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So yeah, I won some tickets to the rugby match at Twickenham this weekend, Leicester Tigers versus... Someone. I don't follow rugby but the tickets are free and apparently are pimping complementary seats near the royal box, so assassinations ahoy. Anyway, anyone ever been to Twickenham? Is it a good ground? Is there much around it? You can drink in rugby grounds right? Anyone from EWB going? Hopefully I'll be able to arrange some sort of transport tonight because so far I've been SOL, I think half of Leicester is going to this match given the full bookings on everything.

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I went to Twickenham once with school...maybe 9 or 10 years ago. ¬_¬ It was an Oxbridge university match, and Cambridge won. Damn them.

Uh, yeah, I can't remember anything so I'm no help at all in this thread. >_>

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I went to Twickenham once with school...maybe 9 or 10 years ago. ¬_¬ It was an Oxbridge university match, and Cambridge won. Damn them.

I think I was probably at that match, too.:o

Twickenham is fully stocked with bars and food, both around the actual stadium and outside the gates by the West Car Park. If you're by the Royal Box, then you'll be on that side of the ground. Prices are steep, but not too bad (e.g. WAY lower than Wembley), and the queues are unpleasant but bearable.

The ground is by a dual-carriageway in a residential area, so there's not too much immediately close by. The town centre and train station are a 10 minute walk, and there are a few pubs there (coming out of the train station you actually go away from the stadium to get to anywhere interesting). Richmond is slightly bigger and has better pubs. They normally lay on complementary buses from Richmond, or it's a 20-30 minute walk alongside the dual-carriageway.

Good luck with finding a way to get there. The big problem, as it looks like you've found, is that it will be rammed. You generally need to book in advance for a car park space (organised coaches are your friend (Y) ), and it can sometimes take a couple of hours to fight your way back into the train station as everyone leaves together. Pubs might not be too bad as there's nothing on elsewhere.

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I've got a 0650 bus to Victoria on Saturday morning, 1830 bus back. So it shouldn't be too bad, just have to book the trains in between now. Good job its payday tomorrow. Thanks for the advice, cans on the bus it will be then >_>

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My girlfriend works at Twickenham and will be heading up one of the bars in the ground. The drinking is pretty much what most of the people go for judging by the state of those hanging around the area after the game. They don't close the bars in the ground (the external ones facing out that is, not those in the stands) close until 8 or 9.

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