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Everything posted by Mortis

  1. OG Loc and Tenpenny Hearing Samuel L Jackson play a cop getting a 'high' with The Truth=5* classic
  2. I hope she rots without the money. Seriously, i hate even looking at her at all. Trimspa can kiss my @$$.
  3. GTA San Andreas 'nuff said. Come on it even got a Grand Theft Battleground. San Andreas>Halo 2
  4. Budden didn't even get a hand on Game, neither did anyone else. Looking forward to his CD over anyone elses. :thumbsup: -.-
  5. He did alright in xXx and I liked that movie, as for Chronicles of Riddick.... I hope there are no more sequels, it was pretty horrible.
  6. Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt(Rumored & Not Denied): Boy: Boflex If its a girl: Jessica Julia Roberts and the twins Boy: Robert Girl: Julia Marc Anthony & Jennifer Lopez(Rumored & Denied) Girl: Mennifer If it is a Boy: Tony Liv Tyler & That Guy From Spacehog Girl: Cassandra If it is a boy: Phil
  7. Mrs. Claus has got it going on, she's all I want, and I've waited for so long. Santa can't you see....
  8. One, it's a really easy game if you can get into that. My grandpa(61 god bless him) can play the game and he's computer illiterate. Just from hunting knowledge and listening to the instructions. Yeah... it is dumb isn't it? Redneck appeal, well why buy the game unless you are a redneck? Some people like it. If you don't, you shouldn't of bought it?
  9. http://www.bobricci.com/listen.htm Listen to his other songs, most notably, "Mrs. Claus" "Hermaphrodite" and "Ode to Playboy".
  10. JK has already said that Harry will not die, nor turn dark or anything. Yes, all you star wars fans, there will be no Anakin Skywalker 'turning evil' scene. Go back to reading your star wars novels, and drooling over the new Star Wars movie to come out. Oh, and alot of people from the order, are going to die naturally, as you saw the 'preperation' picture where they explained how many died last time, this time it's worse.
  11. Seamus is the half blood prince, or Neville. Snape will die by the end of the 7th book. Hagrid will most likely die. Dumbledore will die. Percy will die. The Weasly Twins... will live. Lupin will die. Tonks will be Harry's love interest cause she's straight pimping. Hermione and Malfoy will have a child together. Ron will become a substance abuse addict.
  12. Fly over the city over the little highway. Then go on, to where the bridge is, once you get there, fly around on the ocean front. It's like the 'fly over the ocean thing' except alot faster, as the highway has nothing protruding your plane of vision, or threatning to hit you.
  13. I never heard Gangster rap before really until San Andreas. It's alot different than modern rap, it's brought me into all sorts of new types of rap I've been listening to. I would of never discovered 3 6 Mafia if it hadn't been for Radio Los Santos. But I have to say, Dr. Dre, Snoop, and the others have some insane songs, as well as Ice Cube. Did I mention I like the James Brown song?
  14. Definately going to pick it up.... Sirius is alive damnit!
  15. Okay another car spawned in my Los Santos garage with my new game save, around the time of the last mission for Santos... I'm really wondering if this is a glitch reported, or whether it's just in my case. I could be wrong, but it's really odd. This time it was a crappy Low Ryder.
  16. It's good, it just isn't great. It's not what i expected... Can't put my finger on why it isn't great.
  17. I showed this article to a neighbor, and he showed his mom. Apparently, now his mother is wanting to do this for his little brother... Classic.
  18. My game is racist, I have beaten the game, and still have yet to see a white drug dealer.
  19. I've actually forgotten what the chiliad challenge is.... Explain?
  20. I've never had a car aten oddly... Well... actually I've had cars regurgitated, and not known where the hell they came from. I only had 2 cars in the original garage(I do believe that's the max you can have without cheating.) and well... it was a bicycle and a low ryder... I come back the next day, and there's a bicycle, a low-ryder, and a Banshee. Needless to say Banshee's aren't common cars in that area, so I still have no idea how it got there... but I do know I destroyed it.. probably thanks to the cops.
  21. Cheating.... DOES affect your 100%.
  22. Not if your going hungry, losing health, and have your dirtbikes wheel shot out from those damn FBI agents....
  23. Children's Story by Slick Rick, makes me laugh everytime.
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