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The Worst Week Of My Life

Guest Dakendo

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Guest Dakendo

Anybody here a fan of this show on BBC1?

I never really watched the original series, but I did catch the repeats they did in the runup to the new series. Usually I don't enjoy the next series of shows, but this one's been great in my opinion. For those who don't know, the main characters are Howard and Mel, who in the first series got married, and in this current one Mel is pregnant. Yesterday's episode was great stuff, with Howard being accused of dogging at the end of the show (sadly, no cameos from Steve McFadden or Stan Collymore as Perverts #3 and #4 respectively), as well as Howard, while looking for his secretary Eve to tell her she's being made redundant, wandering into the women's toilets, and while in a cubicle his boss phones him up, while she's by the sinks, and Howard's phone goes off while he's in the cubicle. He then proceeds to walk out like nothing has happened. Add to that mucky text messages sent to the wrong people, a baby rattle in the pocket being mistaken for an erect penis, a garage for an office and Howard getting his tie caught under Granny's coffin before accidentally tipping it over, and you have a rather good comedy in my view.

So, yeah, thoughts.

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Guest *Doink*

I watched the episode with the rattle in the pocket gag.

I thought it was old hat to be honest, every gag was glaringly obvious, and not really that funny in the first place. The text sent to the wrong person gag was set up and signposted about 5 minutes before it even happened, as was the rattle in the pocket bit. The parts where Howard was put in cringeworthy situations and says the wrong thing were also like sub par Alan Partridge rejects, and not very funny.

My girlfriend loved it though.

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