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WWE Post Wrestlemania

Guest simon522109

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Guest simon522109

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21st April

The Pyro's explode and Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to this edition of Smackdown!  Cole & Tazz then begin the run down of the matches that have already been booked tonight, including Randy Orton going one on one with the WWE Champion John Cena!

'You think your untouchable?' hits and out comes WWE Champion John Cena, who last week was found lying face down with a lead pipe lying next to him backstage. No attacker has owned up to the heinous attack as of yet. Cena comes down to the ring looking really focused and grabs a microphone.

Cena: Cut my music! I Said CUT MY MUSIC!! Now no catchprhases and rhymes tonight, cause I came here for one thing and one thing only to get the Sun of a bitch who has been attacking me of late! You wana attack come try attacking me face to face like a man!

Cena waits but noone makes their way to the ring.

Cean: Damn it I Said COME OUT!

Cena waits some more but still no-one comes out.

Cena: Ok , if you aint guna come out here and face me I guess im guna have to come back their to get me a piece!

With that Cena leaves to the back looking ready for business


The Basham Brothers def Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio in a Non Title Match

This match was made to try and get Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio back on track because of a couple of differences the tag team champions have had in the last couple of weeks. The Bashams ever the opportunists tried to take advantage of the mis-understandings whenever possible. It looked as if The Champions would pick up the win when Eddie went to the top rope to go for a forg splash , but Rey at the same time was whipped into the ropes and this made Guerrero lose his balance and fall to the canvas. Danny Basham then rolled Guerrero up whilst holding the tights while Doug Basham held Mysterio away.

After the match The Bashams made thier way backstage , Guerrero & Mysterio were left arguing in the middle of the ring, then Eddie shoved Mysterio down and went to backstage not looking back at his partner.


--Commercial Break--

After the break we see Josh Matthews standing backstage with Matt Hardy.

Josh: Matt in just a few moments , your going to be making your return to Smackdown! since you moved back here from RAW in the draft, how have you been preparing for this match?

Hardy: Well Josh, I have been looking forward to my return to Smackdown! since the draft, and looking forward to giving this show a dose of Mattitude! I Matt Hardy Version 1 am going to take Smackdown! by storm and will begin my winning streak tonight against Billy Kidman and let the era of Mattitude begin!


Matt Hardy Version 1 def. Billy Kidman

This was Matt Hardy's first competitive match on Smackdown! since he came back over from RAW in the draft earlier this month. Hardy was looking really shaep in this match with fellow cruiserweight Kidman, although Kidman almost got the victory when he hit a low blow on Hardy and then followed that up with a tornado DDT but Hardy kicked out. Hardy did finally pick up the win however when Kidman went for the 'Shotting' Star Press, Hardy got his knees up and then proceeded to nail the 'Twist of Fate' for the win.


Then we go backstage again to see Christina going in to Smackdown! Seneral Manager Teddy Long's office.

Christian: Teddy, I have been here almost three weeks now and my peeps want to see me as a champion , so I want you to make this happen Christian vs John Cena tonight infornt of all my peeps.

Teddy: Listen Playa, I can't make that match between you and Cena for tonight. So I tell you what Playa, you want a title shot you got it tonight it will be you Chritsian going one on one against the United States Champion Booker T for the US Title, how about that?

Christian: You won't regret this Teddy , cause tonight in front of my peeps Captain Charisma is going to beat that sucka Booker T to capture the US Title! Now Can you dig that!?


--Commercial Break--

John 'Bradshaw' Layfield def. Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam made his comeback from injury lsat week on Smackdown! when he ran in on Carlitto's Cabana and trashed the set much to the host's dissmay. J.B.L in most people's eyes is most likey to be the attacker of John Cena last week, which he has denied. Rob Van Dam tried to start the match the quicker and began to land his trademark kicks to try and knott up JBL's thigh muscle. JBL though came back into the match after catching RVD after he attempted a cross body and JBL hit the fall away slam.  JBL soon after was looking to finish the match with a trademark powerbomb but RVD Countered and hit a spinning heel kick. Van Dam then went up top and was looking for the 5 star frog splash but JBL shoved the referee into the ropes to knock Van Dam off. Carlitto then ran down to the ring with a steel chair and cracked it over the head of Van Dam and placed JBL on top for the ref to make the three count!


We then go backstage to see Smackdown!'s number one presenter Fuanki alongside US Champion Booker T.

Fuanki: Booker tonight Teddy Long has put you in a match with Christian with your Title on the line, but last week you were the victim of the cabinet in the handicap match between you, JBL & Orlando Jordan , your thoughts please?

Booker: Well I tell you this JBL, Jordan, Basham's you think that the Booker man will just let this rest? You think that I will just go back and forget about it? last week you left me lying face down in the ring and sooner or later I will get my payback! as for tonight's match Christian you little punk, you think you can come on Booker T's show Smackdown! and take my title away? Hell No! tonight I am going to beat you from post to post to show a message to The Cabinet and retain my US Title NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT?......SUCKKA!!


Booker T def. Christian to retain the WWE US Title

This match was made earlier tonight by Smackdown! GM Teddy Long after Christian complained that his 'peeps' wanted to see him asa  champion but needed an opportunity. Booker T started this match on fire , trying to send a message to the 'cabinet' and in particular Orldnao Jordan. Christian began to gain a little momentum then when he ducked a heel kick from Booker which accicedently hit the referee, 'Capt Charisma' then hit a reversee DDT , he then went for the 'Un-prettier' but Booker Countered and sent Christian into the ropes and hit a spinebuster, Orlando Jordan then made his way to the ring and grabbed the US Title he then attempted to crack Bookers skull with the belt but Booker ducked and Jordan hit Christian. Booker then hit the 'Bookend' on Jordan as the referee came around and made the three count.

After the match Jordan then went for Booker again , but the US Champion countered and hit a scissors kick and then possed for the fans, before leaving to the back to a great ovation.


--Commercial Break--

When we come back fromthe break we are treated to a video showing the evtns which have occured recently between The Undertaker and The 'Legend Killer' Randy Orton, from Wrestlemani when Taker beat Orton, Orton's debut here on Smackdown! and last weeks event where Orton went to cost Undertaker a match but Undertaker leveled him and hit another Tombstone.


John Cena def. Randy Orton

It doesn't look like Cena discovered who attaked him last week , but looks like he will take his frustration out on Orton who himself had something to prove as this was his first match on Smackdown! since the draft. Cena began by beating the hell out of the 'Legend Killer' but Orton then began to slow down the pace when he hit a low blow whilst the referee wasn't looking, Orton then hit a perfectly executed neckbreaker and then went upstairs for a cross body block, but Cena recovered and hit a superplex off the top rope! Both men were down, Orton was the first to his feet and it looked as if he was going to win when he went for the RKO , but Cena pushed Orton but Orton hit the referee, Orton then attempted it again, but The lights went out and when they came back on the Undertaker was standing behind Orton. Orton turned around and was dropped with a tombstone! The lights went out again and then came back on , but Taker was nowhere to be seen. Cena then got to his feet and hit a F-U for the pin!


Whilst Orton was helped backstage , Cena celebrated in the ring with the WWe Title until the maske man ran into the ring and he had the lead pipe in his hand and cracked it on Cena's Skull, The masked man then grabbed a steel chair from ringside and cracked that to the head of The Champion. The man then grabbed the WWe Title and held it up over his head whilst standing over Cena as the show went off air!


Overall: 79%

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Guest simon522109

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Velocity Results

Spike Dudley def. Scotty Too Hotty

Val Venis def. Luther Reigns

Muhammed Hassan & Kenzo Suzuki def The Thrillseekers

Paul London def. Akio to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title

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Guest simon522109

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RAW presents Backlash

A video airs before we go on air showing the altercations between Triple H and 'The Animal' Batista from Wrestlemania XXI and then the following weeks including Triple H announcing Charlie Haas as the new member of Evolution and the video ends with Triple H saying that 'this will change RAW forever' before fading to black.

The pyro's go off in the sold out arena and the camera then scans the capacity crowd. The camera then cuts to 'JR' Jim Ross and his partner behind the commentary table Jerry 'The King' Lawler, who then procceed to run down the list of matches and hype up Batista & Triple H.

Number one contenders match for Tag Titles

Maven & Simon Dean def. Rosey & The Hurricane & The Shane Twins

This match was made by Eric Bischoff on Heat to name the number one contenders for the World Tag Team titles , which will be deffended later tonight between William Regal & Tajiri going against La Resistance. Mike Shane & Rosey started the match will Rosey getting the upperhand by using his strength and tossing Mike Shane around. The Shane's then began to double team rosey whever possible and Mike Shane pinned Rosey but Hurricane ran in and broke the count. Maven then made the blind tag off Shane and Maven began to dominate Rosey until, Rosey got to his feet and knocked Maven to the floor and he made the tag to Hurricane and Todd Shane then tagged himself in off Maven. We then see The Shane's try and double team Hurricane until Rosey runs in and knock's mike shane to the ground until Hurricane comes off the top rope with a cross body and pins Shane for the pin.

The Shane Twins Eliminated

Simon Dean then runs in and tries to take advantag of Hurricane being hurt and he hit a suplex and then whipped Hurricane into the ropes but Hurricane reveresed it and hit the Hurri-Chokelsam and pinned Dean but Maven rushed in and broke it up and began to double team Hurricane whilst Rosey inadvertantly distracted the referee, Dean then rolled Hurricane up after Maven had hit him with some brass knuckles, which the referee didn't see and the referee made the three count!


We are then treated to a video hyping the up & coming matchup between Shelton Benjamin & Kane for the Intercontinental title. we see Eric Bischoff making the number one contenders match last week on RAW and then we see Kane destory Maven and then set his sights on the Title!


Intercontinental Title

Shelton Benjamin def. Kane by DQ

Shelton began the match the better, trying to catch Kane off guard but Kane then caught Benjamin as he was coming off the top rope and hit a powerslam . Kane then began to gain some momentum and started to use his strength and slam Benjamin into the corners and squashed him with a clothesline into the turnbuckle. Kane sensing that the end could be near went up top, but as Kane was coming off looking for the clothesline, Benjamin hit a dropkick! Benjamin then hit the reverse spinning heel kick and covered but only got a two! Benjamin then looked to be getting a little bit angry with Kane , Benjamin then picked up Kane and delivered a T-Bone suplex and covered, but still only got a two count! Benjamin then went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair, the referee then tried to take it off him but was shoved aside. Benjamin then cracked the chair over Kane's skull and the referee called for the bell.

After the match Benjamin was getting a little bit of heat from the crowd as he placed Kane's ankle through the folding chair and came off with both feet forcing the chair down on Kane's Ankle . As EMT's came rushing down to Kane's aid , benjamin left to the back with a cocky smile on his face!


World Tag Team Titles

La Resistance def. William Regal & Tajiri

This was quite a rivalry these four have had since Wrestlemania, it all began two weeks ago on Sunday Night Heat, Tajiri was facing Robert Conway , Grenier ran down to the ring and beat down Tajiri whilst Regal wasn't at Heat, This put Tajiri on the 'shelf' for a few weeks and tonight he along with Regal will be looking for vengence. Tajiri and Regal hit the ring and began to dominate the challengers, until Conway hit Regal with a low blow behind the referee's back. La Resistance then began to gain some momentum by double teaming the champions , whenver they could. Regal & Tajiri almost recaptured their belt's though , when Tajiri was in the ring with Conway, whilst Regal & Grenier were outside Renee Dupree ran down to the ring, Tajiri saw him and spat the 'green mist' in his eyes but as he turned around grenier ran in and blasted Tajiri with the tag title belt and Conway coveredfor the win!


Chris Benoit def. Edge

This match is fallout from Wrestlemania, when Edge knocked Chris Benoit off the ladder to win the 'Money in the bank' contract . Edge began the match by beating Benoit down as soon as he entered the ring, and hit a couple of suplexes and hit an inverted DDT but Benoit kicked out. Chris Benoit then began to get some moves in and hit his ususal three german suplexes, Benoit then applied the sharpshooter to Edge , but Edge made it to the ropes after a while and then countered with an enziguri to Benoit. Edge was the first to his feet and whipped Chris Benoit into the ropes and was looking for a back body drop , but Benoit reversed it into a reverse slide pin for the win!!!

After the match Edge looks shocked and enraged , he goes outside and grabbed a chair and smashed it over Benoit's head. Edge then locks in the crippler Crossface until officials run down to break the hold.


Steel Cage match

Shawn Michaels def Kurt Angle

This match started as far back as the Royal Rumble when 'HBK' eliminated Angle, after the match at Wrestlemania , Angle & Michaels still can't stand each other. The crowd was really hot for this match and was probably split 50/50. Michaels began the stonger by knocking Angle down with a forearm smash, HBK then hit a snap suple and a DDT. Kurt Angle then began to gain some ground with his usual triple German suplex and tried to gound Michaels with a front face lock , but Michaels fought out of it, Michaels then knocked angle down and went to the top rope, as 'HBK' was up top Angle came around ran up the turnbuckle and hit a Belly to Belly suplex off the tope rope! Angle then began to climb the cage and as he was half way up 'HBK' came around and chased after him, both men were near the top of the cage and Michaels knocked Angle down by slamming his head into the cage. As Michaels was on top of the cage he positioned him self and hit a perfect elbow drop onto Angle form the top of the cage!! Michaels regained his composure and started to make his way to the top of the cage as the crowd was willing him to make it and as his feet touched the floor the crowd erupted!


We then go backstage to see Triple H, Ric Flair & Charlie Haas in their dressing room with a couple of gorgeous ladies with them drinking champagne as Triple H is ready to go and face Batista.

Ric Flair: come on champ one more time you gotta face Btista to regain YOUR World Heavyweight Title and you got me & Charlie here in your corner.

Triple H: No Ric , I need to beat Batista on my own. I need to show the whole world I can beat the son of a bitch Batista and become a Eleven time World Champion!

Triple H then leaves to the ring leaving Flair & Haas with a strange look on their faces.


World Heavyweight Title

Batista def. Triple H

This match has been going since the Royal Rumble when the 'Animal' Batista beat 29 other superstars and went to Wrestlemani to defeat Triple H and become the World Heavyweight Champion. Triple H began to get the advantage first by beating down Batista as soon as he hit the ring. Triple H then locked Batista in a variation of a four figur leg lock , but Batista made it to the ropes after a while. 'The Game' then whips Batista into the ropes and smashes Batista's face into his knee. Batista then begins to get some momentum when Triple H whipped Batista into the ropes and 'The Animal' reveresed it and hit a huge spine buster. Batista then whipped 'The Game' into the ropes and began to shove his houlder into Triple H's midsection. But Triple H then hit a low blow on Batista whilst the referee was distracted ,as both men were down with the referee Ric Flair ran to the ring and grabbed a sledgehammer and as it looked as if he was going to hit Batista , he turned and clocked Triple H with the Seldgehammer and Batista made the cover as Flair woke the referee to make the count!


After the match as Batista & Flair celebrated, Chalie Haas marched down to the ring looking for some answers but after a while all three embraced!! Haas, Batista & Flair then procceded to beat down Triple H to a pulp and the show went off the air with the New Evolution posing above 'The Game' Triple H!


Would like any feedback about the pay per view. Also RAW Preview will be up soon.

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Guest simon522109

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RAW Preview

Last night at Backlash Ric Flair & Charlie Haas stunned the wrestling world when they turned on former Evolution leader Triple H and sided with his nemisis 'The Animal' Batista! How will Flair,Haas & Batista explain their actions? And will we here from 'The Game' Triple H?

Also last night Shelton Benjamin seemed to have a bit of an attitude problem towards the end of his match with Kane and actually lost to 'The Big Red Machine' by disqualification ( although he kept the title). After the match Benjamin then set about destroying Kane's ankle. We will have a medical update on Kane's Ankle.

We also saw Chris Benoit defeat Edge last night in a great match between these two. Edge after the match was enraged that Benoit ended up pinning him, Edge grabbed a chair and left Benoit face down on the canvas. What will Mr Money in the bank have to say about his actions?

Also Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels will be live.

Confirmed Matches

Hurricane & Rosey vs La Resistance (Non Title Match)

Edge vs Chris Jericho

William Regal vs Renee Dupree

Charlie Haas vs Shawn Michaels

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Guest simon522109

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25th April

Stills are shown from last night at Backlash , and especially of the main event where Ric Flair & Charlie Haas turned on Triple H and aligned themselves with Batista and then beat down 'The Game'.

The RAW video then airs and the camera pans around the crowd , then cuts to the commentary team of 'JR' Jim Ross & Jerry 'The King' Lawler who hype up what Triple H's reaction might be and then go on to condem Batista, Flair & Haas.

Evolutions music hits and out comes The World Heavyweight champion Batista, Ric Flair & Charlie Haas all dressed up in designer suits Batista & Haas wearing shades and Batista carrying the Title over one shoulder as the strut down to the ring to a chorus of Boo's from the crowd, before getting into the ring and getting a microphone.

Flair: WOOOOOOO! Last night will go down in history as the night when Triple H got what he deserved. For the last two years I have had to whip his damn nose! Me the 16 time world champion and thats why it felt so good to come down to the ring and cost him his shot at what he loves the most the World Heavyweight Title. Now I stand here side by side with the most ruthless, aggresive beast in the World, The World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Animal' Batista and the most technically gifted athelte in the WWE today Chalie Haas.

Batista: Triple H, I know your not here tonight so turn the volume up on that television next to your hospital bed and listen real close. How many time's do I have to beat you before you realize I am better than you!! I realized that 4 months ago at the Royal Rumble and proved it at Wrestlemania, now finally Charlie & Naitch have realized that if they want to side with anyone they should side with THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, ME!!! Let me give you some advice Hunter, stay away from here, because if you come back I will finish the job we started last night!

With that Evolution made their way backstage , stopping at the top of the ramp and posed holding the World title aloft for everyone to see.


Rosey & The Hurricane def. La Resistance

La Resistance were on a high after defeating William Regal & Tajiri last night at Backlash to become the World Tag Team champions. This match was a fairly fast paced matchup with Hurricane & Conway begining the match and after a while Conway & Grenier began to double team Hurricane, that is until Rosey ran into them and knocked them both outside. Hurricane than hit a crossbody to the floor, which began some advantage for Rosey & The Hurricane, it was La Resistance though who almost picked up the victory when conway used the tag titles whilst the referee's back was turned but Regal & Tajiri ran down and Tajiri spat the green mist into Conway's eyes and hit a stiff kick. Hurricane then rolled on top of Conway as the referee counted the three!

After the match Maven & Simon Dean ran down to even up the score, then all four teams began brawling , ending with Tajiri & Maven inside the ring and Tajiri hit the green mist once again and hitting the stiff kick on Maven.


--Commercial Break--

We come back from the break to see Shelton Benjamin inside Eric Bischoff's office with his Intercontinentl belt slung over his right shoulder.

Bischoff: Last night Benjamin , you brutally attacked Kane in your title defense and he is now out for up to 3 weeks, which leaves me in a fix now that not just Triple H but Kane isn't here tonight either.

Benjamin: Yo man chill, that isn't my problem it's yours dude, deal with it!

Bischoff: Oh it's not your problem huh? ok Dude (sarcastic), you better go get ready for action because tonight it's going to be you Shelton Benjamin going one on one with Chris Benoit (Crowd Pops) in a non title match.

With that Benjamin marches out of Bischoff's office and slams the door on the way out, knocking Bischoff's picture off the wall.


From there we stay backstage and see 'HBK' Shawn Michaels standing next to Todd Grisham.

Todd Grisham: Last night Shawn you and Kurt Angle were involved in yet another classic match, this time with you winning. But tonight you are facing of the men who last night left your once longtime friend Triple H lying face down on the matc , what are your thoughts?

HBK: Well Todd last night was a great night for me putting to rest the rivalry with Kurt Angle , who by the way was just as much a part of that match as yours truly. Now tonight I am scheduled to face Charlie Haas, who by his standards is the most technically gifted superstar in the WWE, well we'll have to see about that when he goes one on one with 'The Showstoppa' 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels!

With that HBK struts past the camera to the gorilla position leaving Todd Grisham to wrap things up.


Shawn Michaels def. Charlie Haas via DQ

Charlie Haas made his way down to the ring a lot of heat from the crowd , similar to that of the opening segment, whilst HBK made his way to the ring to a chorus of cheers. Charlie Haas began the match bytrying to ground Michaels , with a drop toe hold and an STF, which HBK brokie out of and then a sleeper with scissors to squeeze the air out of HBK's lungs. Michaels though came back with a series of punches and then knocked Haas down with a fore arm smashe off the ropes. Michaels then looked to gain some momentum with a moonsault which Haas kicked out at 2 and then an elbow drop off the top rope. Michaels knowing that the end was close nipped up and was looking for 'Sweet Chin Music' until 'The Animal' Batista came down the isle with the World title and clocked HBK with it ,and then all three members of Evolution proceeded to put the boots to HBK as the crowd chanted for 'Triple H' but noone came to save Michaels.


--Commercial Break--

we come bak from the break to see Lillian Garcia alongside Edge.

Lillian: Edge, last night at Backlash you brutally attacked Chris Benoit after your match, even though he pinned you fair and square....

Edge: Woah, Lillian. I am sick and tired of everyone asking why I did this and why I did that. Hell I am 'Mr Money in the bank' and I do whatever I want around here, because I call the shots and I am sick and tired of Benoit in particular , I beat him fair & square at Wrestlemania and what does he do , interfere in my business , so that's what I am going to do to you chris , What your back!

With that Edge makes his way back down the corridor.

Shelton Benjamin def. Chris Benoit in Non Title Match

This match was made earlier tonight , when Bischoff asked Benjamin to explain his actions about his attack on Kane in and after their match at Backlash which left Kane with a severley bruised right ankle. This was a match for the wrestling purist's , with both men using their all to win the match, Benjamin was now playing the obvious Heel sliding in and out of the ring to get away from Benoit. Benoit however caught up with Benjamin and tried to hit a german suplex , but Benjamin rolled through and got a two count before Benoit kicked out, Benjamin then began to get some offence in on Benoit with a few suplexe's and dropkicks. Shelton looked like he was going to gain the victory when he went for the T-Bone suplex but Benoit reversed it and went for a suplex of his own, but Benjamin reversed that and looked for the Spinning heel kick, but Benoit ducked and he hit the referee! Benoit taking advantag of this put Benjamin in the crossface and Benjamin began to tap but the ref was still out cold. Now Edge ran down to the ring and speared Benoit before placing Benjamin on top and waking the referee for the count!

After the match Edge made his way to backstage whilst Benoit got to his feet and stared ahole striaght through 'Mr Money in the bank'.


William Regal def. Renee Dupree by DQ

This match has a product of Backlash, after Dupree interferee in Regal & Tajiri's World Tag Title defense against Dupree's run in buddies, Conway & Grenier. Regal went straight after Dupree and begin to land some hard impact punches to the head of Dupree and some chops to the chest of Dupree. It wasn't long though before Grenier & Conway came to the rescue of Dupree , Regal tried to fight all three of the off , but eventually the numbers were too strong , until Tajiri ran to the ring and he & Regal cleaned house!


--Commercial Break--

When we come back from the break , we are shown a video showing the altercations between Triple H & Batista leading up to Backlash and then the events of last night with Flair & Haas turning on 'The Game' and siding with his rival Batista!


Edge def. Chris Jericho

This was an exciting match for the capacity crowd and one which by all accounts got the crowd pumped up. Edge playing the true heel, trying to sneak a victory whever possible and Jericho trying to get at Edge. Chris Jericho began to gain some momentum with a couple of chops at the chest of Edge and then hitting a dropkick off the top rope. Jericho also hit a moonsault off the top rope but Edge stuck his foot on the bottom rope, Jeirhco then set up Edge for the bulldog and then went for the lionsault , but Edge got his knee's up. Edge thinking that he had the advantage went for the spear but Jericho countered and went for the roll up, but Edge rolled through and held on to Jericho's tights as the referee counted!


After the match Edge went outside for a steel chair and brought it inot the ring. Edge then held it above his head looking to take Jericho's head off , until Chris Benoit's music hits and the crippler runs down to the ring and he & Edge being to brawl until EMt's & Officla come down to brake it up and hold them apart. as RAW goes off air.


Rating: 6.46

Segment off the night:Evolution celebration / Bishoff & Benjamin / Michaels Interview

Edited by simon522109
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Guest simon522109

WWE News

Everyone here at WWE are pleased at the way Backlash , last Sunday's Pay Per View turned out with a 0.70 buyrate which is up from last years 0.65. Speaking of which, the next time we are on Pay Per View is Judgement Day on Sunday May 29th, which is a Smackdown! only PPV. For details call your local cable operator.

The feeling backstage on Sunday was it was the right idea to turn Batista heel, due to his lack of microphone skills and his gimmick was better suited to a hell and all staff are pleased the way it has turned out giving Triple H a fresh face run too.

We here are also very pleased at the heat that WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin has been receiving since his heel turn at Backlash when he 'put Kane on the shelf'. in reality Kane is actually having a well deserved break for a couple of weeks, but when he returns we are hoping for great things from these two.

It has been rumored that WWE officials have been meeting with non other than Sting in the last couple of days, I am sorry to say that we have had no contact with the former WCW legend. Although this is not to say we won't in the future, after all this is the WWE.

Many people have been impressed with the Shane twins progress since being called up from OVW a coupe of weeks ago and even made it onto the Backlash card. We are oping that the twins can continue their development and become major players in the tag team divison.

Triple H's absence from RAW wasn't an injury as Batista said on camera , the writing team thought , that it would build up the angle more if he appeared at a better time.

The head of talent realtions, Jim Ross has been raving about the recent stirling work on Smackdown! from Christian & Matt Hardy, both these superstars are looking to get a push up the card on Smackdown and if they continue it won't be far away.

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Guest simon522109

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WWE Smackdown! Preview

Last week on Smackdown! we saw John Cena's stalker attack him yet again after his match with Randy Orton with a lead pipe. What will Cena have to say about this? Will The stalker finally reveal himself?

Also on Smackdown! last week, the was a bit of disention between the WWE Tag Team Champions Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio after Eddie blamed Rey for costing them their match with the Bashams. What will go down between these two this week?

We have also been told that Vince McMahon is scheduled to be on Smackdown! this week regarding a major announcement regarding the Smackdown! general manager Teddy Long. Will there be a new GM? if so who will it be?

also Booker T, JBL and Rob Van Dam will be in the house live.

Confirmed Matches

Paul London vs Chavo Guerrero - WWE Cruiserweight Title

The Undertaker vs John 'Bradshaw' Layfield

Christian vs Rob Van Dam

Orlando Jordan vs Matt Hardy

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Guest livengood

Excellent show. Personal recommendation, with the two heel turns and once face turn during Backlash, perhaps you should add another face turn. Perhaps a member of La Resistance could make the turn and step up to Benjamin to challenge his title. Just a thought. :)

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Guest simon522109

thanks a lot for the feedback , yeah I think I do need to gain some more faces , becuase at the moment their are way more heels. Interesting idea about La Resistance might look into that. thanks again for the comments :thumbsup:

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Guest simon522109

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28th April

The Pyro's explode and Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to this edition of Smackdown!  Cole & Tazz then begin the run down of the matches that have already been booked tonight, including The Undertaker going one on one with the John 'Bradshaw' Layfield!

WWE Cruiserweight Title

Paul London vs Chavo Guerrero

This was a true fast paced cruiserweight matchup, which Chavo asked for because in his eyes he is still the champion, because he never lost the title. London begin this match the stronger with a couple of headscissor takedown's and missile dropkicks. Lonodon then went for a suplex , but Chavo reversed it into a northern lights suplex and London kicked out at two. Chavo now began to gain some momentum, with a vertical suplex and a variation of the short hand scissor's trying to keep the champion grounded. Chavo then whipped London into the corner and went for a supperplex, but London knocked Chavo off the top rope onto the canvas and then hit the 450 splash for the win!

Winner & still Cruiserweight Champion Paul London


After the match , London walked to the back whilst celebrating his well earned victory, Chavo stayed in the ring and hand a temper tantrum and screamed to himself before leaving the ring and walking backstage.

We then cut backstag to the garage and we see a pickup truck pull up and out steps the WWE Champion John Cena, he grabs his back and slings his title of his shoulder before giving it a spin and walking to the back with a focused look in his eyes.


We then see Smackdown!'s number one presenter Funaki alongside Matt Hardy Version 1.

Funaki: Matt Last week we saw your first match back on Smackdown! since the draft, and your first victory. Now your moments away from facing former US Champion Orlando Jordan what are your thoughts?

Matt: Well Funaki , i'm glad you asked because last week the era of Mattitude here on Smackdown! began and when I bet Orlando Jordan it will gain pace as I Matt Hardy Version 1 look to become the next big thing here on Smackdown!

With that Matt Hardy leaves to the ring.


--Commercial Break--

Orlando Jordan vs Matt Hardy

Both superstars where trying to send a message in this contest, Jordan to Booker T after last week when Jordan ran in on Bookers match and Matt Hardy to capitalize on last weeks victory. Hardy began the stronger , hitting a vertical suplex and a tornado DDT off the secon rope for a two count. Hardy then went up top and came off with a diving leg drop, bur Jordan moved out of the way and Hardy came crashing to the mat. Jordan then whipped Hardy into the ropes and hit a sidewalk slam for a two count, Jordan then picked Hardy up and went for a scoop slam , but Hardy wriggled free and went for a super kick but Jordan ducked and he hit the referee! as Hardy was looking at the referee Jordan whipped Hardy into the ropes, but Hardy reversed it and hit another DDT. JBL then ran down to the ring with a steel chair and laid out Hardy as the referee came around to make the count!

Winner Orlando Jordan


After the match , JBL & Jordan began to put the boots to Hardy then Booker T's music hit and he ran down the isle and came to the aid of Hardy and sent Jordan to the outside and hit the 'Bookend' on JBL , before staring a hole straight through Jordan!

We then go backstage to see Josh Matthews alongside 'Capt Charisma' Christian.

Josh: Well Christian , since you came to Smackdown! you have faced some of the biggest stars including, The Undertaker, Booker T & Not to mention WWE Champion John Cena. Tonight is no different in a couple of moments you are going one on one with the returning Rob Van Dam, any thoughts on this matchup?

Christian: Well Josh, I certainly have had my hands full in the last few weeks, but that is what all my peeps want to see! They want 'Captain Charisma' as their WWE Champion and they want to see their hero in facing all the big named stars. Tonight I face the chumpstain known as R...V..D! I mean what type of name is RVD? what does it stand for? Really Very Disgusting? I mean who can you have someone with a name like that be more of a star than me' Captain Charisma. So tonight infront of my millions of peeps I am going to try and teach RVD that noone messes with 'The Christian Coalition!'

Christian then walks to the stage with an arrogant smile.

--Commercial Break--

WWE Tag Team Title

The Basham Brothers vs Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio

This match was made after the Bashams defeated the champions in a non title match on last weeks Smackdown! Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio haven't been on the same page of late and hopefully that can turn around now. The champions began the stronger with Eddie & Rey going after Danny & Doug respectively, Eddie & Danny were inside the ring and Eddie whipped Danny into the ropes and connected with a text book dropkick before locking in a leg lock. Danny enventually broke the hold and whipped Eddie into the ropes and hit a back body drop before making the tag to Doug. The match ended when Mysterio reversed an irish whip but this knocked the referee down and Mysterio then hit the 619 on Danny Basham as Rey was doing this Eddie grabbed a steel chair and was looking to warn Doug off until he turned and smashed the steel chair over Mysterio's head and then walked to the back leaving his partener unconcious & alone, Danny Basham then made the pin as the referee came around and counted the 1,2,3!

Winners & New WWE Tag team champions The Basham Brothers.


'You think your untouchable?' hits and out comes the WWE Champion John Cena,looking focused and ready for a fight he gets into the ring and grabs a microphone.

Cena: Yo, yo, yo , cut my music! it seems over the last few weeks I have made a new enemy here on Smackdown! but unlike all the other people I have faced , this person is a god damn coward! every week I come out here and every week this son of a bitch comes and attacks me without ever showing his face. I have looked high & low tonight and I haven't been able to find this person so I an issuing you with a challenge come down to this rign right now and face me man to man! I mean if your looking for a fight , you don't need to look any further bitch!

Suddenly the masked man runs in from the crowd with a steel chair and lays out the champion , before hitting a lionsault. the masked man then rips off his hodd and it's none other than 'Y2J' Chris Jericho!!! He then procceed's to lock Cena in the walls of Jericho until WWE Officials hit the ring to brake the hold. Jericho then walks up the isle with an arragant smile on his face , laughing to himself!


Christian vs Rob Van Dam

This was a very fast paced matchuo with the crowd really hotting up towards then ended , cheering for both superstars. Rob Van Dam began the stronger, hitting a variety of stiff kicks to Christian and hitting 'rolling thunder'. RVD then went to whip Christian into the ropes, Christian reveresed and hit a back body drop on RVD, as he imitated RVD ! Chrstian then brought RVD into the corner and worked away on him, RVD then blocked him and hit a rverese enziguri which knocked Christian down. Rob Van Dam then hit  a split legged moonsault but Christian put his leg on th bottom rope. RVD then went up top again and went for a dropkcik of the top rope but Christian pulled the referee infront, RVD though was still gaining momentum and knocked Christian down again with another stiff kick. Van Dam then went up top again , but Carlitto ran down to the ring and pushed Van Dam off the tope rope , Christian then picked RVD up and hit the unprettier on him , whilst another referee ran down to make the count, as Carlitto left smirking!

Winner: Christian


--Commercial Break--

John 'Bradshaw' Layfield vs The Undertaker

This match was more of a slow paced match than the rest of the nights action, as both these veterans, were more power based than technical or speed. Taker began the stronger with a couple of powerful right hands knocking JBL into the corner, Taker than held JBL's arm as he balanced on the top rope and came off with a blow to the back. Undertaker then whipped JLB into the rope s and went for a big boot , but JBL held onto the ropes and hit the clothesline from hell and covered ,but Taker kicked out at 2! JBL then tried to ground Taker with a couple of submission manovres including an armbar and a sleeper. Just as JBL was getting some momentum, as he whipped Taker into the ropes , Taker reversed it and knocked JBL down with the big boot, Taker then signalled for the Tombstone , when out of nowhere Randy Orton ran into the ring and hit Taker with the RKO as the referee was distracted by Orlando Jodan, who had also come down to ringside, JBL then made the cover and the referee made the count!

Winner : John 'Bradshaw' Layfield


We then here 'No Chance in Hell' and out comes the owner of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vince Mcmahon, he walks down to the ring and gets a microphone from Tony Chimmel.

Vince: Well, you might not have seen me for a while , but rest assured i'm alive & well. Now onto business, I stated that I would make an anouncement tonight that would shake the entire foundation of Smackdown regarding the General Manager's position. I will start off by regretfully informing you that Thedore Long has been fired as Smackdown! GM as he really hadn't improved the show , so I was thinking who could rejuvinate this ailing show and then it hit me , the only people that can bring life to a wrestling show are the McMahon's . So I give to your New Smackdown! General Manager, Shane McMahon!

'Here comes the money' hits and out comes the new Smackdown! General Manager who is smartly dressed in a black suit and grey shirt. He comes down to the ring and accepts the microphone off his father.

Shane: Watsup Smackdown!? (Crowd Pops) Well just let me start off by saying, dad in the last few years , you and me have not seen eye to eye but at least were on the same page about one thing Smackdown! is an ailing prodcut, but with my Shane O'mac as the general manager I am going to run a tight ship and do my damnedest to bring quality matches and entertainment to you, the smackdown! fans homes. Let me start my reign as Smackdown! general mange by making a match for next weeks smackdown! it will be John Bradshaw Layfield vs The Undertaker vs Eddie Guerrero vs John Cena for the WWE Title! and if you think thats a bit of a shocker, just you wait and see what I have planned for Judgement day!

Shane O'mac drops the microphone and heads to the back with a big grin on his face as Smackdown! goes off the air.



Segement off the night: Vince & Shane GM

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Looks very good so far bro, nice job with everything even though some people are complaining about your draft I liked it even though Smackdown got the better end but you did it with angle purposes so its your diary, keep it that way dont let other dictate who you want to move if you have a reason for it. Keep up the great work :)

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Guest simon522109

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Velocity Results

Nunzio def. Akio

The Thrill Seekers def. Spike Dudley & Billy Kidman

Muhammed Hassan def. Val Venis

Shannon Moore def. Kenzo suzuki


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Heat Results

Mark Jindrak def. Garrison Cade

Renee Dupree def. Eugene

The Hurricane & Rosey def. The Shane Twins

The Big Show def. Simon Dean

RAW preview will be up soon as , thanks for all your feedback and keep it coming. :thumbsup:

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Guest simon522109

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RAW Preview

Last week Batista, Ric Flair & Charlie Haas all explained their actions from Backlash by stating that they were the new Evolution. Evolution also made their presence felt in Charlie Haas' match with 'HBK' Shawn Michaels. Will The Showstoppa have something to say about the attack?

We also saw the continuation of the rivalry between Edge & Chris Benoit when Edge cost Benoit his match against the Intercontinental champion shelton Benjamin. What will the 'Crippler' have in store for Edge?

Speaking of Shelton Benjamin, what has come over this young athelte? It seems ever since his match with Kane at Backlash he has had an attitude problem. We will here from the Intercontinental champion this week.

We will also have an update on Triple H's condition.

Confirmed matches

Simon Dean & Maven  vs William Regal & Tajiri

Shelton Benjamin vs The Big Show

Chris Benoit vs Charlie Haas

Shawn Michaels vs Ric Flair

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