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Posts posted by DYSI

  1. Good stuff so far. The European title is a genial idea, and no matter who takes it, he will bring much quality. I mean - Shelton, Storm, Hurricane and Matt? I mean, what better foursome can you find on Raw?

    Can't find any of that talent on SD!. :(

    Just kidding, we have the future-- Orlando Jordan! *sigh*

    Keep those replies coming, RAW should be posted within the next few days. (Y)

  2. SmackDown!

    April 15th 2004

    Commentators: Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

    Tazz vs. Jamie Noble

    After the usual beginning to the show, Tazz's music plays as fog emerges from under the stage as Tazz makes his way out with his signature ripped towel over his head as he gets a good reaction from the crowd. Tazz makes his way down the ramp quickly as he enters the ring, awaiting Jamie Noble. Noble's music then starts up as Jamie Noble makes his way out to little reaction as the crowd could barely remembers him. Noble then enters the ring as the bell rings.

    Nearing the end of the match, Tazz had Noble where he wanted him as Noble was barley against the ropes-- struggling on the middle rope. Before Tazz can go on the attack, the lovely Stacy Keibler makes her way out in tight shorts, climbing on the ring apron and distracting the referee. With Tazz yelling at Stacy, Charlie Haas comes running down the ramp with a steel chair in his hand, as he slides in while the referee and Tazz are distracted. Tazz then happens to turn around as Haas swings the chair-- connecting with the skull of Tazz as he falls down to the mat! Haas quickly exits the ring and dispose of the chair as Stacy jumps off the ring apron. The referee turns around to see Noble crawling over Tazz in a pin attempt, 1-2-3!

    After the match, with Jamie Noble at ringside celebrate his win. Charlie Haas quickly picks up the chair and reenters the ring with it in hand. As Tazz tries to get back up to his feet, Haas shoves the chair in the gut as Tazz drops down to his knees. Haas then raises the chair up, getting nice heel heat, before swinging it on the back of Tazz! With Tazz face down on the mat, Haas tosses the chair in the face of the referee before quickly locking in the Haas Of Pain to even more boos from the crowd. The referee pressures Haas to break the hold, as he does before rolling out of the ring to meet up with diva, Stacy Keibler. The couple get decent heat as they make their way up the ramp, raising their hands in the air.

    Winner: Jamie Noble

    (77, 69, 86)

    Jamie Noble gained in overness

    The General Manager Scared Of The 'Dead Man'

    The camera's cut backstage where General Manager Paul Heyman can be seen sitting in his locker room, obviously nervous about something. Just then, the door swings open as Paul Heyman jumps as The Rock walks in, confused.

    The Rock: "Did I scare ya?"

    Just as The Rock opens his mouth, the crowd is heard booing from inside the arena.

    Paul Heyman: "Geez, ever heard of knocking? --Anyway, I'm glad it's you. I've heard rumors about The Undertaker having it out for me since last week, it's not safe for me to even walk in my own arena!"

    The crowd cheers at the mention of The Undertaker as The Rock looks confused again.

    The Rock: "Calm down, Paul. You don't trust that The Rock will watch your back?"

    Paul Heyman: "No, no, not at all, Rock. I have the utmost respect for you. --It's just that I'm worried that The Undertaker would do things to you that no one has even done before."

    The Rock: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. When The Rock was randomly drafted to SmackDown, you approached The Rock to do you a favor. Ya'see, The Rock gave you the time of day to listen, and The Rock won't back down to his promise. The Rock WILL end The Undertaker's career TONIGHT! ...And if you don't have faith in The Rock tonight, you shouldn't have asked The Rock at all."

    The crowd has a mixture of reactions as Paul Heyman suddenly puts a smirk on his face.

    Paul Heyman: "I think I have an idea..."

    The Rock listens sits down as Paul Heyman begins to tell him his idea.


    (Commercial Break)

    Rikishi vs. Garrison Cade

    Coming off the commercial break, Scotty 2 Hotty's music plays as Scotty 2 Hotty makes his way out before pointing back at the curtain. Rikishi then takes his time walking out as the crowd cheers for the former Tag Team Champions. Scotty and Rikishi enter the ring as Jindrak and Cade's music starts up. The WWE Tag Team Champions make their way out to boos from the crowd as they continue down the ramp. Jindrak and Cade enter the ring as the referee is quickly yelling out orders at the two teams. A few seconds later, Scotty 2 Hotty and Mark Jindrak are sent back to the locker rooms as the match begins.

    Coming to the end of the match, Cade and Rikishi are locked up in the middle as Rikishi uses his power to push Garrison into the corner before breaking off the hold and chopping Cade on the chest. Rikishi then backs out of the corner-- before swift kicking Cade on the chin, taking him off his feet! The crowd cheers as Cade is sitting in the corner, in Stink Face position. Rikishi 'raises the roof' as the crowd gets a bit louder as Rikishi stands in front of Cade. Before Rikishi can attempt the Stink Face, Garrison Cade quickly low blows him, purposely disqualifying himself!

    After the match, Cade's partner, Mark Jindrak rushes down the ramp and slides into the ring. The Tag Team Champions quickly pick Rikishi up to his feet-- nailing him with The End! As Rikishi lands on the mat, Scotty 2 Hotty comes running down the ramp to cheers-- but Jindrak and Cade quickly escape out through the other side. With Scotty checking on his fallen partner, Cade and Jindrak celebrate on the rampway to a good amount of boos from the crowd.

    Winner: Rikishi via disqualification

    (66, 67, 67)

    Nobody Disrespects The Guerrero's

    The camera's go backstage where Josh Matthews is seen standing next to Chavo Guerrero Sr. and his son and Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero.

    Josh Matthews: "I'm standing here next to the WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., and his father, Chavo Guerrero Sr. After a double team sneak attack to Rey Mysterio last week, General Manager Paul Heyman has announced a tag team match for tonight-- pairing off Chavo Guerrero Jr. and The Big Show and Rey Mysterio and the WWE Heavyweight Champion, Eddie Guerrero."

    Chavo Guerrero: "--Josh, I'm sick of everyone talking about my uncle Eddie, and Rey Mysterio. It's not like he's the Cruiserweight Champion. Is he dad?"

    Chavo Sr. shakes his head 'no' as Chavo Jr. pats his belt, which is on his shoulder.

    Chavo Guerrero: "No, he's not. I am! I'm the one everyone should be talking about in the cruiserweight division. But I'm not-- you know why Josh? Because everyone likes Rey. They like his music, his music video, his fancy entrance before every match, his nice mask. --You know what people should be cheering for? This!"

    Chavo again slaps his Cruiserweight Title before going on.

    Chavo Guerrero: "This is what all the cruiserweights work for, and I have it. Me! Not Rey Mysterio. Me!"

    Josh Matthews: "Well, speaking of your Cruiserweight Title. Last week you used that title to ambush Rey Mysterio, causing him to have a concussion afterwards. Can you explain your reasoning for that?"

    Chavo Guerrero Sr.: "The reason he did that was for me. Look at my forehead! You know who put that bandage their? Rey Mysterio. He gave me the 619 for no reason!"

    Josh Matthews: "Well in all honesty, you DID cost him the match for your son's Cruiserweight Title."

    Chavo Guerrero: "Are you calling my dad a liar, Josh? Because I really don't like people disrespecting my dad-- and especially me! --You know what, this interview is over. Let's go dad. It's time for me to beat Rey Mysterio like his dad should have done to him."

    Chavo pushes Josh aside as he and his father walk off to go to the ring for their match.


    Chavo Guerrero lost in overness

    (Commercial Break)

    Chavo Guerrero & The Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio & Eddie Guerrero

    After the commercial break, Chavo Guerrero's music plays as the crowd immediately gives the Cruiserweight Champion a hefty amount of boos as he walks out with his father by his side. The two walk down the ramp, talking to each other about strategy before entering the ring. Just then The Big Show's music cues up as the seven footer makes his way out from behind the curtain. Big Show makes his way down the ramp with an evil smirk on his face after his actions two weeks ago on SmackDown to Eddie Guerrero. The Big Show then climbs over the top rope to enter the ring as he stares at the entrance way, waiting for Eddie Guerrero to come out. Mysterio's music starts up as he flies up from stage left as the crowd is cheering for the masked cruiserweight. Mysterio takes his time down the ramp, pointing and talking trash towards all three men in the ring until... Eddie Guerrero's music cues up, getting everyone up on their feet; cheering their Heavyweight Champion. Guerrero makes his way out in a low rider truck as he stops at the bottom of the ramp, bouncing the truck up and down for a few seconds. Guerrero then exits the low rider with his championship on his shoulder before locking eyes with The Big Show, as he just stares without moving. Mysterio then taps Eddie as the two quickly slide into the ring as a huge brawl begins in the ring.

    Near the end of the match, with The Big Show down on the mat and Eddie Guerrero perched on the top rope. Before Eddie can attempt the Frog Splash, Chavo Sr. jumps on the ring apron and grabs a hold of the Heavyweight Champion's leg! With Eddie distracted, Big Show slowly gets to his feet as he walks toward Eddie-- grabbing him off the top rope and slamming him on the mat! Big Show then removes the straps from his shoulders as he turns around, as Rey Mysterio jumps onto the top rope-- West Coast Pop! Mysterio covers Show, only getting a two as Show pushes him up off of him and into Chavo! With Chavo down, Eddie quickly is back up on the turnbuckle as he quickly jumps off before Big Show can get to his feet-- Frog Splash! Guerrero pulls the big leg of The Big Show up for the three count win.

    After the match, The Big Show rolls out of the ring as he slams his hands on the ring apron before heading up the ramp, yelling something to himself. At the other side of the ringside area, both Chavo's are down as the referee checks on both of them. While all that is happening, Mysterio and Eddie are both on the top rope, celebrating their hard fought win.

    Winners: Rey Mysterio & Eddie Guerrero

    (82, 81, 83)

    Lucky Win?

    The camera's cut backstage where Booker T could be seen standing next to Josh Matthews, who has a microphone in his hand as he prepares for an interview.

    Josh Matthews: "Well I'm standing here with Booker T. Last week Booker T picked up a win over former WWE Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle. Booker, two weeks ago Kurt Angle said you had no talent to be in this business, yet you beat him last week. What do you have to say?"

    Booker T: "All I have to say is that I showed off my talent last week by beating Kurt Angle, 1-2-3. In the middle of that ring. And you know what..."

    Booker T stops speaking as Kurt Angle walks up behind Josh. As Josh backs away, Kurt Angle snatches the microphone from his hand.

    Kurt Angle: "You showed off your talent? Did I hear that correctly, Booker? ...Ha, that was the luckiest win I've ever seen! I was too sweaty to finish my Angle Slam, so you slipped out. But I give you credit... you do have a lot of luck on your side."

    Booker T then snatches the microphone out of Angle's hand as Angle looks at his empty hand.

    Booker T: "Listen up sucka. That's crap and you know it."

    Booker then looks Angle up and down as he has a mischievous smile on his face.

    Booker T: "You don't look so sweaty now... how about you try and Angle Slam me right now?"

    Booker T then drops the microphone and gets in Angle's face as the two share words. Just then, Angle and Booker go back and forth with right hands. Coming out of the camera's picture, road agents and referee's quickly pounce on both Booker and Kurt before splitting them up. Both Angle and Booker stare each other down before the scene is taken over by backstage officials.


    Booker T gained in overness

    Seven Foot Monster On The Loose

    After the brawl, camera's quickly switch over to The Big Show, who is seen walking down the hallway, talking to himself.

    Big Show: "...he won't win next week. That's my title he has... my title..."

    Just then, The Big Show stops in his tracks as he has an evil grin on his face. The camera then notices that the door in front of him reads 'Eddie Guerrero'. Big Show then kicks the door open as he walks in the locker room. Big Show is seen looking around as obviously Eddie isn't inside. Show then picks up a lamp that was in the room-- and throws it against the wall, shattering it to pieces! Show then lets out a loud grunt before pushing the sofa over and stepping on the coffee-- breaking that into pieces. The camera then zooms in on Show's face, as he is standing in the middle of the mess, muttering the same thing over and over.

    Big Show: "That's my title he has... my title... he can't beat me again!"


    (Commercial Break)

    Billy Kidman vs. Scott Steiner

    After the break, Kidman makes his way out without Paul London, as he gets a decent reaction from the crowd before walking down the ramp and entering the ring. Siren's blare over the arena as the crowd immediately boos the music of Scott Steiner, as he makes his way out from behind the curtain. Steiner then continues down the ramp, snatching a 'John Cena' sign from a fan, ripping it in two. Steiner then enters the ring as he tries to intimidate Kidman by kissing his muscles before starting the match.

    Near the end of the squash match, Scott Steiner remains in control as he has Billy Kidman against the ropes, out of breath after being manhandle throughout the entire match. Steiner then grabs Kidman by his arm, sending him across the ring-- nailing a stiff clothesline to take the cruiserweight down to the mat. Scott then kisses his muscle against before dropping his elbow down across the throat of Kidman as he rolls off of him and begins to do push-ups over the fallen Kidman! Just then John Cena is seen walking down the ramp with his United States Title wrapped around his waist, and a little limp in his step after the attack two weeks ago. Steiner turns his head before getting up to his feet, yelling at the U.S. Champion. As Cena continues down the ramp at his own pace, Billy Kidman slowly regains his energy as he sneaks up behind Steiner. Cena then stops walking down the ramp, and begins to back up as Kidman quickly rolls Steiner up-- 1, 2, 3! Kidman quickly slides out of the ring before Steiner could retaliate.

    After the match, Cena continues back up the ramp, pointing at his head and smiling. In the ring, Steiner slams his hands on the mat before pointing at Cena, yelling at the U.S. Champion.

    Winner: Billy Kidman

    (72, 73, 72)

    Billy Kidman gained in overness

    Assistant No Longer

    The camera goes backstage where Paul Heyman is seen, still sitting on his couch, but without The Rock. Just as he seems comfortable, the door opens, and Heyman jumps once more! Dawn Marie then looks confused as she walks over to Heyman, sitting beside him as Heyman is out of breath.

    Paul Heyman: "You almost gave me a heart attack...!"

    Dawn Marie: "Oh, I'm sorry, Paul. I just came here to ask about my position... on SmackDown."

    Paul Heyman: "Are you kidding me? You are must be kidding me, Dawn."

    Heyman gets up from the couch as he walks over to the door, telling Dawn something on the way out.

    Paul Heyman: "Dawn, I have a main event to see... I can't be bothered with all this extra baggage right now."

    With Heyman out of the room, Dawn almost tears up as she looks to be bothered by what he just said.


    Dawn Marie gained in overness

    (Commercial Break)

    The Rock vs. The Undertaker

    As we come back from the break, Paul Heyman is seen sitting down next to Michael Cole at the commentators table to watch this match up closer. Just then, The Rock's music cues up as the crowd gives the returning Rock a mixed reaction. Rocky makes his way down the ramp, ignoring the fans the way down. The Rock then climbs up the steps and onto the turnbuckle as he raises his fist in the air, before climbing down and entering the ring. The lights then dim down as a loud 'bong' is heard throughout the arena as the crowd immediately cheers for The Phenom. Paul Bearer then makes his way out, lead by the urn as The Undertaker follows in his shadows. The crowd continues to praise The Undertaker as he slowly makes his way down the ramp. Undertaker then makes his way up the steps as he rolls his eyes back before raising his arms up, turning the lights back on in the arena. The Rock looks around as The Undertaker enters the ring, followed by Paul Bearer. The Undertaker then slowly removes his coat off, handing it to Bearer as The Rock is hoping back and forth, waiting in anticipation. The Undertaker then tips his hat before taking it off and handing it to Bearer as well. The Undertaker rolls his eyes back before the match is officially underway.

    Near the end of this outstanding main event, The Rock and Undertaker are battling it out at ringside as the referee is giving them a bit of leeway. The Rock manages to nail some slaps to The Undertaker's face before the 'dead man' stares at The Rock, as if he didn't feel a thing. The Rock quickly turns around and snatches the urn out of Bearer's hands and strikes Undertaker over the head with it! The referee quickly calls for a disqualification as the General Manager demands a microphone...

    Paul Heyman: "Hold it... hold on! I'm the General Manager, and I say when matches are over-- and this one isn't. Ya'see, this match has now become No Disqualification! Continues this match!"

    Heyman sits back down as The Undertaker 'rises up from the dead' after being hit by the urn. The Rock then drops the urn and slides into the ring, awaiting The Undertaker to enter. Undertaker shakes off the urn shot as he grabs the ropes before lifting himself on the ring apron and entering the ring. The Rock quickly goes on the attack as he connects with slap after slap-- but The Undertaker isn't fazed by it! The Undertaker quickly puts his hands on the throat of Rocky before choking him down to one knee! 'Taker then lifts Rock back up before turning him over and placing him onto his shoulder! Undertaker then Tombstone's The Rock down to the mat as he covers him for the easy three count! --Just then Heyman stands up to his feet, with microphone in hand...

    Paul Heyman: "This isn't happening! ...First Blood, yeah, you can only winning by making your opponent bleed. Restart this match!"

    The Undertaker turns his head, staring at Heyman, as if he wants to do something to him. After a few minutes of staring at Heyman-- causing him to run midway up the ramp. The Rock recovers after the Tombstone, but he sneaks out to ringside to grab a steel chair. Rock reenters the ring with the chair as The Undertaker turns around-- straight into a chair shot to the skull! The Undertaker begins to bleed as the referee calls for the bell. The Rock then slams the chair down as The Undertaker 'rises from the dead' again!

    After the match, The Rock climbs the turnbuckle, raising his fist in the air as Paul Heyman tries to signal The Rock, altering him of The Undertaker. The Rock doesn't get what Heyman is trying to say, but he gets off the turnbuckle and turns around-- The Undertaker slams his hand on the throat of The Rock... Chokeslam! The Rock rolls out of the ring as The Undertaker rolls his eyes back and sticks his tongue out; tasting his own blood! Heyman quickly runs down the ramp to help The Rock up as Heyman stares in disbelief while The Rock is dazed and confused after the massive chokeslam.

    Winner: The Rock

    (87, 95, 70)

    Overall: 77

    Television Rating: 5.73

  3. Meh, I guess I should've booked Jindrak v. S2H. But I like a huge chunk of samoan ass on my shows every week-- and who can deliver that besides the Kish?!

    [walks off in shame]

    *Note: SD! should be up tomorrow by the earliest. I've got a headache medicine cannot cure. :\

  4. WWE SmackDown! Preview, April 15th 2004

    After making a shocking return last week on SmackDown!, The Rock started off by making a huge impact. Not only did The Rock attack The Undertaker-- but The Rock attacked The Undertaker to save the General Manager, Paul Heyman! Tonight, as promised, The Undertaker will go one-on-one against The Rock. Will The Rock end The Undertaker’s career tonight?

    Also tonight, after being manhandled two weeks ago by The Big Show, can Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio both come back to overcome their past attacks against the WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero and The Big Show?

    And in singles action, one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions, Garrison Cade will go up against the rump-shaking, Rikishi. Can these two manage on their own without their respective partners?

    Lastly, after being beaten by Charlie Haas-- with help from his newest manager, Stacy Keibler. Can Tazz rebound against Jamie Noble tonight on SmackDown!?

  5. Thanks for ruining the whole Hotel-Smell It? gimmick. ;)

    But seriously, nice show. Like the transition from Hardcore Legend to ECW, just for the feud with Rhyno. And your promos are still great, for someone who doesn't watch RAW regularly that is... I 0wn all promos. [shifty]

    SD! Preview should be up later, and thanks for the replies. (Y)

  6. For all who missed it...

    Well yet again, Rupert failed to win for me again. But atleast Mariano didn't win-- wait, a Mariano did win... Amber Mariano. Yes, Rob proposed to cash in on the sweet million because he knew he didn't have a shot at all to win.

    All and all the reunion was meh, and the surprise was that all the viewers get a vote o who they would like to win a million bucks (out of the All-Stars) and this Thursday they'll announce the winner live.


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