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Guest Mr. Potato Head

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A little bit of a tangent from what is strictly 'West Wing', but I will never get over the way that Desperate Housewives cast Mrs. Landingham and Debbie Fiderer as sisters. It's just...surreal. >_>

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Bruno was awesome. I just watched the end of season 6 where he joined Vinnick's campaign. I would actually say I liked him better when he was working for the Republicans then than when he was on Bartlet's campaign staff in season 4. :shifty:

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

It's hard to pick favourite episodes when I've seen them all once. (Well, the Season 7 one where Vinick breaks his hand twice, as I just discovered that my parents get a channel that shows two West Wing episodes every Sunday afternoon for some reason).

Off the top of my head though - and these are favourite plots more than favourite episodes - Toby defending PBS, any of the flashback ones (Sorkin is AWESOME at flashbacks), and the one where Mendoza gets arrested, Sam and Toby go to bail him out, Josh has trouble with the press, and Sam declares that he is "nuts for dental hygiene".

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The one where Santos gets all the Democrat congressmen to sneak into and hide out inside DC in order to get the better of Haffley trying to screw over the stem cell vote. That was a good one.

Also, whichever episode it was where Kate Harper learns of the USA's contingency plan to invade Canada. That was hilarious.

Though honestly, I could probably name 6 or 7 episodes from every season that I love, and would be hard-pressed to narrow them down much further than that.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
The one where Santos gets all the Democrat congressmen to sneak into and hide out inside DC in order to get the better of Haffley trying to screw over the stem cell vote. That was a good one.

Also, whichever episode it was where Kate Harper learns of the USA's contingency plan to invade Canada. That was hilarious.

Though honestly, I could probably name 6 or 7 episodes from every season that I love, and would be hard-pressed to narrow them down much further than that.

"Originally written in <old year>, updated in <slightly less old year>."


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Guest Mr. Potato Head

One good thing to come from my uni tuition - full access to LexisNexis, which gives me the ability to search for pretty much any newspaper article written about anything ever. For example, seeing the features various papers ran the days before the final episode of this show. :D

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I've been thinking, Tim Matheson would be a great choice to play Mitt Romney in a movie.

Anyway, hard for me to pick a favorite episode but some favorite moments.

*When Bartlett got shot, how the Secret Service came in and swept Vice President Hoynes away from a photo opp

*The whole shot of Walken walking to the Oval Office and the act of Bartlett invoking the 25th Amendment and Walken taking the Oath of Office

*Bartlett yelling at God and throwing a cigarette on the ground of the cathedral at Mrs. Landingham's funeral and snidely saying, "You get Hoynes!"

*Vinick wiping the floor with Santos on the live debate

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After watching the third episode of the sixth series again, it's now one of my favourites. It has:

- Bartlet distraught offer Leo's heart attack, blaming himself

- The lead-in to CJ as Chief of Staff

- Debbie Fiderer

- Josh trying to give up junk food

The perfect mix of drama and comedy.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
I've been thinking, Tim Matheson would be a great choice to play Mitt Romney in a movie.

Anyway, hard for me to pick a favorite episode but some favorite moments.

*When Bartlett got shot, how the Secret Service came in and swept Vice President Hoynes away from a photo opp

*The whole shot of Walken walking to the Oval Office and the act of Bartlett invoking the 25th Amendment and Walken taking the Oath of Office

*Bartlett yelling at God and throwing a cigarette on the ground of the cathedral at Mrs. Landingham's funeral and snidely saying, "You get Hoynes!"

*Vinick wiping the floor with Santos on the live debate

Seriously? I went into the debate - and the entire election storyline - hearing about how Vinick wasn't a traditional Republican, and anyone could like the guy and maybe vote for him, even Democrats. Instead, we get a guy who clearly is likable, but is (probably purposely) placed on the wrong side of every issue - pro-nuclear right before a nuclear accident, anti-religion on a show that doesn't mock faith - while Santos can do no wrong unless he listens to Josh.

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