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About Docpepper

  • Birthday 17/04/1981

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  • Interests
    Music , wrestling , reading , writing short stories , poetry , horror and movies in general

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Tag Team Champion

Tag Team Champion (7/12)



  1. Could someone help me out? I don't have photoshop installed on this computer and need a logo,banner, and two custom belts for a original company I'm creating to using in A RTG play-through. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Basically I need a logo and banner for a promotion called Deep South Wrestling. The only idea for it I had was for it to be a circular logo with the Name going around the outside or inside edge of the logo. black,white, and red. That's just what i envisioned but its up to you. and for titles I need a Heavyweight and tag team if possible. Thanks again for anyone willing to attempt this. This is for TEW 2013.
  2. I've played all of the Assassin's Creed games and II and II are my favorites. I love this one though. The setting all the extra things to partake in and the combat seems to be more fluid than the others. I spend hours just hunting in the frontier and it makes me wonder why games like Cabela's deer hunting games can't take a clue from this and hunting in Red Dead Redemption. Sure its extremely buggy(I'm sure the patches fix these bugs but I can't download them lol) but the fun to be had makes up for them.
  3. Anyone know if caw formulas are being shared this year. I don't have my ps3 online(I have a mobile hotspot but it doesn't allow to play online games). Or is there a way to convert older formulas to this years game?
  4. really good. The only quibble I have is the stroke used on the text. With fonts like that to me they look better without a stroke and instead maybe a faint outer glow.
  5. yeah I know the feeling if I don't touch Photoshop for a month I get rusty lol. Keep up the good work
  6. lol yeah I tend to fall back on certain brushes as well
  7. I like 1 for the guy net and etc but I like the how dark the background is for three. if I had to pick one though I'd go with three. Are you using Gimp or Photoshop? good job each version is getting better and better
  8. I prefer the no shadow one tbh. Also just noticed the masking around the bottom is bit splotchy. It's not that big a deal though.
  9. my only nitpick would be to reduce the size of the drop shadow behind him. Other than that its good
  10. i'm talking about the sparkle like effect used in the Jack Swagger , drive and several other graphics. I'm not saying it's bad but it makes all your graphics look similar
  11. not a fan of the scanlines on the Punk graphic. Other than that it's really good. the Heel graphic and Miz one are too busy(cluttered) for my tastes. One thing I have noticed is you have a firm grasp on colors and it shows in your graphics. The typography on most of them are hit and miss. Also seems like you either use the same sparkle type brush or stock in a lot of your graphics. By far my favorite out of the collection is the first version of "Art is never Perfect" keep up the good work.
  12. Ha yeah I'm ok lol The only nitpick I have now is the top left corner other than that it's good
  13. don't like ow you used a brush on the corners. Might look better if its blended in better or if you left the corners untouched
  14. my fault for not being clear. around the mask top center. the edges on that aren't as soft as the edges of the other areas.
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