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Photoshop Question

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So I am taking web design classes to get a certificate for school and my final project is to create a website for final presentation. I am wanting to do a football news and rumor site and my bright idea is to have my links box to be in the shape of a football with the threads of the football where you will click the links at.

The question is, is this way over my head for being new to photoshop and web design in general. Or is there a real way I can figure this out to make it look decent?

We had to make a rough draft outline and here is what I came up with for the general front page. Obviously a work in progress big time but it gives you the general idea.


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It depents on what you need to do and what you want to do.

A picture of a football in the position you like is no problem if you have a Football and a semi-decent cammera. Play around a bit with the lighting and ad a white background (paper) to set up a very smal home studio and you´ll be able to just cut the ball out pritty quick. The Problem is, stuff like that dos not work on the first atempt if you have never don it... wich is no big deal since you are learning, but will it score you points in class?

After that it´s just a little bit of fooling around with text to get it on the Football. There are a ton of Tutorials to do efects with Typo in Photoshop - most of them are a great and easy way of getting to know a lot of tools. But try not to write to much in GFXs. The Football is fine but the rest of the menues should be pure text. CSS will help to make it look good.

The same goes for the rest of the layout. Get a nice picutre of a player (google image search set to "big" should get you anything you need. I guss there could even be sites that offer CutOut player pictures if you need em.) and check out some sports sites on how they work with colors, fonts and menus. The trick is not to do a ton of shit, PS beginners tend to spam a lot of crap in their "work" just because they are baffeld by all the cool efects they can do. - Famous quote -> "less is more".

After that it´s sliceing and putting it together in HTML. Should be easy. (even though i just hate codeing. i always end up pusseling...)

If you really want to do this, and are willing to invest some time (!), you should be able to run with it.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I'd agree with Lukie on this one, if it is going to be an active news site then just go the professional sleek look with some good style sheets to make it easy to update

I too have been struck by the creative bug in my school days and made my years portfolio in the form of a media player... and it was a pain in the arse to update and what not.

but if its just like a one time thing then the football thing would work still

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