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Well whoever it was. I remember before I was bilingual and I would watch the games on CBC, there was once a Leafs/Habs game and I'll never forget it. McCabe was down low in front of the net on a powerplay, and a shot hit him in the knee and re-directed into the net. The announcer then spent at least 5 minutes, talking about the genius of McCabe for putting his leg in the way and getting the tip and the genius of the Leafs coaching staff letting a D man get in on the action in the slot. Which would be true, but the replay clearly showed him just battling with someone else for position... It was on that day that I gave up the CBC haha.

I really like the guys who used to do the Western broadcast, they called a good game.

Also, while I sincerely do hope he makes a full recovery. I have to say a smile came to my face when I heard that Tucker got KO`d and needed 40 stitches, he falls into a category of players that I have a blood hate for... Again, in all seriousness I am happy that he`s going to be okay, and I would never want an injury serious enough to threaten his livelyhood to befall him... But since he`s going to be okay and only out for about 10 days... ... ... Pwnd.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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...I think this is the first game all year that I've seen the other team take more penalties than Vancouver.

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Cammellari(sp?) with the Hat Trick! Amazing!

That was a great game to watch. Crazy back and forth action. Montreal was down 3-1 after one, and 4-2 midway through 2. Tomas Plekanec's vision on the second Cammy goal was unbelievable... if he played like that every game he'd be a star...

Our top line strikes again. Its great that they're winning us games, but it's also making me nervous that we're not getting a ton of secondary scoring, but then again, all four lines tonight had good chances... especially the Metropolit line. Yeah he's a grinder, but he makes his line mates much better.

Halak played well, he got destroyed on that gorgeous Gaborik goal. I think Price should get the next start. Had we won 5-1 or 5-2 with New York still getting the same chances, I'd say leave him in, but he was simply average tonight.

Dan Boyle.... is an asshole. There was a strange sequence where the puck went out of play, the players were around each other and Vinny Prospal decides to elbow Matt D'Agostini in the face. Before Dags even knows whats going on Dan Boyle is beating the shit out of him, no unsportsmanlike call which was strange, because I'm pretty sure that Dags would never in his right mind challenge Boyle... who's about a foot taller and 80 pounds heavier.

Tres exciting game. 3 gorgeous goals by Cammy, Bergeron pots another powerplay marker, Mara continued his strong play, Gorges as well, Gill cost us only 1 goal tonight... Against one of the best teams in the early goings of the season... I'll take it.

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You guys didn't deserve to win that game. You came out flat and took too many early penalties. You played hard for most of the game, you just had a terrible start.

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Terrible start? The shots were 7-1 in our favour before those penalties. We were all over you at the beginning of the game until those penalties. Despite all 5 minor penalties in one period we still out-shot you guys 13-12 in that period.

Bullshit, we came out flat.

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Those penalties killed the Leafs. Most of the calls were avoidable and in Vancouver's end too. Very bad penalties to take. It was a good effort from the Leafs but they lost because of their own mistakes. Vancouver wasn't the better team by any stretch but got some timely saves and took advantage of Toronto's penalty troubles.

I was so angry when Toronto took the first penalty of the night. It is very frustrating being a fan of this team.

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Toronto more than anything absolutely NEEDS to score the first goal of the game. So far through 25 days and 8 games of the season, the Leafs have held the lead for exactly 6 minutes and 41 seconds... that time coming briefly in the third period of the Canadiens game.

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I think if they got the lead first it'll make them maybe believe in themselves. I know when the Habs lost 5 straight, I think we scored the first goal only once in that span. Also, when you've lost a bunch of games and the other team scores the first one, it can easily lead to a sort of "here we go again" mentality.

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Y'know... I think I can like this team...

Our top line failed to score tonight, but they were all over the ice, and are so strong in all 3 zones. If they play this strong all year (and that's a big if), it would probably be the best top line the Habs have had in my lifetime.

Good game. Tim Peel, the idiot ref who was behind the 11 minors in a row debacle in Carolina and the 8 in a row in Toronto last year called 7 minors against Montreal tonight, the very last one against Cammy was probably the only real good call he made... But that's not important.

What is important is that amazing saucer pass from Pleks over Streit right to Hammer in OT for the Winnah!

Drive for 5 against the Pens on Wednesday.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Toronto FINALLY gets a win this season. They played a complete, 60 minute game for once and got some big saves from "The Monster" early on. The Ducks were taking penalties all over the place tonight and the Leafs powerplay made them pay. Kaberle had a 5 point night and Nik Hagman had a hat-trick.

Still, it's only our first win so I can't get too excited. Also, as I pointed out in my blog, Anaheim is playing poorly right now. The Leafs caught them at the perfect time.

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It`s good that the Leafs won convincingly enough that they deserved it. Anaheim played terribly last night and Toronto took advantage.

I`m happy that Toronto got their win last night because if they came to Montreal 0-11 or whatever it would be, and Won... I'm pretty sure the fans would have burned down the Bell Centre.

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