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I've noticed that rather than making cuts, some people will just blend 2-3 pictures together which seems to me like it's much easier and can come out much better than a cut. So how can one go about learning how to get a level of blending so it looks like they flow together like they do?

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Hmmmm. If you click on file, do you see an option somewhere what says "Auto Blend" or something like that?

If you do, select the two layers you want to blend together in the Layers Pallet, the click that.

If not, have a look through /forum/index.php?showtopic=54519">this thread and there is a method in there.

Edited by Chip Horton
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I've never tried that feathering technique, weird.

The way I learned was from kempay, he told me to take a 100px. (or so) soft edged eraser and then go around the part I want to blend. With the soft edged eraser it not only eliminates the part that I go over, but starts to wear away at other parts.

It's a little tricky to master, but a neat little way to blend. I've found success with it.

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The problem with Cole's method is that then if you later decide you want to alter some of it, you've pretty much got to start again.

My method is to create a layer mask then use a soft edged aprrox 100 pixel brush and use that on the layer mask. That way if later on you decide you don't want it you can delete the layer mask or just start again. It's a useful tool.

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