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Demon's Souls


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Simply put, does anyone have it? Or know someone who has it? Is it worth importing, since the UK don't seem to have any plans in place to get the game?

I rented it not too long ago and enjoyed it a lot. Although people complain about the difficulty; it's not really all that bad since you can't really truly die. It's certainly not the type of game you can run through at a blistering pace and expect to get very far though. Very slow and methodical pacing is usually the best way to overcome the tough challenges the game throws at you.

Honestly I intend to pick it up when the price goes down a bit. It's a more Western styled RPG with a bit of Japanese flair. A spiritual successor to the King's Field games; except it's third person and in areas that feel a bit more open and expansive. Sort of a dungeon crawl but in more open areas with huge dragons flying around burning everything to death (in the first area anyways).

I'm not sure if it's your kind of game or not. It's certainly more of a niche game; so that makes the decision to import a bit tougher. Kind of a love it or hate it type of game. A lot of trial and error. Personally I loved it.

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