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WWE: RAW vs. SmackDown!

Guest Helter_Skelter_41

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The Bad:

Shelton Benjamin Vs Kurt Angle is WAY to high profile for heat. Don't bring in AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Chris Daniels, Rhyno or Savage, it's too unrealistic. Styles and Daniels have have rejected WWE offers in the past, Rhyno was released less than a year ago, Nash and Savage are over the hill and unneeded. I know it's your diary, but true and keep it at least a LITTLE realistic. Bringing in Shamrock was pushing it, you don't need these new guys. Your write ups are OK, if a little undetailed. Maybe lenghten your match reports because it is difficult to get an idea of what's going on. Big Vito going over Big Show is unlikely without more build up.

The Good:

Your booking is entertaining. I like the HBK/RVD fued as it is one the IWC have been calling for for some time. Your style of write ups is easy to read and doesn't take a long time to get through which is good. I also like that you are trying to fatten up the Tag Team division as it is lacking at the moment.

Keep going with this, if you don't give up, it will get better.

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Guest Helter_Skelter_41

The Bad:

Shelton Benjamin Vs Kurt Angle is WAY to high profile for heat. Don't bring in AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Chris Daniels, Rhyno or Savage, it's too unrealistic. Styles and Daniels have have rejected WWE offers in the past, Rhyno was released less than a year ago, Nash and Savage are over the hill and unneeded. I know it's your diary, but true and keep it at least a LITTLE realistic. Bringing in Shamrock was pushing it, you don't need these new guys. Your write ups are OK, if a little undetailed. Maybe lenghten your match reports because it is difficult to get an idea of what's going on. Big Vito going over Big Show is unlikely without more build up.

The Good:

Your booking is entertaining. I like the HBK/RVD fued as it is one the IWC have been calling for for some time. Your style of write ups is easy to read and doesn't take a long time to get through which is good. I also like that you are trying to fatten up the Tag Team division as it is lacking at the moment.

Keep going with this, if you don't give up, it will get better.

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Guest Helter_Skelter_41

And another note...tommorow (Saturday) I will be out camping until Tuesday...so there will be a few days without any updates. If Im back early on the 9th I may get HEAT done...but if not I'll be having a while of busy days, so the updates may not be so frequent.

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Guest Helter_Skelter_41

Sunday Night Heat - September 18, 2005

Heat opens up showing the Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels main event from the previous RAW. Which ended with Eric Bischoff telling HBK and RVD that they would be signing a contract for a match at Unforgiven tonight on Heat!

Jim Ross: Hello and welcome to Heat!

Jerry Lawler: I think that's a very appropriate for this show's name, because things are truly heating up JR! Shawn Michaels and RVD will be signing a contract for a match at Unforgiven tonight!

Shane O' Mac

Jerry Lawler: Here comes the owner of RAW Shane O' Mac!

Jim Ross: I wonder what he's out here for.

Shane O' Mac: Hello everyone! I've got a few things to say about tonights show! First off...the main event tonight Shelton Benjamin vs. Kurt Angle will be for the number one contendership at Unforgiven!! And also Chris Jericho is banned from ringside for this match! And if he interferes he will be suspended for a year without pay!

Jim Ross: If Shelton Benjamin wins tonight he can face Jericho for the title at Unforgiven!

Shane O' Mac: Secondly after RAW's tag match between the Justice League and Adrenaline Rush, Edge asked me for a match with The Hurricane here tonight. And I have granted him this match! And that will be coming up next!

Jerry Lawler: Edge vs. The Hurricane coming up next!

Shane O' Mac: And now I have one more announcement to make. Eric Bischoff, thought he has been doing a solid job as the RAW GM. Will as of Unforgiven be out of the job!

Jim Ross: Shane McMahon has just fired Eric Bischoff!

Jerry Lawler: No, no! Not until Unforgiven JR!

Shane O' Mac: Im doing this because, I don't believe he's giving the fans what they want! And at Unforgiven I will announce the new GM...and believe me he is a man who can give fans what they want!

Jim Ross: Well there we have it...at Unforgiven Eric Bischoff will be out of the job, and we will have a new GM!

Jerry Lawler: I wonder who it's going to be!

Commercial Break

The Hurricane d. Edge

Jim Ross: Now here we go with the first match! As Shane O'Mac said apparantley Edge asked for this match after The Hurricane cleanly pinned him in the ring last week! I guess he didn't take that to well.

Jerry Lawler: Well not many men in this business appreciate losing JR.

Jim Ross: And here we go Hurricane is whipped off the ropes!! Powerslam by Edge!

Jerry Lawler: Now Edge is wasting little time and is stomping Hurricane down!

Jim Ross: Hurricane is on his feet! Edge is lifting him up for a suplex!

Jerry Lawler: Hurricane's managed to reverse it! He's behind Edge! Reverse DDT!

Jim Ross: Now Hurricane's going off the ropes! Leg drop on Edge! oo and a two count!

Five minutes pass...neither men get a clear advantage they each hit a few moves on one another

Jerry Lawler: Hurricane is getting to his feet! Here it comes Spear!

Jim Ross: Oh my god! The Hurricane just leap frogged over Edge dodging that spear! Edge can't believe he looks irate! He's turning around now!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes the Hurri-Chokeslam!

Jim Ross: And here comes Kid Kash with Lita what a suprise! Lita's distracting the referee!!

Jerry Lawler: The Hurricane see's Kid Kash coming! And he's going after him!

Jim Ross: Wait Edge from behind! He's got Hurricane in a full nelson!

Jerry Lawler: And Kid Kash is going for a superkick!

Jim Ross: Oh! A hard superkick to Edge's face! THe Hurricane got out of the way!!! And now the hurri-chokeslam on Kid Kash! And a cover on Edge!

Jerry Lawler: ...1 ...2 ...3! No! The Hurricane won it! Kid Kash missed the superkick and cost Edge the match!

Jim Ross: Oh now Kash hit the superkick on Hurricane! And he's helping Edge to his feet.

Jerry Lawler: Now there beating down Hurricane! It looks like they've gotten over the loss quickly!

Jim Ross: Here comes Rosie to the rescue!!! Oh and Edge and Kash have left the ring what cowards!

Shane McMahon's music hits

Unforgiven Tag Title Match

Shane McMahon: I've seen about enough of this little fued of yours! And it's going to end...at Unforgiven! With the tag team titles on the line!

Jim Ross: Adrenaline Rush vs. The Justice Leage for the tag titles at Unforgiven!! Finally we might see an end to this nasty fued!

Carlito d. Tajiri

About 8 minutes pass with neither men getting a good advantage

Jerry Lawler: Drop toe hold by Tajiri! He looks like he's ready to give the buzzsaw kick!

Jim Ross: Wait...Carlito's reaching in his pocket!!!

Jerry Lawler: It looks like those brass knuckles! Oh he just laid out Tajiri!

Jim Ross: And he gets the three what a cheap win for Carlito!

Jerry Lawler: The Big Show is coming down to the ring!

Jim Ross: Carlito cost Big Show his match against Big Vito on RAW! And im sure Big Show did not like that one bit!

Jerry Lawler: Big Show's got Carlito!! Show Stopper! Carlito is down and out!


HBK: Hey hey Everyone it's your favourite superstar! HBK! I'm gonna make this short and sweet. At Unforgiven...your gonna see The HeartBreak Kid kick the so called Whole Damn Show's ass all around the ring. It will be an ass-kicking for the ages! So I encourage you all too get your tickets or order your ppv's because you'll never get a chance to see that punk in action again once im down with him!

Jim Ross: Those are some strongs words from Michaels towards RVD!

Jerry Lawler: There contract signing is up next!

Commercial Break

Preview of Unforgiven

Jim Ross: There's RVD on his way here for the contract signing! Wait...Shawn Michaels is behind him! Oh he just tossed RVD into the backstage wall! Now he's stomping away on him!

Jerry Lawler: That was a cheap attack! Here come some officials to break it up!!!

Jim Ross: How is RVD gonna sign the contract now!

Eugene d. Kerwin White

End of Match

Jerry Lawler: Kerwin looks like he's gonna finish Eugene pretty soon! He's going to the top rope!

Jim Ross: Wait here's Matt Hardy! I think he's looking for some revenge after Kerwin and Angle laid out Matt and Shamrock on RAW!

Jerry Lawler: THe referee is looking at Eugene!! And now Matt just pushed Kerwin off the top rope!! Kerwin is out!

Jim Ross: Eugene is making the cover! ...1 ...2 ...3! Yes Eugene just pinned Kerwin White!

Jerry Lawler: Now Matt's in the ring! Kerwin is on his feet!! Twist of Fate!

Jim Ross: Matt has certainly got his revenge now!

Commercial Break

The Contract Signing

Jim Ross: There's Shawn Michaels in the ring with Bischoff ready for the contract signing!

Bischoff: If RVD isnt out here in a minute...he will forfit the match!

Jim Ross: That's not fair! Shawn Michaels just attacked RVD backstage!

Jerry Lawler: I think I have to agree with you JR!

Bischoff: Alright then...RVD will forfit the...

Jim Ross: Oh no he wont! Here comes RVD right now!

Jerry Lawler: He looks hurt!

RVD: Alright im here Bischoff!

Both men sign contract

Bischoff: As you can see there is no stipulation yet! Now here's how were gonna decide who gets to choose the stipulation! I have a box with all the WWE Superstars names in it! And first RVD will chose a wrestler and then HBK. And then those two wrestlers will face off tommorow night on RAW! And whichever wrestler wins! Whoever was being represented by them will choose the stipulation.

RVD: I've got...Edge!

HBK: Alright...I got...oh what the hell...I got Tajiri!

Jim Ross: HBK doesn't look to happy with his pick!! But thats the match Edge vs. Tajiri tommorow night on RAW!

Before The Main Event

Jerry Lawler: There's Shelton Benjamin in the ring! Ready for Angle!

Jim Ross: What the hell! Here comes Jericho! And he's got a chair! He's banned from ringside!

Jerry Lawler: Well JR the match hasnt begun yet! So Im guessing it's legal!

Jim Ross: Jericho is going for a chairshot! But Shelton's seen him!! Oh my god! Shelton Just dropkicked the chair back into Jericho's face! And Jericho has been sent to the outside! 

Jerry Lawler: It looks like that chair shot busted Jericho open! Now he's down and out and here comes Angle!

Shelton Benjamin d. Kurt Angle

A great technical match, goes on for about 30 minutes with Kurt Angle leading the way for the last 10! Before the bell rings Jericho staggers up the runway to the back

Jim Ross: Here it comes! The Angle Slam!

Jerry Lawler: your wrong! Benjamin reversed it!!! T-Bone Suplex!

Jim Ross: This could be the end! But Shelton's not going for the cover!! He's going to the top rope!

Jerry Lawler: I guess he wants to make sure Angle is down!

Jim Ross: OH! He just hit a beautifuly executed Moonsault on Angle! ...1 ...2 ...3! Shelton has done it! He has pinned Angle for the number one contendership!

Another shot at revenge

Jim Ross: Oh what the hell is this! Jericho is out here again! He's going under the apron! He's got a table! Shelton hasnt seen him yet and he's turning around! Jericho hit him in the gut with that Table! Now he's setting it up! He's going for a powerbomb!

Jerry Lawler: Back body drop! Shelton just reversed the powerbomb Jericho has gone threw the table Shelton has stopped his attack for the second time tonight!!

Jim Ross: I have a feeling Chris Jericho is going to be irate tommorow night on RAW!

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Guest Helter_Skelter_41

RAW PREVIEW Monday September 19th, 2005

Last night on Heat, Shelton Benjamin stopped two attempts by Jericho to attack him both before the main event and after leaving Jericho bloodied and laying next to a broken table. And speaking on the main event Shelton Benjamin pinned Kurt Angle to become the No.1 Contender. We also found out that at Unforgiven Eric Bischoff will be relieved of his duties as RAW GM and we will find out who will be replacing him.  And in Unforgiven news Shane McMahon announced that we would see Adrenaline Rush vs The Justice League in a tag team title match at Unforgiven! And we saw Shawn Michaels and RVD sign the contract for their match at Unforgiven! But not before we saw Shawn Michaels sneak attack RVD backstage! And during the contract signing Bischoff announced that both men would be represented by wrestlers they drew out of a box. And these wrestlers would fight on RAW and whoever is represented by the winner would get to pick the stipulation!

Schedueled Matches;

Winner gets to choose stipulaton for Unforgiven Match (No Interference Allowed)

Edge (rep. RVD) vs Tajiri (rep. HBK)

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Guest Helter_Skelter_41

RAW September 19th, 2005

Jim Ross: Hello and welcome to RAW! Im Jim Ross alongside Jerry The King Lawler! And what an event we have for you tonight!

Jerry Lawler: It's gonna be good JR! Were gonna find out what type of stipulation the HBK and RVD match is going to be!!

Jim Ross: ...and it seems were about to be joined by Shane McMahon down here in the ring!

Another Match At Unforgiven

Shane McMahon: After last nights Heat went off the air I had to match requests from two superstars. Matt Hardy asked me for a match with Kerwin White at unforgiven...and The Big Show asked me for a match with carlito! I've decided to kill two birds with one stone! At unforgiven it will be...Matt Hardy and The Big Show taking on Carlito and Kerwin White! But for tonight..I've decided to put Matt Hardy in a match against Carlito! And also regarding tonight...before the big tag match at Unforgiven i've decided to give us a little preview of what to expect...Im putting The Hurricane in the ring with Kid Kash one on one!

Jim Ross:Carlito vs Matt Hardy and Kid Kash vs. The Hurricane live tonight on RAW!

Jerry Lawler: And Matt Hardy and The Big Show vs. Kerwin White and Carlito at Unforgiven!

Commercial Break

Carlito d. Matt Hardy

Jim Ross: Shane McMahon just made this match before the commercial break, and now were about to get it underway!

Jerry Lawler: There we go there locking up! Arm Drag take down on Matt Hardy by Carlito.

Jim Ross: Now Carlito's got Matt in an arm bar! ...But he's able to reach the ropes!

Jerry Lawler: It looks the Big Show is coming down to join us for this match at ringside!

Jim Ross: It certainly does look that way doesnt it! In the ring now! Matt Hardy's whipped Carlito off the ropes! Sidewalk slam! And a quick two count!

Jerry Lawler: Carlito's on his feet! Snap suplex on Matt!...now it looks like Carlito's seen the big show!

Jim Ross: Matt on his feet but Carlito's distracted! Twist of fate!!! Oh no Carlito's reversed and sent Matt of the ropes!! Swinging neckbreaker!!! Matt is down! ...1 ...2!

Jerry Lawler: Oh Matt kicked out! That was close!! Matt's on his feet now! He's going off the ropes closthline!

Jim Ross: Carlito's ducked it! And oh! The ref was just accidentally laid out by Matt Hardy! Matt is checking on the referee...now Carlito's going to the outside!! He's grabbed a chair!

Jerry Lawler: Look out Matt!

Jim Ross: Oh hard chair shot to the back of Matt Hardy! The Big Show has seen enough he's getting in the ring! OH! He just booted the chair right into Carlito's face!!

Jerry Lawler: Carlito and Matt are both getting to their feet! Big Show's going off the ropes!! He's running splash!!!

Jim Ross: OH MY GOD! Carlito moved out of the way of that splash and The Big Show just completley laid Matt Hardy out! And now the ref is up!! He's telling the Big Show to get out of the ring!

Jerry Lawler: Carlito is making the cover! ...1 ...2 ...3!!!

Jim Ross: Now the Big Show is coming in the ring to help out Matt who will be his partner at Unforigven!! He's got Carlito he's gonna give him the show stopper!

Jerry Lawler: Now here comes Carlito's partner Kerwin White!! Low blow on The Big Show! He just saved Carlito from the show stopper and now there leaving the ring!

Commercial Break

Shelton Is Hurt

Jim Ross: Here comes the new number one contender Shelton Benjamin!!

Shelton: How is everyone here tonight!!!

Fans cheer

Shelton: It's good to hear your all in a good mood! Because I am too! Not only did I win one of the biggest matches of my career pinning one of the biggest stars on RAW...but I am now guaranteed a title match with Chris Jericho at Unforgiven! And believe me...after Unforgiven you guys will have the champion you deserve!

Jerry Lawler: It seems like Jericho has already had enough!! Here comes the Heavyweight Champion!

Chris Jericho: Shelton! I dont know what you've got in that head of yours but it certainly isnt a brain! Because if you had any brains at all! You would know that I am 10 times the superstar you are and 100 times the rock star you are! And you would also know that at Unforgiven! You wont be as lucky as you were last night on HEAT! In fact...I'll prove to you your luck has run out right now!

Jim Ross: Jericho is running down to the ring!! He and shelton are exchanging right hands!!!! Shelton's getting the upper hand! OH! and now Jericho just got a low blow on Shelton! What a cheap shot! Now he's going to the outside!! Jericho's got a chair!!

Jerry Lawler: Jericho is obviously still furious about last night!

Jim Ross:  OH Jericho is hammering away at Shelton's back!!! Now he's tying Shelton Benjamins arms in the ropes!! Shelton is helpless! OH a chair shot to the face!! And another!! Now some shots to the ribs!!

Jerry Lawler: This isnt looking good JR!

Jim Ross: Oh Now Jericho's getting him in the walls of Jericho!!!!

Jerry Lawler: It looks like Shelton's got some internal bleeding going on...this isnt good JR.

Jim Ross: Finally here come the officials to stop this horrible assault! Look at Jericho with that sick smile on his face!

Jerry Lawler: I think Jericho took it a little too far here JR! Shelton Benjamins now being attended to by the EMT's...

Commercial Break

Edge (rep. RVD) d. Tajiri (rep. HBK)

A few minutes into the match...Edge has dominated so far

Jim Ross: There's HBK looking on Backstage he doesn't look to happy!

HBK: Damnit...of all the people I could have drawn...I got the freaking Japanese midget!

Jerry Lawler: Hahaha! HBK definetley doesnt have much confidence in Tajiri!

Jim Ross: Well right now it's not looking too good for Tajiri and OHH! Edge just hit the spear on Tajiri! ...1 ...2 ...3!!!

Jerry Lawler: Edge just beat Tajiri! You know what this means JR!

Jim Ross: It means that RVD will get to pick the stipulation! For the match at Unforgiven! And here comes RVD down to the ring right now!

Unforgiven Stipulation (RVD vs. HBK)

RVD: Well it looks like me...ROB VAN DAM..get's to pick the stipulation for the match! Well...I've been thinking long and hard...and I've got the perfect stipulation! Because...HBK...pionered this match!...and I took this match to new heights...so it's only appropriate that..at Unforgiven...HBK will take on RVD...in a ....LADDER MATCH!

Jerry Lawler: Did you hear that JR! HBK vs RVD in a ladder match at Unforgiven!

Jim Ross: That is going to be  A SLOBBERKNOCKER!

Kid Kash d. The Hurricane

End of the match

Jim Ross: Here it comes...the Hurri-Chokeslam! Wait what the hell was that! Kid Kash just hit Hurricane with a low blow! And the ref didnt see it!

Jerry Lawler: Well if you cant get away with it...it's legal! Now Kash is making the cover!

Jim Ross:  And he's picked up the win! What a cheap shot!...and look he's not staying around he's running out of the arena!

Commercial Break

Tonight's Main Event

Jim Ross: Here comes Shane McMahon again!

Shane McMahon: It's come to my attention...that we don't have a main event yet! My original plans...were to put the number one contender in a match against one of our top stars to make sure he was ready for the title match. But since the Champion decided he wanted to cheap shot Shelton with some chair shots. I've decided that tonight we will see the Heavyweight Champion in action to make sure that HE is ready for the main event. And who will the champion face? The champion will face someone who has been itching for a match this past month...someone who has held the title many times...the one the only HULK HOGAN! NEXT!

Jerry Lawler: What a main event! Chris Jericho vs. Hulk Hogan next!

Hulk Hogan d. Chris Jericho

Mid-Way threw

Jim Ross: So far Hulk Hogan has been beating the living hell of Chris Jericho! And it doesn't look like its going to turn around anytime soon!!! Here it comes the big boot! Jericho is down! Hulk is signaling for the leg drop!!!..

Jerry Lawler: Oh wait! Jericho's on his feet!

Jim Ross: Jericho just pushed Hogan into the ref!! The ref has been taken out!! Oh and now Jericho just hit a low blow!!! Now he's going to the outside!! He's grabbed the ring bell!! Hogan is getting to his feet! OH Jericho just laid out Hogan with the ringbell!!!! Now Jericho's got Hogan in the walls of jericho...but hogan is passed out!

Jerry Lawler: Oh by JR here comes the number one contender Shelton Benjamin!!

Jim Ross: I thought he was in the hospital! Oh he's broken up the walls of jericho!! Jericho is going off the ropes T-Bone Suplex!!! Benjamins put Hogan on top of Jericho...and the ref is up ...1 ...2 ..3! Hulk Hogan has just pinned the champion Chris Jericho!

Jerry Lawler: What a cheap double team JR! Now there shaking hands!!

The Main Event Of Unforgiven

Benjamin: I've been talking with Shane McMahon backstage Jericho! And me and him came up with an agreement for what kind of match me and you are gonna have! ...and at Unforgiven...it's gonna be....a CAGE MATCH!

Jim Ross: Shelton Benjamin the number one contender will take on Chris Jericho for the heavyweight title this sunday at Unforgiven! INSIDE A STEEL CAGE!!!

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Guest Helter_Skelter_41


Main Event Heavyweight Title Cage Match

Chris Jericho © vs. Shelton Benjamin

Ladder Match

Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels

Tag Team Title Match

Adrenaline Rush vs The Justice League

Tag Team Grudge Match

Big Show/Matt Hardy vs. Kerwin White/Carlito

Make Your Predictions

Edited by Helter_Skelter_41
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Guest Helter_Skelter_41

WWE.COM NEWS - Unforgiven Rumors

Unforgiven is only a few days away! And here are a few rumors surrounding the event;

-Triple H to make his return

-World Famous band to play at the beginning of Unforgiven

-New GM of RAW to be Steve Austin?

-New GM of RAW to be Bret Hart?

Edited by Helter_Skelter_41
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