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WWE 2006

Guest sweet-feet

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Guest sweet-feet

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WWE Raw Preview

March 27 2006

Last night at WM22 we crowned a new world havyweight champion, we crowned a new IC champion. We saw Undertaker go 11-0 at Wrestlmania. We saw the greatest Wrestlemania ever !! What will go down tonight???. Chris Jericho and the new World Champion HBK will be in the house. What will Triple H do as he lost his undeafted streak in Hell in a cell's last night, will he be there tonight ?? Also Batista will fight Big show in one-on-one competetion. Also who will charlie haas first oppenent be as he is the IC champ.And Samoe Joe will go one-on-one with Eugene. Be sure not to miss raw tonight as it is the Wresltemania FALLOUT.......

Confirmed Matches:

Big Show vs Batista

La Resistance I vs Cade & Jindrak(no.1 Contender)

Molly Holly & Miss Jackie vs Victoria & Trish

Samoe Joe vs Eugene

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Guest sweet-feet

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March 27th 2006

Jerry Lawler: Welcome to Monday night Raw,tonight we have a packed show. We have Big Show vs Batista, Samoa Joe vs Eugene and Cade & Jindrak vs La Resistance.

Jim Ross: Yeah King we have a great show tonight.


*HBK music HITS*

He grabs the mic*

Shawn Michaels: Who ever saw Wrestlemania last night, they saw the SHOWSTOPPER beat Y2j and become the new World Champion. Sure it wasn’t a easy match for me but I put on an amazing match and in the end it finished with HBK pinning Chris Jericho to become World Champ after 4 long years.

*Y2J music HITS*

Chris Jericho gets in the ring*

Chris Jericho: You’re right Shawn, about one thing. You pinned me 1-2-3 last night at Wrestlemania but you know it was a fluke bucko. You know that ...that…

*Y2j knocks HBK out with the microphone.*Y2j leaves to the back smiling.


Jim Ross: OH MY GAWDDDDDDD, Y2j just knocked out HBK. What a sore loser..

Jerry Lawler: I don’t blame Y2j for that, HBK was bragging about fluke last night.. Anyways up next is some Diva action…Whoahoo

Segment#2:Trish & Victoria vs Miss Jackie & Molly Holly

Victoria and Miss Jackie start off in the ring. Victoria hits Jackie with a weak kick. Then throws her into the ropes and knocks her down with a big clothline. Victoria tags in Trish. Trish grabs Jackies hair and starts pulling , but Molly Holly runs in and dropkicks Trish down to the mat. Molly goes back to her corner. Miss Jackie gets to her feet and suplexes Trish. Jackie goes to her corner and tags in Molly Holly. Molly lifts up Trish but Trish low blows molly holly and goes for the pin,1-2.7777 Molly Kicks out . Trish goes to her corner and tags in Victoria. Victoria comes running in and misses the dropkick to Molly, Molly turns around and gives her a roundhouse kick to the head of Victoria. Molly goes and tags in Miss Jackie. Jackie in and throws Victoria into the turnbuckle, she goes on to the turnbuckle and jumps off , giving Victoria a hellacious Neckbreaker! 1-2-3. Molly Holly comes in the ring raising Miss Jackie’s hand as they celebrate their victory. Trish & Victoria look upset over their loss, they run and knock down Miss Jackie and Molly ,they strip them down to their bra and panties.

Winner: Miss Jackie & Molly Holly




Jerry Lawler= WOWW puppies!!!!!up next is Shelton vs Edge.

-Segment#3-Edge vs Shelton Benjamin

Shelton starts with a couple punches to the face of edge. Edge blocks one of the punches and kicks Shelton in the groin. He throws Benjamin into the turnbuckle and runs and misses Shelton and runs into the steel turnbuckle. Benjamin picks up Edge and gives Edge a suplex, followed by another and another. Benjamin then throws Edge into the turnbuckle; he runs and gives Edge the stinger splash, Edge looks groggy and falls to the ground. Shelton Benjamin is taunting Edge to get up. Edge gets up and gives Shelton a toe kick to the mid section, Edge runs to the ropes and does a BIG clothline to Shelton. Shelton’s down, Edge picks him up and gives him a DDT. Then picks him up again, and throws Shelton to the ropes and runs and misses the spear and nails the referee. Shelton gets up and gives Edge a super kick. Edge is down. Kurt Angle comes running down to the ring and nails Shelton with a steel chair. Kurt goes back outside the ring. Edge gets up and nails Shelton with the Edgeucution. 1-2-3. Edge picks up a cheap victory. Kurt gets back into the ring and locks Benjamin with the Ankle Lock. He picks up Shelton and hits him with a steel chair, and one more time.. Kurt leaves the ring with a evil smirk on his face.

Winner: Edge




Jim Ross: Kurt is just jealous that Shelton beat him last night at WM22.

Jerry Lawler: He is just letting off some steam JR.


*Triple H music Hits* Last night at Wrestlemania I lost. I lost a lot of things ,I lost my winning streak in Hell in a Cells, I lost the No.1 contender spot to the UNDERTAKER !. I am the 10 time World Champion! I beat all the greats in this business I beat everyone from Steve Austin to Shelton Benjamin. Undertaker me and you 1-on-1 tonight for the No.1 Contender at Backlash.*UNDERTAKER appears on the titantron* I accept Triple H, but a First Blood Match.*Triple H looks scared and happy about what just happened.


Jim Ross: OHH mAHH Gawwd tonight w have a first blood match between Undertaker and The Game.

Jerry Lawler: Good Luck Undertaker. Tag Match up Next

-Segment#5-Jindrak & Cade vs. La Resistance (NO.1 Contender)

Jindrak and Dupree start the match off. Jindrak channeling all of his strength into is running knee lift to Rene. Rene is down. Jindrak picks up Rene and gives him a suplex then throws Rene into his corner. Jindrak tags in Garrison Cade. Cade hits Rene with a chop to the chest, another one followed by another one. Rene falls to the ground. Garrison Cade picks Rene and throws him to the ropes Rene ducks under Cade’s clothline and gives a knee to Cade and Rene tags in Sylvain Grenier. Sylvain picks up Cade and gives him a scoop slam. Then Sylvain throws Cade into the corner. Sylvain runs back to gain some speed and runs back in and misses the knee and Cade tags in Jindrak. Jindrak comes in and dropkicks Sylvain back to the ground and dropkicks Rene to the outside. Sylvain gets up and gets nailed down by Cade & Jindrak hitting the super dropkick.1-2----3. Cade & Jindrak take the win. As they are walking out on the ramp they get nailed by Masterpiece & Classic Colt. Colt and Masters beat down Cade & Jindrak to a pulp. They leave as they have won this battle.

Winner: Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade




Jim Ross: Cade & Jindrak will get their revenge next week in their match against Masters & Classic Colt.


*Muhammad Hassan’s music HITS* Hassan: This is ridiculous; there is so much racial discrimination in USA. For the second year in a row I was not in WRESTLEMANIA. Just because I am Arab American I get treated like crap. I am a two time IC champion.

* Heidenreich’s music hits* Heidenreich: stop whining Hassan, your just blaming all your problems in your life on your nationality. If you want to fight just ask me.

Muhammad Hassan vs. Heidenreich

Heidenreich runs in the ring and clothlines Hassan to the ground. Picks him back up and tosses Hassan to the corner and spears him into the turnbuckle. Hassan gets up and misses the elbow. Heidrenich kicks Hassan in the mid section. Then gives him the Whiplash Powerbomb. 1—2-3. Heidrenich WINS.

Winner: Heidrenrich




Jim Ross: Wow Heidrenich just beat Hassan. Hassan deserved that for running his mouth.


A Recap of Wrestlmania is shown in a video on the Titantron.


Jim Ross: What a Wrestlemania it was !!.

Jerry Lawler: yeah JR it was an Amazing Wresltmania. Up next is Batista vs Big Show!

-Segment#8-Big Show vs. Batista

Big show & Batista have a stare down. Batista starts off with a punch to the face of Big Show. Batista keeps on pounding on big Show’s face. Batista ran to the ropes and gives Big Show a big clothline. Big sow is down. Batista picks up Big show, Big show dodges Batista’s right hand and Big show chops Batista and then gives a big headbutt. Big show runs to the ropes and elbow drops Batista. Batista looks hurt. Big show picks up Batista and picks him up over his shoulder and throws him out of the ring. Big show starts taunting Batista. Big show goes outside of the ring. Big show gets kicked by Batista. Batista throws big show in the ring. They’re both in the ring Batista gives Big show a big SPINBUSTER!!. That shook the ring. Batista goes for the pin.1---2—kick out. Both men get up. Big show starts choking Batista and BOOM chokeslam!!.1-2-3. Big Show beats Batista.

Winner: Big Show




-Segment#9-Samoa Joe vs. Eugene

**Eugene is walking down the ramp, Samoa Joe comes running down and attacking Eugene from behind**

Samoa Joe throws Eugene in the ring. Samoa Joe starts stomping on Eugene. Referee breaks it up. Samoa Joe picks up Eugene and throws him into the turnbuckle. He runs to the turnbuckle and Eugene sticked up his elbow nailing Samoa Joe right in the eye. Eugene goes for a rollup.1-2-3. Eugene picks up a quick victory over Samoa Joe

Winner: Eugene




Jim Ross: Eugene just beat Samoa Joe, less then 5 minutes!!

Jerry Lawler: That was a big fluke and you know that JR. Up next is the main event for the no.1 contender at Backlash.

Jim Ross: Undertaker vs Triple H in a first blood match. UP NEXT !

-Segment#10- Triple H is shown walking backstage, toward the ring.


-Segment#11-Triple H vs. Undertaker |First Blood Match|

Triple H is standing in opposite corner of The Undertaker. HHH looks scared. Undertaker runs to HHH and hits a hard right hand. HHH falls down. He gets back up. Undertaker starts punching HHH. HHH is stuck in the corner getting punched out of his mind. Undertaker trying to break HHH’s nose. Undertaker throws HHH to the opposite turnbuckle. Undertaker runs and clothlines HHH. Chris Jericho comes running down to the ring and grabs a chair and gets in the ring and attempts to hit both HHH & Undertaker but is stopped by the referee. HHH low blows Undertaker. HHH throws Undertaker to the ropes and Undertaker knocks down the referee. Chris Jericho comes in the ring and nails HHH with the chair.*HBK comes running down to the ring and attempts to super kick Chris Jericho but misses and hits Undertaker. Both Undertaker & HHH are down. Chris Jericho gets out of the ring and runs ot the back as HBK follows. Undertaker gets up and so does HHH. The Referee gets up and calls for the bell. Undertaker touches his face and sees blood.

Winner: Triple H

Jim Ross: O my .HBK’s super kick made Undertaker bleed. Triple H got lucky there.

Jerry Lawler: Yeahhh, Triple H won.

Jim Ross: Look at Undertaker. Undertaker looks furious.





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Guest sweet-feet

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We got a 1.86 buy rate for 'WrestleMania 22'!

The attendance was 22960 people.

We made $4650000 from pay-per-view revenue.

We made $1492400 from ticket sales.

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I thought that you had far too many typos and errors in that show to really make it worth reading. You need to spend more time on the shows, the promos didn't sound good at all. No emotion in them. If you can make graphics like that, I don't doubt that you can write a good show too if you try.

Edited by Thatz
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