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Number of the Breast

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Posts posted by Number of the Breast

  1. IronMaiden.com says Lauren's doing the entire European tour.

    I don't get why people are complaining about Trivium's change of style, which in my opinion makes them even better, and also why you're complaining about Maiden playing the entire "A Matter of Life and Death" album. You bought tickets for that tour, you should expect to see that album dominate the setlist, and I've known they were playing this set for months, so I'm really psyched for it. I've seen them twice before, on the Dance of Death tour and on the Early Days tour, so I'm happy to be seeing something new.

    But you say it was amazing anyway? Of course it was, it's Iron fucking Maiden. The Glasgow show's tonight, and I'm looking forward to it like a motherfucker. The date seems to have flown in over the last few weeks, and that's not really a bad thing. Less than 9 hours, I'm only bound to get more pumped for this. Mark it in your diaries, for the first time since I've been a member of the Battleground, Maiden sees Maiden <_<

  2. I loved the Director's Cut of Daredevil. Never seen the theatrical cut and have no desire to, because I've seen what I feel is the definitive version. It changed legacies a little, but what superhero movies don't? I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I really enojyed The Punisher as well, and Fantastic Four was OK.

  3. That one always got me, I wondered what the fuck level that music was for, because I thought it was awesome. Now I of course know that it was supposed to the Hidden Palace Zone, but back before I had the internet and couldn't go online to find cheats, I wondered what it was all about. Also relating to Sonic, Ashura. Can anyone confirm or deny that one either way?

  4. Right, I've not read through this thread, but I'm considering sticking this on my Christmas list, a question for anyone who can answer it though.

    I loved X-Men Legends, but didn't really like X-Men Legends II. I'm not really too sure what it was that I disliked about it, I think it was a combination of it being too easy, having all the characters there from the start and not getting to unlock them by playing on, and too much emphasis being put on finding small, out of the way items that have more importance later (like getting to unlock Iron Man, who I wanted to play as). Can anyone give me a brief rundown of the similarities to the two games? Judging by the IGN review, it has more elements of XML than XML2.

  5. 1. Firefly

    2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    3. Angel

    It should be noted that I couldn't seperate these three myself, and used a randomiser to do it for me <_<

    4. Scrubs

    5. That 70s Show

    6. Lost

    7. Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

    8. Futurama

    9. American Dad

    10. Coupling (UK)

  6. Over the next while or so, I shall be posting the top 50 list, I'll be starting with the movies that just didn't make the list.

    American Psycho

    Army of Darkness

    Dumb & Dumber


    Rocky Horror Picture Show

    Edward Scissorhands

    Dazed and Confused

    Old School

    Wedding Crashers



    Seven Samuai

    The Good, The Bad and the Ugly


    2001: A Space Oddyssey

    Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang


    Spiderman 2

    Batman Begins

    Pirates of the Caribbean 2

    Back to the Future II

    Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

    South Park: The Movie

    Super Troopers



    Liar, Liar

    Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith


    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

    Dawn of the Dead (Original)

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