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TEW05 November 2009 Split Data

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Another Preview made by cpt.charisma and TheWho87, This is the split game version of the 2009 Mod we are making, Let me state, it is a Preview so if things arent 100% correct they should be fixed for the next update,

also again just to make clear, there are no free agents in this data the reason to this was we were working from rosters so building up rosters although we are working on free agents in a separate database and they will be included for the next update its just we want to fix the guys under contract first before adding free agents.

There are more promotions than the 2009 Mod (mainly just the UK Promotions),

Data: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN2UJ3AW

Pic Pack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X7PN9AQY

Logos: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AXFYHY6M

Belts: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LF9CNCN8

1. This is playable

2. Let the First day load, there is not to much loading time for this preview,

3. SD, Raw, & ECW dont release many people at all!

4. Remember its just a preview

5. The Main focus will be on the 2009 Mod, so it may be abit of time before the next update is out

6. Enjoy and leave feedback

Edited by cpt.charisma
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Is there any way to change how much a worker is paid on this game in the editor? I can't seem to find it through the workers part.

Because Santino being paid $7,000 compared to Triple H/Shawn Michaels at $2,000 and the more extreme Edge at $400 isn't very fun. shifty.gif

i just loaded up a split game and Triple H and Shawn Michaels are on $25,000 each, you cant edit how much people are being paid, think its based on how popular the worker is, not 100% sure tho

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how about development?

dont think 3 feds can have the same cild company

but more importantly are they all just on open contracts?

we put all the development workers at FCW, due to the fact that after day one loads, WWE let go pretty much ALL the Development workers, also due to it being a split game, i didnt add FCW as a child company to anyone

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