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Posts posted by Laice07

  1. This thread either belongs here or in the Entertainment Forum, anyway all you Harry Potter Book and movie fans(like me) there is some big news(finally!)

    Major rumors, but this is, apparently, the title of Harry Potter Six. The story is that somebody "got behind the door" on JK's personal site and got some news that will be posted soon. In addition, the book is growing in length each day.

    Obviously, this is in no way a confirmation, but it's a rumor with some basis.

    Get the full story from http://www.mugglenet.com

    1st July 2004

    Erm… it is perhaps time for me to reveal

    the title of Book 6! I am nearing completion of the

    first draft and have definitely decided upon a

    title. I had numerous possibilities in mind, but

    as I wrote, I realized that only one did the book


    The more clever Potter fans may recognize that

    the title relates directly to both 'Order of the

    Phoenix' and 'Chamber of Secrets.' I will be

    highly amused if one of you can guess exactly

    what's going on!

    On a side note, the length of the book is

    growing so fast, I could swear Filius has put an

    Engorgement Charm on it; an editor's nightmare!

    I promised myself not to exceed the length of

    'Order of the Phoenix,' but every day that passes

    makes that undertaking more difficult.

    Incidentally, I have much more work ahead.

    Alas, the time has come! Here is the reward for

    you lot that so diligently figured out all the puzzles

    on the site. If you scroll down to the bottom of

    this page, I will reveal to you the title of Book 6!


    The title of Book 6 is:

    Harry Potter and the Pillar of Storgé

    The storgé thing really makes sense... most info we've had in a while.

  2. I'm sure if she had the mental capacity, she too would be a ho.

    True. Back to Britney.....did anyone think the first time Timberlake and SPears were together they would break up. They were a perfect couple, and I thought it would stay long. Man, did I underestimate the Ho'ness of Ms. Spears(THat Ms. will never be Mrs.)

  3. A Greece/Portugal final would be sick. AT first I was hoping to have a France/England final, but that changed dramatically by a couple of days. :P Between Greece and Portugal, if it happens, Portugal takes it 2-1. Just my perdiction

  4. Sequals that ruined/tainted a legacy:

    Jungle Book 2

    The Little Mermaid 2

    The Lion King 2

    Sequals that were amazing:

    Toy Story II

    Sequals that Should/Could be made:

    A Prequal to the Ring, where we see Samara Morgan and what exactly happened to her, plus the making of the tape. Would be hard to do though.

  5. What would be a great sequel...and what sequels ruined a legacy? You may also state prequals

    As for me, Two words and one number - Starship Troopers 2. Complete and utter trash. The director can't decide if it's supposed to be an action, horror, or suspense/thriller. Worse yet are the no name actors desperately trying to act, while the few plausible characters have no screen presence or time. I'd also like to know why they thought second rate actors playing a game of laser tag with a blue/green screen would be remotely entertaining.

    As for a nomination for new sequel. I' like to see John Carpenter make a sequel to his remake of The Thing. Only problem is it might take away from what is arguaby one of the most open, yet disturbing endings to a sci-fi flick. So he'd probably have to skip over any illumination on the original ending to keep the originals bite and edge.

    And...Another one for ruined.....

    Batman & Robin. I didnt completely mind Batman forever (The mere thought of Joel Shumacher(sp?) Pitching the idea where the BATMOBILE climbs up the wall makes me laugh) But the movie had some bright spots and like i said, i Didnt mind it. Batman & Robin however took a dump on everything that was Batman. Clooney?! ach! My biggest gripe was that they made Bane a big mumbling oaf wheras in the comics the guy is really smart and rivals the Joker for the title of best Batman villain. Hopefully Batman Begins can right the big giant black hole of wrong that is Batman & Robin

  6. Lion King 1/2: 6.5/10

    My brother bought the dvd, and I watched it. It was alright, good time-waster, and much better then the crap that DIsney threw up over the past years( Atlantis, Jungle Book 2, Treasure Planet). If you loved the first Lion King, you'd like this one, plus some of the original voices are back! Thats always a good thing :thumbs-up:

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