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11Strong soccer beta


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Hugar, your tackles are so far beyond two of the other defenders that it doesn't count. You took three shots, THAT'S not a high enough sample size to count and you attempted the second fewest passes and the second fewest non-goalkeeper dribbles, so they don't count.

If you strive for mediocrity and achieve it, that doesn't make you the greatest.

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Speaking of money, it appears team finances have been reset, so contracts will remain the same (which is relatively a better deal, because if memory serves we were slightly better off than 100K finances at those contracts)

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Just to manage players at this point.

OK, I have bought back the EWB First XI. Priority will be given to members last year, but I am aiming to recruit an extra midfielder to replace my Tsuyoshi Nara character, and a defender because oldskool was long inactive. Our forwards were below par last season, so if they're not able to double-boost I might have to find someone who is.

Please post or MSN me if you wish to come back and I will offer you a contract.

Team (will edit)

GK: Reece Perry

D: Jon Moore

D: Hugar

D: Ultime Fauchelevent


M: Daft Punk

M: Rex Hyman

M: Michael Matzat

M: Hamburgler

F: Vega


Edited by Plubby
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I still need a name for idea of FC CM...

Contracts have been offered to most from last season. There are no bonuses to start as the weekly wage is above and beyond what is really required. As I work out decent finances I'll look to redo most of the contracts mid season when the subs are added to the game.

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Chipatov wants to come back, Plubby. He's just been boosted and I'm going to buy some new equipment for him, because, well, he's loaded.

Edited by KoA
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I just bosted three times, it only got me to an overall of 48, but now all my Physical Attributes are 30 or higher... wich i belive will help my player a lot since he needs to defend and atack a bit aswell. In the next days i will focus a bit on Tackeling and Finishing since there are some easy points left to buy... after that i will pick some smal amount Physical Attributes to build up for my midfielderskills. - Maybe comebineing it with getting my passing and my ball controll even higher, but for now they are just to expensive to just wait for them why the other stuff still just got to the "poor" level.

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I don´t know what my vital ones are... i am gussing to go with pace and strength, but looking at it prittymuch non of the Body Skills sounds like it should not be levelt at all.... but i know that i can tackel and score aswell, so why not have these above 20? Whats a Midfielder that can dribble and püass but not win balls and score on ocasion?

Than again i don´t know how the game works, i just read in an FAQ that the average "midfielder" score dos not afackt the game at all, each skill of it´s own dos.

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