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Posts posted by Hickey

  1. I'm very glad the Yankees won, obviously.

    Also, congrats to the Rangers. I was hoping the Rays would've won because I love their young team coming in and winning in the playoffs, but it's great to see the Rangers moving on. I really like them. The Rangers are an excellent team that deserve to move on to the next round.

  2. yes really, I didn't like SVR11 either. I really highly doubt I'll be buying it this year, nor next year if it hasn't had a complete overhaul, and when I mean compelte I mean every bug sorted. It's pretty pathetic when hair looks better in a game 10 years ago.

    So you want a complete change up of everything in the game and no bugs? You realize the reason they won't completely change the model of the game is not to open themselves to new bugs that will take multiple years to sort out?

    Just an excuse for their laziness.

    I really hope you're joking and not actually this stupid.

    • Like 2
  3. I didn't realize Marvel had a digital archive. That's pretty cool. Luckily, I found the Essential Avengers Volumes 1 and 2, and also Essential Thor. I'm gonna read through them and then think about getting the subscription online. I know I have other Essential Collections around, but I've still gotta find them.

    Thanks for the help.

  4. I don't know if you guys can help me, but is there any way I can read old comic books online? I used to love the Avengers and since the movie is coming out soon, I really wanna read the comics from the beginning again. I used to have the Essential Avengers Volumes 1 and 2, but I can't find them now. Is there anyway to read the comics online?

  5. The Yankees starting rotation doesn't look amazing, I have to admit. However, they have more than just Sabathia. Don't count out Ivan Nova, just because he's young. Also, don't count out Freddy Garcia. He might not be the pitcher he used to be, but he's still solid. No one expected him to do well this year, yet he held his own and had a good year. The most important thing about Garcia is his playoff experience. He's already got a ring. He knows what it takes to get another.

    I refuse to defend AJ Burnett. He's a douchebag. Sometimes he shows signs of greatness, but we all know that's few and far between.

    Also, the Red Sox firing Francona was such a horribly bad move. First off, who's gonna replace him? Bobby Valentine? Lol? Second, Francona was the first manager in 86 years to lead the Red Sox to the title. And he led them to a second title. Whatever happened to loyalty? Absolutely awful, especially since he's just a scapegoat for upper management.

    Before anyone brings up Joe Torre, I said the same thing when the Yankees got rid of him. I'm happy Girardi led them to a title, but I thought it was the wrong move getting rid of Torre. Girardi was the only man capable of replacing him, besides Don Mattingly.

  6. Absolutely awesome night of baseball last night. Do you guys remember when everyone said Boston is gonna win the World Series in the beginning of the year? The Yankees didn't make any moves, so they messed up their season before it even started. Boston was going to run away with the title because of their acquisitions.


    • Like 4
  7. Community was awesome yesterday. Great premiere to start off what should be a great season. Michael K. Williams and John Goodman were great. It's gonna be fun watching them on the show.

    Like Cloudy, my only complaint is that Pierce was immediately brought back into the group. I thought they would drag it out, but I don't think it's a big deal. They'll still make it work.

  8. I liked the ending of Entourage, but considering how in doubt the chances of a film are, I wish they hadn't done the final bit at the end with Ari and John.

    I thought they were definitely doing the movie, especially after the final scene. Now, I really hope they do it.

  9. BREAKING NEWS: Person looks at list. Sees album by band they like vs. ten albums by bands they have never heard of. Votes for album by band they like.

    I am not enthusiastic about RHCP either for pretty much the exact same reason but it's my hope that the people voting for it voted for it for the same reason I voted for Watch the Throne; it's an album I've been meaning to listen to for a while and this would be an added incentive to get it and properly give it a listen. I'm all for giving albums by bands I've never heard before a shot but to be honest for that to happen we're going to have to ditch the format where everyone votes, because unless we do something like previews/profiles of all the albums it's just going to be the ones people have heard of.


    There's no better way to describe my feelings on the matter. It's absolutely the right way to go about an EWB music club.

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