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Prince of Persia on PSP


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Prince of Persia Revelations revealed

PSP edition of Ubisoft's fantasy-adventure series gets a final title; M rating, $49.99 price point confirmed.

Just over a month prior to its early December release, the first PSP Prince of Persia game has gotten a final name, rating, and price. Today, Ubisoft announced the game would be titled Prince of Persia Revelations, would be rated M for Mature, and would retail for $49.99. Some retailers, including EB Games, still list the game with a working title and a MSRP of $39.99.

Revelations' rating should not come as a surprise, given the fact that it is based on Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. The second game in the POP series for current-generation consoles was more violent than its predecessor, Sands of Time (though it may be tame compared to its darker-looking sequel, The Two Thrones). Both Warrior Within and Revelations follow the now-embittered Prince as "he embarks upon a path of carnage and mystery to defy his preordained death," according to Ubisoft. Standing in the way of the Prince's destiny is the Dahaka, "an immortal incarnation of Fate seeking divine retribution."

Luckily, Revelations will have Warrior Within's free-form fighting system from, which allows players to create their own fighting styles using environments as weapons. The PSP version will introduce all-new combos for melee attacks, time-shifting powers, and a projectile attack system for ranged combat. It will also feature puzzles, redesigned levels, and bonus content not featured in Warrior Within.

By Tor Thorsen -- GameSpot

Okay if I get a job I'm seriously considering getting a PSP before the price drop because I'm a total mark for Prince of Persia, does anyone know any more details because last I heard it was just being made, is it post-Warrior Within? During Warrior Within? A semi-remake of the game? Or did I read that all wrong and it's totally different.

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