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Posts posted by Hickey

  1. I am so glad Dallas won tonight. I want them to crush Miami so badly. It was such a great ending for Dirk. He did a fantastic job.

    Oh, and Ben, nobody on the planet likes Jeff Van Gundy. He's awful at commentating. He's awful at coaching. He's just awful.

  2. I watched the first Hangover for the first time last night, having seen Hangover 2 last week. Maybe because I saw them the wrong way around, I think I preferred the second one. But now I get the comments about them being similar, it is literally the same film just replacing the variables.

    I actually liked the second one better. Maybe it's because I saw it a lot more recently, so it's fresh in my mind, but I laughed a lot yesterday and I don't remember laughing as much at the first.

  3. 2. Certain players get into the ASG based on past performances or what team they play for, and that's not right. If you suck ass in the current season, you DO NOT belong in the game, no matter who you play for. To me, Panni89's reason for voting for Jeter makes sense. Voting for him because of who he is or what he's done in the past when there players better than him right now being left out just plain doesn't.

    You realize you just contradicted yourself in the same paragraph, right? You say Panni voting for Jeter makes sense, meanwhile the reason he voted for him is because he stands out. He clearly stands out because he's Derek Jeter and his past performances. That's why he has that certain appeal.

    The next sentence you say voting for him because of who he is or what he's done in the past doesn't make sense. Care to make sense of your hypocrisy?

  4. Bosh would be a great player if he had just a little more size. Instead he's just a really good player. Wade and James are two of the four best players of their generation. Wade's easily the best leader in the NBA and will take the mantle from Kobe of the best assassin in close games. James is the best athlete and most talented player in the NBA. Together the two were bound to be unstoppable, I thought it would take a year or two to fill in the bench but it looks like Pat Riley knew better than I did. They also are benefitting from everyone getting healthy at the right time.

    Yeah well I hope the Knicks can find some solid role players and next year become a force. I like Billups, Stoudemire, and Melo better than Lebron, Wade, and Bosh.

    I'm not just saying it because I'm a Knicks fan. :shifty:

    Knick fans are truly delusional.

    I told you I was hoping. I didn't say it was true. :(

  5. What I hate about the All-Star Game is that you usually end up with some players from large market teams who don't deserve to be there, or who just barely do, while the smaller market teams end up lucky if they even have one or two players in it.

    Just so you know, every team has at least one player in the All Star game. There's been plenty of times when small market teams that deserve nobody have gotten a person there, like a few years ago when Mark Redman was selected for the Royals, although his stats were awful.

    Also, the point of voting is for the fans to pick who they want to see, not for the guy with the best stats to participate. That's why the managers and players get to select everyone else, except 8 players from each team.

    The majority of players picked are the ones with the best stats, so sahyder and GhostMachine, stop whining.

    32-8=24. 24 is a lot higher than 8... just so you know.

  6. Knicks need a new coach. If you can't win a title with Nash, Marion, Johnson, and Amar'e in their primes then you should never be allowed to coach again.

    That's a great point, but who could replace D'Antoni? There's no one out there who's really available.

    Besides, in terms of the playoffs and being a clutch performer, Billups is better than Nash. Also, Joe Johnson was young then and not as good as he is now. I don't want to comment on Marion because I'm biased. (I feel he's overrated, but maybe I'm just jealous because he's got the ugliest jump shot in the world, but still puts up stats. :shifty:) Plus, he never had Melo.

    Maybe I'm just justifying because I'm a fan. But, I hope Stoudemire, Billups, and Melo are a better trio than Stoudemire, Nash, and Marion. (It is only hope though because I don't know that they will be.)

  7. Yeah, but toward the end of his career, Ripken kept making All-Stars despite batting below .250. It's not a game for the players with the best stats. It's a game to see the big names play.

    That's exactly how the All Star voting works. The casual fan, who doesn't know the stats of the season, will always choose Jeter over Asdrubal Cabrera or some other, more worthy shortstop.

  8. Bosh would be a great player if he had just a little more size. Instead he's just a really good player. Wade and James are two of the four best players of their generation. Wade's easily the best leader in the NBA and will take the mantle from Kobe of the best assassin in close games. James is the best athlete and most talented player in the NBA. Together the two were bound to be unstoppable, I thought it would take a year or two to fill in the bench but it looks like Pat Riley knew better than I did. They also are benefitting from everyone getting healthy at the right time.

    Yeah well I hope the Knicks can find some solid role players and next year become a force. I like Billups, Stoudemire, and Melo better than Lebron, Wade, and Bosh.

    I'm not just saying it because I'm a Knicks fan. :shifty:

  9. Also, Dirk has a torn tendon in his left middle finger. It happened when he had the clean strip of Bosh that was called a foul. :shifty: He'll wear a splint the rest of the Finals.

    That sucks. It's looking more and more like Dallas is going down.

    Honestly, I'm not a big Dirk or Dallas fan at all. I was hoping they wouldn't make it, but between Dallas and Miami, I'd choose Dallas in a heartbeat. I can't stand the way Lebron went about his stupid decision. I like Wade, but Lebron's an obnoxious douche.

    Also, I've always thought Bosh was overrated. Solid player, but really not that special.

  10. I'd say Bill Russell is still the greatest. Heck, he even won championships as a player-coach, something that would likely never happen again in the NBA.

    I absolutely agree. Bill Russell is the greatest champion in all sports. His championship record is astounding, which is way more important than any stats you can come up with.

    Lets not get carried away. Stats matter. Robert Horry has 5 championships....that doesn't make him a better power forward then Barkley or Malone. Heck, Darko Milicic has as many rings as Wade, LeBron, Bosh, Carmello combined. Championships are important but they are far from being the thing that matters the most.

    Yeah, except that Russell has 11 rings, more than double Horry. And he has the stats to back him up. Plus, at the time playing defense wasn't a big deal. He revolutionized defense and the way the Center position and the game was played.

    Don't be ridiculous. Of course stats matter, but when we're talking about the best players in the world, Championship rings are more important than their stats.

    We're talking about the best players in the world. Why would anyone bring up Horry or Milicic?

    11 rings with names like Cousy, K.C. Jones, Sam Jones, Heinsohn, Havlicek, Bill Sharman, Frank Ramsey, and Jim Loscutoff. Give me one player in history with a better cast of players surrounding him.

    Absolutely. I understand that totally. It's just my opinion and I'm not claiming it as gospel.

    Yes, he had a great supporting cast, but he was the leader of the team. He helped make those players around him better. And none of them have as many rings as him.

    I will also say I am not a Celtics fan. I'm from New York and a Yankees fan, so I really don't like Boston sports teams. I just really respect a guy that won that many championships and was a consistent winner for that many years. If he wasn't the best player in basketball history, he was at least the greatest winner in basketball/sports history.

  11. I'd say Bill Russell is still the greatest. Heck, he even won championships as a player-coach, something that would likely never happen again in the NBA.

    I absolutely agree. Bill Russell is the greatest champion in all sports. His championship record is astounding, which is way more important than any stats you can come up with.

    Lets not get carried away. Stats matter. Robert Horry has 5 championships....that doesn't make him a better power forward then Barkley or Malone. Heck, Darko Milicic has as many rings as Wade, LeBron, Bosh, Carmello combined. Championships are important but they are far from being the thing that matters the most.

    Yeah, except that Russell has 11 rings, more than double Horry. And he has the stats to back him up. Plus, at the time playing defense wasn't a big deal. He revolutionized defense and the way the Center position and the game was played.

    Don't be ridiculous. Of course stats matter, but when we're talking about the best players in the world, Championship rings are more important than their stats.

    We're talking about the best players in the world. Why would anyone bring up Horry or Milicic?

  12. I'd say Bill Russell is still the greatest. Heck, he even won championships as a player-coach, something that would likely never happen again in the NBA.

    I absolutely agree. Bill Russell is the greatest champion in all sports. His championship record is astounding, which is way more important than any stats you can come up with.

  13. I finally finished Wolves of the Calla, the fifth Dark Tower book. It was absolutely awesome. I recommend the series to anyone. It's just an incredible universe and a fantastic quest.

    I'm about 35 pages into Song of Susannah. I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow since I have nothing else to do all day.

  14. The Indians have been on a roll, but I can't help but think that it won't last. I've followed Cleveland sports all my life, so I'm being cautiously optimistic about them. I'm enjoying it while it lasts, basically.

    What I like about the team is that they don't have a huge star or standout player, really. You can't really pin the team's current success on one guy. There's no one great player, just team full of guys who are playing really well.

    That's kind of like the '96 Yankees or the '02 Angels. Nobody was a big star at the time. They were just solid teams that worked well together.

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