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Virtua Tennis 2009


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Has anybody else got it?

I just upgraded from VT3 and I have to say I quite like this one, but the graphics seem...I don't know, different, and not in a good way in some parts. Maybe it's just my TV.

Anybody else got it? On the PS3 in particular for me, could play a few games.

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Right I'll add your two PSNs later on...

Has anyone got any tips for me when I have to do the 'Hit 3 backhands in a row' thing on the academy? It's the only one I keep failing on because I keep hitting forehands. <_<

EDIT: Nevermind; I've done it. :)

Edited by KoA
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I hate it. There's a massive chasm in difficulty levels, the World Tour is stupidly easy to start with - I presume it gets harder, but it's a fucking chore playing through the amateur tour because there's never any challenge. Online is laggy as all hell and I hate the levelling system. You fill up the stat meters, but you don't get any better, you jsut unlock playing styles which seemingly have no effect whatsoever. Surely the way I actually play should determine what my playing style is?

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You're right. It is tedious getting through the amateur rankings, and up to a high spot in the proffesional rankings on World Tour. It's fun, though. It just gets annoying playing white Ugandan players called Frank Smith all the time. It does get a little harder as you progress to high levelled tournaments, though. I also have no idea to change the difficulty level; honestly, I've looked bloody everywhere.

All in all, I do think the system Virtua Tennis 3 had was a lot easier to navigate. They've just made things more complicated, really.

Edited by KoA
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