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Jess last won the day on March 19 2010

Jess had the most liked content!

About Jess

  • Birthday 06/03/1994

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Opener (4/12)



  1. Looks good , where did you get the picture from?
  2. BMH

    Jess. I have sent you two private messages asking for you to edit a couple of pics for me and for some reason you have not responded to either of them. Why have you not responded to either of them? Have I said something or done something to upset or anger or offend you? If I have please let me know what it is that I have done or said so that I can try and make up for it. Thank you in advance BMH

  3. BMH

    Jess. I have sent you two private messages asking for you to edit a couple of pics for me and for some reason you have not responded to either of them. Why have you not responded to either of them? Have I said something or done something to upset or anger or offend you? If I have please let me know what it is that I have done or said so that I can try and make up for it. Thank you in advance BMH

  4. Cody Rhodes with New Intercontinental Championship
  5. Ahh i was gunna say if you use photoshop i can tell you how to fix the hair problem.
  6. What program you use to cut pics?
  7. Current Champions WWE Impact FCW New Knockouts Champion, FCW and FCW Divas Champions crowned.
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