. Devine tried to get his advantage back by heading up to the top rope, only for Harris to toss him down to the mat. The former NWA Tag Team Champion went for another big suplex, but Devine rolled down into a quick roll-up, with Eric Young pulling on the hands of his Team Canada team-mate to give him extra language, but James Storm attacked Young and the rest of Team Canada as Harris reversed the hold into a roll-up of his own for the pin!

Winner: Chris Harris (3:59)

Star Rating:

After the match Harris got up and held up one arm from behind in celebration, but Bobby Roode smashed him from behind with a clubbing clothesline to the back of the head! Devine, who was holding the back of his head, joined Roode in kicking the hell out of the Wildcat, while James Storm tried to help his tag team partner, actually taking Petey Williams and Eric Young down with Super Kicks, but unfortunately for him he was too late to see the annoying Scott D’Amore crack him between the eyes with the Canadian flag. The segment ended with all of Team Canada: D’Amore, Williams, Roode, Devine and Young, arms and belts raised aloft above the unconscious bodies of America’s Most Wanted.

“Team Canada there, showing, once again, why the fans hate them,” Tenay began, with a distinct amount of bitterness in his voice, “It was Eric Young’s interference, which, ironically, lead to Johnny Devine’s loss, but for them to take out the former NWA Tag Team Champions, who survived the Six Sides Of Steel, is absolutely reprehensible!”


(Bobby Roode is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


“The Match Is… ”

The familiar music of the NWA World Heavyweight Champion hit, and Jeff Jarrett made his way through the smoke down to the ring, flanked by his fellow Kings Of Wrestling, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. The champion showed off his belt, which was wrapped around his waist while holding his trademark guitar into the air. He got into the ring and took the microphone off Jeremy Borash quickly, clearly urging to say something.

“Macho Man!” the champion shouted into the microphone, “Macho Man, I know you’re backstage! I know you’re watching this! I said it last week, and I’ll say it again: You are past it! You’re nothing, old man! This is my world! Planet Jarrett, and you’re stepping on my turf! I refuse to grant you a title shot tonight, next month, next year, in the next 10 years! I am TNA… and you’re nothing. AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy: You made the biggest mistakes of your lives when you stepped up to the Kings Of Wrestling. Macho Man, you’re mine. Styles, Hardy… plain and simple, boys… Kevin and Scott here will exterminate you.”

Jarrett dropped the microphone, but instead of his music the theme music of the Director of Authority, and Dusty Rhodes made his way down the ramp, flanked by his lovely assistant Traci and armed with a microphone.

“Jeff Jarrett!” the DOA began, “Aaall week long people have been askin’ me, ‘Dream, what’s the decision? Whatcha gonna do, about Macho Man and Double J?’ And ah’ve been thinkin’ it ova, afta’ what went down at Turnin’ Point, should the Macho Man, the former WWF Champion, former In’ercontinental Champion get a shot at the NWA Championship of the world? And afta’ what went down last week wit’ you two tradin’ fisties an’ ragtaggin’ in the ring, I realised somethin’ had to be done. So Jeff Jarrett, my decision…”

“Rhodes,” the champion yelled out, interrupting the Director Of Authority in mid-speech, “I swear to God, if you give Savage a title shot, you’ll be makin’ the biggest mistake of your life. I’m the top dog round here, not Randy Savage, not AJ Styles, not Jeff Hardy: Jeff Jarrett, J-E-Double F, J-A-Double R-E-Double T! I’m the champ, Rhodes, so what I want, I get! So Dusty…”

“Shut up!” Dusty uncharacteristically yelled into his microphone, “Ah don’t care what you’ve got to say, and the fans don’t care what you’ve got to say! Mah decision is final, so quit you’re whinin’ and ZIP IT! May decision is that, at Final Resolution! January 16th! A new year, 2005! It will be Jeff Jarrett…”

Jarrett began to shake his head while yelling, “Don’t do it Dusty!” and “No!” without his microphone as Hall and Nash also shouted some threats at him.

“…One on one…”

“You’re makin’ a mistake Dusty!”

“…With the Macho Man, Randy Savage, for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship!”

Dusty’s music kicked in again as he smiled and walked backstage again with Traci as Jarrett leant over the ropes and looked on in disbelief as Hall and Nash also tried to come to terms with it. After this entire fracas the camera shifted back to the announce table for the thoughts of Mike and Don.

“Wow Don! Did you hear that?”

“I sure did Mike, Savage and Jarrett, one-on-one, with the NWA Title on the line!”

“Exactly. And it’s all gonna go down at Final Resolution, January 16th, the new year, and could we possibly be looking at a new NWA Champion? Remember to order the PPV, as no doubt it’ll be 3 in a row for awesome TNA pay-per-view action!”



Diamond Dallas Page vs. Michael Shane w/Kazarian

10 Minute Time Limit

Traci was absent from ringside during this match following her involvement in the previous segment with her boss Dusty Rhodes. Shane showed no fear of the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, hammering on him in the corner and posing, allowing DDP to smash him a number of times in the stomach before hurling him into the turnbuckles where he jammed shoulders into Shane’s chest and shredded his chest with chops. After some more dominance from Page he shot the former X-Division Champion into the corner and he vaulted up, but instead of charging the entire way DDP caught him on the way down with a whiplash spinebuster! Page played to the crowd and signalled up top for something, but when he placed Shane on the ropes Kazarian popped up onto the apron and went to attack him, only for Page to clothesline him down to the floor. Shane, by this time, had recovered, and he pushed DDP away with his boot, only for Page to come back with a discus punch to stun him. The crowd got on their feet as Page signalled for his finishing move, and they exploded when he planted the arrogant Shane with a Diamond Cutter on Shane off the middle rope for the pin!

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page (2:00)

Star Rating:

Page’s music kicked in and the referee raised his hand, only for Kazarian, who was furious after being nailed by Page earlier to low blow him, causing Page to crumple to the mat. Both Kazarian and Shane began to put the boots to DDP. However, the crowd got on their feet when the signature music of ‘Alpha Male’ Monty Brown hit, and the big man ran down to the ring to return the favour from last week! He first knocked both men down and hit Kazarian with a back body drop, and DDP, who had by this time got to his feet, smashed Shane with a discus clothesline! Page picked Kazarian up, and whipped him against the ropes, and that allowed Brown to smash him with the Pounce! Shane, who had rolled out of the ring, pulled Kazarian out of the ring by his foot and both men retreated to the back, falling over on the ramp as Page and Brown had another stare-down. Brown left the ring again as Page’s music hit, and as both men walked to the back they retained their cold stare on each other.

“Wow,” Tenay began, “The Alpha Male and DDP! Last week Page saved Brown, and now this week Brown returns the favour!”

“Exactly Mike,” West agreed, “But did you see the intensity in the eyes of both men? Surely the mutual respect is there, else why would they help each other?”


(Michael Shane is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs. Buck Quartermain & Lex Lovett

Main Event – 10 Minute Time Limit

Styles and Hardy both got great reactions from the TNA faithful, as you’d expect, getting a number of different chants. First of all, Quartermain started with Styles, and after a quick wrestling sequence and a standoff, both men tagged out, with a large portion of the female audience screaming upon his arrival into the match. Hardy and Lovett had an evenly paced portion of the match, with Lovett hammering on him in the corner, but Hardy blocked a charge by pulling up on the ropes and kicking him in the face. Hardy tried for a kick on his opponent, only to get his leg caught. He missed an enziguri, by then connected with a reverse enziguri for some applause, and he then tagged out to Styles. The Phenomenal One came into the match with a springboard clothesline on a charging Quartermain, but Lovett attacked him from behind. He whipped Styles into the ropes only to get hit with a big Moonsault DDT, and Quartermain ate a dropkick, sending him backwards out of the ring. The pace of the match then slowed down, and the team of Quartermain and Lovett began to isolate Styles, picking apart his leg, at one point causing him to collapse when going for the Styles Clash. However, Styles managed to trick both men into clotheslining each other when he dived out of the way, and he got the hot tag to Hardy, who came into the ring and took Lovett into the corner and hit a huge vaulting dropkick, and after Styles took Quartermain right over the top rope with a spinning leg lariat Hardy got a wheelbarrow bulldog (albeit a little bit slow, showing miscommunication) and the Swanton Bomb on Lex Lovett for the clean pin.

Winners: Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles (6:59)

Star Rating:

After the match Hardy and Styles celebrated as Lovett and Quartermain hobbled to the backstage area, but the celebrations were short lived when they turned round into a blind sight attack from Kevin Nash and Scott Hall! The two Kings Of Wrestling brawled with Styles and Hardy all the way to the backstage area, using weapons such as chairs, which visibly busted their smaller foes open. After a vulgar battle Nash hurled Styles into a huge pile of pipes and other assorted items, which Styles flipped into, and Hall cracked a chair completely over the head of Hardy. Nash pulled a table out from behind all of the equipment, which Styles had crashed into, and after setting it up he and Hall hit an assisted Jacknife Powerbomb through the wood! The show ended with Tenay and West expressing their disgust at what had just happened.

“That was disgusting, the Kings Of Wrestling, fresh off the announcement of Macho Man vs. Jeff Jarrett, clearly taking out Macho Man’s biggest allies!” Tenay emphatically yelled.

“Well, yeah, you have to assume that they want to isolate Macho Man to take any means necessary to get Jeff Jarrett the win.”

“Well folks, we’ll have to show you the results next week on Impact, till then, let me remind you, Final Resolution, January 16th, Macho Man vs. Jeff Jarrett for the title!”


(Jeff Hardy is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Kevin Nash is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Scott Hall is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)

Show Rating: 65%

Edited by Dakendo
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The Xplosion Preview - 18/12/04

Following the huge announcement from TNA Director Of Authority Dusty Rhodes this past week on Impact, we'll show you this week the reactions of NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett and the Macho Man Randy Savage, and the consequences of the decision on TNA's next huge Pay-Per-View event, Final Resolution!

Also this week, in the ring we'll see the debut of local Florida wrestlers Billy Fives and Mikey Tenderfoot, and what a challenge they have, as they will be facing the tandem of Abyss and Raven. With all due respect to Tenderfoot and Fives, most onlookers would call it an achievement to even walk out of the match with their lives, never mind a win.

We'll also show you the interview conducted in the ring by Mike Tenay with 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels. Would Daniels reveal his motive when turning on his former tag team partner Primetime? Watch Xplosion to get the low-down on exactly what he had to say!

In the ring this week on Xplosion we will see the former X-Division Champion Chris Sabin in action, taking on Leon Scott. Scott, a newcomer to TNA rings, will be looking to make a big impact against Sabin, but that is no easy task, considering the foul mood he has been in since he was screwed out of the X-Division Title by Alex Shelley!

Finally, we'll show you exactly what went down after the Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles vs. Buck Quartermain & Lex Lovett match on Impact, and the actions, which could have dire consequences for Randy Savage!

Confirmed Matches

Raven & Abyss vs. Mikey Tenderfoot & Billy Fives

Chris Sabin vs. Leon Scott

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Xplosion - 18/12/04

The credits rolled for Xplosion, and we joined Jeremy Borash and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas in the studio for TNA Xplosion!

"Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of TNA Xplosion, the syndicated show of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling!" Borash said, welcoming everyone to the show, "And Franchise, after what happened this past week on Impact, the feud between Randy Savage and Jeff Jarrett is reaching fever pitch!"

"Absolutely JB, and we'll be showing you exactly what went down just a little bit later on!"

"Indeed we will Shane, but for now, let's go to the ring for some in-the-ring Xplosion action!"


Raven & Abyss vs. Mikey Tenderfoot & Billy Fives

10 Minute Time Limit

This match was quite a quick one, but very destructive. Fives and Tenderfoot, clearly disadvantaged by their size when compared to Raven and Abyss, never stood a chance, with Abyss taking Tenderfoot out in the ring as Raven destroyed Fives on the floor. In fact, they even got ambushed right from the bell; with Raven kneeing Fives in the stomach, causing him to fall out to the floor. As Raven tossed Fives into the guardrail on the floor Abyss worked Tenderfoot over in the corner, hitting his Shock Treatment backbreaker, but pulled the shoulders of Tenderfoot up before the pinfall could be registered. Raven eventually rolled Fives into the ring where they began to double-team him, with Raven connecting with some boot scrapes in the corner. Abyss whipped Tenderfoot into Raven, who connected with a thrust kick to the jaw, and he turned round into a powerbomb from Abyss, onto Fives! Fives rolled out of the ring, holding his gut, with a little bit of encouragement from Raven’s boot, and this left Tenderfoot open to both a Raven Effect DDT and a huge Black Hole Slam for the easy 1-2-3.

Winners: Raven & Abyss (1:01)

Star Rating:

After the match Fives crawled over to check on Tenderfoot, only for Raven to charge up to him and knee him in the gut sending him sprawling against the ropes. Raven continued to stomp a mudhole in him, and then pulled him up to his feet and smashed him with the Raven Effect DDT, planting Fives on his head! He decided to pick Fives up off the mat again, but this time whipped him across the ring to Abyss, who destroyed him with the Black Hole Slam! Raven and Abyss then left the ring and walked to the back separately after looking over their path of destruction.



From the 17/12/04 edition of Impact!

AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs. Buck Quartermain & Lex Lovett

Main Event – 10 Minute Time Limit

Styles and Hardy both got great reactions from the TNA faithful, as you’d expect, getting a number of different chants. First of all, Quartermain started with Styles, and after a quick wrestling sequence and a standoff, both men tagged out, with a large portion of the female audience screaming upon his arrival into the match. Hardy and Lovett had an evenly paced portion of the match, with Lovett hammering on him in the corner, but Hardy blocked a charge by pulling up on the ropes and kicking him in the face. Hardy tried for a kick on his opponent, only to get his leg caught. He missed an enziguri, by then connected with a reverse enziguri for some applause, and he then tagged out to Styles. The Phenomenal One came into the match with a springboard clothesline on a charging Quartermain, but Lovett attacked him from behind. He whipped Styles into the ropes only to get hit with a big Moonsault DDT, and Quartermain ate a dropkick, sending him backwards out of the ring. The pace of the match then slowed down, and the team of Quartermain and Lovett began to isolate Styles, picking apart his leg, at one point causing him to collapse when going for the Styles Clash. However, Styles managed to trick both men into clotheslining each other when he dived out of the way, and he got the hot tag to Hardy, who came into the ring and took Lovett into the corner and hit a huge vaulting dropkick, and after Styles took Quartermain right over the top rope with a spinning leg lariat Hardy got a wheelbarrow bulldog (albeit a little bit slow, showing miscommunication) and the Swanton Bomb on Lex Lovett for the clean pin.

Winners: Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles (6:59)

Star Rating:

After the match Hardy and Styles celebrated as Lovett and Quartermain hobbled to the backstage area, but the celebrations were short lived when they turned round into a blind sight attack from Kevin Nash and Scott Hall! The two Kings Of Wrestling brawled with Styles and Hardy all the way to the backstage area, using weapons such as chairs, which visibly busted their smaller foes open. After a vulgar battle Nash hurled Styles into a huge pile of pipes and other assorted items, which Styles flipped into, and Hall cracked a chair completely over the head of Hardy. Nash pulled a table out from behind all of the equipment, which Styles had crashed into, and after setting it up he and Hall hit an assisted Jacknife Powerbomb through the wood! The show ended with Tenay and West expressing their disgust at what had just happened.

“That was disgusting, the Kings Of Wrestling, fresh off the announcement of Macho Man vs. Jeff Jarrett, clearly taking out Macho Man’s biggest allies!” Tenay emphatically yelled.

“Well, yeah, you have to assume that they want to isolate Macho Man to take any means necessary to get Jeff Jarrett the win.”

“Well folks, we’ll have to show you the results next week on Impact, till then, let me remind you, Final Resolution, January 16th, Macho Man vs. Jeff Jarrett for the title!”

The camera shot back to Shane and Jeremy in the studio to get their thoughts on the match, and the aftermath.

“Shane, an impressive victory by the high flying tandem of the Phenomenal One and the Charismatic Enigma,” Jeremy began to explain, “But you have to wonder what sort of physical shape both men will be in after that brutal, brutal assault at the hands of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall."

“Well, absolutely JB,” Douglas agreed, “After a great, great win, both Hall and Nash pulled out a table and slammed Jeff Hardy through it, just like that! We have to ask about their motives though, was it to get revenge for the loss at Turning Point, or was it to assist Jeff Jarrett and take out Randy Savage’s closest allies?”

“That’s a possibility Shane, but if either Hardy or Styles are in the shape to appear at this week’s Impact, without a doubt we’ll get their reaction, and I’m sure they won’t just wanna talk things over, if you know what I mean!”


(Kevin Nash lost 2 points of overness from this segment. AJ Styles lost 2 points of overness from this segment.)


From the 17/12/04 edition of Impact!

Christopher Daniels vs. Jerrelle Clark

X-Division Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

The announcers noted that Clark was looking here to get a big win that would rocket him up the X-Division rankings, but the Fallen Angel never looked like losing, showing a vicious streak that had never been seen before, despite being quite opportunistic and methodical in his attack in the past. Clark, however, managed to get a quick flurry of offence in, nearly winning the match when he connected with a big enziguri kick as Daniels tried to grab his foot, and followed that up with some more kicks to the chest and a dropkick to Daniels’ face. He got the crowd going by clapping, and then made contact with an acrobat handspring moonsault off the ropes for a near fall. Later on in the match Daniels took control connecting with an Iconoclasm, called the Fall from Grace, and went for the BME (Best Moonsault Ever), but Clark moved and seemingly knocked Daniels down and out with a hard super-kick. Clark dragged the larger Daniels into the corner as the fans in the Impact Zone got on his feet, and he went for his patented 630° Splash, but the Fallen Angel moved! Clark immediately popped up, showing agony while holding his back, and this made him easy prey for Daniels to approach him from behind, hook his head and wipe the youngster out with a devastating Last Rites for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Christopher Daniels (6:07)

Star Rating: **¾

After the match referee Mike Posey raised the victorious Lord Of The Ring’s hand, but under the demented smile he clearly wasn’t satisfied, as he picked Clark, who was huddled in the corner, up off the mat. He signalled with his hands for something, while yelling out the name of his patented finishing move while Clark lay on one knee, and Daniels planted him face-first on the mat with a big Angel’s Wings. Daniels’ music kicked in again after stopping while Daniels continued on his attack as the former Team NWA member did his signature pose on one knee.

“Jerrelle Clark put up a great fight here, but the experience of the Fallen Angel showed here, but that was completely uncalled for!” Tenay yelled into his announcing microphone, “Daniels had already pretty much knocked him out of the game with his Last Rites manoeuvre, he had beaten Clark, so the Angel’s Wings was not needed.”

“Well, exactly Mike,” West agreed, “I have no idea what exactly has happened to Christopher Daniels, but clearly he isn’t satisfied with a win anymore. He wants to hurt his opponents, to cause them pain and not just pin their shoulders to the mat.”

“Well, I’m sick of this. We need some answers from Christopher Daniels.”

*The scene cuts forward to the interview with Mike Tenay*

“Christopher Daniels,” Tenay began, “All week, the message board has been raving, the e-mails have been flooding in, people are demanding to know exactly why you turned on your long-time partner Primetime Elix Skipper last week on Impact, tying him up in the ropes and blasting him with a chair, just 5 days after your epic battle with America’s Most Wanted inside of the Six Sides Of Steel. Why did you do that, and why have you changed your attitude, as you just displayed, beating on younger wrestlers, almost as if you feel you are superior to them?”

“Mike Tenay,” Daniels yelled into the microphone after snatching it from the play-by-play man of TNA Wrestling, “What none of you seem to be able to understand is that what happened to Elix Skipper last week was none of my doing, and it had been coming for a very… very long time. The fact that Elix Skipper never saw it coming shows his stupidity and ignorance. What none of the TNA fans never seemed to be able to realise is that in our 2-and-a-half years of teaming up, is that I have always been the superior member.”

The fans began to boo upon the suggestion that Triple X was a one-man team.

“When we first started teaming up, back in Nashville, as a three-man unit with Low-Ki, who took it upon himself to single-handedly win the Tag Team Titles for us? Me! Who decided to go back to the tag team ranks and reform Triple X, when nobody else was concerned and didn’t want to make the effort? Me! Who came back to the X-Division, joined Team NWA and single-handedly won the World X Cup for Team NWA? Exactly, me, the Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels. These clashes with America’s Most Wanted have proven why Elix Skipper is the weak link in Triple X… or should I say, was the weak link in Triple X. In each of our Cage matches against America’s Most Wanted Skipper dropped the ball. First of all, in our very first Cage match in TNA against AMW he left me alone with them while he hung around, faking an injury on the floor. Then, at Turning Point, he lost the match for us. I was happy to carry Elix, but no, he wanted to do the high spots and nearly kill himself. Where did it get us, Elix? Nowhere, because at the end of the night, we still lost, all because of your jealousy! You let me get handcuffed to the ropes, when I would have won us the match, and you got pinned with the Power-Plex! Our own move! Do you know how embarrassing that is for my reputation? And yet I was the one who had to carry you out of the arena, despite me being the one covered in my own blood. The sight of my own blood. Never before had I bled so much in TNA until that point, and Skipper, I blame you for that! I blame you for these stitches in my forehead, I blame you for me losing out on the winner’s pay cheque, I blame you for the loss of my tag team, and I blame you for me not getting booked in Japan this past few months! You’re to blame for all of my hardships, all because you blew it! You dropped the ball Skipper, and for that you need to be taught a lesson. Just like Jerrelle Clark, you need to be taught a valuable lesson, and I can guarantee that you will NEVER drop the ball again in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, because when I’ve finished with you, there won’t be a chance for you to drop the ball. I won’t settle until I’ve handed all of the pain, all of the agony and all of the sins that I have suffered, that I have had imposed on me onto you! And that, Mike Tenay, that is the Gospel… according to the Fallen Angel.”

Daniels dropped the microphone down onto the mat as ‘Manson’ kicked in and Daniels walked out, doing his signature pose again as Tenay shook his head in disgust and walked back to the announce booth.

“Well, what can I say?” Don West explained, “Christopher Daniels is clearly living in a state of grandeur, blaming Elix Skipper for everything that has ever happened to him. We know Primetime isn’t here tonight, hopefully we’ll get some insight next week, but I have no doubt Skipper’s watching this, so he must have some sort of a reaction to those claims.”

Edited by Dakendo
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Various TNA News Items: Impact/Xplosion Ratings, Possible Gimmick Changes and more...

Posted by Dan L. Richards, 19/12/04

- This past week's episode of Impact! managed a 2.77 rating, which is up on the previous week's 2.54 ratings. Also on the ratings front, Xplosion received a mean average rating of 0.14, which, of course, is just an average, considering it's a syndicated television show.

- Also on the subject of Impact, TNA officials have been discussing with Fox Sports Net representatives about possibly moving the show to a prime time slot after the Final Resolution show on January 16th. This would be big news for those involved with TNA, as not only would it place the show at a more accessible time for people, but it would also open it up to a whole new audience, and with a new slot comes more time with which to hype feuds, so it is thought that a possible deal would be very beneficial to the company.

- In an update from the last news bulletin relating to TNA, it seems that Roderick Strong will indeed be brought in due to his impressive performances on Impact in the past, but there is a strong (no pun intended) possibility that his brother Sedrick may also be brought in to form a team to join the tag team division. Both men are Florida regulars, often competing for the NWA:FL promotion, so this seems quite possible.

-A number of other Florida talents are being looked at by TNA officials. A scout for the company was at a recent Full Impact Pro (FIP) show, entitled 'Florida Rumble', and names that have been dropped as possible future signings include Vordell Walker (who has worked matches on Impact in the past, including a handicap loss to Abyss), Azriael (who is a regular with FIP, Jersey All Pro Wrestling and Ring Of Honor), Salvatore Rinauro and Seth Delay (the last two who are regulars with FIP and another NWA group, Wildside). Rinauro and Delay's stable-mate in Wildside, and another FIP talent, Fast Eddie Vegas may also possibly be added to the roster, but whether the three would bring their '3 Guys That Totally Rule' act to the bigger stage of TNA is unknown.

- Backstage officials were impressed with the showing Jerrelle Clark put up in his match with Christopher Daniels this past week on Impact. Despite the match being put on to get Daniels over as a heel, hence the post-match beat down, road agents felt he represented himself quite well in the match.

- There has been talk of scrapping the failed 'Empire Saint' gimmick for Pat Kenney. Going a step further, there has even been talk of bringing back Kenney's Simon Diamond persona, but whether this would also mean a reunion with former tag team partner Johnny Swinger is unknown. Swinger has recently been featuring in a team with Glenn Gilberti, known as The NYC, but whether a reunion would mean the scrapping of that team is not known, but keep in mind, this is just speculation at this point.

- If, as earlier reported, signings are made to the roster, expect a number of cuts to correspond with that. The cuts, if indeed true, are most probably going to be lower card works who are deemed surplus to requirements. A definitive list is not known, but news will be brought to you as soon as we get it.

- The wrestler formerly known in the WWE as Billy Gunn was reportedly backstage at this past week's Impact tapings, visiting old friends. Of course, his former tag team partner, BG James/Road Dogg is a good friend of Gunn's, so that seems to be the obvious reason. We did report earlier that Gunn was a possible target for TNA officials, but it is not known as to whether he had any talks with them. Also on the subject of former WWE wrestlers, Chris Kanyon has been noted as a possibility. Kanyon, who has been in retirement, pretty much, since his release from the WWE, is thought to be happy to discuss the matter with TNA officials, considering his friendship with TNA wrestlers Diamond Dallas Page and X-Division star Shark Boy.

- Expect more matches to be announced for the upcoming Final Resolution pay-per-view. Rumoured to be added onto the card are an X-Division Title Match and a Number One Contender's Match, as well as a possible Kid Kash/Sonjay Dutt X-Division match.

- James Mitchell should be making a return to TNA screens some time in the near future, but a return of his Disciples Of The New Church may not be on the cards. FSN officials are not keen to have such a risqué gimmick on at such a time, but the gimmick may be reprised if TNA get the Impact show's timeslot moved to the desired prime time slot.

- Despite not doing anything with TNA following his one-off appearance at Victory Road, TNA officials are keen to talk with former WWE wrestler Spanky about possibly doing some more dates with them. However, Spanky, who has been doing regular dates with the Zero-One company in Japan, may not want to commit himself to one company while having his freedom of bookings on the indy scene, accepting bookings from Zero-One, Ring Of Honor and various others.

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First time I've checked in on this one and it's lookign really good so far. I don't have much more to say in terms of praise right now other than good job as the storylines and things are really just beginning to develop and are nothing new, as yet.

The only thing I can see wrong with this diary is that you are still using Savage. After seeing the Savage that was in TNA, and his appearance in the six man tag where he basically proved to the world he was tiny, bald, and could barely throw a punch without falling over (let alone use any other wrestling move) I just cannot in anyway take him seriously.

It doesn't matter what you do with him, or how you use him, he was just a complete joke and your main event with him and Jarrett doesn't even come close to exciting me. The fact that TNA didn't go with that idea and got rid of Savage was a good thing. The fact that you've kept him and are running with that ball is a bad thing.

But, everything else is great, you're really capturing the TNA feel and hopefluly you'll be able to give guys like Kenny/Siaki etc who don't get used anywhere near enough decent pushes and some decent character

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Guest Dakendo

First time I've checked in on this one and it's lookign really good so far. I don't have much more to say in terms of praise right now other than good job as the storylines and things are really just beginning to develop and are nothing new, as yet.

The only thing I can see wrong with this diary is that you are still using Savage. After seeing the Savage that was in TNA, and his appearance in the six man tag where he basically proved to the world he was tiny, bald, and could barely throw a punch without falling over (let alone use any other wrestling move) I just cannot in anyway take him seriously.

It doesn't matter what you do with him, or how you use him, he was just a complete joke and your main event with him and Jarrett doesn't even come close to exciting me. The fact that TNA didn't go with that idea and got rid of Savage was a good thing. The fact that you've kept him and are running with that ball is a bad thing.

But, everything else is great, you're really capturing the TNA feel and hopefluly you'll be able to give guys like Kenny/Siaki etc who don't get used anywhere near enough decent pushes and some decent character

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That's really fair point. To be honest if it was any other promotion no matter how bad Savage was I'd have been like "gah, here we go again, just dropping a storyline without trace and expecting us not to notice", but as it was TNA and their booking rarely makes sense anyway I never got on their back about it.

Seeing it out to some sort of logical conclusion is actually the better thing to do, and no matter how awful Savage is at this point, and really, I don't think I've seen anything worse for a long time, by going with it and trying to make something interesting out of it you've set quite a challenge.

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling iMPACT! – 24/12/05

The opening credits rolled, and Mike Tenay and Don West, the TNA announce team welcomed the watching audience to the show.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to Impact," he began, "We are here at the Impact Zone in Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, and Don, after what went down last week, you have to believe Jeff Hardy will be looking for more than revenge!"

"Absolutely Mike, after getting powerbombed through that table, Jeff Hardy AND AJ Styles will want revenge on Hall and Nash!"

"Hall vs. Hardy later on, but meanwhile, let's go to the ring for our opening contest!"

Chris Sabin vs. Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash

X-Division Four Corners Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

Shark Boy got a great reaction from the TNA fans, just because he’s Shark Boy, while Dutt and Kash were visibly still angry at each other, stemming from their confrontation at Victory Road. At the start the four men split off into pairs, with Kash and Dutt fighting each other while Sabin traded shots in the corner with Shark Boy. However, eventually they all began to fight one another, with Dutt bringing some high flying expertise by countering a whip into the corner by Kash by running up the turnbuckles and diving backwards onto everyone with a huge moonsault. The fans began to chant “TNA!” as Dutt clenched his fist and started to work on Sabin. He whipped Sabin into the corner, but Sabin reversed the whip, but Dutt vaulted up on the ropes, only for Sabin to catch him on his shoulders in preparation for the Cradle Shock, only for Kash and Shark Boy to double clothesline Sabin, causing both he and Dutt to crash out to the floor. Sharky, however, stood still for too long, as Kash turned on him and ambushed him from behind, which gave him an automatic advantage. The former X-Division and NWA Tag Team Champion picked Shark Boy apart in the corner with kicks and punches, but Sharky blocked a charge with a boot to the face, and a jumping DDT got a near fall. Shark Boy then signalled for something, and took Kash into the corner for what looked to be his version of the Diamond Dust, called the Deep Sea Drop, but Dutt recovered and climbed onto the ropes and took Sharky down off the middle rope with a headscissor takedown! He then went back to attacking Kash, and they eventually fought up the ropes, where Dutt attempted a superplex, only for Sabin to pop back into action by rolling over into a sunset flip off the ropes, onto Dutt, who connected with the superplex on Kash! The fans exploded again at the high-flying action with their chants of “TNA!” and as everyone lay down on the mat, this allowed Shark Boy to pin everyone in succession, each cover getting a 2 count. Sabin managed to recover first, having given a lot into that huge move, and he traded forearm shots with Shark Boy while giving choice shots to Dutt, but this gave Kid Kash the opportunity to pretty much kick Sabin down low as Shark Boy tried to recover from the forearm shots. Kash went for the Money Maker piledriver, but Dutt wiped him out by running off the kneeling Shark Boy’s back, jumping up into the air and connecting with a huge jumping leg lariat! This caused Kash to fall out of the ring, but Dutt was relentless, climbing up to the top rope and hitting a 450° Splash down onto Kash, taking both men out of the game! Shark Boy went for his Deep Sea Drop in the ring, but Sabin blocked the move and hooked Shark Boy onto his shoulders, then swung him round into the Cradle Shock for the hard-earned pin!

Winner: Chris Sabin (7:44)

Star Rating: **

“What an impressive victory here for Chris Sabin, beating off three opponents to win the match, and you have to think this puts him right back in X-Division Title contention!” Tenay told the audience at home.

“Absolutely Mike, but you have to wonder whether Petey Williams will give him another shot, after beating him twice in a row!” West stated.



“You Wanna Fight?”

Sabin held his arm up in celebration, but unfortunately for him, Alex Shelley stormed the ring and kicked him right between the legs, causing him to fall down onto the mat. He began to put the boots to Sabin, but when trying to whip him into the ropes Sabin ducked a clothesline and hit a jumping clothesline of his own! Both men began to trade shots in the middle of the ring, but security quickly stormed the ring and kept them apart, but Sabin kept on trying to go for Shelley even trying to break through the security surrounding him until he was eventually restrained. All of a sudden, the theme music of Dusty Rhodes, the NWA Director Of Authority hit, and he made his way to the top of the ramp with the lovely Traci by his side and a microphone in his hand.

“Wow, wow, wow!” Dusty began, “You boys wanna trade fisties? You wanna fight? Well ah, as the NWA Directah Of Authority have made the decision. You wanna fight each other so bad? Weeeell, at Final Resolution, January 16th, it’s gonna be, in one corner, Chris Sabin, the master of the Ultimate X, the former X-Division Champion of the world, and in another corner, it’s gonna be Alex Shelley, the man… who cost you, Sabin, the title, and in another corner… it’s gonna be the X-Division Champion, of the world! Petey Williams! And it’s gonna be for the X-Division Title, one fall wins it, baby!”

Dusty’s music kicked in again as Sabin and Shelley tried to get at each other again, only to be restrained each time.

“Wow, did you hear that Mike?” West yelled into his headset, ”Final Resolution, January 16th, Williams vs. Sabin vs. Shelley for the X-Division Title!”

“Exactly, wow!” Tenay agreed, “And you have to wonder how Williams will fare in this match, as he has not one, but two opponents to defend against, first pinfall wins it! So Petey doesn’t have to be pinned to lose the title!”



Christopher Daniels vs. The Amazing Red

X-Division Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

Daniels showed his cocky attitude once again here, underestimating Red due to his size advantage. Red brought the high flying action, while Daniels held it together well with mat wrestling to ground the former X-Division Champion’s aerial antics, which all led to a good match. Daniels targeted the surgically reconstructed knee of Red right from the start, chop-blocking the knee out and kicking it while he was down, and he decided to crank on some pressure with a knee-bar. He then dropped some elbows on the knee and thigh, but Red eventually got some of his arsenal into the match when he eventually got out of a submission, hobbling on one leg, and caught Daniels over the back of the head with a huge enziguri kick. The fans began to clap, showing some interest in the match, but when Red got to his feet he was met with a shot to the face. He fought back with some forearms, then ran off the ropes and locked in a good headscissor arm-bar. He released the hold and connected with a dropkick to the lower back of Daniels, causing him to fall out to the floor, but when trying to connect with a somersault pescado Daniels moved and Red landed awkwardly on his leg, seemingly wrenching his ankles slightly, as he was slightly shaken up afterwards. Daniels immediately took advantage, hurling his opponent into the steel barricade and rolling him back into the ring for a 2 count. He viciously stomped on the knee repetitively and clamped more pressure on it, and after boring of that he connected with an Arabian Press into the ring for another near fall, causing him to show just a small bit of frustration. He shot Red off into the ropes and leant down for what looked to be a back body drop, but Red held onto the ropes. Daniels charged at him but ate a kick to the face, and Red climbed up to the second rope, then jumped off for a swinging DDT, but Daniels simply shook him off with a uranage slam. This was where Daniels’ effectiveness showed, as he eventually prepared to finish off the smaller Red, who went for his Code Red finisher, only for Daniels to effectively spin the move round and hit a huge German suplex. Daniels put Red on the ropes, possibly looking for the Iconoclasm he uses, which Tenay called ‘The Fall From Grace’, only for Red to kick him off. He signalled for what looked to be the Infra-Red as Daniels got back to his feet, but, in a cruel twist of fate, Daniels shoved the referee into the ropes, causing Red to trip, causing the back of his bad knee to hit the top rope. Red cowered in pain as Daniels picked him up off the mat and planted him with the Angel’s Wings for the clean pinfall.

Winner: Christopher Daniels (5:54)

Star Rating: ***¼

After the match Daniels did his signature Fallen Angel pose, then feigned an interest in the well being of Red, only to quickly turn on him and kick his leg out, causing Red to fall to the mat in pain. Daniels quickly tore at Red’s surgically reconstructed knee with a painful single leg crab submission hold, but he had to break the hold when the crowd pretty much exploded when none other than Primetime ran down to the ring and confronted Daniels, and the two began to trade blows. Unfortunately for Daniels, Primetime ducked one of his shots and caught him in the temple with a big spinning leg lariat! Daniels bailed from the ring and hobbled up the ramp as Primetime stood on the middle rope, shaking his head and yelling out at his former partner, with Daniels holding the side of his head.

“DID YOU SEE THAT MIKE?” West screamed into his headset, “PRIMETIME IS BACK IN THE IMPACT ZONE!”

“It’s Primetime!” Tenay exclaimed, “Primetime is back in the Impact Zone, and you know he wants revenge on Christopher Daniels!”

“Wow!” West agreed, “Primetime Elix Skipper, he just ducked a shot and hit a kick to the head of Christopher Daniels, as quick as a cat!”

“And Don, you have to believe that Primetime is gonna have some choice words for the Fallen Angel!”


(Elix Skipper is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


Dusty Plans Ahead

The theme music of the Director Of Authority Dusty Rhodes hit for the second time in the night, and Dusty made his way down to the ring with Traci by his side, taking the microphone from a ringside attendant once he got there, and he looked to have a lot on his mind.

“Y’know, comin’ up on January 16th, Final Resolution, as I said last week on this show, it’s gonna be Randy Savage, the Macho Man, takin’ on the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett! And, it got me thinkin’, what would Jeff Jarrett and the Kings Of Wrestlin’, if you weeell, hate more than one person gunnin’ after his title? And it got me thinkin’… two people gunnin’ for his title! And, I was watchin’ the show last week, and it gave me an idea for Final Resolution. At Final Resolution, right here, right now, I’m announcin’, what could be called… a Number One Contendas Match! There will be two men, and the winner of that match, will become the number one contender to the NWA Champion, be it Jeff Jarrett… or the Macho Man! So, without further ado, let me introduce the first person in this match, the first person who could get the chance of a lifetime! A shot at the NWA Title! Let me introduce to you, The Alpha Male, MONTY… BROWN!

The TNA version of Disturbed’s ‘Down With The Sickness’ hit, and the Alpha Male made his way down to the ring, first posing on the stage as his usual pyrotechnics came down from above in a bright explosion. He eventually entered the ring and shook hands with Dusty, complete with his animated yet intense face as he faced the other ramp to await the announcement of his Final Resolution opponent.

“And the man… who will be facin’ the Alpha Male at Final Resolution will be a man who’s defied medical science and returned to the ring! None other than DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!

‘Spirit’ (the TNA version of Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’) hit, and DDP came down to a great pop, setting off his pyrotechnics and then walking out through the crowd before returning to the ring. Immediately upon entering the ring he faced Brown in the centre of the ring, with Dusty acting as the peacemaker. They stared into each other’s eyes, clearly wanting to gain an advantage of some sort before their match. However, Rhodes interjected, not knowing what would happen.

“Now boys, I know you’re both competitive and you both want your shots at Jeff Jarrett, but save it for January 16th! Now, both be sportsmen, and let’s have a man-to-man handshake!”

They both didn’t react to what Rhodes was saying, even when he was talking, but after a few minutes they eventually did shake hands, with some members of the audience applauding as Rhodes’ music hit and he headed to the back, and Page and Brown stared at each other once again as the camera’s zoomed in on the two men scheduled to face each other at Final Resolution.

“WOW!” West exclaimed, “What a match the DOA Dusty Rhodes just announced for Final Resolution! Monty Brown vs. DDP!”

“Exactly my reactions Don, and you have to wonder how both men are feeling here, having saved each other from post match attacks in recent weeks, and now their going from allies to enemies, come Final Resolution! You also have to take in the factor of the NWA Champion Jeff Jarrett, who now will have to scout this match, as well as contend with the Macho Man on the same night!”



Sonny Siaki & Pat Kenney vs. Team Canada (Bobby Roode & Eric Young) w/Coach Scott D’Amore, Johnny Devine & X-Division Champion Petey Williams

Non-Title Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

The champions clearly underestimated their opponents, who brought the fight, knowing that a win would surely shoot them into title contention, with Team Canada's Eric Young feeling the full brunt of their attacks. Kenney utilised some of his old Simon Series and connected with a big discus punch, causing Young to spit out his gum into the air (which Johnny Devine may or may not have caught) and fall to the mat, allowing Kenney to cover for a near fall. He tagged in the former X-Division Champion Sonny Siaki, who immediately come in like a house on fire, whipping Young hard into the corner, and he did the Flair Flip to the apron, only for Siaki to clothesline him down. Bobby Roode charged into the ring and went to ambush Siaki, only for Kenney to catch him with a quick, hard charging forearm. Siaki and Kenney then both launched Team Canada's bruiser over the ropes to the floor, where D'Amore, Williams and Devine tried to reorganise his troops, only for Siaki to dive onto them all with a big pesacado. However, the move didn't catch Bobby Roode, who charged at Kenney as Kenney attempted a diving move, connecting with a huge clothesline that would have got the pinfall if Kenney hand't managed to get the ropes. Roode yelled out in frustration, then argued with referee Mike Posey, but got surpised when Posey pushed him back into a Kenney roll-up for a near fall. Eric Young re-entered the ring, but ate a huge back body drop, only for Roode to duck a big clothesline and hit a huge full nelson slam, dropping Kenney awkwardly on his head. Kenney seemed genuinely hurt from the move, immediately rolling out to the arena floor and lying near the apron, and this brought in Sonny Siaki, who survived for a while, but eventually he missed a big jumping cross-body block on Young, and Rude beheaded him with the clothesline that had earlier nearly knocked Pat Kenney out, and that got the academic pin.

Winners: Team Canada (4:10)

Star Rating: *

After the match the Canadians stomped on their beaten opponents in the corner, choking them out with boots against the bottom turnbuckles, but the fans got livened up when America’s Most Wanted ran down to the ring and began to trade shots with the Tag Team Champions! AMW eventually gained an advantage, with both men ducking shots and they both connected with a double clothesline, taking down Eric Young, Bobby Roode and Johnny Devine! The champions snatched their belts off the mat and rolled out to the floor for safety as AMW stood tall in the ring!

“America’s Most Wanted, coming to the aid of Pat Kenney and Sonny Siaki, and you’ve got to believe that DOA Dusty Rhodes will be taking a look at the issue between these two tag teams and think about making a match between the two, and you’ve got to think that AMW deserve a title shot!” Tenay stated.


(Pat Kenney lost 1 point of overness from this match. Sonny Siaki lost 1 point of overness from this match. Bobby Roode gained 2 points of overness from this match. Eric Young gained 2 points of overness from this match. Pat Kenney is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Bobby Roode is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


Want The Shot? Beat The Gauntlet

As Team Canada hobbled up the ramp-way James Storm checked on Kenney and Siaki as Chris Harris took a microphone from Jeremy Borash.

“D’Amore!” the Wildcat yelled intensely, “Me and Storm have proved our worth here in TNA. We’ve been here since day one. We’ve taken on our enemies, and every time we’ve come out on top in the end. At Turning Point we overcame our toughest adversaries - Triple X, inside the Six Sides Of Steel. We bled for our cause, D’Amore, and we’ve proved ourselves. D’Amore, we want a shot at your boys at Final Resolution, January 16th, for those NWA Tag Team Titles…”

“You wanna shot?” D’Amore pretty much screamed into his own microphone at the bottom of the ramp, “You wanna title shot against Eric and Bobby? You think you’ve proven yourselves? As far as Team Canada’s concerned, America’s Most Wanted haven’t proven themselves one bit! You wanna title shot so bad? Earn it! Next week, you’re gonna face a Tag Team Gauntlet, featuring teams of our choosing! If you defeat the Gauntlet, then you get your title shot! Haha!”

Team Canada retreated to the back as Harris and Storm stared them in the eyes. They eventually went back and checked on Kenney, who was visibly shaken, possibly suffering some kind of injury during the match.

“Trust D’Amore to come up with something like that!” Tenay said, with a sarcastic tone to his voice, “How dare he say that AMW haven’t proven anything in TNA to them, they’re pretty much the innovators of TNA’s tag team division, and now they have to go through this Gauntlet next week?”


(Chris Harris lost 2 points of overness from this segment. Bobby Roode gained 2 points of overness from this segment. Eric Young gained 3 points of overness from this segment.)


Jeff Hardy vs. Scott Hall

Main Event - 10 Minute Time Limit

This match. Wasn’t the most technically skilled of all matches, but it was considered acceptable by all standards, with Hall holding it together with his veteran instincts, and Hardy keeping the female fans in attendance in the match. For the most part Hall kept the match at a slow, methodical pace, and Hardy did the hero’s fight back, playing the underdog who wouldn’t stay down. Hall managed to get a clear-cut advantage, grounding Hardy by cutting out his legs while annoying the crowd with his antics, even spitting his trademark toothpick at the referee. However, when Hall walked towards Hardy, who was huddled in the corner, Hardy began to smack him numerous times in the gut, eventually getting up to his feet and connecting with shots to the face. He ran off the ropes and managed to knock Hall down to his feet with a running, jumping forearm, followed by his trademark standing leg drop to the lower gut (of course). However, as the match trundled on it was soon blessed with the presence of Hall's tag team partner Kevin Nash, who quickly made his presence known, pushing Hardy off the ropes all the way to the floor just in front of the guardrail as Hall distracted referee Andrew Thomas. After tossing him into the rail again he rolled Hardy back into the ring, where Hall got a near fall. After taking control once again, connecting with a Fall Away Slam for another close pinfall, the sides were evened when AJ Styles, Hardy's tag team partner came down to neutralize the far larger Nash. At one point Nash actually got into the ring as AJ tried to stop him, but the referee tried to get him out, allowing the Kings Of Wrestling to double team Hardy, but upon turning round the referee ate a clothesline from Hall inadvertently, which came about as the former Intercontinental Champion tried to clothesline the head off of Hardy's shoulders, only for him to duck. Nobody could stop AJ now, as he ran into the ring and began to even the odds, causing Nash to fall out of the ring via the middle rope after a hard spinning leg lariat. Hall then clubbed him from behind with a lariat, causing Styles to fall to the mat, and then the big man signaled for the end. He prepared Hardy for The Edge, but Styles, back to his feet, connected with another leg lariat to his face as he turned round! Hardy then rolled forward, hooked his legs under Hall's legs and got the sunset flip for the upset win!

Winner: Jeff Hardy (8:11)

Star Rating:

After the match Styles raised Hardy's hand, only for both Hall and Nash to club them from behind with clotheslines, causing them to crumple to the mat in pain. As Hall began to put the boots to Styles and Hardy (who by this point seemed exhausted) Nash signaled to the back (doing the old nWo arm pose), and after a few seconds none other than the NWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett made his way out to the ring, with a couple of guitars and a big smile on his face. He climbed into the ring and passed the instruments to Hall and Nash, then forced Hardy and Styles down onto their knees. The Kings prepared to smash the weapons over their heads as Jarrett taunted them, but the fans got on their feet when Macho Man himself, Randy Savage stormed the ring! He nailed Nash, then Hall, then Jarrett, and then tossed Hall over the top rope to the floor. Jarrett received some more shots in the corner as Styles came to, and he began to hammer at the larger Nash. Nash gave him a biel into the corner, then began to choke him out, and it all broke out, with Hardy even running up the ropes and somersaulting down onto Hall, clearly doing himself a considerable amount of damage in the process.

"It's the Macho Man!" Tenay yelled, "Macho Man is here! Randy Savage is here at the Impact Zone, and he's gonna neutralise the Kings Of Wrestling if it kills him!"


(Jeff Hardy is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Kevin Nash is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Scott Hall is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


The ‘Final’ Revolt Against The Kings?

Amongst the brawling, referees and lower card wrestlers, including D-Ray 5000, David Young, The NYC, Shark Boy, Mikey Batts, Jerrelle Clark and Don Harris filled the ring and tried to restrain everyone, but in the fracas the voice of Dusty Rhodes emanated over it all.

“Wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW!” Rhodes yelled out into a microphone while standing down in the middle of the ramp, “I’m getting’ SICK AND TIRED of this! You guys clearly have an issue that has to be settled. So I’ve made the decision: At Final Resolution, January 16th, it will be you, Kevin Nash, and you Scott Hall, teaming up to take on you Jeff Hardy, and you AJ Styles. And this won’t be just any match, no. It will be fought under No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere rules, baby!”

The fans cheered at the announcement as Nash and Hall tried to get at Styles and Hardy, who managed to break away from the security and jumped the Kings, while Randy Savage and Jeff Jarrett also tried to get at each other.


“My God, what a pay-per-view event this will be! Savage vs. Jarrett, and just announced, Hall and Nash vs. AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy: Falls Count Anywhere in the building! We’ll see you next week, same time, same place on Impact!”


Show Rating: 68%

Edited by Dakendo
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Guest Dakendo

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The Xplosion Preview - 25/12/04

It's Christmas Day, and what a treat we have for you this week on TNA Xplosion!

In the ring we'll see the man who, this past week on Impact was booked in a Falls Count Anywhere, No Disqualification Match alongside Jeff Hardy against Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, 'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles, as he will be in action taking on Buck Quartermain. Quartermain (alongside Lex Lovett) suffered a loss a few weeks ago to Styles and Hardy, so he will surely be looking for revenge here. Will Quartermain pull off the big upset, or will 'The Phenomenal One' pick up the win on the road to Final Resolution?

We'll show you what went down this past week on Impact as Christopher Daniels took on The Amazing Red in X-Division action, a match that featured the return of the man whom Daniels turned on just a few weeks ago, Primetime! This is not a confrontation you'll want to miss, so make sure you check it out!

Speaking of Red, he will face another tough challenge this week, as he will have not one, but two opponents. First of all is another man who recently took on Christopher Daniels, Jerrelle Clark, who has been making waves with his heart in the ring as of late, and secondly is a debutant in TNA Wrestling. He is Austin Aries, a wrestler who has impressed many with his performances in Florida and across the world. Can Aries pull off the win in his debut, will Red show his X-Division veteran status, or will Clark step up and get a big win?

Also on Xplosion, we'll show you exactly what went down during and after the Jeff Hardy vs. Scott Hall match from Impact, featuring Dusty Rhodes finally putting his foot down and booking the huge Falls Count Anywhere Match for Final Resolution! This is not a confrontation you'll want to miss.

Xplosion will be presented to you by Jeremy Borash and 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas, check your local listings wherever you are for the time!

Confirmed Matches

AJ Styles vs. Buck Quartermain

The Amazing Red vs. Jerrelle Clark vs. Austin Aries

Edited by Dakendo
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Guest Dakendo

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Xplosion - 25/12/04

The credits rolled for Xplosion, and the camera cut to the studio with your hosts, Jeremy Borash and ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas!

“Hello everyone, Merry Christmas, and welcome to another episode of TNA Xplosion, and what an hour we have for you tonight!” Borash said, welcoming the fans to the show.

“Indeed J.B., because later on in the hour we’ll see exactly how DOA Dusty Rhodes curbed the war between AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy, and the Kings Of Wrestling!”

“Speaking of AJ Styles, he will be in action this hour, taking on Buck Quartermain! And we’ll also show you highlights of a moment Christopher Daniels won’t be too happy about!”

“But for now, let’s go to the ring, as AJ Styles is in action!”


AJ Styles vs. Buck Quartermain

10 Minute Time Limit

AJ got a great reaction, as you’d expect, playing it up to the fans at the Impact Zone. However, Quartermain was keen to avenge his loss from a few weeks ago, so ‘The Phenomenal One’ had to be careful, considering his mind being set on Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Quartermain targeted the back when he was on the offensive, a wise tactic, as it would possibly prevent AJ from being able to stand up on the ropes to hit his high offense maneuvers. He hit an impressive tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then dug his knee into AJ’s back while pulling back on his arms, but AJ got the fans involved by kicking his heel into the mat, causing them to clap to urge him on. He eventually got up, got a mule kick to Quartermain’s stomach and sent him flying with a huge Pele kick out of nowhere! He collapsed to the mat in pain, but Quartermain was down also on the outside, holding his face from the kick. He got up onto the apron, but AJ dropkicked his knee out, causing him to fall face-first onto the apron. He stumbled back, so AJ ran off the ropes, managed to walk up the ropes like stairs onto the top rope and hit a rolling somersault senton onto Quartermain, causing the fans to chant ‘TNA!” in awe at the high-flying acrobatics. Styles rolled Quartermain in and tried to get a pinfall with moves like a hard spinning heel kick, and even the Moonsault DDT, but neither won him the match. Eventually Quartermain fought back with forearms in the corner, but when AJ reversed a whip into the corner he vaulted up, so AJ ran up to him and caught him in a whiplash spinebuster! He kept hold of the legs, lifted Buck up and smashed Quartermain with a huge Styles Clash for the pinfall!

Winner: AJ Styles (3:38)

Star Rating:

“Wow!” Mike Tenay exclaimed, “AJ Styles impressive here tonight, heading into Final Resolution, and you have to believe that AJ will be motivated for it as he teams with Jeff Hardy, Falls Count Anywhere, to take on Nash and Hall!”



The Ultimate Gamble

The normal show faded out, and then a video began to play instead. It showed a dimly lit room, with only a table covered in green material the only object able to be seen. Around the table sat about half a dozen men, each holding 5 cards close to them, so as to not let any other people see what they had. They were playing poker; it became obvious, as they each put in a certain amount of money into the pot. They began to play the game, intensely staring at each other. However, two men wearing leather jackets soon interrupted them. One had a lot of hair (almost like a mini-afro) and a beard, while the other one had little-to-no hair and a goatee beard. They forced their way into the game, with the shorthaired man being so cocky as to bet nearly treble what the highest amount of money put on was. After finishing their betting, everyone revealed their hand, but a number of men folded on the betting process.

One man revealed his hand: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, 7 of Spades.

The next man then revealed his hand: Ace of Hearts, 3 of Spades, 3 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts.

Finally, the shorthaired man revealed his hand: King of Spades, King of Diamonds, King of Clubs, 4 of Clubs, 8 of Hearts.

The man smirked as his friend patted him on the back. He took all of his money won from the game and walked off, giving some to his friend. However, one man who had lost his money (the previous highest better) protested their involvement.

“They must have cheated…” he muttered under his breath.

However, one of the men heard what was said, and responded to the claim.

“Care to repeat that?” the man who had won the game asked him.

“…I think you cheated.” He said, reluctantly.

“You think we cheated? Ha, you clearly don’t know what we’re all about.”

“Yeah, but you joined the game la…”

“Buddy, we can do what we want. We’re the Wild Cards. You gambled, you lost. Now Jack, deal with this guy.”

‘Jack did as he was asked, grabbing the man by the scruff of his neck and dragging him outside through a door before slamming it shut. The scene suddenly faded to black as the other man laughed. However, in the darkness a message began to show on the screen as casino-style music played in the background.

“Take the ultimate gamble… The Wild Cards… Coming to TNA… Soon…”


(‘Wild Card 1’ gained 1 point of overness from this segment.)


From the 24/12/04 edition of Impact!

Christopher Daniels vs. The Amazing Red

X-Division Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

Daniels showed his cocky attitude once again here, underestimating Red due to his size advantage. Red brought the high flying action, while Daniels held it together well with mat wrestling to ground the former X-Division Champion’s aerial antics, which all led to a good match. Daniels targeted the surgically reconstructed knee of Red right from the start, chop-blocking the knee out and kicking it while he was down, and he decided to crank on some pressure with a knee-bar. He then dropped some elbows on the knee and thigh, but Red eventually got some of his arsenal into the match when he eventually got out of a submission, hobbling on one leg, and caught Daniels over the back of the head with a huge enziguri kick. The fans began to clap, showing some interest in the match, but when Red got to his feet he was met with a shot to the face. He fought back with some forearms, then ran off the ropes and locked in a good headscissor arm-bar. He released the hold and connected with a dropkick to the lower back of Daniels, causing him to fall out to the floor, but when trying to connect with a somersault pescado Daniels moved and Red landed awkwardly on his leg, seemingly wrenching his ankles slightly, as he was slightly shaken up afterwards. Daniels immediately took advantage, hurling his opponent into the steel barricade and rolling him back into the ring for a 2 count. He viciously stomped on the knee repetitively and clamped more pressure on it, and after boring of that he connected with an Arabian Press into the ring for another near fall, causing him to show just a small bit of frustration. He shot Red off into the ropes and leant down for what looked to be a back body drop, but Red held onto the ropes. Daniels charged at him but ate a kick to the face, and Red climbed up to the second rope, then jumped off for a swinging DDT, but Daniels simply shook him off with a uranage slam. This was where Daniels’ effectiveness showed, as he eventually prepared to finish off the smaller Red, who went for his Code Red finisher, only for Daniels to effectively spin the move round and hit a huge German suplex. Daniels put Red on the ropes, possibly looking for the Iconoclasm he uses, which Tenay called ‘The Fall From Grace’, only for Red to kick him off. He signaled for what looked to be the Infra-Red as Daniels got back to his feet, but, in a cruel twist of fate, Daniels shoved the referee into the ropes, causing Red to trip, causing the back of his bad knee to hit the top rope. Red cowered in pain as Daniels picked him up off the mat and planted him with the Angel’s Wings for the clean pinfall.

Winner: Christopher Daniels (5:54)

Star Rating: ***¼

After the match Daniels did his signature Fallen Angel pose, then feigned an interest in the well being of Red, only to quickly turn on him and kick his leg out, causing Red to fall to the mat in pain. Daniels quickly tore at Red’s surgically reconstructed knee with a painful single leg crab submission hold, but he had to break the hold when the crowd pretty much exploded when none other than Primetime ran down to the ring and confronted Daniels, and the two began to trade blows. Unfortunately for Daniels, Primetime ducked one of his shots and caught him in the temple with a big spinning leg lariat! Daniels bailed from the ring and hobbled up the ramp as Primetime stood on the middle rope, shaking his head and yelling out at his former partner, with Daniels holding the side of his head.

“DID YOU SEE THAT MIKE?” West screamed into his headset, “PRIMETIME IS BACK IN THE IMPACT ZONE!”

“It’s Primetime!” Tenay exclaimed, “Primetime is back in the Impact Zone, and you know he wants revenge on Christopher Daniels!”

“Wow!” West agreed, “Primetime Elix Skipper, he just ducked a shot and hit a kick to the head of Christopher Daniels, as quick as a cat!”

“And Don, you have to believe that Primetime is gonna have some choice words for the Fallen Angel!”

The camera cut back to the studio to join Jeremy and Shane in the studio.

“Wow! Did you see the intensity in eyes of Primetime?” Douglas began, “We now know that Primetime is back in TNA, and he wants revenge on the man that tried to take him out!”

“Sure thing Shane,” Borash agreed, “And you have to believe that in the coming weeks Primetime will speak his mind, and address his former tag team partner Christopher Daniels! And if you wanna see what he has to say, you can catch TNA Impact, every Friday, Fox Sports Net, you don’t wanna miss out!”



The Amazing Red vs. Jerrelle Clark vs. Austin Aries

X-Division Triple Threat Match - 10 Minute Time Limit

Aries was making his debut here, and Mike Tenay immediately filled the fans in on the debutant, stating that "Aries is one of the rising stars on the independent scene, winning various title across the world, wrestling all over the world and even finishing the runner up in the 2004 ECWA Super 8 Tournament, a tournament that brought Christopher Daniels to the attention of many". Despite being used pretty much as a showcase for the young X-Division wrestlers (despite Red's years in TNA) the match was still very good, with all three men getting at least some sort of a reaction. Clark, for example, teased his 630° Splash a number of times, only to be foiled at the very last second. At one point it was thought that he may have received an injury when he went for the move on Red, only for Aries to push him down off the ropes to the arena floor, where he landed dangerously on his knees. He stayed there for a few minutes, with referee Mike Posey sporadically checking on him, while Aries and Red did battle in the ring. Red got a dropkick, which sent him backwards against the ropes, and when Aries came off the ropes Red got a quick hurricanrana takedown, but Aries dodged a running springboard moonsault, only for Red to land on his feet. However, upon gaining his bearings Red met a big discus forearm for a near fall. Aries tossed Red out to the arena floor, and dropkicked Clark's legs out as he climbed back onto the apron, and then ran for a Tornado Plancha, but Clark moved and Austin Aries crashed and burnt on the arena floor! However, the aerial antics weren't finished there, as Red surprised both men with a somersault plancha, much to the applause of the fans! He rolled Aries back into the ring and covered for a 2 count, and continued with the attack. He was nearly hit with a brainbuster by Aries, but Red rolled out and dropkicked him forward onto the middle rope, then connected with his signature 718! Aries fell back, then stumbled to his feet, holding his face, but Red was already on the top rope, and he connected with a jumping swinging DDT, planting Aries face-first into the mat, only for Jerrelle Clark to block it from getting the winning pin. Clark fought his way back into the match, even hitting both his opponents with body slams and his patented handspring cartwheel moonsault, getting near falls on both Red and Aries. Both Clark and Aries teamed up temporarily on Red, with Clark hitting a running double stomp to the chest and Aries connecting with a running jumping elbow drop, getting tremendous speed. However, Clark turned on Aries, hitting a running spinning leg lariat on him, then back body dropping him over onto the apron. Clark shook him off, elbowed him in the back of the head and kneed him in the gut. Clark spotted his opportunity as Aries sat on the apron, supporting himself on the middle rope, and Clark picked Red up, and then dropped him on his head with a Michinoku Driver II. He dragged Red into the nearest corner, right near Aries, and then signaled for a flip to the crowd, and they sensed what was coming. Clark slowly clambered to the top rope, and using all the energy in his body he flipped onto Red with his stunning 630° Splash! Clark fell forwards in pain, holding his lower back while crumpling to the mat, but meanwhile Aries, who had just recovered, spotted his opportunity, climbed up the ropes the Clark had just come off and smashed Red with a 450° Splash for the pinfall in his debut match!

Winner: Austin Aries (8:31)

Star Rating: **¼

After the match Aries looked at the referee in absolute shock as Red curled up in a ball to hold his stomach after taking two massively powerful high-impact moves, and Clark sat in the corner, looking up at Aries for stealing what he thought was his victory.

"What a great match there from three awesome X-Division wrestlers, Don!" Tenay began, "Did you see some of those big moves at the end? Amazing Red took both the 450° and 630° Splashes, so you had to guess it was the end there, but you have to believe Jerrelle Clark will be annoyed that Austin Aries won the match, when he was the one who took Red out first!"

"Well, you're absolutely right," West agreed, "Jerrelle Clark came crashing down with that 630° Splash, which usually means that it's over for the receiver, but Austin Aries capitalised, climbed up the ropes and hit his own finishing move for the pin, in his debut match!"


(Jerrelle Clark is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


From the 24/12/04 edition of Impact!

Jeff Hardy vs. Scott Hall

Main Event - 10 Minute Time Limit

This match. Wasn’t the most technically skilled of all matches, but it was considered acceptable by all standards, with Hall holding it together with his veteran instincts, and Hardy keeping the female fans in attendance in the match. For the most part Hall kept the match at a slow, methodical pace, and Hardy did the hero’s fight back, playing the underdog who wouldn’t stay down. Hall managed to get a clear-cut advantage, grounding Hardy by cutting out his legs while annoying the crowd with his antics, even spitting his trademark toothpick at the referee. However, when Hall walked towards Hardy, who was huddled in the corner, Hardy began to smack him numerous times in the gut, eventually getting up to his feet and connecting with shots to the face. He ran off the ropes and managed to knock Hall down to his feet with a running, jumping forearm, followed by his trademark standing leg drop to the lower gut (of course). However, as the match trundled on it was soon blessed with the presence of Hall's tag team partner Kevin Nash, who quickly made his presence known, pushing Hardy off the ropes all the way to the floor just in front of the guardrail as Hall distracted referee Andrew Thomas. After tossing him into the rail again he rolled Hardy back into the ring, where Hall got a near fall. After taking control once again, connecting with a Fall Away Slam for another close pinfall, the sides were evened when AJ Styles, Hardy's tag team partner came down to neutralize the far larger Nash. At one point Nash actually got into the ring as AJ tried to stop him, but the referee tried to get him out, allowing the Kings Of Wrestling to double team Hardy, but upon turning round the referee ate a clothesline from Hall inadvertently, which came about as the former Intercontinental Champion tried to clothesline the head off of Hardy's shoulders, only for him to duck. Nobody could stop AJ now, as he ran into the ring and began to even the odds, causing Nash to fall out of the ring via the middle rope after a hard spinning leg lariat. Hall then clubbed him from behind with a lariat, causing Styles to fall to the mat, and then the big man signaled for the end. He prepared Hardy for The Edge, but Styles, back to his feet, connected with another leg lariat to his face as he turned round! Hardy then rolled forward, hooked his legs under Hall's legs and got the sunset flip for the upset win!

Winner: Jeff Hardy (8:11)

Star Rating:

After the match Styles raised Hardy's hand, only for both Hall and Nash to club them from behind with clotheslines, causing them to crumple to the mat in pain. As Hall began to put the boots to Styles and Hardy (who by this point seemed exhausted) Nash signaled to the back (doing the old nWo arm pose), and after a few seconds none other than the NWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett made his way out to the ring, with a couple of guitars and a big smile on his face. He climbed into the ring and passed the instruments to Hall and Nash, then forced Hardy and Styles down onto their knees. The Kings prepared to smash the weapons over their heads as Jarrett taunted them, but the fans got on their feet when Macho Man himself, Randy Savage stormed the ring! He nailed Nash, then Hall, then Jarrett, and then tossed Hall over the top rope to the floor. Jarrett received some more shots in the corner as Styles came to, and he began to hammer at the larger Nash. Nash gave him a biel into the corner, then began to choke him out, and it all broke out, with Hardy even running up the ropes and somersaulting down onto Hall, clearly doing himself a considerable amount of damage in the process.

*The scene cuts forward*

Amongst the brawling, referees and lower card wrestlers, including D-Ray 5000, David Young, The NYC, Shark Boy, Mikey Batts, Jerrelle Clark and Don Harris filled the ring and tried to restrain everyone, but in the fracas the voice of Dusty Rhodes emanated over it all.

“Wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW!” Rhodes yelled out into a microphone while standing down in the middle of the ramp, “I’m getting’ SICK AND TIRED of this! You guys clearly have an issue that has to be settled. So I’ve made the decision: At Final Resolution, January 16th, it will be you, Kevin Nash, and you Scott Hall, teaming up to take on you Jeff Hardy, and you AJ Styles. And this won’t be just any match, no. It will be fought under No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere rules, baby!”

The fans cheered at the announcement as Nash and Hall tried to get at Styles and Hardy, who managed to break away from the security and jumped the Kings, while Randy Savage and Jeff Jarrett also tried to get at each other.


“My God, what a pay-per-view event this will be! Savage vs. Jarrett, and just announced, Hall and Nash vs. AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy: Falls Count Anywhere in the building! We’ll see you next week, same time, same place on Impact!”

Edited by Dakendo
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Guest Dakendo

Various TNA News Items: Ratings, Wild Cards, Hall and more...

Posted by Dan L. Richards, 27/12/04

- This week’s Impact episode pulled a 2.52 rating (down from the previous two ratings of 2.54 and 2.77), and Xplosion received a mean average rating of 0.14.

- Scott Hall has been pushing to be involved in a programme with Raven, while Abyss has also requested a programme with the former WWF Intercontinental Champion. All 3 men are heels, so if the programme were to go ahead it would involve someone turning face, most likely.

- On the subject of Hall, in reports that most people will find quite humorous, he is said to have found religion, much in the same way as men like Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty have. He has recently been trying to quit drinking, with the support of many of his friends at TNA, and his family, so we all wish him good luck.

- TNA recently signed Eddie Kingston and Jack Marciano to contracts with the company. Both men are regulars with CHIKARA Pro and Combat Zone Wrestling, and are collectively known as the Wild Cards, and, as shown on Xplosion, vignettes have begun to play to hype their debut. Kingston is a member of the CZW stable Blackout, while Marciano is in a group with his trainer Chris Hero and ‘Double C’ Claudio Castagnoli.

- The current Final Resolution stands as this:

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Randy Savage

No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere

Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles vs. Kevin Nash & Scott Hall

X-Division Title Match

Petey Williams © vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley

Number One Contender’s Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Monty Brown

Unconfirmed/Rumoured Matches

Christopher Daniels vs. Primetime

NWA World Tag Team Title Match

Team Canada © vs. America’s Most Wanted

Kid Kash vs. Sonjay Dutt

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Thoughts right now........

FR card looks solid. I don't like the main event but as you've mentioned you were lumbered with that idea. It wasn't your booking that made that match. I'm glad Sabin's still around the X title picture and not dropped out of it so horribly. Him and Williams had an awesome match at TP so it makes sense for him to still be around there. Elsewhere on the card everything looks solid.

AMW Vs the Team Canada Gauntlet looks like it'll be interesting and should work well in making AMW look like gold going into the tag title match (asuming they win), yet at the same time probably leaving them with the "how much is left in the tank come the PPV" feel hanging over htem. I like it.

And while you're at it, please job Sonjay Dutt out. He's a horrible little spot monkey with an awful look and a lot less actual wrestling talent than most people seem to think.

Really glad you've stuck with Daniels Vs Skipper and done something with the breakup instead of just ignoring it. Should be some stellar stuff to come from these two.

And, the Wild Cards, no idea where that's going but that's no bad thing. Intrigued.

Impact card looks to be quite interesting and pretty much the sort of thing you'd expect from an Impact show. Nice

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Guest Dakendo

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Impact! - 31/12/04

The opening credits rolled for Impact, coming to you from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. The screen then cut to the Impact Zone, cutting past the fans at ringside, who were screaming at the top of their lungs as the fireworks went off at the top of the entrance ramps and in the rafters above the trademark six sided ring. As the show opened, Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed to audience to the show.

“Hello everyone,” Tenay began, “And welcome to the Impact Zone for TNA Wrestling, and what a show we have lined up for you tonight. Later on we will see Randy Savage and Jeff Jarrett sign their contracts for Final Resolution, plus AMW will challenge Team Canada’s Gauntlet, and Chris Sabin will finally get his hands on Alex Shelley ahead of the Triple Threat Match at Final Resolution!”

“Absolutely Mike, this is gonna be an awesome show, and you can be sure that there’s gonna be some surprises in store!” West enthusiastically stated.

“But for the moment, let’s go to the ring for our first contest!”


Primetime & Ron ‘The Truth’ Killings vs. ‘Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels & Lex Lovett

X-Division Tag Team Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

Primetime was itching to get at Chris Daniels in this match, but Daniels didn’t seem so keen, telling Lex Lovett to start the match, and spending only short periods in the ring in the meantime. One time when he did come into the ring was after Killings blocked Lovett’s attempt at going to the top rope, allowing Primetime to enter the ring and powerbomb him down to the mat, which ‘The Truth’ followed up by charging off the ropes, doing a little bit of dancing and hitting a big leg drop. As Primetime finished Lovett off for the time being Daniels stormed the ring, attacking Killings and tossing him shoulder-first into the ring post, and Primetime also turned round into a big shot. Daniels quickly exited the ring and immediately re-entered after receiving the tag, and this was when he started to show his true intentions, trying to pick away at Primetime’s legs. He connected with a big suplex and a rolling neckbreaker, but quickly tagged Lovett back in before Primetime could gain his ground and fight back. This was when the match began to break down, as Ron Killings ran into the ring and fired off some shots on Daniels and Lovett. Unfortunately for him, Daniels reversed a whip into the corner, but Killings stopped before he hit referee Mike Posey. However, while Killings re-assured himself and the referee Daniels quickly kicked him ‘down low’, and set him up for the Angel’s Wings! However, Primetime popped back up to his feet and used all of his fury to clothesline ‘The Fallen Angel’ right over the top rope to the floor! Killings and Primetime then began to take the advantage, picking away at Lex Lovett. Daniels, holding his face after the clothesline to the outside, began to back up the ramp as Primetime glared at him with a cold gaze. He reached the top of the ramp, yelling down at Primetime while pointing, saying “You haven’t heard the last of this Skipper!” Meanwhile, in the ring Primetime concentrated his attention for the time being on Lovett, who turned round after being stunned into a jumping outside crescent kick from ‘The Truth’! Killings walked over and tagged in Primetime, who came into the ring with a big missile dropkick, and it soon became clear that this was a 2-on-1 situation, with Lovett soon falling prey to an arm wrench back heel kick to the face from Primetime. Primetime caught Lovett with a body slam, and then he set his helpless opponent on the top rope. Killings kept him at bay as Primetime went to the next nearest corner, climbed up and walked the ropes, just as he did on the top of the cage at Turning Point (causing Daniels to show quite how angry he was at the fans’ applause for the move), and hit a big hurricanrana to send Lovett down to the mat! He popped up, holding his lower back straight away, and at this point it was easy for Killings to run off the ropes and behead Lex Lovett with a big Axe Kick for the pin!

Winners: Primetime & Ron ‘The Truth’ Killings (6:58)

Star Rating: **¾

After the match Killings went over to pat Primetime on the back, but he instead of returning the gesture he took the microphone after asking for it from Jeremy Borash.

“Christopher Daniels,” he began, “After all we’ve been together, you had to turn on me. Why’d ya do it, man? I ask, because your reasons don’t match up. But that’s not for tonight. Tonight, Chris, I’m not here return the verbal fava’. Tonight, Chris, I’m here to issue a challenge. You wanna fight me? How’s Final Resolution for ya’?”

Daniels, by this point, had walked down to right next to the announcer’s table, where Mike Tenay and Don West were glaring at him. He took a microphone off the table, and looked to be about to respond to the challenge.

Instead, he dropped the microphone, smiled and nodded while returning the glare at Primetime. The two men stared at each other for a minute or so before Daniels began to walk back up the ramp and eventually to the backstage area, while Primetime leant against the ropes, shouting out “WHAT’S YOUR ANSWER?”, eventually being calmed down by Ron Killings.

“Wow, what class by Christopher Daniels,” Tenay sarcastically said, “But in the meantime, Primetime has issued the challenge! Will we receive an answer any time soon by the Fallen Angel, as he seems to be playing mental games with his former tag team partner.”


(Elix Skipper is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


The Ultimate Gamble… In 3 Weeks

The normal show faded out, and then a video began to play instead. It showed a dimly lit room, with only a table covered in green material the only object able to be seen. Around the table sat about half a dozen men, each holding 5 cards close to them, so as to not let any other people see what they had. They were playing poker; it became obvious, as they each put in a certain amount of money into the pot. They began to play the game, intensely staring at each other. However, two men wearing leather jackets soon interrupted them. One had a lot of hair (almost like a mini-afro) and a beard, while the other one had little-to-no hair and a goatee beard. They forced their way into the game, with the shorthaired man being so cocky as to bet nearly treble what the highest amount of money put on was. After finishing their betting, everyone revealed their hand, but a number of men folded on the betting process.

One man revealed his hand: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, 7 of Spades.

The next man then revealed his hand: Ace of Hearts, 3 of Spades, 3 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts.

Finally, the shorthaired man revealed his hand: King of Spades, King of Diamonds, King of Clubs, 4 of Clubs, 8 of Hearts.

The man smirked as his friend patted him on the back. He took all of his money won from the game and walked off, giving some to his friend. However, one man who had lost his money (the previous highest better) protested their involvement.

“They must have cheated…” he muttered under his breath.

However, one of the men heard what was said, and responded to the claim.

“Care to repeat that?” the man who had won the game asked him.

“…I think you cheated.” He said, reluctantly.

“You think we cheated? Ha, you clearly don’t know what we’re all about.”

“Yeah, but you joined the game la…”

“Buddy, we can do what we want. We’re the Wild Cards. You gambled, you lost. Now Jack, deal with this guy.”

Jack did as he was asked, grabbing the man by the scruff of his neck and dragging him outside through a door before slamming it shut. The scene suddenly faded to black as the other man laughed. However, in the darkness a message began to show on the screen as casino-style music played in the background.

“Take the ultimate gamble… Eddie Kingston... Black Jack Marciano... The Wild Cards… Coming to TNA… In 3 Weeks…”


(Jack Marciano gained 1 point of overness from this segment.)


The Truth

After the video faded out the show returned to the Impact Zone, and Mike Tenay was in the middle of the ring with a microphone.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he began, “Just one week after the Turning Point, TNA pay-per-view extravaganza, you may remember that Impact featured a rematch for the X-Division Championship. It was the champion, Petey Williams against the challenger, Chris Sabin, and Williams retained, albeit under dubious circumstances. So, to address this situation, my guest at this time is the champion, the man who has had a record-breaking reign as the X-Division titleholder. Representing Team Canada, Petey Williams!”

The familiar anthem of Canada hit, and Williams made his way out to the ring, setting of his pyro by holding his belt up into the air. Coach Scott D’Amore, Johnny Devine, Bobby Roode and Eric Young accompanied him, as usual, who actually scouted for any possible run-ins by his challengers at Final Resolution, Sabin and Alex Shelley. He stood next to Mike Tenay, chewing on his gum with the belt slung over his Team Canada coat (which was covering the ‘Canadian Made’ Team Canada shirt).

“Now Petey, we must ask you: Ever since you won the X-Division title, way back, you’ve faced many different wrestlers, from Sonjay Dutt to AJ Styles, Chris Sabin to AJ Styles. However, on the next TNA pay-per-view, Final Resolution, you will face not one, but two challengers in Alex Shelley and a man you know very well, Chris Sabin.” Tenay began, “I have to ask you: How will your game plan change with the number of opponents increased, where you don’t even have to be pinned to lose the title!”

“Mike, can I remind you that when I won this belt here (patting his belt) I defeated 19 other men in an X-Division Battle Royal. I beat men like AJ Styles, Kid Kash, Psychosis, Amazing Red, Sonjay Dutt, Frankie Kazarian, Michael Shane – The list goes on!” Petey started, “Throughout my TNA career I’ve always been underestimated, and I’ve always overcome the odds! In my TNA debut I beat Juventud Guerrera AND Jerry Lynn! In that Battle Royal, nobody expected me to win, but I did! At Victory Road, nobody expected me to beat AJ Styles, but I did! And not only did nobody expect me to beat Chris Sabin, but nobody gave me a bat in hell’s chance of beating him not 1 time, but 2 times, and I did! So am I worried about Alex Shelley AND Chris Sabin? No, no I’m not Mike Tenay!”

“Well, I have to bring something you mentioned up there, Petey,” Tenay analyzed, “Considering your controversial second win in the rematch against Sab…”

“Wow, wait! What do you mean, controversial? I hit the Canadian Destroyer, 1-2-3! You know that! Everyone knows that. That’s why I’m the champion, Mike Tenay!”

By this point Scott D’Amore was shouting into his ear “He’s lying, Petey!” to try and persuade his man.

“Listen here Mike Tenay!” D’Amore started off, in his defense, “I know what you’re like! You’re discriminatory and prejudiced against us Canadians, supporting Chris Sabin and his fellow American X-Division wrestlers, for no reason apart from the fact that they’re American. Skill doesn’t come into it! Now Petey, deep down, you know he’s lying! He’s trying to fire you up, you know you beat Sabin cleanly, 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring!”

“That’s fine Scott,” Petey assured him, “I know I beat Sabin, I KNOW I can beat Sabin. But Tenay, explain why you’re comin’ out with allegations like this? You were there at ringside! You saw me beat him, just like I’m gonna beat Sabin again, and beating Alex Shelley would just be a bonus!”

Williams lowered the microphone down, and the funky music of Alex Shelley hit, and the third man in the X-Division Triple Threat Match made his way down to the ring. He smiled at D’Amore, holding his right hand behind his back, bowing to Mike Tenay before taking the microphone.

“Mike… Petey… Scott… thanks for having me. I was just watchin’ the monitor in the back, and I happened to overhear you say ‘beating Alex Shelley is a bonus’!” Shelley began, “Buddy, I’ve known you for a looong time, you know not to underestimate me. Hell, if I’d not have given you a, ahem, little helping hand, Sabin would have pinned your shoulders to the match and taken THAT belt!”

“…What?” Petey questioned, “I beat Sabin cleanly. Stop taking credit for MY work. While I was beating AJ Styles, you were losing in an X-Division Gauntlet! When I beat Chris Sabin for the first time, where were you? Nowhere! And when I beat him for the second time, where were you again? Nowhere, that’s where! (D’Amore laughs)”

“Oh really?” Shelley asked.

“Yeah, Alex.”

“Well, the tape will beg to differ; Roll the footage!”

The tape from the post-Turning Point Impact played, showing Sabin vs. Williams II:

From the 10/12 episode of Impact

Scott D’Amore screamed for Petey to fight back, but his prayers may have been answered when the referee was knocked out after Sabin gave Petey a huge German Suplex off the top rope, wiping the referee out and dropping Williams on his face. Sabin signalled for the end, then spat at D’Amore, but after he hit the Cradle Shock he realised that the referee was out cold, so he went to revive him, only to turn round into a shot to the face with the X-Division Title belt by… Alex Shelley? Shelley quickly planted Sabin with a twisting flatliner, and then he hopped out of the ring and scurried to the back as D’Amore stood there, gobsmacked at what he had just seen. Meanwhile, both men got to their feet, and Petey connected with his trademark Canadian Destroyer for the 3 count to retain the title.

Winner: Petey Williams (13:01, Still Champion)

Star Rating: ***¾

After the match Petey hugged D’Amore and celebrated with him, but D’Amore wasn’t so happy, simply smiling but looking down with an expression of doubt, which Petey didn’t notice. He stood on the turnbuckles and celebrated with his belt as Sabin fell to the outside of the ring, and Tenay and West wound down the show.

The footage faded out, finishing with the screen turning black and white, first showing Petey with his belt held high into the air, then fading into a shot of the crowd, with Alex Shelley smiling while raising his arms, before finally cutting back to the ring.

In the ring Petey was gobsmacked. He simply stared at the video screen for a couple of minutes, no breaking his gaze, and there was possibly even a hint of a tear in his eye. Shelley, meanwhile, had a huge smile on his face, while occasionally leaning over and whispering into Williams’ ear “I told you! You didn’t believe me!”, while Petey didn’t react at all, with D’Amore trying to justify himself, possibly trying to prove to himself that he wasn’t in the wrong.

“Well Petey, what did I tell you?” Shelley said, smirking, “I guess you could say, that at Final Resolution buddy, it’s going to be easy for me to win the X-Division Title, but beating you, Petey Williams, will just be a bonus! Now, a lot of people may not know this, but you Scott D’Amore, actually had a part in training yours truly! And if you’ll think back Petey, I seem to recall Scott saying that ‘he only backs winners’? With that in mind, the only motives I have going into this match are to win the X-Division Title, and to impress you Scott D’Amore! Sure Scott, you’ll have backed Petey, but everyone makes mistakes, and nothing will make prouder than to have the X-Division Title around my waist, and my trainer by my side!”

D’Amore had his head down, while Petey looked up into the rafters, still shocked from the earlier footage robbing him of his clean win over Sabin. Johnny Devine stood there; looking goofy, while Young and Roode exchanged their opinions.

“C’mon Petey! React! Or does the truth hurt just that little bit too much?”

The crowd actually got into Petey, sensing a possible brawl and Canadian Destroyer, but instead he dropped the microphone he had raised to his lips, turned round to D’Amore, stared him in the eyes like a father to a son, then looked down to the floor, and slowly walked over to the side of the ring, cradling his X-Division Title, and he climbed out of the ring and walked up the ramp to the back, looking distraught at what Don West called “a betrayal by Scott D’Amore and Team Canada”. Shelley looked at D’Amore and shrugged, but the Team Canada coach shook his head and led the rest of his men back up the ramp quickly to go and find, and probably console their teammate. Meanwhile, Shelley slowly walked up the same ramp after they had left, showing his disdain for the crowd on the way as Mike Tenay returned to the announce position.

“Wow, that’s all we can say about that,” Tenay exclaimed, “Alex Shelley just strode out there and just shut Scott D’Amore up, and he also seems to have struck a nerve with Petey Williams, as well as targeting D’Amore to be by his side when he wins the X-Division Title?”

“Well, I’m sure Petey AND Chris Sabin would have something to say about that,” West stated, “But I’m not sure what sort of a mental state Petey is in at the moment, having been kept from the truth by his teammates, the one big win he desired, the clean win over Chris Sabin, stolen from him, and by a fellow ex-D’Amore student.”


(Scott D'Amore gained 1 point of overness from this segment. Petey Williams lost 2 points of overness from this segment.)


The Plan Begins To Take Shape

Backstage AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy were seen arriving at the arena, with their bags slung over their shoulders. They entered the arena, and welcomed a couple of wrestlers, such as Monty Brown, Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Sabin and others, and then they began to converse on their own. However, they were suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Hey yo!” Scott Hall yelled from the other end of the huge concrete corridor, “Hey, jumping beans! You want No Holds Barred, you come over here and get it!”

Hardy and Styles dropped their bags and began to walk over to the area, only to be ambushed quickly from behind by Kevin Nash and the NWA Champion Jeff Jarrett! Hall joined in the 3-on-2 beating, with Hardy being tossed into the wall, and Styles receiving a chair shot (a wayward one at that). Hardy tried to get up, only to be on the receiving end of a shot with the NWA Title belt. Hardy and Styles were then forced along the corridor into a doorway, where Styles ate another chair shot, and Hall entered the room. Nash set Hardy up in the doorway, leading to Hall slamming the door right into him in a sandwich effect. He collapsed to the mat in agony, holding his ribs while Hall kicked him in the injured area. Meanwhile, Jarrett picked AJ up by his hair, but Styles reversed and smashed the champion face-first into the concrete wall! He started fighting Nash, but was eventually overpowered, getting finished off immediately after Nash gave him a biel into the wall, which was littered with pipes, folded up tables and other assorted weapons.

“It’s gonna be an easy night from hereon, boys!” Jarrett said, slapping Nash and Hall on the back as Hardy and Styles huddled themselves in agony.

“What the hell was that for?” Tenay questioned, “Tonight we have a contract signing, and clearly the Kings Of Wrestling wanted to make it far easier for themselves, taking out Randy Savage’s closest allies! Who knows what’s gonna happen to Randy Savage tonight?”


(Jeff Hardy debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. Scott Hall gained 2 points of overness from this segment.)


Alex Shelley & Kid Kash vs. Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt

X-Division Tag Team Match – 10 Minute Time Limit

Chris Sabin was obviously itching to get his hands on Alex Shelley following their recent history, but Shelley, quick off his earlier verbal shots at the X-Division Champion Petey Williams, was not so keen, only attacking when Sabin was at his weakest. Meanwhile, Kid Kash was trying to get some payback on Sonjay Dutt, following Dutt’s highflying antics costing him the X-Division Four-Way the previous week (Which was actually won by Sabin), and Dutt’s victory at Turning Point (along with Sonny Siaki and Hector Garza) over Kash, Michael Shane and Kazarian. This, of course, all stemmed from the confrontation the two had at Victory Road, where Dutt came out to defend the legendary Jimmy Snuka, so it was to be obvious that all four men had a problem going into this match. As soon as the match began Sabin took Shelley down (not even waiting for the bell to ring) and the two rolled out of the ring, jockeying for position as they brawled on the floor, and this allowed Dutt and Kash to go at it, with Dutt getting a monkey flip out of the corner and a spinning leg lariat, only for Kash to block him right in his tracks by ducking a flying forearm and beheading him with a huge lariat. This allowed Kash to take over, clamping in a Boston crab, into a half-crab, then turned into an STF as Shelley and Sabin got into their respective corners. Dutt refused to give up, spotting Kash’s willingness to take out his legs and ground his aerial arsenal, which Don West questioned, saying, “it would be best for Sonjay to quit and risk any permanent damage”. Dutt thought he had got out of the submissions when he caught Kash with an enziguri, only for Kash to fall back and tag in Alex Shelley, who got Dutt in another half-crab, spitting at Sabin, which brought him into the ring, only for the referee to try and get him out, which allowed Kash to re-enter and actually powerbomb Dutt onto Shelley’s knees. Dutt screamed out in pain, only for the resulting pinfall to get a 2 count. Shelley went to powerbomb Dutt once order was restored, only for Sonjay to turn it into a sit-out facebuster. The crowd began to clap as Dutt crawled over into their corner, and they got on their feet as he dived over and made the vital tag to Chris Sabin, who immediately ran across the ring and took out Kash, causing him to fall off the apron, and after running off the ropes he caught Shelley with a huge running neckbreaker. He let out a large primal scream, then launched Dutt over the ropes onto Kash on the floor with a somersault plancha, which Dutt managed to turn into a hurricanrana on the floor. Sabin prepared Shelley for something, possibly a powerbomb into the turnbuckles, but Shelley rolled out of it and dropped Shelley on his head with a backdrop suplex. Sabin knelt in the corner, showing signs of exhaustion, as Alex Shelley confidently stood in the opposite corner, signaling for something. Sabin stood up with his face to the ropes, then turned round into a huge avalanche-style jumping clothesline in the corner, which Shelley held on to, with Sabin’s arm hooked, and he signaled for his finishing move, the Shell-Shock, which Tenay reminded us “was the move that cost Sabin the X-Division Title”. However, the crowd got on their feet as Shelley turned round, with Sabin still hooked, right into a series of right hands from Petey Williams, the X-Division Champion! Shelley collapsed to the mat, so Petey clotheslined Sabin down violently and went back to choking Shelley out. The referee signaled for the bell (later announced as a no contest), and it rang many times as none of the wrestlers showed any signs of finishing!

Winners: No Contest (4:22)

Star Rating: ***

After the bell rang for a No Contest finish Sabin pulled Petey up to his feet after he began to choke out Alex Shelley, only for Petey to kick him down low. Shelley stomped Shelley in the chest, then turned round to Sabin again and signaled for the Canadian Destroyer, his patented finishing move! However, Sabin pulled off his amazing reversal to the move and went for the Cradle Shock, only for Shelley to get back up to his feet and catch Sabin in the move with the Shell-Shock! Shelley spat down at Sabin as he held his face in agony, only to not realize until it was too late that Petey Williams was stood behind him, and when he turned round he fell victim to a kick to the gut, followed by the amazing Canadian Destroyer, nearly drilling him through the mat!

“DID YOU SEE THAT, MIKE?!” Don West screamed, “Petey Williams, fresh off learning exactly what Alex Shelley did just a few weeks ago, just stormed the ring and took both of his challengers for Final Resolution out, hitting Alex Shelley with that Canadian Destroyer of his! WOW!”

“And you have to believe that all that emotional frustration that he showed when he was told about Alex Shelley’s interference just minutes before the match came to a fever pitch then, and he’s the one man standing after THAT confrontation!” Tenay said.



America’s Most Wanted vs. Team Canada’s Gauntlet

Total 15 Minute Time Limit

America’s Most Wanted made their way down to the ring first, then anxiously stood against the ropes, facing the entranceway waiting for their first opponents. However, the music of team Canada hit, and Scott D’Amore came out to the top of the ramp with a microphone, flanked by the champions Bobby Roode and Eric Young, and of course Johnny Devine, but no Petey Williams, following the earlier conflict.

“AMW!” D’Amore yelled, in his ever-annoying voice, “We told you that you had to prove yourselves! You want a shot at Eric and Bobby for these Tag Team Titles (Patting the belts held over their shoulders)? Then prove it tonight! Beat our Gauntlet, then you’ll get your shot!”

However, Chris Harris cut him off with a microphone of his own.

“D’Amore: cut the crap!” He began, “We didn’t come out here to here you yap on about us not proving ourselves. We know we’ve proven ourselves, these fans know we’ve proven ourselves (getting a pop from the crowd), and deep down, we think you know we’ve proven ourselves. However, if this is what we’ve gotta do, so be it. We came out here to take your Gauntlet, so less talk, who’s your first team we’ve gotta beat?”

“Oh, you want your first team?” D’Amore patronizingly asked him.

“Yeah, come on D’Amore, don’t play game with us.”

“You’re clearly as stupid as you look. After all, they’re standing right behind you.”

Harris frowned at D’Amore, but it was knocked right off his face when he and Storm turned round into an assault from The Naturals: Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens!

Gauntlet Match #1: America’s Most Wanted vs. The Naturals

5 Minute Time Limit

The Naturals had the early advantage here after shocking the former NWA Tag Team Champions with their ambush assault, going so far as to double Irish whip Harris into the guardrail on the outside (seeming to hurt his arm), and isolating James Storm. Harris did eventually managed to get up to his feet and onto the apron, but ‘The Cowboy’ couldn’t make the hot tag. Douglas and Stevens pulled off all the heel tricks in the book, dragging him back by his ankle when he was agonizingly close, and Stevens even clamped in a Boston crab as Douglas hooked on a chinlock while yelling to Harris “You want a shot, huh?” and hitting Storm with crossface shots. It should also be noted that during this match, and the entire Gauntlet the Team Canada members were stood on the ramp, discussing the match as it went on amongst themselves. The Naturals made constant quick tags to keep one another fresh, and Douglas got a suplex, only for a top rope leg drop to actually miss! Storm spotted the chance, slowly crawling towards the AMW corner, but Chase Stevens distracted referee Andrew Thomas, so when Chris Harris got the tag he was forced out again, allowing The Naturals to drop Storm throat first onto the top rope. Andy Douglas then got a big enziguri kick for a near fall, as Scott D’Amore yelled down “C’mon Andy! Beat him!”. Mike Tenay brought up the history between these two teams (around the start of Impact, when the weekly pay-per-views were still running the teams had a feud which actually ended inside the Six Sides Of Steel) as Andy Douglas grabbed Storm’s leg, but got sent flipping with an enziguri kick! Chase Stevens then ran in and dropped an elbow to the back of his head, and then grabbed him in a full nelson, setting him up for Andy Douglas’ attacks, but Storm dived down to the mat and Douglas actually accidentally clotheslined his own partner! Douglas bent down to check on his partner, only to turn round into a violent super-kick! Storm collapsed to the mat as The Naturals retreated to their own corner, and he tried to make the tag! The fans could sense it, and he jumped, and made the tag to ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris! Harris came in like a house on fire, knocking Douglas down with a clothesline, then Stevens, then Douglas got sent all the way to the outside with a lariat. Stevens attacked Harris from behind, but he reversed a whip into the corner, and caught him with a violent spinebuster for a near fall. Douglas got back up onto the apron, only for Harris to suplex him back into the ring, onto Chase Stevens! Stevens held his stomach and rolled to the outside as Storm kicked him on the way, and then the re-energized Storm pointed to the top rope, where Harris went, and he picked Douglas up and held him up above the mat, and Harris came down with a big leg drop for the Death Sentence, and Storm rolled over for the 1-2-3!

Winner: America’s Most Wanted (4:26)

Gauntlet Match #2: America’s Most Wanted vs. Michael Shane & Kazarian

5 Minute Time Limit

The new team in the match immediately charged down the ramp, getting patted on the back by D’Amore as soon as the Death Sentence hit, so as soon as Storm and Harris got up they were attacked, getting no rest. In this case Shane and Kazarian took out Storm and Harris respectively, with Kazarian nearly taking the former Tag Team Champions out of the match with a springboard spinning leg drop on Harris for a near fall. He hammered on the head of ‘The Wildcat’, getting no response (Harris looked extremely groggy at this point, and was holding his neck). Meanwhile, on the floor Michael Shane smashed James Storm’s face onto the ring apron and got back up into his corner, and his partner tagged him into the match. Both Shane and Kazarian stomped a mudhole in Harris in the corner, and then picked him up, but upon whipping him into the turnbuckles Harris rebounded off quickly and used all the force he could muster to smash the former co-X-Division Champions with a huge double lariat, collapsing to the mat after connecting. His long hair covered the mat, and as he tried to crawl over to his corner James Storm tried to get up to take the tag, and after a long struggle he managed to reach over and get the vital tag. Storm came into the mat with a clothesline on Kazarian, sending him all the way over the ropes to the floor (hitting his face on the apron), but Michael Shane attacked him from behind. He whipped him into the ropes, but Storm ducked a clothesline and got a running cross-body block for a near fall. Eventually Shane charged at Storm, only to get backdropped over onto the apron, but Storm sent him all the way down to the outside with a Super Kick. He then went high risk, taking Shane out on the floor with an impressive pescado. Meanwhile, Kazarian began to work over Chris Harris again in the ring, with ‘The Wildcat’ exhausted from his earlier confrontations more so than Storm. Kazarian stood Harris up, who looked to be out on his feet, and Michael Shane climbed up to the top rope. However, James Storm pushed him off, and he fell all the way down to the ringside mats, nearly colliding with the barricade too in what looked to be quite a dangerous spot. Kazarian charged at Storm, who had also begun to climb the ropes, and went to superplex him down. However, Chris Harris got his senses back and violently powerbombed Kazarian down onto the mat! Kazarian rolled back up to his feet, screaming in agony as Storm came off the ropes with a flying clothesline, and he didn’t cover, picked Kazarian up, and then whipped him over to Chris Harris, who caught him, swung him round and nearly drilled him through the mat with a huge Catatonic!

Winner: America’s Most Wanted (3:11)

Gauntlet Match #3: America’s Most Wanted vs. The NYC

5 Minute Time Limit

As soon as the referee’s hand hit the mat for the 3 count the theme music of The NYC hit, and the former rivals of Harris and Storm, Glenn Gilberti and Johnny Swinger (sans Trinity) stormed the ring, immediately putting the boots to the absolutely physically drained America’s Most Wanted. They tossed Storm out to the floor, where he sickeningly crashed like a pile of meat onto a cold surface, and Johnny Swinger joined him, stomping a mudhole in him against the apron, also choking him out with the sole of his boot. Meanwhile, in the ring Gilberti took full advantage of the 5-count rule, choking Harris out by standing on his back, causing him to lose his breath, and he fell to the mat straight away after being released. The former Disco Inferno riled up the crowd, which allowed Harris to get back up onto his knees, and he fired back at Gilberti with shots to the gut. After connecting with some shots to the face he sent Gilberti back with a Roaring Forearm before finally folding him up with a Discus Clothesline! He got a hand over Gilberti’s chest, yet he managed to kick out before the winning 3 count! Swinger tossed Storm into the post – Well, he tried to. Storm reversed and sent him into the ring post, and managed to launch himself up onto the apron, where he got the tag from Harris! He came into the ring with a (Bionic) elbow to the top of the head on Gilberti, and followed that up by suplexing Swinger up off the apron into the ring. Harris entered the ring, sacrificing himself with a huge leg drop on Gilberti while Storm connected with a flying elbow drop onto Swinger, but the stereo pinfalls both got 2 counts! After trading advantage with The NYC for a little while longer, AMW looked to finish off them, signaling for their patented Death Sentence. However, Johnny Devine of Team Canada charged into the ring in an attempt to finish Storm and Harris off, once and for all, armed with a Canadian-made hockey stick, but when he swung the weapon Harris ducked a shot! He swung for Storm in desperation, but he also ducked, and this time the shot caught Glenn Gilberti in the ribs! Gilberti jumped up and down in pain, covering his ribs with his arms as Harris gave Devine, who was gobsmacked at this point, a big spear right out of the ring, and this allowed James Storm to set himself up, then finally connecting with a huge Super Kick right to the stunned Gilberti’s chin for the pin, earning them a title shot at Final Resolution!

Winner: America’s Most Wanted (3:46)

Star Rating: **¾


“They went through 3 teams! 3 teams! America’s Most Wanted have had to prove themselves here, and they sure did, and now they have a title shot at Final Resolution!” Mike Tenay stated.


(Michael Shane is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.)


Canadian Justice

The referee raised the hands of James Storm and Chris Harris, but they were suddenly ambushed from behind by Bobby Roode and Eric Young, who clubbed them over their heads with their NWA Tag Team Title belts. Storm and Harris crumpled to the mat in pain, having gone through three agonizing matches just a few moments ago, and they were helpless as the Canadians but the boots to them, with Johnny Devine and D’Amore joining in the beat down. Devine kept James Storm at bay in the corner, choking him out with the Canadian flag as Young and Roode held Chris Harris up, allowing Scott D’Amore to scream in his face, clearly screaming the words “YOU WANT A SHOT? HUH?” He then lifted his hockey stick up, and Tenay and West protested at the announce position. He lifted the stick above his head, the swung it down across the forehead of Harris, and as this happened Roode and Young released him, so he crumpled down onto the mat. They booted him again, with Roode clearly kicking him as hard as possible in the stomach. And Devine ‘gave’ Storm to them, drilling him in the stomach with the end of the Canadian flag’s pole. However, they weren’t finished, as Roode and Young hit a move dubbed by Tenay as the ‘Northern Decapitation’, which was and inverted Atomic Drop by Eric Young and a hard Northern Lariat by Bobby Roode, which caused Storm to fall back hard on the back of his head. They picked up Harris again, and he also fell victim to the devastating Northern Decapitation, which Tenay stated “nearly bludgeoned ‘The Wildcat’”. Then, in a final blow to the victorious, yet fallen America’s Most Wanted, Team Canada took their Canadian flags and spread them over Storm and Harris, who were seemingly unconscious in the middle of the ring. D’Amore then took the microphone, and stood above the AMW members, with Roode and Young smirking behind him and Johnny Devine patting him on the back with a huge smile on his face.

“You want your shot… you’ve got it.” He said before spitting on AMW, dropping the microphone on the floor and walking to the back.

“What was the reason for this? Explain that D’Amore!” Tenay yelled into his headset, “America’s Most Wanted defeated all three of Team Canada’s Gauntlet, and they have their shot at Final Resolution, but that Canadian whale, D’Amore… God, it just makes me sick!”

“Exactly Mike, America’s Most Wanted have their shot at Final Resolution, but you have to believe they’re gonna be in bad shape going into the title match!” West said.

As the show went to the commercial break, a number of referees and road agents (including Terry Taylor), as well as undercard wrestlers like D-Ray 3000 helped the near unconscious Storm and Harris to the backstage area for some medical treatment, and as the cameras centered in on them it became clear that, accidentally or not, James Storm was possibly suffering from a broken nose after the Northern Decapitation.


(Chris Harris lost 2 points of overness from this segment. Bobby Roode gained 2 points of overness from this segment. Eric Young gained 1 point of overness from this segment.)


Signed & Sealed…

For the final segment of the show, Mike Tenay entered the ring, equipped with a microphone. The ring was decked out with a table in the middle, and on the table there was a contract in the middle.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for the thing that you have all been waiting for!” he started, “The contract signing to make it official: Jeff Jarrett vs. Randy Savage for the NWA Title at Final Resolution, and, without further ado, allow me to introduce to you the man who will keep things in line here, the NWA Director Of Authority, ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes!”

The theme music of the DOA hit, and he made his way down to the ring quickly, accompanied by Traci Brooks. He entered the ring and shook hands with Tenay, and then stood in the corner to allow Tenay to continue.

“Next to be introduced is a man who has defended the NWA Title since winning it way back in the King Of The Mountain Match, defeating all comers, be it AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Raven, Ron Killings, the list goes on. He is the NWA Champion of the world, one member of the Kings Of Wrestling, Jeff Jarrett!”

Jarrett’s signature music hit, and Jarrett made his way down to the ring, accompanied by his fellow Kings Of Wrestling Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. The three men entered the ring, ignoring Tenay, Rhodes and Traci, and Jarrett posed on the ropes, holding up both his NWA Title belt and his trademark guitar. The music faded out, and the three turned their attention to Rhodes, and they exchanged words away from the microphone as Tenay began to speak again.

“And finally, allow me to introduce to you the man who, after a near 5 year absence from active competition inside of the wrestling ring returned at Turning Point and scored the pinfall over Jeff Jarrett in a Six Man Tag Team Match. He is, of course, the legendary ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage!”

Rhodes began to clap as the guitar version of ‘Pomp & Circumstance’ hit, and the Macho Man made his way down to the ring, wearing his leather jacket and cowboy hat. Tenay placed his microphone on the table and joined in the applause as Savage slapped the fans at ringside on their hands and clambered into the ring, shaking hands with Tenay and Rhodes, kissing Traci on the hand and finally pointing across the table at Jarrett at his title belt, which Jarrett cradled like a newborn baby. The music faded out, and Dusty Rhodes took the microphone.

“Now, in front of the whooole world, you two men, Jeff Jarrett and Macho Man, will sign on the dotted line, baby, for your match at Final Resolution! After tonight, it’s gonna be official! Now, we’re not here to trade fisties: Save tha’ slobbaknocka for January 16th, when you’re gonna fight for that NWA Title!” Rhodes began, “So, without further ado, Macho Man, here’s your contract, you sign, you get the shot.”

Savage took the microphone in one hand, but instead of speaking he rested it on the table, and then took the contract that Mike Tenay passed to him. He jokingly read through it, looking for any small print, but then quickly signed on the dotted line, placed the contract on the table and smiled over at Jarrett, who had his mouth open, looking to be showing some signs of nervousness at the willingness of Savage to sign the contract and make the match official.

“Now,” Dusty started again, “Jeff Jarrett: Here’s your contract.”

Jarrett stared momentarily at the contract, which sat in front of him on the table, and he gripped the pen in between his fingers. His eyes darted up and down the contract, reading the information as Hall and Nash looked over his shoulders to get a view for themselves. He took the pen up, and looked to be on the verge of signing, only to drop the contract down onto the table again in favour of picking the microphone up.

“Savage,” he began, “You know that you’ve just made a huge mistake by signin’ that contract. I told you before, Savage, you’re washed up, and, to be honest with ya, I pity ya. So I’m not gonna sign this contract, because I’m feelin’ sympathetic, old-timer. You know you’ve done nothin’ to deserve this title shot, so why should I sign this contract. This is Planet Jarrett, and I’m the King Of The Mountain, so, out of pure sympathy, I’m gonna leave this contract here. I’m not gonna sign it, and you can ride off into the sunset, old-timer, because I’m tellin’ ya, if you step into the ring with me, you ain’t walkin’ out. Scott… Kevin… let’s go.”

Jarrett then placed the microphone on the table, then stepped outside to the ring and began to walk to the back with Nash and Hall following him. However, Dusty Rhodes grabbed the microphone to stop him.

“HEY!” he yelled, “Jarrett, if you wanna walk out, fine, walk out. But I have the authoriteh’ to take action, and as champion of TNA Wrestling, you are at liberty to defend that belt against all challengers. So if you walk out, I will strip you of that belt!”

The fans got on their feet at the proposal as Jarrett losing the belt, and he immediately turned round and stormed back to the ring, with a look on his face that showed his belief that the ruling was unfair. He snatched the microphone from Rhodes.

“Rhodes, I’m the King Of Mountain! You don’t have the guts to strip me of this here title belt, and if you somehow do decide to, Kevin and Scott here will make sure you regret the decision. Savage, I’m not gonna sign this contract, and I’m still gonna be the NWA Champion at the end of the show, at the end of the month, at the end of the year, and at the end of Final Resolution! Your win at Turning Point was a fluke; so don’t get your hopes up. You don’t wanna give yourself a heart attack, do ya’?”

However, Savage snatched the microphone off him, causing Jarrett to step back one pace in surprise.

“Jeff Jarrett! Everyone’s askin’ the question, ooh yeah! The fans are askin’, Mike Tenay’s askin’ the question, Don West’s askin’ the question, Macho Man’s askin’ the question, Traci’s askin’ the question, DIGGIT! Hell, even Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are askin’ the question, ooh yeah! The question is: When will you shut the hell up? I pinned your shoulders, Jeff Jarrett, to this mat at Turnin’ Point, I’ve signed the contract, why won’t you? Or are you just a little bit of a… chicken?”

Savage then turned around the face the fans, who were looking up at him and not concentrating on Jarrett, who was shaking his head in anger.

“The Macho Man is gonna get his match at Final Resolution, and Jeff Jarrett’s gonna get his shoulders pinned to the mat, one more time, ooh ye-?”

He was suddenly cut off by Jarrett, who ambushed him from behind with some shots to the back of the head. Nash and Hall joined in, smothering the Macho Man in the corner. Jarrett wheeled away, yelling at Tenay, Rhodes and Traci, who had quickly bailed from the ring. He picked up his guitar from the corner as Nash and Hall double-teamed Savage, with Hall holding Savage on his feet while Nash punched and kicked him in the gut. Savage, however, managed to save himself when he ducked a big boot from Nash, causing Nash to accidentally nail Scott Hall! Savage caught the shocked Nash with a clothesline (similar to cutting down a huge oak tree), then Jarrett turned round, only to meet a huge back body drop, which caused him to drop the guitar! Savage pointed down to it, getting a big reaction, and he picked it up, swinging it Hall and Nash, only for them to bail from the ring and stumble up the ramp, leaving Savage alone with Jeff Jarrett! Jarrett got back up to his feet, only to stumble round into a huge guitar shot from Savage! The weapon crashed completely over his head, knocking him unconscious as Savage celebrated and picked up the contract from the table, with the crowd at the Impact Zone going crazy with excitement. Savage went down onto one knee, took Jarrett’s hand and placed the pen in the hand. He controlled his hand and signed Jarrett’s name on the dotted line, then reached out of the ring and passed the contract to Dusty, who checked it and smiled, while holding it up into the air, signaling that the match was now official: Savage vs. Jarrett for Final Resolution!

“OH MY GOD!” West and Tenay yelled at the same time.

“Randy Savage just gave Jeff Jarrett a taste of his own medicine!” West shouted out, “He just picked up that guitar, chased Nash and Hall away, then smashed it right, clean over the head of the NWA Champion!”

“He did Don! And right after he took Jarrett’s hand and signed the contract for him, so you know what that means?”


“You’re absolutely right! And we’ll find out what kind of condition Jarrett will be in next week on Impact, but that’s all the time we have for this episode, we’ll see you next week at the Impact Zone, Fox Sports Net!” Tenay said, closing down the show.

The end credits rolled to close another episode of TNA Impact as Savage raised his hands in victory in the ring.


Show Rating: 67%

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