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Guest tiarnantmann

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Guest tiarnantman

Well, I just finished Season 2, and I must say, it really came along, didn't it? I mean, I thought it was a good little show at first, but since then, it's slowly developed into my second favourite TV show, after Lost. Both Sam and Dean can be incredibly annoying at times though.

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  • 1 year later...

You should have just started a new topic.

The original poster was a giant douchebag.

But yes... awesome series. I'm just catching up with season four. Watched the first three over about three weeks... am hoping to watch season five as it happens.

The classic rock soundtrack definitely helps make it more bad ass.

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Avid fan of this, fantastic programme and one of my favourites. I'm not surprised with the route they've recently gone down either, it always seemed obvious they were going to do the brother against brother stuff. Although there's still an entire season left, so I'm interested to see if they really push it that way or change things up again.

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Yeah it looks awesome.

The first episode I watched was with my ex-gf and it was the first ep of Season 4.

I was a fan straight away and Castiel just made it better.

Watched the first three seasons online but so far season 4 is just outright better than all of them.

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I'm personally a big fan of the show and have been since season one. Awesome, awesome show. It's...actually the only TV show I'm really a fan of and watch weekly. Most TV either can't nail comedy, can't do drama, or just isn't interesting these days (including wrestling in my opinion), but Supernatural is pretty good in all those areas. The writers' strike last year almost killed it for me because it was just gone for so long and then when I finally found it on again it was the first episode of the season finale, but me and my friends bought the boxset when it came out and spent the better part of a couple of days watching the season over again. Been watching most of this season with a few missed episodes here and there and I can't wait for this week's episode.

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Avid fan of this, fantastic programme and one of my favourites. I'm not surprised with the route they've recently gone down either, it always seemed obvious they were going to do the brother against brother stuff. Although there's still an entire season left, so I'm interested to see if they really push it that way or change things up again.

They have teased Sam vs Dean for 2 seasons almost. Their father said to Dean to kill Sam if necessary.

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Avid fan of this, fantastic programme and one of my favourites. I'm not surprised with the route they've recently gone down either, it always seemed obvious they were going to do the brother against brother stuff. Although there's still an entire season left, so I'm interested to see if they really push it that way or change things up again.

They have teased Sam vs Dean for 2 seasons almost. Their father said to Dean to kill Sam if necessary.

I know that, but I wasn't too sure if they'd fire it out before the final season. It seems it's started now with an entire season left and I'm not too fond of them doing an entire season of the two against each other. It could be awesome, but I love them paired together, throwing the comedy part in there and just making the programme seem badass overall.

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