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WWE Post Wrestlemania

Guest simon522109

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Guest simon522109

One Year on from Wrestlemania XX and the WWE has been on the slippery slope, with no credible storylines and very missused talent the WWE's ratings have continued to slide. So I have decide to take control of the Wrestling promotion I have watched for 15 years and try and pull WWE out of the proverbial toilet.

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Wrestlemania XXI Results

The 'Animal' Batista def. Triple H to capture the World Heavyweight Title

John Cena def. John Bradshaw Layfield to capture the WWE Championship

Edge won the 'Money in the Bank' Ladder match

Akebono def. The Big Show

Kurt Angle def. Shawn Michaels

The Undertaker def. Randy Orton

Rey Mysterio def. Eddie Guerrero

Trish Stratus def. Christ Hemme to retain the Womens Championship.

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ok star, is there going to be a proper backstory though?

not sure on Hassan swaping Brands so early in his career, and shame to split him from Daivari

And by the way Akebono defeated Big Show :thumbsup:

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Guest simon522109

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Monday 4th April 2005

Still's are shown of the previous night at Wrestlemania when Batista pinned Triple H to become the New World Heavyweight Champion in front of the capacity crowd at the Staples Center.

The Pyros explode and the crowd is going wild and the camera pans around to see various signs in the crowd and JR then welcomes us to RAW!

JR: Welcome everbody to what should be an explosive night after Batista was crowned the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania less than twenty four hours ago.

JL: Also JR you forgot about Edge who won the 'Money in the Bank' ladder match and gets to face the Champion at any time he wishes in the next twelve months.

King is then interupted by Triple H's enterance music as he and the Nature Boy Ric Flair make their way out to the ring , 'The Game' has a huge band aid over a cut he sustained at the hands of the Animal. Triple H comes in to the ric and grabs a microphone as the crowd begins to Boo the Cerebral Assasin.

HHH: Last night, that backstabbing lowlife Batista stole my World Heavyweight Title from me! That title means more to me then life itself , I am willing to do anything to get that championship back from you....

I'm back hits and The RAW General Manager makes his way to the ring with microphone in hand and climbs into the ring .

EB: Triple H , I think I know what your getting at and the answer is no! you and Batista are two of my top Superstars on RAW and I can't have you both beating the hell out of each other tonight. But what I can say is that at the next Pay Per View Backlash it will be Triple H in a rematch from Wrestlemania against Batista. What do you think of that?

HHH: Well Eric I bet your real happy now you have made your little speech and have made the rematch for Wrestlemania , but that isn't good enough.

Triple H then kicks Bischoff in the midsection and delivers a perfect pedigree in the centre of the ring. Triple H & Flair then leave to the back.


La Resistance def. The Hurricane & Rosey

This was a fast paced tag team match up and La Resistance looked very impressive as they step up their quest for the World Tag Team championships held by William Regal & Tajiri. As the match draw to an end Rob Conway was tagged in as was the Hurricane, and it looked as if the Hurricane would get the victory for his team as he went for the Cross Body off the top rope but as Grenier distracted the referee Renee Dupree made his presence felt and shoved Hurricane off the top rope and placed Conway on top for the pin.


Todd Grisham is backstage interviewing the 'Ravid Wolverine' Chris Benoit.

TG: Chris Last night at Wrestlemania you gave your all in the 'Money in the bank' Laddermtch but victory was taken away from you by Edge, what are your thoughts?

CB: My thoughts? my thoughts are that I near broke my arm last night and nearly fractured my skull to win that match to get a shot at the World Heavyweight Champion. Edge you will regret the day you ever accepted to go into that match when I am through with you I was my turn and I put my body though hell to win and you took it away from me within one moment.I was touching the briefcase when Edge hit me with a stell chair to take away my dream of once again becoming Champion and for that Edge I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!


'Y2J' Chris Jericho def. Gene Snitsky

Jericho's Right Shoulder was haevily bandaged after last nights match and Snitsky took advantage of this by using several moves to worsen the shoulder . Jericho mounted little offense before Snitsky again took advantage of Jericho's injured shoulder, but as the match neared the end Snitsky went for the pumphandle slam which Jericho countered and he hit the bulldog and manged to hit the Lionsault for the victory.


We then see Eric Bischoff in his office nursing his neck after Triple H's actions earlier tonight, in comes The 'Coach'.

Coach: Hi Eric did you want to speak to me?

EB: Yes coach as a mtter of fact I did please inform the respective parties that tonight's main event is going to be Edge & Triple H against Chris Benoit & the New World Heavyweight Champion Batista!


Shelton Benjamin def. Chris Masters to retain the Intercontinental Title

This was a great match, which sadly the crowd din't get into at all Benjamin like all the other competitors from the ladder match last night wasn't 100% and yet again Masters took advantage and took the upper hand in this match up hitting a variety of suplexes to take the wind out of Benjamin. Benjamin though had a second wind and when Masters turned around after arguing with the referee Benjamin hit the T-Bone suplex to retain his title.


We now see Maria backstage with non other than the show stopper Shawn Michaels.

Maria: Shawn Last night at Wrestlemaina, you were defeated by Kurt Angle in one of the most memorable matches in wrestlemania history, how do you fell about that?

HBK: Well Marie let me just say that it was indeed a memorable match and in some ways there wasn't a loser as such as we both put everything we had into getting the victory and I will hold me hands up Kurt Angle had more left than myself , but let me say this The Heartbreak Kid will live to fight another day because I am the showstopper!

HBK then made his way out to the ring for his match with Maven.


Shawn Michaels def Maven by Disqualification

Shawn Michaels made his way down to the ring to a great ovation by the fans carrying on from his standing ovation the previous night. Maven began to ground HBK with a series of headlock taken downs and leg locks to prevent HBK from picking up the win. Maven then looked as if he was going to finish the match

with a top rope bulldog but before he went for the pin Maven went to the top rope and Michaels caught him and hit a superplex off the tope rope, as HBK was tuning up the band Kurt Angle came through the crowd with a stell chair and cracked it over the head of Michaels.

Angle then took the Microphone

KA: Last night as Wrestlemania Michaels you tapped out to me the greatest wrestler alive today, yet you say their wasn't a loser! Let me tell you this Shawn you are looking at the New Mr Wrestlemania!

Kurt then procedded to lock HBK in the Ankle lock whilst EMT's and officials tried to brake the hold.


Edge is shown backstage being interviewed by the 'Coach'

Coach: Earlier Tonight Edge Chris Benoit said that he will never forgive you for taking his dream away from him, what do you have to say about that?

Edge: Well Coach I may have taken away his dream last night but Chris Benoit took my dream away from me last year at Wrestlemania XX when he got his hot of becoming World Heavyweight Champion. So Benoit I hope your listening because tonight in our tag team match after I beat you 1,2,3 I hope you hold your hands ad give me the credit I deserve!!


We Then see Batista & Chris Benoit walking down to the ring for their tag team match up and they give each other a high five as they carry on walking looking focused.


Edge & Triple H def. Chris Benoit & Batista

The crowd was extremely pumped for this match and Batista got the loudest cheer of the night when his music hit. The match itself started off fast paced and then Edge & Triple H Double Teamed Benoit and isolated the crippler, then as Edge went for the spear Benoit moved out of the way and both men made tags and once triple H saw that Batista had been tagged in he didn't want a part of the 'Animal' Batista was dominating the 'Game' until Flair hit a low blow on the champion when the referee's back was turned which allowed triple H to tag Edge who then whipped Batista into the ropes. Benoit then made the 'blind' tag and hit multiple German suplexes to Edge as Batista dn Triple H went at it , as Benoit was going for the Diving Headbutt Edge moved out of the way . The referee was still distracted Edge grabbed the World Heavyweight Championship belt and levelled Benoit with it and made the cover as the referee truned around.

After the match Batista went into the ring to stop Edge , but he ran out of the ring and walked to the stage with an evil grin on his face  as the show went off the air.


Overall: 78%


Note: Sorry about the Big Show/Akebono match corrected that, Daivari has also switched over but as a manager which is why I didn't put him on the trade list. There is no backstory just taking control of WWE and (hopefully) bringing back the glory days, Thanks for the feedback by the way.

I will be writing both RAW & Smackdown! events but not Heat or Velocity as I will be auto booking these shows.As always Feedback appreciated.

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Guest simon522109

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WWE Smackdown! Preview

What will happen on the first Smackdown! since John Cena walked away with the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania XXI after a grueling battle with now 'former' Champion John Bradshaw Layfield?

What will The Undertaker have to say after continuing his Wrestlemania winning streak to 13-0 after defeating Randy Orton and what will happen between Rey Mysterio & Eddie Gurerro after Mysterio pinned Eddie last Sunday?

Tune in to see all your favorite from 8pm / 7pm CT on UPN.

Confirmed Matches

Paul London vs Billy Kidman for the WWE Cruiserweight Title

Eddie Gurerro & Rey Mysterio vs The Bashams for the WWE Tag Team Titles

Booker T vs Orlando Jordan for the United States Title

Predictions always appreciated aswell as feedback. :thumbsup:

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Guest simon522109

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WWE Smackdown!

7th April 2005

A video is shown of new WWE Champion John Cena pinning John Bradshaw Layfield after the F-U at Wrestlemania and then Cena celebrating with the 'Chain Gang'. We also see videos of Kurt Angles amazing victory against 'HBK'Shawn Michaels and The Unertaker continuing his Wrestlemania winning streak against Randy Orton.

The Pyro's explode and Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to the first Smackdown! after Wrestlemania XXI.

Paul London def. Billy Kidman to retain the WWE Cruiserweight


This was a fast paced match to kick off Smackdown, which is expected as these two competitors were once tag team partners and now Kidman wants to reclaim the WWE Cruiserweight Title from London. Nearing the end of the match London was whipped into the ropes and Kidman ducked , London then accidently hit the referee and whilst London was attending to the ref, Kidman grabbed the Cruiserweight title and went to hit London who ducked and then hit a DDT on Kidman onto the belt. London then went upstairs and hit a perfect 450 Splash and the referee who was coming around made the 3 count.


Fuanki is now backstage with one of Smackdown's newest superstar's Muhammed Hassan.

Funaki: Firstly let me welcome you to Smackd...

Hassan then grabs hold of the microphone

Hassan: Welcome me to Smackdown!? I thought that now that I have moved from RAW to Smackdown that I would finally gain the respect that I deserve. But no I still have to enjure the prejudice and discrimination like when I was on RAW! I was never pinned on RAW and yet I have no match on my debut here on Smackdown!

Corwd begins to Boo

Hassan: These idiots are so typical of this god forsaken country, they come from their trailer park homes and spend their money, which the government gives them for doing absolutley nothing whilst people in my home land are homeless , which was caused by your idiotic troops!

Daivari then grabs the microphone and begins to shout lots of arabic condeming the USA.


Eddie Gurerro & Rey Mysterio def. The Basham Brothers

This was Eddie & Rey Rey's first match since they took on each other at Wrestlemania XXI , with Mysterio picking up the victory and then shaking each other's hand in the ring. both teams hand contrasting syles Eddie & Rey had the speed element and the Bashams started more Brawling. The Bashams looked like they were going to pick up the victory when Gurrero went to the top rope and went for a dropkick on Danny Basham but Basham pulled Mysterio into the way and went for the cover but Mysterio kicked out at 2. Mysterio then countered Danny Bashams pile driver and hit the west coast pop for the win.

After the match Eddie Gurrero & Mysterio were arguing and then the hugged each other , but the camera shows that Eddie had an evil smile on his face.


In the back now we see New WWE Champion John Cena walking down the hall, and the camera is quite away behind him like someone is watching him. Cena then stops and looks around to see if anyone is following him, but can't see anything. Cena then carries on his way and we see a figure dressed in black come from the shadows.


Booker T is shown with Josh Matthews.

Josh Matthews: Well Booker tonight your going to be taking on member of JBL's cabinet the WWE United States Champion Orlando Jordan, what are your thoughts on the match?

Booker T: Well Josh just let me say that if Orlando Jordan thinks he's coming out of this match with his US Title he damn skippy hippy! Tonight Booker T the Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time WCW Champion  is guna walk right into that ring out there and put that belt right back were it belongs , around my waist. Now Can you Dig That?....... Sucka!!!


Booker T def. Orlando Jordan to capture the WWE U.S. Title

Booker T started this match on fire , whilst Orlando looked pre-occupied which is understandable as the cabinet don't want to lose Two titles in one week. Booker T hit a variety of suplex's and slams onto the mat. The crowd were really behind Booker T as the match neared the end, John Bradshaw Layfield then ran down the isle as it looked as if Booker was going to win , JBL then went to hit Booker with the Title belt but instead hit Jordan accidently. Booker T then knocked JBL out of the ring and covered Jordan for the win.


We then cut to the parking lot and see a huge black limo pull up and out of the limo steps another one of Smackdown's new talents Randy Orton who was defeated by The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Orton dressed in dessigner shirt and pants has a focused look on his face and walks into the arena.


Back inside now and yet another Samckdown! draft pick comes out onto the stage, Christian.

Christian: So this is Smackdown? well what a joke! especially the so called WWE Champion John Cena. Everyone of my peeps knows that 'Captain Charisma' deserves the WWE title more than any one of the so called WWE Superstars back there. I mean I was part of the first two TLC matches and won them single handedly and I am the future of this business , I am bigger than the Undertaker, I am bigger than Booker T and im deffinately bigger than John Cena!

Cena's Music then hits and the new WWE champion makes his way to the stage with a mic.

Cena: Yo Christian, let me be first to welcome you to Smackdown and let me tell you boy, you sure have a lot to say for yourself but can you back it up? I mean how bout this here tonight you and the 'Doctor of Thuganomics' have a little one on one matchup?

Christian: I tell you what Johnny, your on and after tonight you will be dreading the day that you ever came across captain charisma, because...

Christian Puts his hand to his face.

Charisitan:You Can't See Me!

Cena then runs down to the ring and battles back and forth with Christian and eventually hits the FU in the middle of the ring and then leaves to a great ovation.


Carlito def. The Undertaker

This match was made by Smackdown! general manager Teddy Long just moments ago. Carlito tried to get the upper hand on Taker but the deadman just stood his ground, Carlitto then went to the outside to try and get away from the Undertaker, but Carlitto tripped and Undertaker then dragged him into the ring and procceded to man handle Carlitto. Crlitto was then whipped into the corner and Undertaker went for a running clothesline but Crlitto dragged the referee in front of him. The Undertaker then signalled for the end and hit the chokeslam on Carlitto and pinned him, but the referee was out cold. Randy Orton then came through the crowd with a chair and smashedit on the back of the Undertaker and then hit the RKO and pulled Carlitto on top. The referee then came around and made the 3 count.

After the match Randy Orton then ran back through the crowd as the Undertaker sat up in the middle of the ring with an evil look on his face.


We now see Christian making his way to the ring to face the new WWE Champion John Cena in a non title match made earlier tonight.

John Cena def. Christian

This match was pretty even with both superstars having something to prove, Christian was trying to make an impact on his debut and Cena was trying to show that he is worthy of holding the WWE title.Christian began to asualt Cena as soon as he came through the ropes , but Cena then hit back and hit a variety of moves. Christian then looked as if he was going to get the surprise victory when he whipped Cena into the corner and then hit the Unprettier but Cena stuck his foot on the bottom rope. Cen picked up the victory when Christian went for a second unprettier but Cena countered and hit the F-U for the pin.


Overall: 76%

Feedback always appreciated.

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I'm not sure I agree with all of your trades. Kurt Angle's being on RAW, makes sense. But bringing Dupree back after only one year. As for Matt Hardy, that makes perfect sense, and I'd be suprised if WWE didn't do that themselves. But taking both Christian and Tomko, as well as Hassan and Diavari?

The shows are nice, and I'm glad you put Carlito over Taker, but it wasn't in the preview, and it's quiet a big match (wtih Taker in it). Other than that, not too bad.

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Guest simon522109

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RAW Preview

After Last weeks main event where Edge got the better of the Ravid Wolverine Chris Benoit for the second time in two nights, what will the 'Crippler' have in store for Mr 'Money in the Bank'?

The other two men in that main event also have a huge score to settle with each other and Triple H now has his Re-match at Backlash against Batista. What will 'The Animal' have to say about that?

Last week also saw the continuation of the Shawn Michaels / Kurt Angle feud from Wrestlemania, what developments will there be between these two tremdous superstars?

Confirmed Matches

Renee Dupree & La Resistence vs William Regal, Tajiri & Shelton Benjamin

The Big Show vs Edge

Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho


Hi thanks for the feedback. Daivari is only a manager which is why he was included in the draft, also Carlitto/ Taker match wasn't mentioned in the preview because it was made when Smackdown! was on air by Teddy Long. Keep the feedback coming :thumbsup:

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Guest simon522109

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Monday 11th April

The pyro's go off and this weeks editon of RAW is on the air, we then see 'Y2J' Chris Jericho and his 'Highlight Reel' set inside the rings.

Jericho:Welcome to RAW IS JERICHO, last week on RAW my guest tonight made a huge impact coming off a great win at Wrestlemania XXI. Please welcome my guest tonight the olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle!

Angle's music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring with a smile on his face dressed in his usual wrestling attire with a T-shirt saying 'You Tapped' on the front. Angle gets into the ring and grabs a microphone.

Angle: Raw is Jericho? what the hell is that? everyone knows that these idiots only cam here tonight to see me their Olympic gold medalist. Anyway back to the matter in hand, Yes your right Chris I did make a big impact last week on my RAW debut when I made Shawn Michaels Tap out (again) to me, Kurt Angle!

Kurt stands their with a big grin on his face

Jericho: In fact Kurt we have the footage of last week to show you.

We are then shown highlights of HBK's match with Maven last week and how Angle came through the crowd and hit Michaels on the back of the head with a solid steel chair and then proceeded to put HBK in the Ankle lock and leave Michaels unconcious in the ring as the crowd begins to chant You Suck! You Suck!

Jericho: Well Kurt like we have both agreed on now, you did make a big impact last week. But Kurt do you not think that was a little cowardly to hit Michaels from behind? I mean Kurt you and Michaels had just put on a classic match at Wrestlemania the night before and then you set up Shawn Michaels...

Kurt Angle then looses his patience and then hits Jericho with the Angle Slam and then locks the Ankle Lock on Jericho. Shawn Michaels then ran down to the ring and he and Angle then begin to brawl all over Jericho's highlight reel set. Then a set of EMT's had to come down to hold these two apart.


William Regal, Tajiri & Shelton Benjamin def. La Resistance

This match was a great technical affair with Shelton Benjamin & Renne Dupree starting this match, with Dupree looking to gain his first victor since rejoing RAW last week by helping La Resistance overcome Rosey & The Hurricane. The match quickened up when one half of the World Tag Champions Tajiri was tagged in by hitting some stiff kicks and then hitting the 'Green Mist'. The end of the match came when the only two superstars left in the ring were Benjamin & Dupree and the other four wrestlers were on the outside, Dupree then went to hit Benjamin with his own Intercontinental Belt but missed and then Benjamin hit his T-Bone Suplex for the win.


We then see Todd Grisham alongside 'Mr Money in the Bank' Edge bacstage.

Todd Grisham: So Edge after last weeks events with Chris....

Edge then snatches the microphone off Grisham

Edge: Benoit when are you going to get it through your thick skull that you can't beat me!? I beat you along with another four RAW superstars at Wrestlemaina to earn my shot at the World Heavyweight Title and then on last week's RAW you wanted me in the ring and yet again I beat you 1,2,3. I am 'Mr Money in the Bank' I get to call my shot's and I get to decide when and where I go......

RAW General Manager appears at the side of Edge

Bischoff: So Edge you get to decide when are where you go? You get to call the shots?

Edge: Thats right Eric I won that match at Wrestlemania so neither you or anbody else can stop me living my dream to become World Heavyweight Champion.

Bischoff: Infact Edge your wrong there, DEAD WRONG! you did indeed win the match at Wrestlemania but that only means you decide when to have your Title match ,BUT I get decide any other match your in starting tonight it will be Edge going one on one with the 7 Foot 2, 500 pound BIG SHOW, oh and you better get going because its next!

Eric then leaves with a smile on his face as Edge is left fuming.



Edge def. Big Show

In this match that was made just a few minutes ago, Edge was trying to outwit The Big Show in his first outing since being traded back to RAW last week. Edge was trying to quicken up the pace of the match, but The Big Show used his vast amount of strength to hit several crushing moves. The the turning point of the match Edge brought a steel chair into the ring , but the referee took it away and as the ref's back was turned Edge hit Big Show with a pair of brass Knuckles and covered Show for the 1,2,3.

after the match Chris Benoit raced to the ring, but Edge saw him coming and jumped out of the ring and the pair were left staring holes into each other.


We then see World Heavyweight Champion Batista walking through the corridors and saying hi to a few RAW workers. Then Triple H hits Batista with the sledge Hammer before he & Ric Flair put the boots to Batista. Triple H then spits on Batista and through's the title onto Batista.

Triple H: Not much of an Animal now are ya Champ!?




We come back from the break and go straight to Eric Bischoff inside his GM's office.

Bischoff: Seeing the developments earlier tongith between Edge & Chris Benoit I have decided that at Backlash we going to have ourselves a match between Chris Benoit & the winner of the 'Money in the Bank' match Edge. This will not be a normal match because with the serious ness of the situation it's going to be a 30 minute Iron Man match! Whoever hs the most pinfalls in 30 minutes will be the winner. Oh yeah one more thing this match will be for Edge's 'Money in the Bank' contract!

Bischoff: We also have another matter developing with Triple H & Batista , just to let you know that during the break Batista was rushed to a near by Hospital. Triple H for you actions tonight you will be going one on one with Kane!!


Maria is then shown backstage with Chris Jericho who seem's to be in some discomfort.

Maria: Chris you are scheduled for a one on one match with Kurt Angle, but...

Jericho: Angle tonight you made a huge mistake by locking me in the Ankle lock and if it wasn't for Michaels my ankle would probably be snapped right now. But Angle that is the biggest mistake you have ever made andtonight you will get a Y2J ass-whooping that you aill never EVER forget again!!!

Chris Jericho def. Kurt Angle

This was a match for the wrestling purists , both tremendous wrestlers and both have faced each other before. Jericho took th upper hand as soon as the match was started and he took Angle down and delivered some fierce lefts and rights. Angle then blocked a shot from Jericho and hit a belly to belly suplex to sway the advantage to him. It looked as if Kurt Angle would get the win but as Angle lifted Jericho up for the Angle Slam the referee got caught in the eye and as the referee wasn't looking Shawn Michaels ran in and hit Sweet Chin Music on Angle and placed Jericho on top for the win.


We then see an ambulance pull into the car park and out comes 'The Animal' Batista with his ribs tapped up, heading towards the arena.



Triple H def. Kane

This match that was made earlier by General Manager Eic Bischoff was punish 'The Game' for ambushing Batista earlier and it certainly seemed like that in the early going with Kane dominating the former World Champion. Ric Flair was aconstant nussaince for Kane though and Triple H capitalized on that by hitting a low blow on Kane , when the referee was distracted by Flair. Triple H then turned the tide with a couple of knees to the face and then was going for the pedigree but Kane countered and then hit  a chokeslam. Gene Snitsky then ran down to the ring as The Nature Boy was distracting the referee and then Snitsky hit Kane with a chair and Triple H then pick Kane up and hit the pedigree for the win.

After the match Triple H, Snitsky & Flair were putting the boots to Kane when Batista's music hit and he comes down to the ring clotheslined Flair smashed the chair on Snitsky and then Triple went to hit Batista with the hammer again , but Batista picked Triple H up and hit a devasting Batista Bomb. The show went off the air as Batista was stood over Triple H.


Overall: 86%


Smackdown! Preview will be up soon. and as alwalys feedback appreciated

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Guest simon522109

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WWE Smackdown! Preview

Last week on Smackdown! Booker T defeated Orlando Jordan to be crowned new WWE United States Champion, will the cabinet & Jordan have anything to say about this?

John Cena seems to have a stalker , will they reveal themselves this week? and Randy Orton seems to have unfinished business with the phenom, The Undertaker will the deadman be laid to rest?

Confirmed Matches

The Bashams vs The Debuting Johnny Jeter & Matt Cappotelli (The Thrillseekers)

Christian vs The Undertaker

Muhammed Hussan vs Rey Mysterio

Predictions always appreciated aswell as feedback.

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Guest simon522109

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WWE Smackdown!

14th April

The Pyro's explode and Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to this edition of Smackdown!  Cole & Tazz then begin the run down of the matches that have already been booked tonight, including Christian vs The Undertaker!

The Thrill Seekers def. The Basham's

This match was a really faced paced matchup with both teams wanting the victory, The Bashams's to keep close to Mysterio & Guerrero and the tag titles and the Thrillseekers were making their debut here in the WWE.The Bashams tried to get the victory at any cost and most of their near falls consited cheating. The Thrillseekers got the surprise victory when Johnny Jeter countered the piledriver from Danny Basham and hit a lionsault for the pin.

After the match whilst the Thrillseekers were celebrating their victory, Danny & Doug Basham grabbed two steel chairs from ringside and smashed one against Matt Cappotelli's head and one on Johnny Jeter's back. The Basham's then surveyed the damage and left to the back with grin's on their faces.


Randy Orton's music hit and 'The Legend Killer' made his way to the ring dressed in black trousers, designer shoes & a long-sleeved shirt. Orton got into the ring and possed on each turnbuckle, then Orton grabbed a microphone from ring side.

RO: Undertaker! Did you really think that after one match at Wrestlemania , I was finished with you!? Did you really think that the Tombstone you hit me with would kill me off!? Why else would I, Randy Orton Legend Killer come over to WWE's second show Smackdown!? I came here for one reason & one reson only, and thats to get my hand's on The Undertaker!

RO: It started last week , when I ran in and cost you your match with Carlitto and I will continue to do so. You see Taker you injured me at Wrestlemania, you damn near tore my shoulder out of its socket! So with this injury I am not cleared to wrestle, but noone said anything about not being here. So 'Taker' everytime your in the ring and backstage keep looking over your shoulder because , I am just bidding my time to attack when you least expect it!

With that Orton drops the microphone and heads to the back with a big smirk on his face.


-- Commercial Break --

When we come back from the break we see Teddy Long sitting at the desk in his office and in comes JBL & Orlando Jordan.

TL: Well guy's what can I do for you?

OJ: Long, you can start off by giving me a rematch with Booker T for the WWE U.S. Title tonight!

TL: Hey Playa, you know I can't just make a match like that, So I tell you what tonight in that very ring. It's going to be Orlando Jordan & J.B.L against Booker T....

JBL & Orldando Jordan both have huge grins on their face and just as JBL is going to say something.

TL: and The WWE Champion John Cena!

JBL then begins to through a tamtrum at the very name of Cean being mentioned.


The Undertaker def. Christian

Christian was desperate to gain his first victory , since returning to Smackdown! The Undertaker however was stopping at nothing to get the victory, either to send a message to Randy Orton. Christian almost had the victory when he hit the Un-prettier, but 'The Phenom' kicked out at two. As The Undertaker hit Christian with the Tombstone, Orton came running down to the ring and went for Taker, but Taker hit Orton with a huge Chokeslam. Undertaker then procceded to cover Christian for the win.


We go backstage to see Josh Matthews with Muhammed Hassan & Daivri.

JM: Muhhammed Hussan, last week you demanded to be placed in a match this week on Smackdown! and General Manager Teddy Long has organised a match between yourself & Rey Mysterio...

MH: Teddy Long is some much like this country, he has no grasp of reality or respect! I asked last week to be put in a match this week to show everyone , why they should be grateful that I Muhammed Hassan has stepped foot in this Hell Hole called USA, and whta does he do? he puts me in a match with a midget! I mean I was never defeated on RAW and yet I have to face a him? This is just another instance of prejudice and racial discrimation against me and my people! I will go out tonight and represent my country and show all these idiots why america is such a discrace!

Daivari then grabs the mic and shouts Arabic into the camera.


-- Commercial Break --

Muhammed Hussan def. Rey Mysterio

This was a match of contrasting styles, Rey Mysterio was using his usual show stealing style and tried to frustrat the bigger opponent, whilst Hassan was trying to ground Mysterio to stop him using his speed. Hassan almost got the victory when Daivri distrated Mysterio and Hassan hit a powerslam on Mysterio , but Rey got his foot on the bottom rope. Hassan did however get the victory when Daivri again distracted the referee, Hassan grabbed a chair Eddie Guerrero came running down the isle and grabbed the chair off Hassan and went for Hassan but he ducked and Guerrero hit Mysterio by mistake , then Hassan pushed Guerrero out of the ring and covered as the ref turned back around and counted the pin.

After the match Guerrero was going to stay in the ring but he dropped the chair before Mysterio came around and ran down the isle backstage.


John Cena is backstage with Smackdown!'s number one announcer, Fuanki.

Fuanki: Tonight John , you are going to be teaming up with Booker T to take on Orlando Jordan & J.B.L.

JC: Yo Yo Yo, I got no problem teaming up with my dawg Booker T. You see me and 'The Book' got one common goal, to kick JBL & Jordans' asses tonight in the ring out there. I mean after last week when JBL, rand down there I now how Booker feels, because two month's ago they were doing the same to me, and who came out on top that's right me and im sure Booker's going to come out top too. Word Life


Carlitto's music is heard throughout the arena as Carlitto makes his way down to the ring in a brightly coloured Hawaian shirt and his usual wrestling gear. He steps into the ring and grabs a microphone.

CCC: Last week I beat 'The Phenom'! Last week I beat The Undertaker and That's Cool!

Crowd begins to boo

CCC: Hey you booing me , that's not cool! I beat The Undertaker last week and I could beat any other superstar back there....

Just then Rob Van Dam made his return to Smackdown! after several weeks on the sidelines through injury! He ran down to the ring and hit Carlitto with a couple of stiff kicks , then RVD went to the top rope and hit an amazing 5 star Frog Splash! RVD picked up the microphone.

RVD: You said you could beat anyone, but hey noone can beat Rob..Van..Dam!

Rob Van Dam then left to the back as Carlitto looked up staring a hole straight through him.


-- Commerical Break --

When we came back from the break we see a crowd of EMT's , Road Agents and Booker T looking at John Cena who has been laid out on the floor with a lead pipe lying next to him, but noone can see who has done this.


J.B.L & ORlando Jordan def. Booker T

This match was officially made a handicap match moments ago by Teddy Long as WWE Champion John Cena was laid out in the back. Booker T tried to get the match over with quickly by knocking J.B.L out of the ring and hitting 'the Bookend' on Jordan, but J.B.L made the save. JBL & Jordan double teamed Booker whenever they could. Orlando Jordan picked up the win, when JBL distracted the referee and Jordan grabbed the US Title and smacked Bookers skull with the belt for the win.


Overall: 74%


Please let me what you would like me to develop in this diary. New superstars, New Storylines, New Stables etc.

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Guest simon522109

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WWE Velocity Results

Kenzo Suzuki def. Fuanki

Charlie Haas & Hardcore Holly def. Scotty Too Hotty & Shannon Moore

Matt Hardy def. Luther Reigns


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Sunday Night Heat Results

Rosey & The Hurricane def. The Shane Twins

Chris Masters def. Val Venis

Rhyno def. Simon dean

La Resistance def. William Regal & Tajiri .



Just thought I would bring some interaction into this diary , who should I feud with Shelton Benjamin for the Intercontinental Title?

A: Kane

B: Renee Dupree

C: Simon Dean

D: Maven

E: Chris Masters

Please PM me with your choice.

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Guest simon522109


With the shake up here at WWE ,we regret to announce the following departures from World Wrestling Entertainment:

Antonio Thomas

Brian Carlucchi

Candice Michelle

Chad Toland

Daniel Puder

Danny Inferno

Gene Snitsky

John Heidenrich

Ken Doane

Lauren Jones

Maria Knellis

Marty Wright

Michelle McCool

Mike Taylor

Rochelle Lowen

Tank Toland


We wish them all the best in their future endevours.

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Guest simon522109

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RAW Preview

Last week Batista agiain got the better of Triple H. What will 'The Game' have in mind for 'The Animal' Batista on this weeks editon of RAW when Batista goes one on one with a mystery superstar hand picked by Triple H.

The situation between Kurt Angle & 'HBK' Shawn Michaels has reached boiling point, what will go down between these two fantastic atheltes this week?

Edge must be cursing everday since he 'Stole' Chris Benoit's 'Money in the bank' contract, becaus 'The crippler' has been gunning for Edge ever since.

Also Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin & Kane will be here.

Confirmed Matches

Edge vs 'HBK' Shawn Michaels

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

William Regal vs Renee Dupree

Batista vs ?????

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Guest U.s_Champ_Mysterio

Confirmed Matches

Edge vs 'HBK' Shawn Michaels

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

William Regal vs Renee Dupree

Batista vs ?????

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Guest Red Devil

First things first, I really didn't like the draft. Smackdown need more big name starts not more talented stars so giving RAW Show and Angle who are two big names doesn't help. Randy Orton is the only "Name" to be traded to Smackdown so they got the weaker end of the deal. They've already got a load of talented wrestlers and would've benifited more from getting someone like Benoit/Jericho.

Also the firings of Puder, Snitsky and Heidenreich make no sense. There is NO WAY that WWE would fire Puder months after he won the $1 Million Tough Enough competition. That's just wrong. Also I know Snitsky and Heidenreich may not be that talented but WWE love Big man and these two are just at the start of their pushes so I don't think they'd realisticly be fired. Just my $0.02.

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Guest simon522109


After the recent realease of numerous WWE superstars, we are please to announce the signings of some workers, details are below:

Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens

These two young superstars will be a great addition to the tag team division's here in the WWE, which has suffered in recent years. 'The Naturals' as they were known by in NWA-TNA will more be put into Ohio Valley Wrestling for a couple of months to gain the WWE style before bringing them on to televison.


This young talent will be add another dimention to our rapidly growing 'Cruiserweight' division but will also be able to mix it up with larger opponents. B-Boy has been signed to a two year written contract and will go straight to OVW to gain some experience. It is unknown which show he will debut on at this time.


Pyschosis will become a well liked and high influential player in our Cruiserweight division according to WWE head of talent relations Jim Ross. The 30 year old Luchadore will soon be bursting on the scene most likely on Smackdown! but nothing is set in stone.

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18th April

The Pyro's go off and the camera pans around the arena to show the fans , then the camera cuts to Jim Ross & Jerry 'The King' Lawler who then proceed to run down the list of confirmed matches for tonight. Ross 7 Lawler then run down the confimred matches for Backlash which is in less than seven days.

William Regal def. Sylvain Grenier

This matchup was asked for by Regal, because on Sunday Night Heat La Resistance defeated Regal & Tajiri , injuring Tajiri in the process. Regal begin the match the stronger grounding Grenier whenever possible and attack with a few suplexes. Grenier began to get some momentum by hitting a low blow on Regal whilst the referee's back was turned, but just as grenier was going o capitalize on the low blow, Regal countered out of a suplex and hit a inverted neck breaker which looked like it hurt Grenier and as the ref was checking on him, Grenier's tag team partner Rob Conway ran to the ring and tripped Regal and as Regal went for Conway, Grenier rolled Regal up with a handful of tights for the win!


We then cut backstage to see Todd Grisham alongside 'The Heart Break Kid' Shawn Michaels.

Todd Grisham: Shawn Michaels, since Wrestlemania you & Kurt Angle have stepped up your rivalry with each other and I understand you have something to say to Kurt Angle.

HBK: Kurt Angle since Wrestlemania I have wanted to get my hands on you for making me tap on the grandest stage of them all and yes your arm was raised at Wrestlemania and yes you did beat me. But belive me when I say that i will never make those same mistakes again! This time I'll be the one left standing, you see i'm challeging you to a match at Backlash! Now if you'll excuse me kid I need to get ready for my match.

With that Michaels walks back to his dressing room.


--Commercial Break--

Shawn Michaels def Edge by DQ

This match was one of two made by RAW general manger Eric Bischoff so that Chris Benoit & Edge are seperated and so are Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle. This turned out to be a very fast paced matchup with both men known for their quickness & agility. The match itself was very even until Edge moved out of the way of a forearm smash from HBK, Edge then hit a couple of suplexes & back drops. Edge almost picked up the win with an inverted DDT , but HBK kicked out at 2, Edge then set Michaels up for The Spear but Michaels moved and countered by hitting Sweet Chin Music , Kurt Angle then ran down to the ring and hit an Angle Slam , Angle then put Michaels in the ankle lock and Officials & EMT's had to come down to get Angle to realease the hold. Angle then picked up a microphone from ringside.

Angle: Michaels, I hope you can hear this. You're little challenge for Backlash you made earlier only it's not going to be just any match it's going to be a steel cage match! And Michaels if you thought Wrestlemania was bad , wait until Backlash! It's True, IT'S DAMN TRUE!


'I'm Back' Hits as RAW's General Manager Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He gets into the ring and gets a microphone.

Bischoff: I'm out here tonight becuase the next RAW pay per view ,Backlash is less than one week away yet we only have three matches booked. So I have just arranged a match for Backlash involving La resistance going agianst William Regal & Tajiri for the World Tag Team Titles, also tonight in this very ring there's going to be a number one contenders match for the Intercontinental Title invol......

Maven's music hits and he makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boo's from the capacity crowd, he gets into the ring and gets a microphone.

Maven: Woah, Eric before you begin to mention the names of superstars for that match let me tell you something. I should be the number one contender for the Intercontinental Title, after all I am the most talented adn not too mention sexiest superstar in this industry! What do you say Eric?

Bischoff: Well Maven , let me tell you you wern't exactally my first pick for this match but hey why not, so tonight in this very ring in a match to determine the number one contendership for the Intercontinetal Title, it's going to be Maven going one on one with KANE!

Maven's face dropped as Kanes name was mentioned, Maven then tried to weasel his way out of the match, whilst he & Eric made their way backstage.


--Commercial Break--

Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit

This was the second match that was Eric Bischoff to keep Edge & Benoit apart and keep Michaels & Angle apart. Unlike the first match , this match was more technical based and actually began with some amateur wrestling until Angle was getting beat, when Angle then hit Benoit with numerous German Suplexes. Kurt Angle then wen to work on Benoit , grounding him and locking in various submission manovres.

Benoit then began to build some momentum with some of his own german suplexes, Benoit then almost won when he locked Angle in the sharpshooter. Angle picked up the victory , when he whipped Benoit into the ropes and Benoit went to counter with a clothesline , but Angle ducked and the referee was knocked out. Benoit continued to hit another variety of suplexes, but just as Benoit was goign for the diving headbutt, Edge came through the crowd with a steel chair and cracked it on the side of Benoit's head, Angle then made the cover as the ref came around.

After the match Kurt Angle & Edge began to double team Benoit, but Shawn Michaels then made his way down to the ring and he and Angle went at it , whilst Edge & Benoit went at it before officials came down to separte the pairs.


We then see former World Heavyweight Champion Triple H walking down a corridor, dressed in a sharp black suit with a shirt , talking on his cell phone.

Triple H: So where are you? Great , you should be here any minute. Batisata isn't going to stand a chance, when I unveil you as the newest additon to Evolution!


Kane def. Maven

This match was made by RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff earlier tonight to determine who will go to Backlash to face Shelton Benjamin for the Intercontinetal Title. Maven didn't want any part of Kane as Maven tried to run away at every opportunity during this match, but Kane was too powerful. Kane picked up this impressive victory when he hit the usual Big Boot to the face and then proceeded to drive Maven to the mat with a vicious chokeslam for the win.


--Commercial Break--

We come back from the break to see World Champion Batista inside the ring, awaiting for Triple H's hand picked opponent, but Triple H's msuci hits and out comes the came with alongside Ric Flair.

Triple H: Just six days! Six days, until I reclaim what is rightfully mine, The World Heavyweight Title! You see Dave , like I said at Wrestlemania, you were awesome, but like I keep saying it was a fluke and mark my words I will not make the same mistake's again! As for tonight's match is concerned , Dave tonight you will be fighting the newest member of Evolution, one of the greatest technical wrestlers alive today let me introduce to you Evolution's Charlie Haas!

Batista def. Charlie Haas via DQ

as Batista was awaiting the opponent, Haas snuck up behind Batista and knocked the Champion off his feet and began to work on his vertical base. Haas used various leg locks to isolate Batista's legs, Haas then began to mount an offence of his own with a great pin-point elbow drop from the top rope, but Batista pushed Haas , half way across the ring! Batista then countered Haas irish whip and hit a great spinebuster, 'The Animal' then signalled for the Batista Bomb , but Triple H came into the ring armed with a sledgehammer and hit Batista in the ribs.

After the match Flair, Haas & Triple H ladi boots to Batista. Haas & Flair then held The Champion up for Triple H to hit a pedigree onto a steel chair! Triple H, Flair & Haas held up each others arms whilst standing over a bloody World Heavyweight Champion as RAW went off air.


Overall: 84%

OOC: Smackdown! Preview & Backlash Preview will be up soon. Feedback appreciated.Also I know that in real life Backlash is scheduled for 1st May , but the game will not permit me to have two PPV's in the same month and Judgement Day is already in May.

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Guest simon522109

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Backlash Preview

World Heavyweight Title

Triple H vs Batista

Since wrestlemania, Triple H has been dying to get his hands on 'The Animal' Batista and reclaim his most prized possesion the World Heavyweight Title. 'The Game' says that Batista beating him at Wrestlemania was a fluke , we will find out at Backlash!

Grudge Match

Edge vs Chris Benoit

Ever since Edge won the 'Money in the Bank' ladder match at Wrestlemania by knocking Benoit off the ladder with a vicious chair shot to his already injured arm, Benoit has been on Edge's tail and will finally lock up at Backlash with Edge's 'Money in the Bank' stipulation on the line!

Intercontinental Title

Kane vs Shelton Benjamin

This match was confirmed on the last edition of RAW, when RAW general Manager Eric Bischoff made a number one contendership match between Kane & Maven. Kane then proceeded to manhandle Maven and make his way to Backlash the no.1 contender to Shelton Benjamin's Title.

World Tag Team Titles

La Resistance vs William Regal & Tajiri

There has been an ongoing rivalry between these two teams in recent weeks , and this match was also made on Monday Night RAW after La Resistance injured William Regal's tag team partner on Heat. But I can assure you that Tajiri will be back and looking for vegence on Sunday.

Steel Cage Match

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle

This has the promise of being a match of the ages, with both these tremndous atheltes inside a solid steel cage. Since Wrestlemania The 'Heart Break Kid' has wanted a rematch with Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle, but will the outcome be any different this time around, tune in to find out.

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WWE Smackdown! Preview

On last week's edition of Smackdown! J.B.L & Orlando Jordan left United States Champion Booker T lying face down on the canvas after a two on one handicap match. Will Booker have some retribution for the 'Cabinet'?

Alos last week WWE Champion John Cena was found bloody & battered backstage , but as of yet no-one has owned up to this heinous assault. Will the culprit make himself heard this week?

There has also been quite a rilvalry developing between one of Smackdown!'s newest additions, Randy Orton & the 'phenom' The Undertaker. Since their match at Wrestlemania where The Undertaker left victorious, Orton has had pay back on his mind. What will develop between these two stars this week?

Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam will also be in attendance.

Confirmed matches

The Basham Brothers vs Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio

Carlitto vs Matt Hardy

Rob Van Dam vs J.B.L

Randy Orton vs John Cena

OOC:Just to answer some of the feedback, I let Heidenrich & Snitsky go because I didn't see any development in their characters and wasn't sure where they could go. Releasing Daniel Puder was actually a genuine mistake as I had not watch WWE for abotu a year so was unaware of the Tough Enough winner.

You may start your predictions, also keep your feedback coming and let me know of anything that in your opinion needs improving.

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