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TEW10 Real World Update: November 2011

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November 2011 update - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2CEIUI89 or here http://www.mediafire.com/?fp03wwn5qrrs4zx

New People Pack - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F3KS1NS0

Standard update, including title/roster changes like Kevin Nash back to WWE under Exclusive PPA deal for now, also added to mode - new people include : Bestia 666, Todd Romero, Rob Naylor, and some other mexican wrestlers

PPV deals for - AAA, AAW, Chikara, more for DGUSA, FWA,

new promotion - International Wrestling Revolution Group (Mexico)

TNA - Back to Cult Size

Edited by cpt.charisma
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Ok, a few things I am finding about this.

1) Bios not kept up to date. I am looking at Serena Deeb currently, she has been out of the WWE for how long now, but yet it says she is on Smackdown in the Straight Edge Society. This is something for the future that could be worked on and I would gladly be willing if you wish to help on this.

2) Years of service for smaller promotions. I know it can be a pain for some of the smaller ones, but the years of service I am finding is left blank for alot of them, including for promotions like SHIMMER which is a favorite of mine to play as at times and seeing stars with 0 years of service when they ahve been there for many, even if the promotio isnt a weekly or even monthly deal.

3) Is it possible to take workers such as Del Rio and Kharma and rename them and switch the alter egos? I say this because I wanted to check the Del Rio bio to see if current big name stars would be taken care of, but yet I had to wiki his name from Mexico to see who he was going to be listed under. THis would make it more convenient for some who aren't fully memorable of names that they were before they hit WWE or TNA, or hell possibly even ROH now that they are getting a better TV deal.

I will update with more if find some things. Feel free to talk to me as I will gladly help out Cap if possible :)

Edited by Axel Anvil
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Ok, why is Booker T on the RAW, Smackdown, NXT AND Superstars announce teams for WWE?

RAW - Cole, JR, King

Smackdown looks fine. Anyone know for Superstars and NXT?

might be because the default announcers are set as Cole, King and Booker T (the ppv team), as for your earlier question about Bios, afew of them are out of date and you may notice there are many workers that have "a good allrounder" due to me not being able to find information on the person at the time, this is something i will get round to doing at some point, as for people like Del Rio's name, if he is fired from WWE he wont be able to use the name Alberto Del Rio, which is why his indy name is his default name

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3) Is it possible to take workers such as Del Rio and Kharma and rename them and switch the alter egos? I say this because I wanted to check the Del Rio bio to see if current big name stars would be taken care of, but yet I had to wiki his name from Mexico to see who he was going to be listed under. THis would make it more convenient for some who aren't fully memorable of names that they were before they hit WWE or TNA, or hell possibly even ROH now that they are getting a better TV deal.

God i hope he doesn't follow your advice. The whole point of the alter ego system is to have the workers real names on the game.

Hey captain Charisma, i'm a long time user of your mods (since TEW 05) and i'm glad to see you upgraded to 2010. Keep up the good work. My question is, when do you plan to add media groups? If you used MCD's mod as back up then you could have taken his media groups from there. I know it's a lot to do, but is it on your plans any time soon? Thanks in advance.

Edit: Couldn't find this november update on gds, did you decide not to post it there?

Edited by Shawn Michaels
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Either Gangrel or Vampire Warrior need removing as it's the same guy. I suggest adding Gangrel as an alter ego for Vampire Warrior and setting it to 75% usage. But up to you, other than that great mod so far.

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Thanks for the update :)

But the roster of Chikara is not updated. And Greg Iron is not in.

open to suggestions on the roster, and i will add Iron to the game

Eddie Kingston is now The Grand Champion of Chikara

Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano are the Campeones de Parejas

The BDK no longer exists

Turns :

Sara Del Rey is face.

Ophidian is heel and the Osirian Portal no longer exists.

Name change :

Dieter vonSteigerwalt has the name of Kobald and is part of The Batiri

New ones :

Jakob Hammermeier (heel)

Archibald Peck (heel)

Gran Akuma (face)

Greg Iron (face)

No longer in Chikara :

Colin Delaney

Lince Dorado

Jimmy Olsen

Hieracon/Jonathan Gresham



Player Uno

Player Dos

Sinn Bodhi


Injured :


Daizee Haze

I think there is everything i can tell you.

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Thanks for the update :)

But the roster of Chikara is not updated. And Greg Iron is not in.

open to suggestions on the roster, and i will add Iron to the game

Eddie Kingston is now The Grand Champion of Chikara

Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano are the Campeones de Parejas

The BDK no longer exists

Turns :

Sara Del Rey is face.

Ophidian is heel and the Osirian Portal no longer exists.

Name change :

Dieter vonSteigerwalt has the name of Kobald and is part of The Batiri

New ones :

Jakob Hammermeier (heel)

Archibald Peck (heel)

Gran Akuma (face)

Greg Iron (face)

No longer in Chikara :

Colin Delaney

Lince Dorado

Jimmy Olsen

Hieracon/Jonathan Gresham



Player Uno

Player Dos

Sinn Bodhi


Injured :


Daizee Haze

I think there is everything i can tell you.

There is no reason known to me to believe that Dieter and Kobald are the same person.

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Thanks for the update :)

But the roster of Chikara is not updated. And Greg Iron is not in.

open to suggestions on the roster, and i will add Iron to the game

Eddie Kingston is now The Grand Champion of Chikara

Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano are the Campeones de Parejas

The BDK no longer exists

Turns :

Sara Del Rey is face.

Ophidian is heel and the Osirian Portal no longer exists.

Name change :

Dieter vonSteigerwalt has the name of Kobald and is part of The Batiri

New ones :

Jakob Hammermeier (heel)

Archibald Peck (heel)

Gran Akuma (face)

Greg Iron (face)

No longer in Chikara :

Colin Delaney

Lince Dorado

Jimmy Olsen

Hieracon/Jonathan Gresham



Player Uno

Player Dos

Sinn Bodhi


Injured :


Daizee Haze

I think there is everything i can tell you.

There is no reason known to me to believe that Dieter and Kobald are the same person.

I admit that it's only because of the mask so 2 solutions : it's the same or Kobald is a new one and Dieter is no more in Chikara

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