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West Wing fans, look here!

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Yeah, I really didn't see Vinick as winning the debate. His portrayal seemed to be that he was the best Republican out there, but couldn't hold a candle to Santos. Despite the claims of the show's shift to the centre after Sorkin's departure, I really didn't see it.

Always wondered how the last four or five episodes would have played out if Vinick had won the election as planned.

Also, how fucking eerie is it that Leo wasn't in the flashforward scene at the start of season seven?

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Leo wouldn't have been in the flashforward scene anyway, in order to maintain the mystery of who won the election (admittedly Josh turns up to tell them the President's arriving, but there's no way of telling anything from that).

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Basically, it lacked anyone who did eventually end up having a job in the new administration. That way they would have to suspiciously skirt around them whilst talking about how CJ/Will/etc. are doing. Or contradict themselves later, which would be the other option.

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I've just gotten to the first two episodes of season two the first time through, BUT FUCK ME, THAT'S HOW TO DO TV DRAMA. Two excellent episodes.

And yeah, West Wing can be bloody hilarious. Even some of the "filler" episodes (which have still been darn good anyway) have hilarious exchanges. I can't remember it, but one with scene with Donna aruging with Josh about why the government won't issue a tax refund is hilarious. It ends with Josh going "Look, you should have voted for us." or words to that effect.

And Sam is always funny. Always.

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I've been thinking, Tim Matheson would be a great choice to play Mitt Romney in a movie.

Anyway, hard for me to pick a favorite episode but some favorite moments.

*When Bartlett got shot, how the Secret Service came in and swept Vice President Hoynes away from a photo opp

*The whole shot of Walken walking to the Oval Office and the act of Bartlett invoking the 25th Amendment and Walken taking the Oath of Office

*Bartlett yelling at God and throwing a cigarette on the ground of the cathedral at Mrs. Landingham's funeral and snidely saying, "You get Hoynes!"

*Vinick wiping the floor with Santos on the live debate

Seriously? I went into the debate - and the entire election storyline - hearing about how Vinick wasn't a traditional Republican, and anyone could like the guy and maybe vote for him, even Democrats. Instead, we get a guy who clearly is likable, but is (probably purposely) placed on the wrong side of every issue - pro-nuclear right before a nuclear accident, anti-religion on a show that doesn't mock faith - while Santos can do no wrong unless he listens to Josh.

I read an article recently that they did actual polling after the debate and it was by a 2-to-1 margin that viewers thought Vinick won the debate and actually wanted him to be the next president on the show. Honestly, it was because that Alan Alda just acted circles around Jimmy Smits.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

The final scene with CJ and the Indians, "There's two Indians in the lobby." "Are we speaking in code?", and if I'm not mistaken, the Butterball hotline. Yeah, it just might be the best.

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"Oh, I have a knife. It was presented to me by the personal sushi chef to the king of...auto sales...in Fargo...that man could sell a car."

At the scene right now..... its actually a thermometer not knife and I love how they used a fake zip code......don't ask me why I know that.

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I like the TV.com recaps of the episodes. Insane the smallest details people notice. Watching "Bartlett for America" right now and the storefront scene with C.J and Toby tossing the basketball around.....it is snowing in the window behind C.J and not in the window behind Toby when they are talking.

Edited by sahyder1
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