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Ratchet and Clank Future


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Groovitron is brilliant.

I've played the demo loads - beautiful game.

So when we got it into store today for release on Friday I made sure it went onto our big high def PS3 Sony TV in store and it's even more beautiful.

A VERY BIG game for the PS3. And it's a success.

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Going Commando (Locked and Loaded over the pond) and Up Your Arsenal (not sure what it was changed to, if at all) are fantastic games. Absolutely worth it. Deadlocked (otherwise known as Gladiator) not so much.

GC and UYA are pure awesome, no other way to put it honestly. I'm heavily biased though since I absolutely love the series. Size Matters for the PSP is also very good.

As for Tools of Destruction, I loved it but have to admit no where near as much as the others. It didn't have the same charm, hard to place really. It felt like more of the same.

But I absolutely unequivocally do not like the end.

Obvious spoilers about the ending...

The Zoni not being explained and Clank being taken off was such a horrid copout. Games should not have cliffhanger endings. It's one thing for a TV show or comic series or a book series, but not for something you're paying $60 for.

My main complaint is the game builds to a point and seems like it's unfinished. By the time you return to Fastoon and take on Tachyon it feels like there should still be more.

Halo 2 got away with it because of the multiplayer, this has pretty much nil to compensate for the slight.

Otherwise though, it was tremendous fun... Albeit it was quickly replaced with Guitar Hero III, and now Oblivion since I've decided to actually play it... which will turn to Kane & Lynch and then Mario Galaxy with Mass Effect in the wings... Ugh.

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60 rounds!? Holy fuck, it took me a while to get through three and I had everything but the weapon you can first buy at the arena level (I'm too fucked to recall it).

Can't wait to get it started up again tomorrow.

P.S. Western is fucking going down on Saturday ;)

Edited by Clawson
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