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Posts posted by Hickey

  1. Hey, now. Griffey would have easily hit 800 homers had injuries not eaten him alive. I will not allow such a horrible analogy to be drawn!

    Fixed. Griffey was my guy, but he squandered his chance to rewrite the record book. Instead he has to settle for a spot as a top 20 hitter. Kinda like LeBron :P

    Yes, Griffey was the guy, but he did not fail because of lack of motivation. He really, truly failed because he was plagued with injuries.

    I'm with Meacon. That was a poor analogy. If not for awful health, Griffey would've destroyed a lot of records.

  2. I am so happy that Dallas won. It's great to see a lot of guys on that team get a ring, but it's especially great that Kidd finally got it. It took him years of hard work and dedication, but Kidd finally got his ring. I've always been a Jason Kidd fan and I'm so excited for him.

  3. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=6651634

    While I kind of like eliminating divisions, giving 3 spots in the AL (Boston and New York qualify automatically) and 5 in the NL, I don't see how 2 leagues of 15 teams would work. You'd have to have an interleague series every day, and while I am a huge fan of interleague play basically having it so matchups like Red Sox-Cubs, Yankees-Dodgers, and Athletics-Giants happen every single year really ruins the allure of it all. It's not time for expansion of the league, though I would endorse a 32-team format in baseball down the line because of the shear number of open markets and number of good players out there.

    I think someone at ESPN might not have fact-checked enough, the whole reason for moving Milwaukee to the NL was to make sure both leagues had even numbers of teams since you can't really operate on a 15-team league without completely ruining what makes baseball so special.

    But getting rid of divisions is a good thing. The only league I really like having divisions is the NFL, in every other league it feels unneeded because of the number of games played.

    I agree 100% with you. I don't mind if they eliminate the divisions, but I hate the idea of an NL team moving to the AL. Like you said, I don't want interleague play all throughout the year. Part of what makes baseball great is the seperate leagues that only meet during a short period of the season.

  4. Almost Famous - I loved it the first time I saw it like a year ago and I think I loved it even more this time. Just a great, great film and definitely up there with my absolute favourites.

    Almost Famous is my absolute favorite movie. It's just a great story, great script, great acting. I really love it. If you get a chance, check out the uncut version. It's like 3 hours, but it's still fantastic.

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