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I 'just went' to see Death Cab For Cutie

Death Cab pwn.

Death Cab are better than your favorite band.

Death Cab make your favorite band look gay.

You wish you were at DCFC

Be jealous.

Booyah! This was a first for me. I've seen bands I've liked before (Hell, I've seen bands I don't like). But I've never seen a band I LOVE! So I was nervous. What if they didn't live up to the hype? Got in about 8...the place was pretty full, so we just stood near the back...went to the bar and John Vanderslice came on. He must have done roughly an hour. Some good shit. Nothing overly brilliant, but still good. Getting a bit bored, after half an hour we go to the upstairs bar, thinking it may be more empty than the two bars where the stage is....we were wrong...Finally got some drinks...and by that time DCFC had started. We missed the first song or two of their set (:() but got back in for "We Laugh Indoors"...which I could sing near word for word, but could not remember the name...until I checked lyrics when I got home.

Can't remember some of the set. They did some older stuff, which I couldn't really recognise (Even as a massive fan, I think lots of their older stuff merges together). Most of the set revolved around stuff off the previous two albums. Off of "Plans" they did Soul Meets Body, Different Names For The Same Things, I'll Follow You Into The Dark, Crooked Teeth, What Sarah Said and Brothers On A Hotel Bed. Off "Transatlanticism" they did, The New Year, Lightness, Title & Registration and The Sound Of Settling. But best of all, they did motherfucking Company Calls! (I was fucking stoked).

They were a completely different kettle of fish to what I was expecting. I was expecting a very mellow concert. I didn't get it...whilst the crowd weren't jumping around (And I was too far back anyways) the atmosphere was incredible and DCFC were on fire. The songs all had a heavier edge, it's a totally different experience than hearing them on CD.

The crowd loved it...The Sound Of Settling naturally got the biggest cheer. Soul Meets Body too. What Sarah Said surprisingly got a big cheer as well. It's a good song, but I was shocked with the response when they began to play it. However Company Calls, Brothers On A Hotel Bed and Lightness were probably my favourites...over the course of 1 night Lightness has went from my least favourite track on "Transatlanticism" to being one of my most loved on there.

I was dissapointed at the lack of, I Was a Kaleidoscope and Why You'd Want To Live Here. But I'll live. One thing that struck me though, is that death Cab are one of the few bands that could get away with playing an entire 'new' set. Purely because the last 2 albums have been immense.

Other random notes...DCFC didn't attract the 'emo' crowd...granted there was a fair percentage (mostly girls) but most in attendance wer ethe 'indie' students and such...or at least that was the vibe I got.

FINALLY! Got a signed John Vanderslice CD from the man himself...tried to spark up a conversation with him, got rejected....he was too busy downloading off of I-Tunes, and then Death Cab started playing Brothers On A Hotel Bed...just as well really. Anyways, a signed CD is always good. We also tried to steal an orange fuzzy wig they had near the merch table...my mate asked John if he could buy the wig whilst I sneaked up and tried to steal it...I failed when the weird looking merch bloke shifted it. :(

All in all, a great gig.

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I saw them in Portsmouth on Monday, pretty much the same as you said, they were absolutely immense. Chris fucked up on the backing vocals to The New Year and had a good giggle afterwards, great atmosphere, and they really engaged the crowd. A lot of Emogirls and The O.C. fans (my mate explained that DCFC are super popular now since they're some guy's faovurite band on the show).

Vanderslice was excellent, I'm going to get hold of his CD at some point. Got the Death Cab DVD too. And a setlist, which was awesome. For an encore, Ben played a solo acoustic version of I Will Follow You Into The Dark, it was fan-fucking-tastic. If they weren't in my top 5 favourite bands before, they certainly are now, easily one of my favourite ever gigs.

Oh, and I saw the whole gig front row centre, hanging over the barrier. Awesome.

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I saw them in Portsmouth on Monday, pretty much the same as you said, they were absolutely immense. Chris fucked up on the backing vocals to The New Year and had a good giggle afterwards, great atmosphere, and they really engaged the crowd. A lot of Emogirls and The O.C. fans (my mate explained that DCFC are super popular now since they're some guy's faovurite band on the show).

Vanderslice was excellent, I'm going to get hold of his CD at some point. Got the Death Cab DVD too. And a setlist, which was awesome. For an encore, Ben played a solo acoustic version of I Will Follow You Into The Dark, it was fan-fucking-tastic. If they weren't in my top 5 favourite bands before, they certainly are now, easily one of my favourite ever gigs.

Oh, and I saw the whole gig front row centre, hanging over the barrier. Awesome.

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