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Posts posted by Hickey

  1. Lil Wayne is ridiculously overrated. Just because Wayne is the best lyricist out now means nothing. It just means that rap is total junk at the moment. Wayne is horrendous and his "flow" is irritating.

    He's not even that great of a lyricist. You don't even have to go that far underground to find guys on equal footing with him. Wu-Tang Clan aren't even underground and they boast the mother fucking GZA. "Liquid Swords" for Christ's sake.

  2. Here are two new pictures. I searched on here and nobody had Dragon Dragon or Retail Dragon. I'm not sure if people had the others, but I'll post them anyway.

    Retail Dragon


    Dragon Dragon


    Even Colder Austin


    Fire Ant


    Soldier Ant


    The Dragon Dragon pic looks big, but when you put it in EWR, it looks fine. It's symmetrical when the game automatically makes it smaller to 150 by 150.

  3. Eh, owners have the money, they just maximize profits. Steinbrenner does not.


    Nobody understands that. Most owners are incredibly greedy, but Steinbrenner is a real fan. He's willing to spend money on his team to have a good season. Everyone else just thinks the Yankees make so much more because they're in New York. Though the Yankees probably make more money than most teams, all the teams do make an incredible amount of money. It's just that the owners keep it for themselves, instead of reinvesting in their teams.

  4. I love Sublime and 311. I, of course, also love most of what Zero has posted, but I have forgotten a bunch. I went into this weird stage where I just pretty much forgot about most 90s music. I moved backwards to like the 70s and 80s. Now, I'm back in it and you guys are reminding me of all the great bands. Some of the bands are ones that I have not even heard or just forgot about them. Thanks so far.

    Also, some bands not mentioned are:

    Alice In Chains


    Jane's Addiction

    Temple of the Dog

    Red Hot Chili Peppers


    My Bloody Valentine




    Rage Against the Machine

    No Doubt

  5. Veruca Salt

    Butthole Surfers

    Soul Coughing



    Bad Religion



    Local H


    Presidents of the United States of America

    Social Distortion



    Jimmie's Chicken Shack

    Just a few of the bands that are sometimes overlooked by folks.

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