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Footy Manager - my mangement board game

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As we don't have a board game forum then I thought I'd throw this in here.

I've been designing board games for a few years now and selling them privately. Some of my games I produce and sell for money and some are what is called "print and play" - you download the files and print off the game for free.

Anyway, I've designed a couple of cycling games, a politics game, baseball game, fighty game and now I've finished a football management game. It requires sheets to be printed for squad, rules, fixtures etc etc, a couple of dice and a pencil. That's it.

So if you're stuck at home with nothing to do (even your fapfap has been temporarily used up) or somewhere else with no other excitement then please feel free to give it a try. I'm getting good feedback from guys playing it and I've been enjoying it. The format is four leagues of 8 teams with your team starting in the bottom league and fighting their way up. There's a base game or you can add more rules which add suspensions, youth squad, a cup tournament and so on. I'm also working on scenarios so you can play 1 or 2 season bursts. It's all FREE.

Anyway if you guys are interested then it's at http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/96602/footy-manager or ask me for the files and I'll e-mail them to you.

Oh and you can play solo or multiple player.

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This is pretty damn cool. I'm gonna definitely print it out tomorrow and try it out. Awesome idea. I've always been a big fan of the Strat-O-Matic games, so this works out great for me. I'll play when I have time in the next few days.

And I'd love to hear about some of your other games, too.

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