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How do you guys make old games more interesting


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Just wondering if you guys ever come up with different ways to play older games that you might have beat already.

Fir instance . I've beat San Andreas 3 times and I grew quiet bored with it.Since my ps2 is being a bitch San andreas and a couple games are the only ones that work. So I've started playing it again. This time I use cheat codes,specifically chaos mod , peds riot , peds have weapons , peds attack,all cars have nos,jump 10 feet higher , and a weapon cheat.

Then I see how long I can survive. a few minutes ago when i was playing I was on the run from the cops(on foot) a guy came running by me carrying a tv. he stopped dropped the tv and blew me away with a shotgun. as wasted came up on the screen i saw him pick up the tv and take off again lol

I'm having a blast all over again

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haha yeah that sounds cool . me and my brother take turns . the only rule is no health cheat and no extra ammo cheat. we've had some awesome chase scenes. just last night I had a great chase that looked like it came straight for from the movies. I had 3 star after sniping a bunch of people from rooftop. I see a police motorcycle off by itself so I quickly jump from the roof and get on the bike and haul ass. as I take off i hear several explosions behind me and think to myself "OH SHIT! Rocket Launcher" so I punch the gas and I think i'm clear. somehow I lose control and my the motorcycle goes sideways, as soon as it went sideways a rocket flew right over me blowing up the car down the road in front of me. before I could get up and back on the bike I was busted

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