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Posts posted by Docpepper

  1. I bought a sharkport jsut for hctp and madden. installed it and got ready to download some wrestlers and I find out the sharkport disk I have ins't compatible with my ps2 . the upgrade is free all i ahv eot do is contact the site. I do so and I'm informed since the company that owned gameshark was sold . I couldn't get na update and would have to wait for the company to relase a new sharkport :crying:

  2. I usually have about 6 people over and we all put a certain amount of money up for each match. Like the first match would be a regular triangle match we'd each put up 2-3 dollars . the second match would be a 3 way tlc and we would put up about 10 . and we would do this until the last match which would be like a 6way match . we'd put up jsut a little extra. And if you lose 3 or more matches you cannot be in the final match.. It makes for some fun but like I said tempers can flare when you have people you run around and throwing weapons at you

  3. "The House Of Thunder" - by Dean Koontz

    "Shattered" - by Dean Koontz

    "IceBound" - By Dean Koontz

    "Dragon Tears" - By Dean Koontz

    "Odd Thomas" - By Dean Koontz - I reccomend this one

    "False memory" - bt Dean Koontz - I also reccomend this one

    You can't go wrong with any of his books :)

  4. just wondering what aspects of the new game are you guys looking forward too and why:

    I'm looking forward to create a belt mode because with the parties and stuff i have at my house having created titles and ppvs would work great with alot of people.

    also looking forward to the new gameplay aspects , such as heel face meter , the staredowns , and some of the new move mechanics- this i beleive will refresh the gameplay of the smackdown series because seriously some of the match type and modes in hctp got boring quick this will make it seem more realistic and interactive.

    I'm also looking forward to caw mode. to me this is what i'm hoping will be the biggest improvement. If I had myway i'd keep the graphics of hctp include the gameplay of Svr adn include a seperate disk specifically for create a mode.

  5. you cna have long good back and forth matches in hctp . I put it on the hardest difficulty and had a match between Angle(CPU) vs Richards(me) Angle controlled the bginning of the match. I got the upperhand after reversign a suplex. took control of the match then he started working on my legs and before i knew it he had me struggling to stay up. luckily after 4 applied anklelocks and 2 reversed ankle locks i got the pin via rollup pin from the corner. The match lasted a long time and the thing is I never had to resort to using weapons. so having long fun matches is possible

  6. my friend jsut called and wanted me to help him find the name of this movie he and his girlfriend were told about. the people that told them about the movie didn't remember the cast or the whole title all they remember is that its about serial killers and "Living is part of the title" they said it is an old movie cause they bought it at walmart. can anyone help me ?

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