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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. Okay, having heard back from RW, it's been decided this game will run as a strictly Season 1 game, warning there might be a few WTF roles but it will contain no spoilers or characters introduced in future seasons.

    We need about 5 sign-ups, but I'm sitting on several roles that I'd kick myself for not including so I'm more than willing to accept even more. The game should be starting tomorrow, maybe tonight if we get enough interest.

  2. Okay.. I have this big ass "Previously on Heroes" description post that I was going to put in here as a backstory and teaser for this game which is broken down in two seperate threads.

    Unfortunately, I had to clear something with RW and am waiting on his response before I green light the second helping, so no backstory till I hear the all's clear.

    For now I'm taking sign-ups for Season 1 of the game, and need about twenty people for it, if RW responds accordingly sign ups for Season 2 will be edited into this post.

    Season 1 In List:

    1. FD (if he wants in)

    2. Ruki

    3. Huss Delgado

    4. TGC

    5. Evafreak

    6. Katsuya

    7. Pris

    8. TRW

    9. GoGo

    10. -A-

    11. SRR

    12. D-Day

    13. Slogger

    14. Justblaze

    15. Sousa

    16. Ace

    17. Blehschmidt

    18. Gamemaster

    19. Little Daniel

    20. Winter-F'n-Sun

    21. Pesci

    22. Split Second

    23. Essa

  3. So, my ex just MSNed me with a tv shack link to The Audition, she'd been raving about the film since before I'd met her last October (that and Six String Samurai which I'm still waiting to see.) After watching it?

    Not really impressed. Perhaps, I just expected too much from it but it let me down quite a bit. Half-way through I had to stop and make sure I was still watchign the same movie. I'll be fair and say it had some moments, but over all it felt way too familiar and like they were just attempting to shock for the sake of shock and somehow failed.

    I will say though, I'll never hear 'Kitty Kitty Kitty' the same way again.

  4. Mostly agreed. Own all 3 seasons on DVD, and have watched the 4th all the way through and plan to watch the season finale tonight, but other than a few pay-off gags, and a Don't Miss The Bear reference it's the weakest season thus far. If only for taking itself a little too seriously and basically turning into a drug themed Dexter without the required kill each episode, which is also a great show... But in no way Weeds.

  5. Seeing as The Music has officially died thanks to a mafia overflow, and lack of sign-ups, I'm choosing to follow channels this time around.

    RW, please slot me on the waiting list somewhere behind Psychonauts and Josh.

    Heroes Season 1 is coming as soon as things clear up and those with priority are finished. I want to run Heroes Season 2 simultaneously so I can wrap everything that FD started up and move on with my own take, but it will probably be put off 'till sometime later due to other games.

    Whenever, you can fit me in will be fine.

  6. I've got maybe a quarter of the roles in mind, which is why I've posted sign-ups, so with numbers filling out I can judge where it's going and create more, with only the basics written out I forsee the start date in the near-future when others are wrapping their stuff up and I'm dead in all the games I'm playing ;)

  7. I'm holding off for MPH, cause I'm actually looking forward to his game and have been observing the HYPE train. This isn't going up tomorrow or the next day. It's in the development stage and I'm posting the sign-ups so the concept is real and tangible.

    I know how things work here and I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. This game means alot to me, and I don't want to rush it and have it die due to inactivity, so yeah...

    Thanks, for being a voice of the cube Plub and you're awesome for it, but I know my place in the hierarchy.

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