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Ultimate Fighter 10

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

To stop spoilered discussion from clogging up the MMA thread, keep TUF10 talk in here.

I myself didn't see the first episode (I've only seen the first season at this point), but I do plan on watching as much as I can. :)

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Man, the gash on that guys head was NASTY AS HELL. Wasn't he talking earlier in the episode about how he had a good takedown defense and was expecting it, yet got taken down 4-5 times?

And the other dude was a dick, "Let's touch glov-*TAKEDOWN*"

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Enjoyed the episode. Fight at the end was terribly one sided, but became perversely entertaining to see just how much blood this dude could lose. Was a nasty gash when he was shown on the doctors table after the fight. Yuck.

Interested to see the really tall ex-NFL guy with no cardio, I wonder how his fight will go... I don't expect him to do very well, but he intrigues me.

Kimbo Slice is another one who I want to see fight- this is the first time I have had TV exposure to Kimbo at all, despite hearing his name a lot in the media. Lets see what he can bring to the table.

Good start to the season and I'll be watching this every week.

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Interested to see the really tall ex-NFL guy with no cardio, I wonder how his fight will go... I don't expect him to do very well, but he intrigues me.

Marcus Jones. He has a ground game but likes to bang... which poses problems due to the fact his chin is weak. I suspect he'll do well, but simply get caught by someone with heavy hands. Besides, he won't grow much as a fighter under Rampage's team. Kimbo and Marcus NEEDED to be on Rashad's team.

Dana White: TUF Premiere did 4.1 million viewers.

Edited by ACCBiggz
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Quoting myself from the Live MMA Event thread:

Goddamn that first episode of TUF10 was entertaining. Wes Sims is a perfect fit for Rampage's team, hard to say which one is crazier. Even Kimbo Slice looks like an eloquent, sophisticated gentleman next to those two.

The match was pretty brutal. I really really loved Jon Madsen's work, his punches looked like they could break brick walls. His takedowns were great, too, although it did help that Abe Wagner was totally lost against a guy with wrestling skills. I mean, he got taken down four times in the same exact way! No wonder Rampage walked away.

Edited by Jayzon
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He was being sarcastic. Kimbo trained with Bas Rutten for a time.

Exactly. Because honestly comments like:

and thus far Kimbo seems very humble; and he is willing to train.

piss me off. Was he a street fighter who had videos on YouTube? Yes. But when he decided to try MMA, he trained for MONTHS with Bas Rutten prior to fighting! Bas had nothing but rave reviews for him. People just disregard all of this information and continue to say he is a street fighter and then act surprised that he is "willing to train". Well that's just common sense if you followed anything instead of making these type of judgements. It's the same thing that upsets me when people talk about Brock being a pro-wrestler. Brock trained for a full year before making his pro MMA debut, and has trained full-time since.

Same for Kimbo, he trained for an extensive period of time prior to fighting his first fight and has trained since. The problem that came with Bas and Kimbo came from Kimbo disregarding gameplan's and just looking to stand instead of utilizing his other tools that he has aquried from training. There is nothing surprising about Kimbo being willing to train. He says as much in every interview. He's looking to prove himself in MMA now and needs to learn other tools to be effective.

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I am so pumped to see this. It's the clash of the titans. Big Country vs. Kimbo Slice. I am so excited to see what goes down. If Kimbo wins, he's the odds on favorite from here on out, but if Big Country wins, then HE is the odds on favorite from here on out. So excited for next week now.

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I thought Shivers won that fight. Yeah the other guy may have hurt him with leg kicks but he basically refused to pounce on him while he was hurt and resting. Shivers came at him with take down attempts and actually tried to fight him. But I guess that's what they mean by not letting a fight go to the judges. The fight next week oughta be good but my guess is that Nelson beats Kimbo.

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