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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. Yeah, I realize it's tacky to bum your own thread but I've had a really bad week.

    For some unknown reason the accounts of me and fiance were both temporarily inactive for the span of what seems like foe-eva.

    I honestly doubt there's any sincere interest in this left but so what, I'll take fake interest over letting it die any ol' day of the week, so yeah..


    Seeing as I need the final two sign-ups and that's what's dragging this out, I'm removing a character and bringing the total down to it's original 17.

    If I can get the fianl sign-up all role pms will go out tonight, the thread will be posted, and the game will go on gaming.

    Replacements will be recruited as needed along the way.

    Thanks for any and all of those that still have faith in this, cuz honestly it's important to me, and I don't want to move onto a Firefly or Dogma Mafia without giving this a go.

    Thanks again, especially to Kaney since he's awesome and better than all the rest of you.

    16 roles filled, 1 more needed.

  2. I'll keep this running till tomorrow evening seeing as it's the Holidaze but about 5 or 6 pm if we don't have enough sign-ups I'll start removing characters.

    I want this to start up and hopefully finish before the flood of sequels and larger games start crashing the cube.

    If we can get two more, I'll open the thread tonight, send out the roles and the first night period will run for 24 to 38 hours giving everyone enough time to deal with familial responsibility.

  3. Hells yeah, this is coming along very nicely. We got 4 more sign-ups to go, and if I can get them in the next few hours the roles will go out, the thread will open and we'll start our night period..

    On a personal night I wanna thank everyone friends and people I don't know alike (Gogo) :shifty: for coming out to support me and what I think will be a very interesting if short and stacked game.

    For those of you that have never seen Smoking Aces I'll simplify your role descriptions and try to my best not to lose you along the way.

  4. Come on people 9 more to go we're almost there.

    As soon as sign-ups are completed this mother is starting up, I refuse to let my highly complicated and overpowered attempt at stacking the deck against the town die in the sign-up stage.

    Also, be on your best behavior there's a lady present (apparently)

    Can't wait to get this running so hurry the hell up.

  5. Always good to be seen :) I'm a little worried we might not get all 18 sign-ups what with more popular mafia writers releasing games at the same time.

    I'll give everyone plenty of time to sign up, but if it starts to stagnate for too long I may just be tempted to shorten the roles list in the name of expediency.

  6. I'm looking for 18 sign-ups that's all I need.

    I've created this to be a fairly short game that will help me bust my mafia running cherry, and show me what will and what wont stick against the wall.

    Town, Mafia, and the sparse Individuals involved all have fairly well-powered roles that fit well both within the context of a mafia game, and the context of their roles in the movie.

    I think this'll be a good diversion, and even if it's a cluster fuck it's not designed to go much longer than 5 or 6 days, if everyone were to play to their full potential, I'd really like it to run a little longer, but it's more of an experiment to see if my slight tweaks to the system can actually play and provoke thought and intrigue.

    This is for the lazy mafiate or lovers of the movie that expect their action fast, anticlimatic, and disappointing in the end ;)

    Note: Honestly, I'm looking to start this as soon as possible what with work just around the corner, but I realize alot more in depth and expansive games are already in the works, so if we get good demand we could start as early as tomorrow night or there might be a small holding period depending on the first come first serve nature of Mafia, and the standing 5 only rule, in either case I'm looking forward to this very soon.

    Player's List

    1. Ruki

    2. TSSTB

    3. Jam

    4. Ace

    5. GoGo Yubari

    6. Larry The Moleman

    7. EvaKelley

    8. Mysterio2000x

    9. Josh-oo-wuh

    10. Wormmaster

    11. Kaney

    12. xDavex

    13. The Joker

    14. 9to5

    15. Rebby

    16. Fanku Kaibutsu

  7. Ultimate Fighter Tournament

    Quarter Final

    Doctor Doom vs Daredevil No way he can win, but someone has show support.

    Tech Facility.

    Ultimate Fighter Tournament

    Quarter Final

    Iron Man vs The Hulk If Tony wants a shot he better be packing the Hulk Buster armor or fighting Lou Ferrigno. Worse comes to worse Banner could take Tony down with a can opener and a bottle of Wild Turkey.

    Vegas strip.

    'Hit me.' 'That's a bust Dr. Banner.' HULK SMASH!

    Ultimate Fighter Tournament

    Quarter Final

    Captain America vs Doctor Octopus


    Ultimate Fighter Tournament

    Quarter Final

    Spiderman vs Magneto

    Streets of New York.

    Ultimate Carnage Fighter

    4 Way Fight

    Punisher vs Bullseye vs Juggernaut vs ???

  8. After, reading this I must admit in all honesty my soul feels a little dirty.

    It's a decent read for what it is, if a little out there just to be out there, but I dig it.

    You've given me the courage to do a Ring of Hoes redux that'll last approximately 4 hours.

    Thank you captain, my captain.

  9. Ok, the premise here is simple.

    Me and Basha are going to participate in a small debate, the subject matter aswell as the winner will be judged by you.

    The subject of the debate can range from, "who would win in a fight, Blue Meanie or Roddy Piper?" to "Can WWE's mediocrity end?"

    As with any debate there are two sides.

    When, you write in your stipulation please include who you want to debate for which side of the arguement.

    We'll each be given two posts to express our points, although only one is required, after the debating has ended, the first p.o.v to be given 5 votes in favor of it wins.

    You may ask, 'why bother?'

    Because, we were bored and it's something to do while I train, so come one, come all to the first and perhaps only Debate-Off.

  10. My testicles are swolen to the size of grapefruit... WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    I laid in the back of my beat up station wagon, thinking about the past few weeks..

    My wrestling career had been going no where it didn't take a genuis to figure that out.. WOOOOOOO!

    It was pretty clear to me that I'd never get out of the shadow of my father, his enemies knew who I was all too well, as did his employer..

    I couldn't very well show up and mooch off his success when he's doing exactly what I would be doing, now can I?

    I had a few independent bookings here and there nothing serious I thought maybe I could get a little money saved up and move to Japan or something..

    The Fliehr name was big out there, Oh by the way I'm David Fliehr nice to meet you WOOOOOOOO!

    So I'm on the verge of food stamps when guess who calls.. Uncle Eric.. I was glad to hear from him, he asked how pop was, he talked a little bit about the business and then asked me if I wanted a job.. I jumped at the opportunity.

    Now, some wrestlers are quite cautious when concerning long term contracts, I'm not.

    I've got a fish to feed for god sakes, can't let a little thing like ego get in the way. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's the other thing, he wanted me to imitate my father basically, do the exact same thing I'd been doing for about 25 years now..

    I went to Jersey, met Unc and the group, and made the obvious statement..

    We sucked. Not to discredit anyone, APWA is filled with great talent, just more people would rather see Teddy Long than the whole roster combined.. with good reason Teddy Long rocks, but thats not the point.

    I met Elix, whom I might have said 6 words to during our respective stays at WCW. He seems like a nice person, but I don't really know him..

    I sat around talking with Teddy, Bisch, and Yang, I was hoping to get a couple words with Regal but I didn't have the chance.

    Finally, time came around for my match and I went out with red and white feathered boas and all, red trunks, my hair dyed white everything..

    I tell you sometimes it's really degrading to have to go out there and pretend to be my father, and it hurts knowing that the fans that boo me, and the fans that cheer me however few of them there maybe.. will never know me for who I am..

    They will only know me as Ric Flair's kid.

    That's the bain of my exsistence, but the reason that I goto gym after gym, show after show.. hoping, begging, pleading that someday, someone will see me for who I am, give me a decent gimmick other than me spouting off "wheelin dealin" catch phrases and a plethora of "WOOOOOOOS" WOOO!

    But, tonight wasn't that night, tonight I did everything like dad would, I sold like him, I acted like him.. everything..

    I even used his finisher to pick up the victory, although it's been copied so much through the years its not really his anymore..

    After the match I went to the back sweating profusely, I didnt notice it till after my shower, but my left testicle was swelling..

    I decided it wouldn't be a problem, got dressed, got my paycheck from Teddy.. made sure to tease him about Haterizing, for some reason I've always like Teddy.

    Whenever I would goto a WCW event I'd flock to him, which prolly made him hate me more than most people do.

    Anytime I got a couple beers in me I would find myself relentlessy pelting the poor man with drunken white boy impressions of his "playa" gimmick he's always been a little sensitive about that...

    Anyway, after I got my paycheck, I got in my wagon, went to the "Happy Palace" got as much chinese food as 6.59 could by, and started to drive back to my hotel when much to my chagrin I realized that I was unable to do so..

    My scrotum had began to ache so much, that I had to park my car, that is by the way is much older than my father's feud with Ricky Steamboat, and rest in the parking lot of Long John Silver's.

    I've always had some trouble with taking a groin shot and 99 times out of 100 the pain is too much for me to bare, it's been even more painful since I've started passing kidney stones, but that is a story for another time.

    As I lay here waiting for the pain to stop so I can drive back to my hotel and watch some well deserved soft-core porn on PPV, I contemplate the meaning of my meager exsistence, was I really put on this earth to do nothing more than mimmic others, and if so why?

    What benevolent greater being would bestow upon me such a horror, and I honestly have to answer myself..

    I don't know, I don't know why I do this, but I do, and I shall aslong as my body allows me..

    I close my eyes and begin to dose off in the backseat of my station wagon, with the hope that one day some female fan has to see me wrestle, and think to herself "That guy is hot, I wonder if he's single.." or at the very least boo me... a

    Then, I dream my dreams of lamb and sheep as I fall quickly off to sleep.


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