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An EWR Type Movie Game?

Guest slyman2003

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Guest slyman2003

Is there such thing as a movie game where you hire real actors to be in movies, and you make movies and stuff?

Edited by slyman2003
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I forget what it's called but isn't there a music one where you hire bands to your own label?

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try looking for hollywood pictures 2. i am not shure if there is an english version but i think i heared there would be one.

i have not played the game yet but the old Amiga 500 game rulled (only around in german). This new one tries to ahve a movie mode like "the movies" wich is said to be horrid. (you don´t have to use it but all the sides give the game bad ratings becaus of this... i hated the movies becaus nothing you do had a point) - the bussinis side gets very good grates but somehow no one seems to care for that anymore... lot´s of people that liked the old sim love this one aswell. Not high on GFX, but on biz.

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I downloaded the demo of HM3 today, and I have a quick question. Is there a way to decide whay 400 actors are active at the start of the game? Like the talent file I downloaded has Will Arnett at #437, and he needs to be 1-400 to be active. Do I have to delete people in front of him to get him in, or is there a way to 're-number' people?

I'm trying to decide what I like more, HM2 or HM3. 3 has bigger talent files (100 spaces for actors just isn't enough on 2), script writing is 1000x better and some of the new ideas are nice. 2 on the other hand is easier to edit and quicker to get into, and quicker to play.

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I downloaded the demo of HM3 today, and I have a quick question. Is there a way to decide whay 400 actors are active at the start of the game? Like the talent file I downloaded has Will Arnett at #437, and he needs to be 1-400 to be active. Do I have to delete people in front of him to get him in, or is there a way to 're-number' people?

I'm trying to decide what I like more, HM2 or HM3. 3 has bigger talent files (100 spaces for actors just isn't enough on 2), script writing is 1000x better and some of the new ideas are nice. 2 on the other hand is easier to edit and quicker to get into, and quicker to play.

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